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Genealogy Library

Abridged Jackson County Birth Records (1915-1920)

photo of a couple with child

Our library has a set of digital images of birth records for 1915-1920. The images were made from handwritten transcriptions abstracted from official records available from the Jackson County Health Department in the 1960's. Each record is limited in content to legally allowed facts presently available to researchers. Each record includes the name, sex, and date of birth of the infant as well as the father's name and the mother's name.

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Jackson County Birth Records
Last name, first name

Name (A-George) Name (Gh-Oliver) Name (Ol-Zliam)
Abbott, (male) Gherkins, Howard Henry Oliver, Eva Lucy
Abbott, Evelyn Irene Ghirknes,(female) Oliver, Myrtle Aileen
Abbott, Leonard Arthur Gibson, (female) Opdyke, Jasper Jackson
Ackley, Glen LeRoy Gibson, (male) Ottis, Sylvester
Adams, Beulah Jean Gibson, Ava Nell Owings, James Robert
Adams, Kenneth, Charles Gibson, Pearl Owings, Lillian
Adamson, (male) Gibson, Ruth Paffenbarger, Eleanore Viola
Aikens, Frances Elizabeth Gien, Ralph Emmerson Palmerber, Charles William
Albert, Searl Herman Gifford, Florence Mirram Palton, Doriz Warner
Allnutt, Josephine Gifford, Herbert Wilson Parker, (male)
Amberg, Joan Madelon Gilman, (female) Parker, Agnes
Amend, Ruth Maxine Gilman, Leona Martha Parker, Wylamae
Anderson, (female) Gilmore, Amy Ardith Parker, Yvonne
Anderson, Claude Victor Ginet, (female) Parkinson, (male)
Anderson, Earl Leonard Ginet, Frances Mary Parkinson, Virginia Fay
Anderson, Hallett Gitzen, George Nelson Parkison (Parkinson), Mildred Elaine
Anderson, Irene Given, Gladys Elizabeth Parks, Eugene Isaac
Anderson, Merle Richard Gladwin, Frances May Parmelee, Pearl
Anderson, Roy Donald Glenn, Alice Virginia Parrish, Alice
Andrew, Vera Gliem, Louise Elizabeth Patch, Alva Guy
Andrews, George Edward Gomes, ? Pattan, Helen
Angel, Beverley Briggs Good, Loren Daniel Patterson, Juanita May
Anning, (male) Good, Thelma Lucile Patton, Marrion Lucile
Anning, Delma Norman Goodfellow, (male) Paul, Betty Jane
Anning, Robert Henry Goodman, Ivan Clair Payer, Marvin Alvin
Arant, (female) Gore, (female) Payer, Melvin Dale
Arao, Mutsee Gore, Dorothy Elizabeth Payne, Maxwell Drake
Archer, Marguerite Gosline, Donald Wallace Payne, Ray Edward
Archer, Marjorie Gould, John Day Payne, Richard Earl
Archer, Robert Henry Graham, Herbert Alexander Peachey, Albert Lewellin
Arens, (female) Grant, Peter Barny Peachey, George Henry
Arens, Vivian Katherine Grantham, Ruby May Peachey, Mildred Louise
Arent, Dorothea Lee Granthan, Laurence Everett Peachey, Ruth Irene
Armforest, Ernest Grebisch, Barbara Delle Peachy, Robert Ivan, Jr.
Armpriest, Donald James Greevis, (male) Pearson, Eileen Susan
Arnold, Albert John Gregory, Loren Keith Peart, (??)
Arnold, Edith Luella Griden, Harold Glen Peck, (male)
Arnspiger, Frances Elizabeth Grieve, William Rush Peebler, June Evelyn
Arrant, Angela Griffin, Donald Gordon Peebler, Ruth Marie
Arrant, Hurbert, Lincoln Grigsby, (male) Peery, (female)
Arrant, Laurence Clifford Grissom, Clyde Arthur Pellet, Eva Jaqualine
Arrent, Robon Cottrell Grissom, Donald Pence, Paul
Ash, Betty Lorene Groff, Everett R. Penwell, Elsie May
Ashcraft, Laurence Grosse, John Louis Pepper, Bernice Elaine
Ashcraft, Lynn Donald Grove, Henry Laurence Percy, Howard James
Ashcraft, Norman Baker Grover, Howard Claire Percy, Vere Harland, Jr.
Ashpole, John Donald Grow, Charles Elmer Peters, Dorothy Millicent
Atkins, Evert Edward Grow, Mabel Grace Peters, James Jefferson
Atterbury, (female) Grow, Marjorie Jean Peterson, (female)
Austin, Frances May Grow, Vernon Neslie Peterson, Roscoe E.
Austin, George Donald Grubb, Jessie Myrtle Pettigrave, George Alfred
Ayers, Clinton Fredrich Guches, Delmar Gerald Phelps, Edna Alpha
Ayers, Francis Clifford Guiley, Margaret Gertrude Phillips, (male)
Bagley, Charles Allen Guinn (Guimm), Ruth Phillips, Elizabeth Ann
Bailey, Edgar Harrison Guyer, Dolph Wendell Phipps, Mary Marjorie
Bailey, Elm Orville Guyer, Meda F. Phipps, Mignon Elizabeth
Bailey, Elmer Glen Guyer, Meta V. Piatt, Joan Cartin
Bailey, Richard Earl Gwdlet, (female) Piche, (male)
Baker, (male) Haas, (male) Pickel, Elizabeth Nadene
Baker, Maxine, Hadfield, Juanita June Piel, Lydia
Baker, Ronald Hafercamp, Helen Pierce, Robert Louis
Baldwin, Carmen Clarence Haight, Dorothy Christine Pittock, Thomas Ralph, Jr.
Baldwin, Gailen Elethe Hale, William Bruce Plaisted, Melvin Franklin
Baldwin, Layton Carr Hall, (female) Plaisted, Wendel Emery
Ball, (female) Hall, Agnes Emily Plymale, June
Banks, Ronald Vern Hall, Edward Watson Poet (Post)Frances Maud
Barajos, Jesus Flores Hall, Elsie Marie Pollard, Elizabeth
Barber, Nellie Bell Hall, Vera Agnes Pollard, John Winston
Barber, Robert Kent Hamaker, Ruth Gyle Pool, (female)
Barker, Mary Lorain Hamill, Helene Athelete Poole, Jack Leighton
Barker, William Hamilton, Clyde Frank Poole, Ned
Barnett, Margarette Carroll Hamilton, Elizabeth Port, Lee Chaplin
Barnette, Charles Hammond, Bruce Porter, Eleanore
Barr, Byron Audrey Hammond, Dorothy Jane Porter, Henrietta
Bass, Ruth Velma Hammond, Edith May Porter, Robert Jason
Bateman, Margaret Laura Hammond, Lloyd Delbert Powell, (female)
Baughman, Clinton Hendrick Hammond, Milicent Ruth Powell, (female)
Baughman, Etta May Hammott, Margerite Powell, Clara Elizabeth
Baughman, Everett Harding Hampton, Thomas Powell, June Caroline
Baughman, James wallace Handy, Georgia Powell, Mary Barbara
Beakey, (male) Hanscom, Clara Louis Power, Helen Louise
Beck, (female) Hanscom, Floyd Raymond Preslar, Levi Huston
Beck, Ivan Hanscom, Fred Vernon Price, Donald Alvin
Bedingfield, James A.,Jr. Hanscom, Ruth Evelyn Price, Robert Eugene
Beede, Margaret Mildred Hanscom, William Pruett, Edith May
Beery, (female) Hansen, Paul Edward Pruitt, (female)
Bellus, Helen Ida Hardy, Robert Vernon Pruitt, (male)
Benford, (male) Harnish, Elmer Ray Pruitt, (male)
Bennett, (male) Harnish, Virgil Earl Pruitt, (male)
Bennett, (male) Harper, Wilma Geraldine Pruitt, (male)
Bennett, Flora Irene Harr, Emma Louise Pruitt, Herbert Allen
Bennett, Genetta Irene Harr, Jasper Pruitt, John Robert
Benson, Carl Fredric Harrington, Elmer Earl Purdin, Elizabeth Anne
Benson, Irwin Arthur Harrington, George P. Pursell, (no information)
Bergstrom, (female) Harrington, William Ray Purucker, Robert Leon
Bergstrom, Carl Norman Harris, Carl Gordon Purves (Purvis), Rose Mary
Bergstrom, David Hilding Harris, Jack Reaves Purves, Wanda Jerine
Bergstrom, Kathryn June Harrison, Catherine Purvis, Olive Alene
Berry, (female) Harrison, James Russell Quackenbush, Wayne Edward
Berry, Kenneth LeRoy Hart, Harold Paul Queeve, Olan H.
Berwert. Ada Mildred Hart, John Franklin, Jr. Quigley, Elaine Grace
Bibby, George Arrol Hart, Virgil Lee Raby, (female)
Bichs, Kenneth Keton Harvey, Marjorie E. Ragsdale, Glen Everett
Biddle, Weldon Frost, Jr. Haselton, Luella Lee Raish, Ruth Margaret
Bigham, Millard Warren Hash, Lula Victoria Randles, Wanda Jean
Billderback, Grant W. Haskins, Dorothea Francis Rawlings, (male)
Billings, Frank Loyd Hastings, Margaret Jeanette Reames, Sybil Bernice
Billings, Jean Haugen Caine Reddy, Mary Elizabeth Veronica Brigid
Bishop, Ralph Bruce Haviland, Roy Ellis Reddy, Michael Malachy
Bissell, Edwin Orin Hawk, Norman Ray Redifer, Vernice Almira
Blackaby, (male) Haworth, Gordon Clinton Reed, (male)
Blackburn, (female) Hayes, Viola May Reed, (male)
Blackburn, Viola Haynes, Charles Gordon Reed, Fred Evet
Blackington, Phyllis Louise Hays (Hayes), Mary Deline Reed, Lucile
Blanchard, Thomas Dewitt Hazelwood, Nina Josephine Reed, Mildred Leona
Blasing, Harris Edgar Hedgpeth, Alan Harold Victor Reese, Althea Leona
Blomquist, Anna Marie Hedgpeth, Phillis Reese, Benjamin Franklin
Bodkin, Glenys Helms, Martha Lidine Reich, Cecil Fred
Boling, Floyd Ray Helms, Robert Dalin Reter, Peggy
Bolion, Elizabeth May Hendrickson, Ona Dee Rhoads, Francis Bernice
Bolz, Sidney Ralph Henry, Carl, Jr. Rhoads, Homer Grant
Bonney, Charles Reuben Henry, Elma May Rhodes, Letha Jewell
Boon, (female) Henry, Harry Dean Rhoten, Max Elliot
Boone, Daniel Henry, Isabella May Rhoten, Saxon Jane
Boone, Maxine Henselman, Charles Robert Rians, Virginia Colleta
Bostwick, Edward Everett Henselman, Edward Bruce Rice, (male)
Boussum, Florence Henselman, Margaret Anna Rice,Gene Florence
Boussum, Pearl Hensler, (female) Richards, David Woodrow Wilson
Bowman, Charles F. Herrin, Evely Patsy Richardsen, Samuel Taylor
Boyd, Clarence Robert Hewitt, (female) Richardson, Donald Sanford
Boyd, Helen Fay Hibbs, George Ellis Richardson, Norma
Boyd, William C. Hickman, (male) Ridder, ?
Boyer, Margarite Hickman, William Otis Riggs, Mildred
Bradford, Lorna Lee High, Virginia Lincoln Rigsby, Clyde Lee
Brady, James Abraham Higinbotham, Glenn Ivan Riley, Catherine May
Brainard, Herbert Merle Higinbotham, Illa May Riley, Marjorie Anne
Bratney, Helen Louise Higinbotham, Wayne Maxwell Rinabarger, Frances Marjorie
Bratney, Jeanette Hile, Fredericka Rinebarger, Roland
Bray, (male) Hilkey, (female) Ritchey, Alta
Brent, Shirley Hill, Clarence Shealor Ritchey, Juanita Kanoff
Briggs, Eleanor Claine Hill, Dophne Lois Ritchie, Helen Patricia
Briggs, William Meade Hindman, James Clark Ritter, Theodore Woodrow
Briner, Rose Elfa Hitzel, Eva Emily Roach, Jane Fay
Brisbin, Bruce Warren Hockersmith, Delmar Dee Roberson, Catherine Elizabeth
Brisbin, Winnie Madelyn Hockersmith, Keith Roberson, Chester
Britsan, Richard Howard Hoefft (male) Roberts, (male)
Brittsan, Robert Isaac Hoefft, Robert William Roberts, (male)
Brittson, Rockwell Hoefs, Elmer Frederick Roberts, Lorna
Brobeck, Irene Hazel Holibough, (female) Roberts, Margaret Marjorie
Brock, Katherine Ruth Hollenbeck, (male) Robertson, Margaret Lyle
Bromlee, Alpha Gladys Holmes, (lmale) Robinett, Ethel May
Brookmiller, Elizabeth Holt, Barbara Richmond Robinson, Albert Lea
Broomfield, Dorothy Holt, William Townsend Robinson, Evelyn Marie
Brophy, Barbara Elaine Hoogerhyde, Clarence Leroy Robinson, Herbert Pryor
Brower, Velma Irene Hookes, Alfred Clark Robinson, Johnsey James, Jr.
Brown, Genievene Pearl Houston, (male) Robinson, Minnie Pearl
Brown, Helen Houston, Wilma Robinson, William George
Brown, Helen Beamsley Howard, (male) Rock, Ida May Elizabeth
Brown, Kenneth Elwood Howard, Billy George Roder, Ethel May
Brown, Lee Evan Howard, Charles Rodgers, Thelma Lucile
Brown, Lillian Winnifred Howard, George William Rogers, Irvine Lionel
Brown, Lloyd Martin Howard, Ruth Adell Root, Donald G.
Brown, Mattie Howard, Willliam Kimbrough Root, Ferdemand Whipple
Brown, Sidney Anna Howe, Harry E., Jr. Root, Virginia Dee
Brown, Stewart Hays Hoxie, William Ashland Roseberry, (female)
Brownson, Honora Agnes Hubbard, Allen Alexis Roseberry, Mary Edith
Brumble, Eva May Hubbard, Dorothy Adeline Rosencrans, (male)
Brumble, Herbert Benjamine Hubbard, Raymond Roberts Rothermal, Barbara Ann
Bryant, Ruth Francis Hubbard, Roy Haig Rouse, Frederick Beryl
Buckannan, Georgia Virginia Hubler, (male) Rowen, Arthur Frederick
Buckholder, Arthur E. Huckage(male) Rowen, Robert, Jr.
Buckles, Charles Joseph Huenergardt, Evelyn Leah Ruch, Bula Bernice
Buckley, (male) Hueners, George William Ruhl, Robert Waldo
Bullis, Lee Spencer Huff, Dorothy Catherine Rush, John Henry
Bullis, Seth Madison Huff, Leslie Clinton Rushton, May Rose
Burdic, Robert Lester Hugger, (female) Rushton, Roy Lee
Burton, Jesse Humphrey, Maspet Laura Russel, Dorris
Buschell, Myrtle E. Huntley, (female) Russell, Thelma Iona
Bush, Ruth Virginia Hurd, George Wesley Russell, William Trelore
Buteau, Ronald Lee Hurd, Marion Irene Ryan, Carroll Elizabeth
Butler, Donald Hurst, Anna venette Ryan, Homer Miner
Butler, William Hutchinson, Lester Saito, Akiko
Cadzow, Margaret Louise Hutchison, Robert Saito, Hajime
Cain, John Henry Ignatius, John Paul Salsig, William Winter
Cain,Robert Livingston Ingram, (female) Sample, Maurice Joseph
Calder, Richard Brown Ingram, male Sander, Leo Joseph
Callahan, Jerry Edward Irman, (female) Sander, Mary Louise
Callahan, John Francis Isbell, Harriet Mildred Sander, Victor Francis
Calvert, Elizabeth Nulting Jack, Mary Winifred Sanders, Florence Genevieve
Cameron (Camerson), Earl James Jack, Maurice Sanders, Joseph ,Jr.
Campbell, (male) James, Harold Benjamin Sanderson, Infant Charles
Campbell, Charles Roland Janes, Moreelic Sandoz, Joy Frederick
Campbell, Jane Janes, William Dolph Sandoz, June Ali
Campbell, Verne Martin Jarvis, Ray Gilbert Sapparfield, Dorothy Ruth
Canine, Rose Marie Jenkins, Ardis Virginia Satchwell, Wayne
Cantrall, Shirley Maxine Jenks, Patricia Schaeneman, Edna Margurete
Cardwell, Woodward Henderson Jennings, Cecil William Scheutte, Loretta Marguerite
Carey, Herbert Roy Jensen, George Robert Schlinsog, (female)
Carkhuff, (male) Jensen, Jense Elizabeth Schlundburg, Charles William Frederick
Carkhuff, (male) Jensen, Leslye Rae Schmett, Robert Frank
Carkin, Vernon Jenson, Irma Ruth Schmidt, Daniel Philip
Carpenter, Dunbar Jeter, Gaylord Kirk Schmidt, Donald Willis
Carson, Dorothy May Jewett, Richard Schnmidt, Barbara Marie
Carter, Arthur Willard Johnson, Aulda Scholz, Louise Irene
Carter, Arthur Willard Johnson, Harvey Henry Schuler, Harold Eugene
Carter, Ester Johnson, Loene Scott, Ethellen
Carter, Glen Thornton Johnson, Loyd Scott, Stephen Paul
Carter, Glenn Hughes Johnson, Marvin Alvin Seaman, (male)
Carter, Howard Fredrick Johnson, Murray Frista Seely, Vivian Cathryn
Carter, Mabel Elsie Johnson, Ralph Seiler, Cherokee Louise
Casebolt, (male) Johnson, Robert Victor Semple, Agnes Veronica
Cash (Cosh), Lenty Johnston, Edgar Hubert Sennatt, Joan Elizabeth
Cass, Lester Clifford Jones, LaVerne Charles Severtson, Olof P.
Cass, Linn Eugene Jones, Lenore Mildred Seymen, George
Caster, Charles Bertrum Jones, Lucile Shaw, Belle Jackson
Caster, Waldeman Blackmore Jones, Winifred Lois Shebley, Clarence Frazer
Caston, Donald Lee Kamikowa, Fumiko Sheets, Eleanor Joan
Caton, (male) Kay, Daniel Ferdinans Sheets, William Fredie
Chaney, Adrain William Kay, male Sheldon, Barbara Cushing
Chapman, Dorothy Louise Keizur, Barbara Emily Shimoda, Chander S.
Chapman, Everett Elvin Keizur, George Ward Shimoda, Matsika
Chapman, Percy Keizur, Glenason Lavon Short, Elsie Rose
Charley, Eldred Floyd Kelfas, (female) Short, Harold V.
Charley, Irene Estella Kelts, Susan Catherine Sillivan, Flora Ellen
Charlton, Edgar Denver Kentner, (female) Silva, Paul Francis
Chastain, (male) Kerby, Frederick Henry Simmons, Leslie Melvin
Chastain, (male) Kerney, Theron Thomas Simmons, Marjorie Blanche
Chastain, Christine Jermaina Kime, Gerald Evans Simmons, Mildred Marie
Cheadle, William Elvin Kime, Remoe Lillian Sinclair, Alice Margaret
Cherry, Edna May Kime, William Nicholas Sinclair, Guyneth Elizabeth
Childers, Clarence Virgil Kincaid, Charleen Sinclair, John Clifford
Childers, Naomi Adell Kincaid, Leslie William Smead, Vera Catherine
Childreth, Ernest Graydon King, Beryl Zelpha Smedley, Leonard William
Childreth, Etta Arelene King, Gertrude Mignon Smith, (male)
Chirguin, Helen May Kingery, Elva Marie Smith, Alice Isabel
Chitwood, John Earl Kingman, Stanley C. Smith, Charles Franklin
Chrissinger, (female) Kitto, (male) Smith, Chester Norton
Christensen, Robert Reams Kittridge, Walter Douglas Smith, Dorothy
Chussinger, Frederick Kleinhammer, (female) Smith, Edna May
Cingcade, Lyle Edward Klien, Leonard Martin Smith, Elinor Ernestine
Cingcsade, Elizabeth Frances Klimek, Vekoslov Wilson Smith, George Francis
Cingrade, Neina Charlotte Knerr, Margaret Elizabeth Smith, Hazel Marie
Claney, James Gilbert Knighten, Olea Amos Smith, Howard Francis
Clark, Herbert Houghton Knox, (male) Smith, Iva May
Clark, Hewitt Hale Kochler, Barbara Leigh Smith, Janet Wray
Clary, (male) Koenig, Lida Elizabeth Smith, Josiah Whittaker
Clary, Ralph Raymond Kono, (female) Smith, Leroy Elmer
Clement, (female) Koyama, Miyka Smith, Lewy L.
Clement, (male) Kraus, Jean Lee Smith, Lysle Oliver
Clement, Joseph Harry Krebsback, Margaret Jean Smith, Margaret Mary
Clute, William Whitmore Kroschel, Wilhelm Smith, Mark Quentin
Coben, Robert J. Kubli, Gerald Eugene Smith, Martha Jane
Cobleigh (Coliegh), Iva Maxine Kuetson, Arthur Kordeg Smith, Paul Aubrey
Cobleigh, Melvon LeRoy Kuntzman, Margaret V. Smith, Robert Leland
Coffin, Patricia Ann Kurz, Lanis Paul Smith, Robert Ynatias
Coffman, (male) Kuth, Robert Walter Smith, Velma Elizabeth
Coffman, Frederick Harold Kyniston, Jane Snider, (female)
Cole, (male) La Tourrette, John Snider, John Warren
Coleman, (male) LaBreck, (male) Snider, Orvil Edward
Coleman, Adell Lenore Lacy, Garland A. Snodgrass, Naomi Alice
Collins, ? Lafferty, Robert Clyde Snyder, (male)
Collins, Leah Louise Lamb, (male) Sommers, Danna Jose
Colvig, (female) Lamb, Dorothy Sommers, Mary Virginia
Colvig, Edison Marshall Lamb, Edna Sommers, William D.
Colvig, Robert Lynge Lamb, Robert Spair (?), (female)
Colvig, William Marshall Lampman, Katherine Elizabeth Spannans, Frances Katheryne
Combs, Everett Leslie Landing, Jessie Evelyn Sparr, Phyllis Henrietta
Compton, Grace Emma Lanini, Dennis Spearin, Viola May
Comstock, Ana Margaret Larder, Mary Rose Spencer, Dorothea
Conger, Florence Prudence Lathrop, Ernest Jennings Spencer, Thelma
Conger, Robert Laurence Lathrop, Esther Lucile Spencer, Winifred Lois
Conkliln, Gertrude Lucile Lawler, Robert Edgar Springer, Charles Horace
Conklin, Naomi Ruth Lawrence, James Ralph Standley, Rose
Conley, (male) Leaming, Edward Walie Stanley, Harry Cutter
Conley, Donald Guthrie Learned, Sylbora May Stearns, Helen
Conley, Melvin Lloyd Learned, Virgil Norrin Stearns, Kathrine Esther
Conley,Hulda Eunice Lehman, Delevin Ralph Stenger, Robert Waldo
Conner, Robert Nelson LeMaster, Naomi Stennett, Mary Elizabeth
Conroy, Katherine M. Lemley, Mary Irene Stennett, Suzetta Aileen
Conroy, Robert John Lemmon, Barbara Ann Stephenson, George W.
Cook, Enid Melvina Leslie, (female) Stephenson, Vera May
Cook, Enyd Elmira Leslie, Lucille Stevens, Elden Lennis
Cooke, (female) Leveque, Rosie Angleine Stevens, Jack D.
Coombs, Everett Leslie Lewis, (male) Stinson, Lester Merritt
Coombs, Hellen Margaret Lewis, Frances Irene Stinson, Pauline Mildred
Cooper, Dorothy Lewis, Robert Arthur Stoakes, Richard
Cooper, Robert Alvey Lewis, Virginia Shirley Stock, (female)
Coople (Cooper), Anita Bess Lincoln, Bertram Peter Stock, (male)
Cope, John Fisher Lindley, Ardyce Marie Stockford, Carl Irvin
Cope, Mary Jane Lininger, Gladys Mary Stoddard, Dora Catherine
Copinger, (male) Linninger, Raymond Blair Stokes, Pearl
Corbin, Donald Alvin Linville, Jeff Chromer Stone, (female)
Corbley, Ray Litts, Florence Marie Stone, (male)
Corbly, Joy Annie Lockwood, Albert Norris Stout, Alfred Mackerson
Coreun, George Bernard Lofland, Fred Elmo Stranch, George Smith
Corneluis, Evalyn Alura Logan, George S. Stratton, Marjory Florence
Cottrell, William David Lomax, Iva Nita Stratton, Paul Vernon
Courtney, Kenneth Robert Long, George Harold Straw, Dorothy Alsina
Covey (male) Longwill, Loraine La Stringfellow, (female)
Cowan, Charles Phillip Loomis, Alberta Claire Stripp, Margaret Shirley
Cowen, (male) Loomis, Charles Garlord Strong, Donald Hayford
Cox, (male) Loomis, Glen Wilbur Stump, Neva Leona
Cox, Lillian Elizabeth Loomis, Harry Lucian Sullivan, Elizabeth Josephine
Coy, (male) Loomis, Hazel Summer, Jesse Vernon
Coy, Lucile Grace Loomis, Virginia Rose Sumrick, Robert Frey
Craft, (male) Lopez, Guadaloupe Suzuki, Yuriko
Craft, Robert Francis Lopez, Hipolite Swartz, Evelyn
Crandall, Cora Marie Lord, Max Vinton Swartz, Sylvia
Crandell, James Edison Loveland, (female) Swartzfager, Mabel
Crandell, William Edwin Lucas, Edwin Henry Swenson, Anna Cecelia
Crisp, Geraldine Lee Luckeroth, Robert Paul Swenson, Kenneth Eugene
Croft, Carol Beverly Luckroth, Mary Frances Swift, Vera Bell
Croft, Eugene Elliott Luke, Spencer Gregg Swinden, Faith
Croft, Thomas Oliver Luman, Bertie Preston Swing, Clarence J.
Croft, Willard Deremore Luman, Margaritte Estelle Takase, Shigiko
Crouch, Isabell Ann Luman, Neva Frances Takasi, Hiroshi
Crouch, Janet Luman, William Ira Tate, Margareth Ada
Crowson, Clarice May Elizabeth Lyon, Donald Earl Taylor, Edward Roy
Crummett, Floyd Lyons, (female) Tederick (Tedrick), Richard Jack
Culbertson, (female) Maben, Peter Sylvester Tedrick, Harold Leroy
Culbertson, (male) MacDonell, (lmale) Terry, Bessie Bell
Culbertson, Donald William Mace, Jack Thieroff, Richard Burton
Culy, Dorothy Alice Mahan, Robert Edward Tholman, Margaret Grace
Cummings, William Hutchinson Maize, Margerite Thomas, Alberta Evedene
Currie, Margaret Noble Malone, Clyde C. Thomas, Gwendolyn
Curtis, James Edward Maly, Jennie Thomas, Helen Marie
Cushman, Everett Wesley Maneely, William John Thompkinson, Margaret LaVon
Cyester, Marion Labelle Mann, Janet Thompson, Thomas Lyle
Dahack, Edgar Mannely, Margaret Elizabeth Thornbine, Ruth Dorothy
Daily, Patricia Manning, Harry Laurence Throckmorton, (female)
Daily, Ruth Henrietta Mansfield, Alfred George Throckmorton, Lester Dole
Dallaire, Mary Delphine Mansfield, Dorothy Margaret Tileston, Chester Franklin
Dallairie, John,Jr. Mansfield, William Asher Todt, Margaret Elizabeth
Danford, (male) Mardis, Myrtle Lyndon Topping, Maralyn Marie
Danford, Jean Marnyana, Fernko Topping, Shirley May
Darby, Raymond S. Marsdon, (male) Tracy, Nora Evelyn
Daugherty, Burton A. Marshall, William Edward Tresham, Otto Raymond
Davenport, Herbert Paul Marshall, William Robert Tresham, Roger Morriss
Davis, (unknown) Martin, Elizabeth Etta Trevorrow, Frances Jean
Davis, Albert Darius Martin, Helen Loraine True, (female)
Davis, Clarence Sutherland Martin, James Bruce True, (female)
Davis, Elizabeth June Martin, Norris True, Ruth Louise
Davis, Geraldine Frances Martin, Virginia Alevenina Trusty, Francis Gerald
Davis, Herbert VanDyke Martinez, Mina Tucker, (female)
Davis, Joseph Harvey Maruyamo, Kazua Tull, (female)
Davis, Laura May Masuyama, Yoshio Tungate, Edgar Francis
Davis, Lillian Helen Mather, Charles Irvan , Jr. Tungate, Francis Marion
Davis, Lula Frances Mathis, Dorothy Maxine Tungate, Harold Leroy
Davis, Robert Grant Matthews, Quentin Tungate, James Riley
Davis, Ruby Elizabeth Matthews, Velma May Turner, Dorris June
Dawson, James Orville Matz, Homer Fredrick Turpin, (female)
Day, (female) Matz, Ida Emma Tyrell, Arletta Lou
Day, (male) Maule, Mildred Ione Ulrich, Maxine Marie
Dean, Marie Elizabeth Maxson, Harry Claud Van Buren, Claudine Vera
Dean, Phoeba Folgor Maxwell, Joseph Wesley van Hardenburg, Albert Wayne
Deane, Clyde Robinson May, Harold Carrol VanBushkirk, (male)
Deardoff, Frank Gould Maybugh, Spencer Arthur VanBuskirk, (male)
DeArmond, (female ) Mayfield, Henry Albert VanDermark, Dorothy Cordelia
Decker, Francis Edwin Mayfield, Hope Ruth VanHoerenberg, Vinan Isabelle
DeFord, Mildred Mayfield, Merirna Roberta VanLiere, Teddy Lee
Deibert, Myrta Isabelle Mayfield, Robert Harrison Vardy, Blanche G.
Delare, (female) Mayhem, Rachel Caroline Varney, Clair
Delsman, Bernard Louis, Jr. Mays, Ida Ruth Verbick, Robert Giles
Delsman, Genieve Anna McAllister, (male) Vilm, Elizabeth Emma
Dennis, Carmelita McCabe, Hazel Volpe, Virginia Ann
Dennison, John Arthur McCay, (male) von der Hellen, June Elizabeth
Dent, Frederick Eugene McChesney, Mary Amil von der Hellen, Richard Carl Arnold
Denton, Mixson McCollester, James Voss, James Cecil
Derby, Arthur John McConochie, Frances L. Voss, Jean Victoria
Derby, Jean Mildred McCorkle, Betty Elinor Voss, Marie Anna Bell
Derrick, Esther Clare McCoy, Marion Vroman, Elwin Reene
Desaimo, Jeane Louise McCunne, Albert Earl Vroman, Pauline
Dewey, Roselina McCurdy, Jean Day Walch, Jack Draper
Dietrick, Vernon Elan McCurry, Pearl Eleanor Walch, John Woodrow
Dinnington, Beverly McDaniels, Laurence Kidder Walch, Lloyd Alfred
Ditsworth, Richard Franklin McDonald, (stillborn) Walch, Lusie
Dodge, Margareth June McDonogh, Elizabeth Audrey Walch, Margaret June
Dollame, Mary Elizabeth McDowell, Edith Walch, Wilbur Neil
Donnell, Jess Fancy McDowell, Margarett Etta Walden, William Omar
Dopp, Doris Mildred McElhose, Mary Louise Walker, (female)
Doran, Frances Yates McGee, Genevieve Walker, (female)
Doran, Gene Wallace McIntosh, Clyde Everett Walker, Alice Leona
Doran, Mildred Lynette McKennis, Ralph Daune Walker, Doris Esther
Doty, Sherrel Pershing McKennis, William Walker, Dorothy Marie
Dougherty, Helen M. McKinis, (female) Walker, female
Douglas, Jesse Arthur McKinnis, (female) Walker, Robert Eberle
Dow, Thodas McKissick, Florence Ella Walker, Sybil Hodges
Dressell, (unlisted) McLaughlin, Gene Kelly Walker, Sybil Hodges
Drew, male McLaughlin, Paul Reid Wall, (male)
Dunham, Everett Wesley McMahan, Vernon Bruce Wall, Albert Ellis
Dunington, Burdette Rose McMann, Daniel C. Wallin, Erhest Marcellus, Jr.
Dunlap, Arline Winifred McMichael, John Harris Walter, Glenn Harvey
Dunlap, Samuel Franklin McNeill, (male) Waltermire, Ethel Catherine
Dunlap, Tilly LaRosa Meadows, Thelma Rozella Walters, Charlotte Clarice
Dunlap, Walter Verrill Mecham, Harold Walters, Jesse Raymond
Dunlap, Zella May Medin, May Helen Ward, Clyde William
Dunlap, Zora Marie Mee, Donald A. Ward, Enid Ruey
Dunn, Hellen Irene Meechan, Myron Benjamin Warde, Mary Emma A.
Dunnington, Thomas E., Jr. Meiling, Earl Walters Warner, Lenford G.
Durrell, Jean Marie Melone, Dorothy Beveridge Warner, Margaret Nye
Dusenburg, Frank Lee Mercer, Helen Mildred Warner, Maxine Lucile
Eastman, (female) Merrell Theresa Mayme Warren, Lewis W.
Eastman, Dorothy May Merrill, William Everett Warren, Paul Alvin
Eaton, Jane Merriman, Guy Vernon Waschan, Albert Henry
Eckenstein, Jane Eliza Merriman, Lee Preston Waschan, Rudolph Joseph
Eckland, Robert Rence Merritt, George Ervin Waterman, Allen Ben
Eddy, Frank Leroy Merritt, Ruth Lucile Watson, Anna Bell Rose
Edmondson, Leola Ann Messersmith, female Waug, (male)
Edmondson, Lola May Meyers, Geraldine Weatherly, Violet Jessie
Edsall, Alethea Wave Meyers, Lanita Anita Weaver, (child)
Edwards, John Dinsmore Miller, (female0 Weaver, (female)
Elliott, (female) Miller, Audrey Gabelle Weaver, (male)
Ellis, Inman Miller, Charles Arthur Weaver, Dora Lucy
Ellis, Mark Stephen Miller, Charles L. Webb, William B.
Ellis, Willma Pauline Miller, Elizabeth Cissna Webber, (male)
Elmer, Elliott Ivan Miller, George Raymond Webber, (male)
Elwood, Alice Doreen Miller, Melvin Henry Webber, Viola Margaret
Elwood, Gordon Lee Miller, Merl Kenneth Weber, Harriet Jane
Emery, Ailene Francis Millett, Mitra Grace Weeden, Vera Maxine
Enders, John Henry Mills, Harriet De Yoe Weedin, Averelt Arista
Engberg, James Voltaire Mills, John Wesley, III Weeks, Lucy Kathleen
Englehardt, June Lusitania Minan, Spencer Craig Welch, (male)
English, Mary Kathryne Minuth, Marvin Karl Wells, Catherine Isabell
Erskine, Colleen Mitchell, (female) Wendt, Bernice
Eslie, David Keith Mitchell, (male) Wenner, Geraldine Valorie
Espinosa, Andras Mizel, Retta Lucile Weren, Gerald Eric
Estep, Georgie Henrietta Moffitt, Hazel Elizabeth Werth, Louie, Jr.
Estes, (female) Moffitt, Hazel Elizabeth Wertz, Hazel Ana Bell
Evans, (female) Mole, Richard West, Elizabeth
Evans, Dolly Jane Monk, Kenneth Bowron West, Willialm
Evenson, Samuel Ebenezer Montgomery, Dona Verena Wheelock, Earl Clifford
Fahs, Lois Virginia Moomaw, Vivian May Whetstone, Donald Joseph
Farmer, Elsie Moore, Constance White, (male)
Farmer, Minerva Belle Moore, David Amoss White, Harriet M.
Farnum, Richard Edmonds Moore, Dwyght Vernet Whitely,Naomi
Faught, (male) Moore, Gertrude May Whiteside, Lloyd Leonard
Fehege, (male) Moore, James Herbert Whitley, Valentine
Fehige, Edna Moore, Louisa Whitman, Cicely Ellen
Fennell, Leroy Parker Moore, Lyle Whitney, Marietta Louise
Ferguson, Walter Hugh Moralis, Jose Whitney, Patricia
Fichtner, Earl Everett Moran, Margaret T. Wight, Bernice Gwendoline
Fichtner, Warren Edward Moran, Raymond Patrick Wight, Dorothy
Fidler, Leta Maurins Morgan, Bertha Alice Wilcox, (male)
Field, Harvey Dee Mori, Charley T. Wilcox, George Andrew
Fields, Jeanette Evylin Mori, Hiroha Wild, Marjory Elane
Findley, Lila Caroline Mori, Ira Wilder, Irvin Thurson, Jr.
Finney, Oscar Robert Morris, Eula Emelyn Wildrick, Wayne Bruce
Fisher, Earl Wellington Morris, Frederick Howard Wiley, Ellen Lucille
Flagg, (female) Morris, Mattie L. Wiley, Ralph Andrew
Flagg, (male) Morrison, Lloyd Washington Wilhite, (male)
Flaherty, (female) Morrison, Rex Wilkenson, (?)
Flaherty, Josephine May Kincaid Morse, Harold Walter Willets, Dorothy Ina
Flemming, Oscar Robert Morse, James Howard Williams, (male)
Florey, Nelson Andrew Morse, Muriel Lois Williams, Harold Munson
Ford, Ruby Morton, Thelma Lucile Williams, Luella
Ford, Ruth Moses, (female) Williams, Ora Lantta
Forgey, Milldred Lenore Murphy, (male) Wilson, (female)
Forsythe, John Adelbert Murphy, John Davenport Wilson, (male)
Foster, Carl Murphy, Marie Louise Wilson, (male)
Foster, Dora Elizabeth Murray, Raymond Lee Wilson, Chas. Othell
Fox, Comer Philip Muskoff, Margaret Louise Wilson, Laura Bell
Fox, Elmond Howard Myers, Ina Mary Wilson, Theodore
Fraley, John Earl Myers, Ivan Roy Winningham, (female)
Fraley, William Milton Myers, Margaret Jean Winningham, Marion
Frasee, Virginia Marion Nakano, Kazn Wirfs, Mildred Eunice
Frazee, Lois Dorothy Nance, Everett Dossie Wolf, Elizabeth Louise
Fredenberg, Virginia May Neil, Gerald Loosely Wolff, (male)
Freeman, Andrew John Neil, Jean Clair Wood, David McCray
Freshour, (male) Neilson, John Herbert Woodcock, (male)
Frey, Harriet Alberta Nelson, Dorothy Ethel Woodruff, Georgetta Irene
Fridegar, Robert Harry Neville, Clara Emily Wooley, Opal Christine
Frink, Morris Lester Newman, Eleanor Catherine Wooley, Raymond Stanford
Fristoe, (female) Newman, Estelle Ruthe Workow, Josephine
Fry, Lillian Marie Newstrom, LaVonne Darrel Works, William
Full, (?) Nibley, Philip Gordon Wright, (female)
Fulton, Phillis B. Nichols, Gladys Ganell Wright, (male)
Funke, Dorothy Arlene Nickell, ( ?) Wright, Edith M.
Fuson, Anna M. Nickell, Vida Aurora Wright, Wallace Russell
Fuson, T.J.,Jr. Niedermeyer, (male) Wroten, Otto Leroy
Gaines, Alma Agnes Niedermeyers, Erma Wycoff, Eunice
Gale, Alfred R. Nininger, Edward Logan Yamashila, Ko
Gammous, David Ralph Noble, Velma Yaniashita, Todar
Ganfield, Isabel Nord, Evelyn Yokotaki, Keyoshi
Gardner, Harold Wells Norris, Blanch Norine York, Bernard William
Garman, Nellie May Norris, Donna Louise Yost, Clayton Arthur
Garnmons, Bruce Johnston Norton, Margaret Aileens Yost, Roger Cyril
Garrett, Donald Noth, Vivian Elnora Yothers, Howard Everett
Gartner (Gartman), Abraham Isaac Noyes, (female) Young, Earline
Gates, George Eugene Noyes, Margaret Leigh Young, Fredia Lovelle
Gault, Hasel Laurel Nunn, Arlene Evelyn Young, Russell William
Gault, Rose Maud Nunn, George W. Zeiam, Paul
Gearhart, Roy Harvey Nurmi, Ruth Mildred Zimmerlee, Christine
Gelchell, Valarie Nutter, Ruth Ellen Zimmerlee, Lena
Gentry, Betty Ellen OConnor, Tessie Zimmerlee, Owen Emil
George, Albert Thornton Offenbacker, Ruth Zimmerly, Richard LeRoy
  Oliver, Ethel Corryl Zliam, Paul