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Below is an index to our 1917 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbott, Minnie Chase | 125 |
Ackley, Lorenzo Dow | 135 |
Alden, Rev. Willis | 132 |
Allen, Gorden Charles (Son of Morgan) | 217 |
Allen, Mrs. Lola Estella | 242 |
Angle, William | 45 |
Arnold, Orpha Wells | 41 |
Ashcroft, Lynn D. (Infant Son of Elmer) | 58 |
Atterbury, Angus William | 27 |
Baer, Ralph Bennett | 95 |
Bailey, Thomas | 220 |
Baily, Francis M. | 161 |
Baker, Mary Ella | 86 |
Band, Alix | 38 |
Barnette, Charles (Infant Son of Guy) | 146 |
Baron, John Henry | 166 |
Baughman, Etta May (Infant Daughter of George) | 179 |
Beagle, Virginia | 206 |
Beale, George W. | 109 |
Beeson, Emmett | 6 |
Bender, Hiram | 25 |
Benedict, Esther | 96 |
Benson, Frank L. | 140 |
Bosye, Charles H. | 138 |
Bouchet, Placide | 148 |
Boyd, Velma Louise (Infant Daughter of Wm. E.) | 253 |
Boyer, Otho C. | 84 |
Bradbury, Noah B. | 118 |
Breese, Irene | 56 |
Brobeck, Geo. R. | 195 |
Brown, Burton T. | 165 |
Brown, Estella B. | 106 |
Brown, Ozro Thomas | 128 |
Brown, Viola | 90 |
Brurin, Harry | 239 |
Buchanan, Sarah Jane | 67 |
Buckley, Mary | 133 |
Bunnell, Nancy Caroline | 26 |
Burch, Robert E. Lee | 122 |
Byrum, William Riley | 163 |
Cameron, Katherine V. | 245 |
Cammeron, Lloyd V. (Son of W.L.) | 147 |
Campbell, Myrtle May | 12 |
Carlton, S. Adolphus | 153 |
Carter, John A. | 36 |
Caster, John T. | 259 |
Cavin, Allen B. | 103 |
Chapman, Daniel | 197 |
Chase, George A. | 205 |
Cheesman, Urania | 75 |
Chittenden, Albert C. | 177 |
Claxten, George William | 83 |
Clute, Lizzie Rena | 80 |
Cole, Mrs. Nancy G. | 248 |
Colman, Alfred | 267 |
Conley, (Infant Daughter of Clayton M.) | 112 |
Cottrell, David Elmer | 152 |
Courtney, Kenneth Robert (Infant Son of Samuel H.) | 167 |
Creighton, Amanda | 151 |
Crews, Hannah Marande | 110 |
Crowder, Leath (Daughter of Robert) | 233 |
Culver, Margaret | 10 |
Cummings, Janet | 180 |
Curtiss, Caroline | 211 |
Curtiss, Joseph Horace | 113 |
Davidson, J.M. | 68 |
Davis, Marshall T. | 194 |
Davis, Ruth Van Dyke | 198 |
Dicksen, John Murphy | 268 |
Drumhill, Maggie P. | 30 |
Dyer, Lloyd Alpheous | 224 |
Eagon, Levi Marvin | 14 |
Earles, Desdamona | 212 |
Eliasen, Ruth Leanore (Infant Daughter of Ross) | 271 |
Emerick, Sarah Elizabeth | 257 |
Emery, Frances Mabel | 111 |
Engle, George | 43 |
Ewer, Adell | 129 |
Farrer, Charles Warren | 202 |
Felch, John Henry | 168 |
Fletcher, Wm. | 114 |
Flint, Warren | 108 |
Ford, R.P. | 46 |
Fredenburg, James Isaac | 137 |
Frideger, Mrs. Sucinda | 229 |
Frost, Grace Eva | 66 |
Frost, Kyle (Infant Son of Richard) | 20 |
Fry, Sarah Gobie | 91 |
Gall, Christopher Columbus | 236 |
Goble, Anna A. | 119 |
Goodale, Randilla | 187 |
Gorden, Margarete | 15 |
Greene, Carrie O. | 71 |
Grim, David | 156 |
Grisez, Margaret | 143 |
Hall, Albert A. | 123 |
Hansen, Maybelle | 92 |
Harnish, Susana Elvira | 201 |
Harrell, Piera | 150 |
Hatfield, Frank B. | 82 |
Hazelrigg, Eliza Ann | 144 |
Headlee, Edgar Glenwood | 88 |
Henry, Charles Auguest | 51 |
Herford, (Infant Son of J.C.) | 93 |
Higinbotham, Susie | 189 |
Higinbothem, Thomas Benton | 238 |
Holmes, Wilber Blackman | 174 |
Holst, Juennesse (Daughter of John D.) | 69 |
Hooker, James Leonard | 47 |
Howard, Martha B. | 97 |
Hueners, Christina | 62 |
Huley, Frederika R. | 9 |
Hull, Benjamin E. | 235 |
Hull, William (Son of Fred P.) | 37 |
Huls, John | 263 |
Humphrey, William T. | 59 |
Huston, Lidia S. | 4 |
Johnson, Russell B. | 16 |
Johnson, Thomas J. | 8 |
Jones, Elizabeth V. | 105 |
Jones, Even L. | 209 |
Jones, Sarah | 199 |
Kaiser, Mary Anne | 182 |
Kent, James | 149 |
Kerby, Charles P. | 181 |
Kerby, Tolie Guy | 269 |
Kinney, Mary Elizabeth | 117 |
Klippels, Jacob | 98 |
Knutzen, Leona | 232 |
Koester, Lucinda Ann | 231 |
Koyama, Sadamu (Infant Son of Joe) | 22 |
Laack, Carl | 230 |
Langford, Guilford J. | 52 |
Leach, Sadie Leo | 261 |
Lee, Etta Ella | 85 |
Leffler, Thomas Maywood | 264 |
Leslie, Archibald Henry | 204 |
Lewis, Alfred | 162 |
Lewis, Edwin H. | 258 |
Lindley, Nolo Milton | 170 |
Lindsay, Margaret | 219 |
Lundberg, Victor Hugo | 240 |
Lynch, George Henry | 243 |
Lynch, Lehman Gail (Son of T.M.) | 237 |
Lyon, Cora Etta | 203 |
Margreiter, John D. | 53 |
Marsh, Denver | 164 |
Martin, Alice M. Sedgwick | 121 |
Martin, Wm. S. | 158 |
Mattingly, James | 142 |
Mayham, Rachel | 157 |
McGalligat, Dennis | 72 |
McGee, Laura Belle | 226 |
McKee, Fort A. | 76 |
McKeen, Mrs. Sarah M. | 5 |
McLeod, Ellen J. | 28 |
Mee, James W. | 89 |
Merriman, Artinecia | 7 |
Meyer, Mary Amanda | 249 |
Michel, Dora | 127 |
Mickey, Alllen Guy | 252 |
Miller, Charles D. | 73 |
Miller, David Henry | 35 |
Million, Joseph T. | 42 |
Mills, Edward James (Adopted) | 256 |
Miltenberger, Mrs. Julia C. | 70 |
Mitchell, Horace Vernin (Son of Horace V.) | 39 |
Moore, Mary Louise | 185 |
Morris, Sarah E. | 102 |
Morris, William M. | 44 |
Muller, Robert Lloyd (Son of Robert) | 188 |
Murray, Mary Elizabeth | 2 |
Murtaugh, John | 78 |
Nah, Ng | 250 |
Neil, James Russell | 260 |
Nelson, Lind | 207 |
Nelson, Olaf Nicolas | 222 |
Newman, Albert E. | 234 |
Noonon, Mary A. | 57 |
Norton, Everett S. | 134 |
Nuttall, Elizabeth | 31 |
Nygren, August | 116 |
Oatman, Frank Benjamin | 34 |
Osborn, Ebenizer V. | 169 |
Ostrom, Charles | 255 |
Owings, Jesse James (Son of Geo. P.) | 210 |
Pankey, Mrs. Effie | 208 |
Pankey, Nancy Jane | 87 |
Peck, Leuella M. | 99 |
Percival, Albert E.J. | 60 |
Perry, George William | 254 |
Peterson, John | 173 |
Plymate, June (Infant Daughter of M.E.) | 94 |
Potter, Ralph Erwin | 251 |
Powell, Rosannah Ann | 183 |
Price, William Elias | 193 |
Pruett, Charles Allen | 246 |
Purdy, Samuel Pressley | 265 |
Ragsdale, John Lee | 139 |
Raimey, Edwin Franklin | 74 |
Redifer, Ada Hannah | 184 |
Reid, Esther J. | 63 |
Rhodes, Cecil (Son of A.R.) | 100 |
Ritter, Myrtle Mary (Infant Daughter of John Jacob) | 262 |
Robertson, James W. | 130 |
Robinsen, George | 191 |
Robinson, Wm. | 23 |
Rumsey, Burtis H. | 21 |
Rush, John Henry (Infant Son of F.L.) | 216 |
Sayle, Ray F. | 176 |
Sears, William | 107 |
Shidiler, John H. | 159 |
Shoults, Ella Jane | 13 |
Showalter, Silas Gideon | 160 |
Silva, Frank Joseph | 266 |
Skaggs, Mrs. Sarah A. | 77 |
Smack, John Vincent | 17 |
Smith, Joseph R. | 126 |
Smith, Levi H. | 154 |
Speyer, Benjamin R. | 29 |
Stacy, Abbie Elizabeth | 190 |
Stein, Julius | 104 |
Stephensen, Emma Alta | 124 |
Stephenson, Henery | 247 |
Stewart, Joseph McDonald | 228 |
Stewart, William H. | 11 |
Stoaks, Charles Peter | 49 |
Storm, Ella B. | 32 |
Stover, Dorris Morgie (Daughter of Walter S.) | 40 |
Swartzfager, Dora May | 171 |
Tederick, Harold Leroy (Infant Son of Clarance C.) | 54 |
Thomas, Illtid William | 24 |
Thomas, Mary K. | 172 |
Thompson, Isaac L. | 65 |
Thrasher, Nancy V. | 131 |
Tiffany, Genevieve | 196 |
Tilton, Grace Stafford | 64 |
Tucker, James P. | 221 |
Tuffs, Reginald L. | 225 |
Tull, Edward Smith | 178 |
Van Liere, Teddy Lee (Infant Son of W.) | 200 |
Van Nice, Lucinda Jane | 115 |
Van Tassel, George I. | 55 |
Vincent, Elizabeth | 101 |
Wallace, Norris | 241 |
Ward, Mary Eliza | 81 |
Warner, Harriet Malinda | 48 |
Waterman, Jane | 175 |
Waters, Nancy Ellen | 61 |
Weaver, (Infant Son of Earll C.) | 33 |
Webb, Albert Thedore (Son of Thedore) | 218 |
Webb, George | 79 |
Webster, Alma Talbot | 50 |
Weedon, Thomas H. | 141 |
Welch, Mark P. (Infant Son of Harley) | 19 |
Wells, James F. | 223 |
Wells, John W. | 155 |
Weren, Eric | 145 |
White, Ellen Lorena | 244 |
White, Julie Fern | 227 |
White, Mattie May | 120 |
Wiley, Sabra | 3 |
Wilhite, Elias D. | 270 |
Wilkinson, Merritt | 1 |
Williams, Catherine | 186 |
Williams, Jerome D. | 192 |
Wong, Wong | 18 |
Woolf, Mrs. Eva Dora | 213 |
Wright, Rozetta Caroline | 215 |
Yant, Ezra B. | 136 |
Yeago, Angelo | 214 |