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Below is an index to our 1925 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbott, Hazel Fern | 283 |
Aiken, Harry V. | 301 |
Aldrich, Genilla F. | 15 |
Alford, Catherine K. | 237 |
Anderson, George Nathaniel | 1 |
Anderson, Humphrey Ward | 13 |
Anning, Agnes Grace | 65 |
Antle, John | 252 |
Arnold, Elsie May | 296 |
Arnold, Zacharia | 110 |
Arthurs, William | 191 |
Atwood, (Infant Daughter of Clarence) | 9 |
Baker, Lewis | 275 |
Ball, Melissa | 271 |
Ball, Winfield Scott | 42 |
Ballard, Mary L. | 169 |
Banta, Herbert Leroy | 21 |
Baron, Ellen | 53 |
Barron, Martha A. | 24 |
Bartlett, Charles F. | 76 |
Bigalow, Clarrissa Charity | 52 |
Boggis, Stella | 272 |
Boothby, A.H. | 143 |
Boraker, Wesley Edward | 22 |
Bowman, Margaret Ellen | 235 |
Bradney, Sarah Ann | 298 |
Bright, Jefferson | 87 |
Bruner, James Wallace | 163 |
Brunkal, Louis | 117 |
Buelna, Bessie May | 274 |
Burkhart, Joseph Berkley | 144 |
Burrows, Thomas Gilbert | 199 |
Byrnes, John Calvin | 51 |
Cameron, Dan | 166 |
Campbell, Edgar Newton | 78 |
Carson, Raymond Frederick | 139 |
Carter, Ransome | 73 |
Case, (Infant Daughter of Henry A.) | 39 |
Casey, Robert | 186 |
Centers, Elizabeth | 286 |
Chamberlain, Francis Henry | 253 |
Chapman, Charolette | 267 |
Chapman, Emma Amelia | 135 |
Chapman, John Francis | 162 |
Chapman, Sumner G. | 220 |
Charley, Patricia (Daughter of Walter) | 273 |
Chisholm, Mary Elizabeth | 181 |
Cingcade, David | 68 |
Clayton, Joe | 145 |
Clement, Reta (Daughter of Armos) | 157 |
Cleveland, Richard | 116 |
Cochran, John Butler | 171 |
Coghill, Archie Leonard (Son of L.W.) | 100 |
Cole, Martha Jones | 254 |
Coleman, (Infant Son of Thad P.) | 212 |
Collier, John Benjamin | 251 |
Compton, Louis A. | 170 |
Conley, John | 60 |
Cook, Emma | 278 |
Cook, Sarah Elvira J. | 215 |
Cooper, William Aquinis | 46 |
Coulter, Samuel Grant | 293 |
Crowson, Wealthy Wilber | 265 |
Culver, James D. | 120 |
Cummings, Albert | 108 |
Dalkey, Bertha | 268 |
Davis, Amanda V. | 167 |
Davis, Evaline Ruby (Daughter of Charlie) | 221 |
Davis, Inez C. | 101 |
Davis, James | 86 |
Davis, Sarah M. | 95 |
Davis, William D. | 152 |
Day, John Edward | 75 |
Day, Mary E. | 209 |
Deen, Katie Susan | 243 |
Delsman, Clara | 231 |
Denham, James F. | 241 |
Denton, Margaret Ann (Daughter of E.A.) | 45 |
Devore, Sarah | 159 |
Dunlap, Nellie Violet | 49 |
Dynan, Dorothy Helen (Daughter of Howard) | 147 |
Eddings, Norton | 90 |
Elder, Ida Josephine | 2 |
Elson, Martha Elizabeth (Daughter of Charles H.) | 230 |
Esch, John | 40 |
Fahl, Lewis Winslow | 113 |
Farnsworth, Robert Jackson | 66 |
Finley, Robert Bartlet (Son of Theodore) | 77 |
Fischer, Charles W. | 182 |
Force, Kenneth Norman (Infant Son of Paul) | 174 |
Fry, Jennie | 291 |
Fudge, Frederick Harrison | 303 |
Galey, Ellen Carter | 102 |
Gandee, Kenna Kester | 287 |
Gates, Adaline B. | 151 |
George, John Phillip | 98 |
Getchell, Maude Jenkins | 81 |
Gibbs, Jesse James | 219 |
Gibson, Jeremiah | 34 |
Gilbert, Ernest E. | 112 |
Gooley, Frank | 300 |
Gorman, Iola Fern (Daughter of Newton S.) | 280 |
Gowdy, Wellington Henry | 153 |
Graham, Edith Ratcliffe | 222 |
Hall, Fay Rebecca | 138 |
Hamlin, Margaret Ann | 93 |
Hammett, William H. | 299 |
Harkins, Pearl N. Ruger | 198 |
Haverkamp, Catherine Greenlease | 142 |
Hawes, Herma Hazel (Daughter of Edward) | 211 |
Haworth, Emily Margret | 155 |
Headlee, Raymond Glenwood (Son of Glen) | 109 |
Heller, Alva Bernice | 250 |
Henry, Frank | 132 |
Hibbs, William | 158 |
Holzgang, Robert | 239 |
Homes, Myra Wadhaws | 38 |
Hop, Charley (Chinese) | 257 |
Hoppin, Frederick Layton | 94 |
Hoskins, Odessa | 150 |
Howard, Oliver Garner | 85 |
Howland, Martha Thompson | 193 |
Hughes, Raleigh Elden (Infant Son of Raleigh) | 14 |
Irwin, David T. | 266 |
Jackson, Susie Augeline | 185 |
Jacobs, Maria Winchester | 54 |
James, Malinda | 189 |
Jenison, James Truman | 217 |
Jillson, Chauncey Ray | 263 |
Johnston, Albert | 8 |
Jones, Adith Casandria (Daughter of L.H.) | 156 |
Jones, Frank Delbert | 63 |
Jones, Price | 18 |
Jones, Thomas E. | 124 |
Keller, Amos Clinton | 249 |
Kendall, George Sterling | 6 |
Kennedy, Rachel Ann | 284 |
Killgrove, Chester | 92 |
Kingery, Peter Joseph | 35 |
Kinyon, Ada May | 122 |
Klassen, Abe C. | 104 |
Kleinhaus, Jacob C. | 188 |
Kouns, Mary Efis | 244 |
Kuder, Samuel David | 203 |
Landram, Belle Beard | 233 |
Larsen, Julia Ellen (Daughter of Louis) | 290 |
Lawerance, Julia Louise | 187 |
Lawrence, Thomas Frederick | 226 |
Lindsay, William | 224 |
Luke, Ida Alice | 216 |
Luman, Cuna June (Infant Daughter of Chas.) | 84 |
Lyons, Daniel B. | 61 |
Lyons, Ella M. | 223 |
MacRae, Hattie Jane | 208 |
Magerle, Ida Mae | 160 |
Mahoney, Nellie Lucille (Daughter of Patrick) | 161 |
Martin, Charles | 80 |
Mathes, Christina Riddell | 28 |
McCabe, Elmer Justin (Son of Thomas) | 285 |
McClanahan, Sidney Ann | 70 |
McClay, William Byron | 89 |
McDonough, John William | 255 |
McDonough, Thomas | 192 |
McKinnis, Louise (Daughter of Chas. Marion) | 149 |
McLean, William A. | 282 |
McMerrick, Curtis Winn | 82 |
McPherson, Robert Lee | 176 |
Medack, August | 248 |
Meeker, Mary Jane | 232 |
Mendenhall, Charles E. | 107 |
Michaels, Nancy Ellen | 218 |
Miner, Joseph Stillman | 245 |
Monismith, Elsie Manelle | 277 |
Moore, Rebecca Rose | 91 |
Morava, Billy (Infant Son of Anthony) | 168 |
Morgan, James M. | 33 |
Moris, Minnie Maybell | 236 |
Morris, Frances Jean (Infant Daughter of Clyde) | 294 |
Morrison, William M. | 57 |
Morse, Amelia | 148 |
Mowat, William Walter Henderson | 201 |
Mulledy, Thomas | 194 |
Murphy, Emma Elsie | 137 |
Murray, Peter | 17 |
Murray, Thomas B. | 29 |
Neathamer, George Wallace | 259 |
Neil, Clara Morris | 261 |
Nims, Charles William | 79 |
Noble, Ann Elizabeth | 154 |
Norman, Fred J. (Billie) | 141 |
Nutter, Eileen | 44 |
Nye, Chauncey D. | 96 |
Oden, Vine Abraham | 177 |
Ogg, Minnie Jane | 180 |
Ohrt, John Jacob | 20 |
Olsen, Otto E. | 103 |
Oswald, Lulu Dahl | 133 |
Ovarfordt, Gust A. | 134 |
Overton, Ulysis Lincoln | 111 |
Parker, Oscar Owen | 196 |
Parson, John Sabastin | 129 |
Parson, Lorraine Hascall | 214 |
Patterson, Amy | 47 |
Payton, Alva Maurice (Son of Ruben Edgar) | 256 |
Pech, Henry Godlieb | 10 |
Pefley, Ora S. | 121 |
Perry, Mark E. | 302 |
Peterson, Catherine | 123 |
Peterson, Julia | 269 |
Phillips, Robert James (Infant Son of James Arthur) | 48 |
Pierce, Charles Herbert | 55 |
Pitt, Charles | 204 |
Poole, Rhoda Amanda | 240 |
Porter, James Safford | 115 |
Poston, Robert P. | 99 |
Pracht, Mary W. | 165 |
Prinz, May | 11 |
Purves, Robert Bruce | 206 |
Putman, Margaret (Daughter of J.A.) | 19 |
Rainey, Lewis C. | 140 |
Randall, Dolores Louisa | 37 |
Rathbun, Charles | 200 |
Raypholtz, Scott Winfield | 36 |
Reavis, Frank Albert Jr. (Infant Son of Frank Albert) | 205 |
Redifer, Pina | 297 |
Reynolds, Larkin Darell (Son of Larkin) | 228 |
Reynolds, Thomas Jefferson | 197 |
Roberts, Alvin C. (Infant Son of W.A.) | 12 |
Roberts, Emma Jane | 190 |
Roberts, Frank R. | 105 |
Rodgers, Chas. Oscar | 71 |
Rodgers, Jasper | 32 |
Rose, Mildred Mabel (Infant Daughter of Joseph) | 114 |
Ross, Frank Roland | 50 |
Rush, Robert Ray (Son of Ralph) | 3 |
Russell, Ethan Allen | 5 |
Sanborn, Catherine | 83 |
Sanders, Henry (Son of Edward O.) | 183 |
Sandlin, Rachel C. | 128 |
Sandry, Samuel | 7 |
Schernder, Hattie | 195 |
Schneider, Frederick | 23 |
Scott, James A. | 238 |
Scott, William Joe | 292 |
Shaw, John Albert | 62 |
Shook, Issac Newton | 56 |
Silva, Theodore Allen (Infant Son of Joseph Edward) | 31 |
Slevin, Katherine | 207 |
Sloper, Albert D. | 210 |
Smith, Andrew J.T. | 247 |
Smith, Edward Baldwin | 225 |
Smith, Jean Scobie | 97 |
Smith, Richard (Infant Son of Charles) | 184 |
Smith, William A. | 130 |
Smith, William Henry | 27 |
Snodgrass, Thomas | 126 |
Spencer, Aden Clary | 173 |
Spencer, Frances Mabel | 227 |
Spencer, Robert Rolland (Son of E.F.) | 43 |
Spires, Ellen May | 41 |
Stanley, Delena | 119 |
Stokan, James Albert | 127 |
Stokoe, Edward C. | 295 |
Storey, Allen W. | 72 |
Strombaugh, (Infant Son of Jona) | 88 |
Sullivan, Norma Jean (Daughter of L.B.) | 229 |
Talent, Martha Ann | 146 |
Tappan, Essie J. | 25 |
Thomas, John Perry (Infant Son of Tony) | 260 |
Thompson, George Lester | 16 |
Thorn, George I. | 30 |
Thornburg, Johnathan Rush | 178 |
Towne, Edith M. | 202 |
Trafton, (Infant Daughter of A.H.) | 213 |
Train, Orin William | 59 |
Travis, William Henry | 279 |
Tule, Florence Lillie | 270 |
VanHardenberg, Margaret | 58 |
Vincent, Mary Ann | 281 |
Walch, Edna Rose (Daughter of Draper) | 136 |
Walker, Milo A. | 131 |
Warner, Dora E. | 288 |
Watson, William M. | 164 |
Welch, Edward Carlton | 69 |
Wells, Martha | 258 |
Werth, Oscar Lloyd | 118 |
Werth, William H. | 262 |
West, Blanch Gladys | 289 |
White, Mary Farra | 125 |
Williams, Lucy Davis | 242 |
Williams, Robert G. | 26 |
Wilson, Eldon Francis (Infant Son of Frank A.) | 234 |
Wilson, Gula May (Infant Daughter of Albert A.) | 4 |
Wilson, John Wesley | 67 |
Wilson, Nellie Meta | 172 |
Wilson, Robert Stanley | 106 |
Winningham, Audery Virginia (Daughter of James) | 179 |
Woods, David McCray (Son of David R.) | 74 |
Woods, Mary Emma | 264 |
Wynkoop, Julia H. | 276 |
Yasler, Wm. Franendnent | 246 |
Yerke, Amanda | 175 |
Yoachum, Fannie Hart | 64 |