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Below is an index to our 1927 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbott, Charles D. | 55 |
Abbott, Harriett May | 267 |
Albert, Glenn W.H. | 33 |
Anderson, George R. | 126 |
Anderson, Herman Oscar | 195 |
Anderson, Joseph R. | 224 |
Applegate Nancy Elizabeth | 173 |
Arnold, Ruel H. | 268 |
Bailey, James Frank | 111 |
Bailey, Mary Ann | 164 |
Baker, Hiram Henry | 153 |
Barkdull, John Wessley | 265 |
Barrett, James Edwin | 51 |
Barrett, Mable H. | 131 |
Beard, George P. | 314 |
Bebb, Roberta Anne (Infant Daughter of Royal E.) | 89 |
Beckwith, Theador (Infant Son of A.C.) | 8 |
Bedingfield, James Olaf | 311 |
Bellamy, Lloyd Wayne (Son of Willard A.) | 161 |
Berdan, Florence Josephine | 183 |
Beucler, Aletha M. | 213 |
Bieberstadt, Alvin | 35 |
Bieberstedt, Rudolph | 201 |
Black, William Alexander | 21 |
Blackford, Nancy Catherine | 148 |
Bliven, Phila E. | 258 |
Borg, Martha Olava | 235 |
Bourne, George F. | 65 |
Boussum, Emma Mellissa | 88 |
Bowlby, James S. | 107 |
Brashear, Albert Ross | 227 |
Britten, William M. | 293 |
Brown, Oscar A. | 32 |
Brown, Weta (Daughter of Mack) | 308 |
Brownsworth, Mary | 163 |
Bruhn, Bernhard | 78 |
Buckley, James Frances | 310 |
Burgess, Ellen M. | 176 |
Burkhart, Frank J. | 134 |
Burns, Bernice | 307 |
Bush, Mellvinia | 149 |
Calhoun, Mable Clara | 143 |
Carpenter, Edith | 285 |
Carver, George W. | 4 |
Carver, Myron | 230 |
Casebeer, Edward | 300 |
Cash, Leuy (Daughter of John) | 249 |
Cherry, Albert | 27 |
Cherry, Elizabeth | 292 |
Childers, Wm. Henry | 73 |
Chisholm, Joseph Peter | 34 |
Churchman, Vivian Viola | 287 |
Clark, Dale (Son of Clem) | 225 |
Clark, George Washington | 139 |
Clement, Charles H. | 190 |
Cleveland, Nova Clement (Infant Son of Clem) | 221 |
Clifford, Margaret | 162 |
Cline, Wm. Wayne (Infant Son of Carl) | 252 |
Clute, Silas Wright | 297 |
Cole, Mary | 76 |
Combs, Daniel E. | 275 |
Conway, Thomas Wirlin | 269 |
Cooper, Elizabeth | 3 |
Coulter, George | 248 |
Craig, Michael Francis | 327 |
Dallaire, Hippolite | 77 |
Danford, Marcia | 94 |
David, Ethel (Daughter of Drummer) | 146 |
Davidson, Vernon Ray (Son of Levi O.) | 95 |
Davis, Elmer Charles | 291 |
Davis, George Clark | 208 |
DeVore, Thomas L. | 290 |
Dias, Mabel Romona | 160 |
Dimick, Clarance Abel | 22 |
Dosier, Andrew | 154 |
Dubbs, Margaret E. (Daughter of Ralph) | 189 |
Dunham, Sylvester W. | 127 |
Dunkin, Sarah | 142 |
Dunlap, John Wesley | 102 |
Edwards, Andrew Jackson | 280 |
Ellison, Thomas B. | 132 |
Enders, Henry George | 211 |
Erdmann, Ernestine | 92 |
Ernster, Mary Magdalene | 191 |
Evans, Charles | 138 |
Evans, Margaret Lloyd | 15 |
Fehl, Henry W. | 72 |
Fish, Theodore Johntson | 313 |
Fleming, James M. | 69 |
Fletcher, Mary | 281 |
Freitag, Paul (Infant Son of B.S.L.) | 229 |
French, William | 228 |
Fretwell, James Brye (Infant Son of James Robert) | 166 |
Fry, John Jefferson | 282 |
Furry, Arthur S. | 207 |
Gaddis, Earl A. (Son of Earl C.) | 260 |
Gaedecke, Fredrick | 167 |
Garrett, Ida | 39 |
Gerdes, Frank Marion | 104 |
Gilmore, Henry George | 68 |
Gleim, Cora Amelia | 31 |
Gray, John Wilson | 70 |
Greenwood, Olive Elizabeth | 312 |
Gregersen, Jesse | 179 |
Grim, John J. | 24 |
Gudehus, Henry Edward | 81 |
Guenther, Herbert Myron (Infant Son of Herbert Henry) | 101 |
Gustafson, Lydia Emelia | 63 |
Haight, Charles | 106 |
Hall, Margaret Jane | 328 |
Hall, Nora Alice | 53 |
Hamilton, Elida Jane | 264 |
Hammersley, George R. | 130 |
Hanna, Lillian May | 74 |
Harding, Louisa | 271 |
Harkins, George W. | 118 |
Harrington, Jack Harley | 172 |
Harris, John | 83 |
Hart, Minnie E. | 238 |
Hawkins, James Arthur | 276 |
Haymond, Rupert Lee (Infant Son of Ralph) | 108 |
Haynes, Francis | 239 |
Haynes, Willard Clark | 256 |
Heath, George Washington | 96 |
Heine, Thompson G. | 333 |
Helman, Otis O. | 120 |
Helms, Samuel V. (Son of Wm. H.) | 135 |
Hill, Lila Fay (Daughter of Lewis C.) | 197 |
Hillis, Emma Mae | 334 |
Hoagland, Samuel Leander | 187 |
Hoffman, James Albert | 181 |
Hollenbeak, Floyd Edgar | 194 |
Hollis, Frankie | 332 |
Holmes, (Infant Daughter of Bert) | 119 |
Hopkins, Mason J. | 233 |
Hornback, John Major | 71 |
Howard, John Adam | 109 |
Howell, Kate | 155 |
Hunter, Minerva | 244 |
Jacobsen, Thomas | 82 |
Janes, Helen (Daughter of Harris B.) | 274 |
John, William David | 93 |
Kathan, Orrin Angus (Son of Chas. E.) | 121 |
Kellogg, Thomas R. | 302 |
Kelsoe, Thomas J. | 185 |
Kerr, Evelyn Frisby (Daughter of A.D.) | 30 |
Kirkpatrick, Wm. R. | 165 |
Klippel, Elizabeth Ann | 219 |
Knight, Noah Y. | 25 |
Knudsen, Henning M. | 296 |
Kramer, John | 2 |
Lamb, Cora Leona | 156 |
Landers, Margie | 254 |
Lang, Bessie Eva | 26 |
Larson, Ragner | 117 |
Lathrop, Adelbert Aurelius | 319 |
Learned, Virgil Norvin (Son of Clarance A.) | 147 |
Lewis, Arthur Orlando | 210 |
Lewis, Eliza | 277 |
Lewis, Ida A. | 223 |
Lidstrom, Frances Ellen | 175 |
Littlefield, Natalie | 75 |
Littrell, Elija Alexander | 87 |
Lockhart, Jesse Alexander | 170 |
Loffer, Alanzo L. | 123 |
Lofland, Justice M. | 205 |
Loflund, Edith (Daughter of P.D.) | 61 |
Looney, D. | 262 |
Lumsden, Harold Union | 222 |
Mack, Helen Francis | 331 |
Magerle, James Edward (Infant Son of C.A.) | 216 |
March, James | 323 |
Markle, Mary Gertrude | 174 |
Marlow, Louisa | 80 |
Marr, William Ogilvie | 125 |
Martin, Lewis | 23 |
Mason, Olivette Margot (Infant Daughter of Frank Hudson) | 5 |
Mathews, Carl | 14 |
Mattern, Herman | 304 |
Matteson, Martha | 322 |
Mayfield, Henry Albert | 209 |
McAlister, David Walter (Son of Walter G.) | 263 |
McBride, William | 58 |
McClanahan, Patritia Louise (Infant Daughter of A.) | 188 |
McClarey, Robert W. | 141 |
McCormick, Nancy Agnes | 91 |
McCoy, Emma H. | 28 |
McDonald, James Grant (Son of John C.) | 214 |
McDougall, Herbert Wadsworth | 99 |
McGee, Hannah Elizabeth | 20 |
McKinnis, Francis M. | 182 |
McNary, Catherine Adaline | 13 |
Melavin, Frank | 199 |
Merritt, Viola Caroline (Daughter of William L.) | 192 |
Miller, Earl L. | 151 |
Miller, Joseph Menzo | 44 |
Miller, Thelman Geneva | 133 |
Mitchell, Cora Amelia | 317 |
Modrell, George W. | 171 |
Molino, Diego | 54 |
Morava, Ilene (Infant Daughter of A.J.) | 200 |
Morgan, Mark Pomroy | 64 |
Morse, Norble Willis (Infant Son of Elmer Henry) | 29 |
Murrell, Mary Isabelle | 60 |
Nakano, Kozo | 294 |
Neff, Mary Porter | 59 |
Oden, Norris | 116 |
Olsen, George | 158 |
Osenbrugge, Catherine Lucia | 246 |
Pankey, Henry Thomas | 110 |
Pankey, Thomas | 67 |
Parke, Eliza Barbara | 279 |
Parker, Franklin Millard | 184 |
Parsley, Ruth Hellen (Infant Daughter of James W.) | 46 |
Patton, Charles | 255 |
Peart, James Walton | 84 |
Peasley, Albert | 241 |
Perkins, Oshia Maude | 298 |
Petro, Harriet L. | 57 |
Phelps, Ottie | 234 |
Phillips, Esther | 128 |
Phipps, Calistia P. | 253 |
Pieper, William Martin | 218 |
Pierce, Evelyn G. | 261 |
Poe, John F. | 16 |
Polley, Albert Henry | 86 |
Poole, James Monroe | 11 |
Potter, Samuel A. | 278 |
Powell, (Infant Son of Wm. B.) | 152 |
Powell, Elizabeth Jane | 48 |
Poynter, Sarah A. | 305 |
Proctor, Allen Ira (Infant son of Allen) | 45 |
Pullen, Leslie Carlton | 178 |
Pursel, Charles Collins | 140 |
Rancourt, Celia | 19 |
Randall, Homer | 326 |
Rankin, George E. | 236 |
Rathbun, Edd | 315 |
Reames, Jennie E. Ross | 284 |
Reed, Rose Lucille | 257 |
Richardson, Roberta | 40 |
Riley, Elsie A. Beek | 324 |
Roberts, Alvin | 247 |
Roberts, Sarah Adeline | 62 |
Roby, Anna Catherine | 122 |
Rose, Dora Belle (Daughter of Reginal) | 251 |
Rovny, Emlie | 98 |
Ruhl, Robert Waldo Jr. (Son of Robert Waldo) | 196 |
Runk, Lillian | 286 |
Rusho, Beverly Fern (Daughter of Leonel) | 240 |
Rust, Elizabeth Collet | 36 |
Salisch, Ralph E. | 237 |
Sanderson, Charles Sumner | 136 |
Sandry, Emma Elizabeth | 42 |
Saunders, Glen (Infant Son of Frank H.) | 250 |
Scheffel, William F. | 202 |
Schermerhorn, Ida May | 169 |
Scott, Kathleen Bernice (Daughter of Ernest) | 283 |
Scriven, Betty Jane (Infant Daughter of Dewitt) | 144 |
Sereyka, Margaret | 43 |
Severance, Mattie | 289 |
Shaw, Frank Beatty | 318 |
Shide, Eliza | 217 |
Shuck, Stella M. | 203 |
Siglinger, Charles W. | 306 |
Simmons, Eidar Willmott | 103 |
Simons, Mary M. | 41 |
Sinclair, Alta Estella | 204 |
Small, Lewis L. | 113 |
Smead, Marion Wm. | 56 |
Smedley, Charles Franklin (Son of Earl) | 220 |
Smith, Minerva Newell | 186 |
Smith, William John | 6 |
Snider, Armilda Jane | 112 |
Sowerby, Minerva Belle | 266 |
Spitzer, Margaret Ann | 115 |
Standley, Charles Washington | 270 |
Stanton, Nancy | 301 |
Steinberger, Joseph Edmond | 50 |
Stewart, Elizabeth | 114 |
Stickel, Walter H. | 18 |
Stinson, Oscar E. | 231 |
Storey, Laura Richdale | 137 |
Story, (Infant Son of Edward E.) | 37 |
Story, Burnice (Infant Son of E.E.) | 79 |
Sullivan, Martha Rosella | 9 |
Taylor, Louisa Jane | 320 |
Thomas, Amzi Wheeler | 38 |
Thomas, Donna Grace (Daughter of W.J.) | 316 |
Thomas, Walter Edward (Son of George) | 259 |
Thompson, Christopher Clarence | 85 |
Thompson, Eugene Agusta | 309 |
Thompson, Nanna | 193 |
Thompson, Sheldon E. | 212 |
Thornbrue, Elijah Hedding | 150 |
Thull, Esther E. | 12 |
Tice, Bassil | 299 |
Todd, Cecil Van | 159 |
Tramel, Bertha Catherine | 198 |
Trefren, Julia K. | 180 |
Troxell, Henry Dave | 157 |
Uetz, John Issac | 288 |
Van Dyke, Sarah S. | 206 |
Vincent, Albert Lee | 90 |
Vinson, David | 145 |
Vose, Alice Amelia | 17 |
Vrooman, Christina W. | 232 |
Wakefield, Orrin | 129 |
Walker, Donald (Infant Son of Harry) | 242 |
Wallace, Francis Marion | 66 |
Warford, William Preston | 177 |
Watkins, Mary Jane | 329 |
Watson, George Alfred Thomas | 105 |
Watson, Winifred | 243 |
Weaver, Sherman | 124 |
Weaver, William Elmer | 100 |
Webb, Alice H. | 330 |
Webster, Zimra Phillo | 215 |
West, Ruth Ova | 97 |
Whipple, Mary E. | 52 |
Williams, Anna M. | 273 |
Williams, Leonard | 168 |
Williams, William Claude (Infant Son of William C.) | 7 |
Wilson, David C. | 321 |
Wilson, Vallen A. | 272 |
Wilson, William | 303 |
Witte, Christopher Martine | 295 |
Wright, Elinor (Daughter of Harrison) | 226 |
Wright, Kathleen Nola (Infant Daughter of G.E.) | 1 |
Yost, Irene Agnes | 49 |
Yost, Maude Lillian | 47 |
Zimmerlee, Mansford | 245 |
Zimmerman, Robert | 325 |
Zoeller, Helen | 10 |