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Name | Page |
Abel, Abe | 135 |
Albright, James | 127 |
Albright, Kent Leon (Infant Son of Thomas L.) | 306 |
Alexander, Elizabeth | 242 |
Allen, Laura Ellen Francis | 178 |
Allen, Oliver A. | 132 |
Anderson, Anne Hamilton | 171 |
Anderson, Anne Hamilton | 171-A |
Anderson, James William | 302 |
Anderson, Joseph Herbert | 349 |
Anderson, Robert Francis | 192 |
Arant, Ernest Jesse | 177 |
Arnold, Ezra | 34 |
Atkinson, Glenn Weston | 204 |
Atwell, Emma Howard | 243 |
Aune, Ole | 147 |
Bailey, Clarance Warren | 183 |
Bailey, Cleland Butler (Infant Son of Ralph) | 197 |
Baker, Sarah Willmina | 339 |
Barneburg, Samuel Peter | 235 |
Barnthouse, Nina Lenora | 164 |
Bates, Elizabeth Elvira | 364 |
Bates, Henderson | 205 |
Beale, Christopher C. | 26 |
Beaver, John Martin | 276 |
Bedford, Viola Lee | 372 |
Beekman, Julia E. | 234 |
Beers, Percy L. | 70 |
Bell, Erma Iola | 75 |
Biles, Bedford Jr. (Infant Son of Bedford) | 6 |
Biltz, Maria | 298 |
Bird, Ida A. | 40 |
Bish, Allen W. | 116 |
Bixby, Reuben A. | 263 |
Black, Lee Robert (Infant Son of Theron A.) | 262 |
Blaess, Octavia | 85 |
Blenz, (Infant Son of August) | 50 |
Blumenauer, George | 195 |
Blumenauer, Marie | 207 |
Bradshaw, Evelyn Vierna (Daughter of W. B.) | 273 |
Brock, Alma M. | 140 |
Brown, Lemuel S. | 149 |
Burch, Lovina | 103 |
Burch, Mary Louise | 355 |
Burns, Lillian Belle | 286 |
Burt, Elvira | 14 |
Canfield, Elizabeth Day (Daughter of Ira Day) | 347 |
Canoose, Barbara Jean (Daughter of Edward U.) | 292 |
Carpenter, Rocelia Adline | 16 |
Carpenter, William Ray | 173 |
Carter, Margret Ellen | 362 |
Cates, William Alexander | 38 |
Cays, Duane Eldon (Infant Son of Noble) | 307 |
Chalk, Andrew J. | 291 |
Chaplin, Alfonzo | 360 |
Chastain, Benjamin F. | 4 |
Clay, Elsie Crawford | 134 |
Clute, Mary Ellen | 81 |
Coffeen, William J. | 10 |
Coffin, James Ostrander | 281 |
Cole, William H. | 335 |
Coleman, Jennie E. Carpenter | 141 |
Coller, Evylin Katherine | 128 |
Conklin, Anna Nowell | 182 |
Conover, Thomas Jefferson | 215 |
Cooksey, Emmitt McDonald | 193 |
Cordiner, Minne Ann | 358 |
Cotton, John A. | 98 |
Cotton, John Lewis | 33 |
Countant, Phillip | 7 |
Crosby, Myrtle A. | 296 |
Crum, Raymond | 37 |
Daniels, Raymond Safford Jr. (Infant Son of Raymond S.) | 76 |
Daron, John A. | 126 |
Daugherty, John | 144 |
Davidson, Eva E. | 236 |
Davis, Guy Allen | 122 |
Davis, Harold Lee Jr. | 282 |
Davis, Ida H. | 77 |
Davis, William | 340 |
Dean, Ralph Farnham | 268 |
Deardorf, Edith Lynn | 323 |
Demmer, John L. | 49 |
Dodge, George A. | 152 |
Donaldson, Frances B. | 57 |
Dreyer, Judith | 253 |
Easton, Minnie A. | 95 |
Emerick, Mattie Lucinda Rutledge | 367 |
Evans, Isabella | 106 |
Fenton, Addene Edward | 333 |
Field, Susan N. | 72 |
Fields, Eugene Kelley (Son of George) | 237 |
Firestone, Nathan Daniel | 369 |
Fisher, Ida | 13 |
Ford, Anson M. | 163 |
Forsythe, Lawrence R. (Son of Harland) | 258 |
Foster, Edgar E. | 274 |
Fraley, Edward E. | 31 |
Frey, Frederick Rudolph | 29 |
Frey, Hannah Amelia | 3 |
Frideger, Abraham | 90 |
Frink, Edward L. | 259 |
Frulan, Walter Hiram | 227 |
Furry, Fred | 257 |
Fury, Charles Aaron | 201 |
Gaines, Thomas Coleman | 119 |
Gallup, Minnie Etta | 271 |
Gardner, Mary L. | 117 |
Garlock, Emma May | 82 |
Gerber, Donald S. (Son of Paul E.) | 221 |
Gibbons, Gale Merton (Son of Gale) | 168 |
Gilloon, Frank | 123 |
Gorsline, Billy LeRoy (Son of Walter L.) | 230 |
Gould, Lotan Earl | 348 |
Gow, Thomas Jefferson | 54 |
Great, Alma Mildred | 352 |
Greb, John Christian | 266 |
Green, Clarance Walker | 25 |
Greer. Jane C. | 9 |
Gregory, J. Franklin | 186 |
Gregory, William Howard (Son of Ivan Howard) | 231 |
Griffith, William H. | 324 |
Guenther, Rosella | 275 |
Hale, Delia A. | 343 |
Hall, John Kendall | 320 |
Hall, Lorinda | 202 |
Hamill, Phillip Walbridge | 145 |
Hamlin, George Edward | 41 |
Hamner, Carl R. | 32 |
Haney, Charles Benton | 363 |
Hansen, Henry Lewis | 239 |
Hard, James Lyle (Son of Lyle) | 366 |
Hardy, Eleanor Adkin | 371 |
Harper, Milton R. | 312 |
Harris, Clarence A. | 200 |
Harrison, William Alfred | 351 |
Hart, Julius | 270 |
Hatton, Alzora A. | 142 |
Haynes, Leonora Annie | 264 |
Hays, Angeline Black | 254 |
Hazel, Douglas Wallace | 319 |
Heimroth, Charles R. | 58 |
Hein, (Infant Son of J. F.) | 301 |
Hendrickson, Della S. | 1 |
Hendrickson, William N. | 113 |
Hewitt, Frank Ernest | 71 |
Hewitt, Frederick Thornton | 251 |
Hill, Francis Marion | 104 |
Hill, Nell M. (Daughter of Richard) | 42 |
Hill, Thada Lora | 159 |
Hoffman, Robert Clinton (Son of Charles T.) | 21 |
Hooker, Rebecca Jane | 19 |
Hopper, Donald Fred (Infant Son of Edgar F.) | 206 |
Horn, Dillard H. | 102 |
Horton, Williard Cornelious | 45 |
Hubbard, Alexis | 137 |
Humphrey, Viola May | 166 |
Hunt, Charles W. | 39 |
Jamison, Mabel E. | 265 |
Jeschke, Hans Fritz | 91 |
Johnson, Albert | 212 |
Johnson, Evan B. | 290 |
Johnson, John T. | 341 |
Johnston, Gloria Mildred (Daughter of Ray) | 241 |
Johnston, Wallace | 151 |
Jones, Tolita Morrison | 165 |
Jones, Tolita Morrison (Infant Daughter of Walter) | 261 |
Jones, William J. | 157 |
Jordan, Emma Florence | 359 |
Jordan, Rollin Edgar | 357 |
Kahler, Thomas | 300 |
Keliehor, Annie | 88 |
Keller, George Thomas | 211 |
Kelly, Jean Marie (Infant Daughter of C. W.) | 11 |
Keopp, Allen G. | 308 |
Kingery, Elva Marie (Daughter of Peter J.) | 310 |
Kirkham, John Andrew Fremont | 245 |
Kline, Lawrence Willard (Son of Boyd M.) | 284 |
Knott, Victor | 331 |
Knotts, Perry Alvin | 46 |
Knutzen, Downie William | 154 |
Konop, Loretta Genevieve | 138 |
Kubli, Harrold Douglas | 52 |
Lallemand, Fred Ferdinand | 158 |
Landreth, William Blake | 175 |
Larsen, Irene Della | 228 |
Lawrence, Sarah Adaline | 5 |
Leabo, David LeRoy (Son of J. D.) | 287 |
Lindsay, James William | 260 |
Line, Freddie E. (Infant Son of Charlie) | 327 |
Littlefield, Edgar Edgarton | 139 |
Lorton, Berdilia B. | 78 |
Loveland, Gladys Armeda | 64 |
Lull, Marianna R. | 216 |
Lusk, Sidney Oral | 35 |
Lyttleton, Esther Million | 329 |
Macomber, Mary | 63 |
Magruder, Margery Edmunson | 317 |
Marcho, Nettie Viola | 344 |
Marion, William Ira | 334 |
Marshall, George Edward | 67 |
Martin, Albert LeRoy (Son of Asa C.) | 61 |
Martin, Fred | 256 |
Martin, Loris | 305 |
Masters, James Edward | 17 |
Mathews, Alex | 313 |
Matterson, Byron A. | 252 |
Maulding, Clyde Keeling | 184 |
Maxwell, John Houston | 249 |
McAndrews, Mary Catherine | 56 |
McCall, (Infant Daughter of Frank) | 143 |
McCaw, Alfred Adoras | 101 |
McClure, Clifford Newton | 194 |
McCollum, Champion Jacob | 315 |
McFadden, Clara Elvina | 361 |
McKinnis, Thomas | 209 |
McNerney, Dennis John | 60 |
McReynolds, Sterling Price | 86 |
Mellor, Anna Loraine (Infant Daughter of Clarence A.) | 105 |
Merryman, Mabel Clara | 23 |
Mesnage, Marie | 365 |
Metcalf, Mary Robinson | 161 |
Millard, Henry | 27 |
Miller, Adelia Agnes | 332 |
Miller, Alfred (Infant Son of Dan) | 328 |
Miller, Anna Warner Shipley | 318 |
Miller, Bertha May | 8 |
Miller, Claretta Jane | 199 |
Miller, James Arthur | 238 |
Mills, Talitha C. | 68 |
Morava, Hazel Ann (Infant Daughter of Anthony J.) | 30 |
Morgan, Leatta Jane Ferguson | 133 |
Morrison, James Harry (Son of J. W.) | 316 |
Murphy, Mason Livy | 160 |
Murrey, Charles Harvey | 111 |
Nance, Adaline | 150 |
Neathamer, Irma Jane (Infant Daughter of Frank) | 330 |
Neher, Mary Louise | 223 |
Newlin, Frank J. | 93 |
Niles, Hazle | 222 |
Noelle, Elbert Gloria Greer | 188 |
Norcross, Leonard Lawrence | 180 |
Norton, Frank S. | 187 |
Oatman, Elmer R. | 198 |
Obenchain, Charlotte Breen | 297 |
O'Brien, Thomas | 2 |
Olson, Barbara Darlene (Daughter of Oris A.) | 110 |
Olson, Martin J. | 250 |
Orton, Laura J. | 191 |
O'Toole, Darby | 247 |
Overton, William Jonathon | 303 |
Owings, Gordon H. | 169 |
Palmer, Gus | 224 |
Parker, Clay Deane | 279 |
Patterson, John Thomas | 83 |
Patterson, Sylvester | 28 |
Peck, Horace Greeley | 214 |
Penniston, Charles Wadsworth | 294 |
Pepper, Louis Henry | 146 |
Petard, Auguste | 136 |
Phillips, Georgia Lillian | 87 |
Pierce, William G. | 99 |
Pitcher, Emily | 267 |
Poley, Josephine Collins | 172 |
Pond, George Olliver | 248 |
Pool, Chester Wert | 295 |
Potter, William Robert | 96 |
Poutre, (Infant Daughter of Leonard) | 109 |
Prescott, Samuel Gordon | 36 |
Prosper, John | 148 |
Provins, Willard Fillmore | 325 |
Purdin, Mahlon | 124 |
Quigley, Amanda | 118 |
Quigley, Horace John | 89 |
Ragsdale, Hattie | 278 |
Railsback, Elsie Ophelia | 48 |
Reames, Evan Rogers | 210 |
Redden, John William | 190 |
Reichert, Samuel F. | 79 |
Reinhart, Nora A. | 47 |
Rhoten, Enos M. | 356 |
Rice, Stuart Robert (Son of Vane S.) | 229 |
Richards, Harvey W. | 289 |
Roberts, Emma E. | 208 |
Robinson, Matilda | 196 |
Rominger, Nina | 112 |
Root, Katy | 74 |
Rummel, James Edmondson | 338 |
Sanford, Richard Durgan | 176 |
Schollars, Elizabeth E. | 55 |
Schraeder, Frederick | 80 |
Schritt, Herman | 155 |
Schuerman, August | 84 |
Schulte, Cordelia E. | 153 |
Scott, Elizabeth | 65 |
Sears, Dr. Benjamin L. | 44 |
Sears, Riley Hayes | 108 |
Sherwood, Richard | 269 |
Shores, Benjamine Winefred | 69 |
Short, Margaret | 244 |
Shoudy, Ira | 100 |
Showers, Caleb | 189 |
Sidley, Michael | 277 |
Simons, Charles Washington | 255 |
Sinclair, Isaac L. | 232 |
Smith, Calvin Lafayatte | 353 |
Smith, Hoyt F. | 213 |
Smith, Ida May | 217 |
Snyder, Angaline | 218 |
Snyder, Ogden Sidney | 225 |
Songer, Samuel T. | 368 |
Spicer, Adolphus Auguss | 354 |
Spiker, John | 304 |
Sprenger, Joanna Catherine | 12 |
Stanley, William | 20 |
Stearns, Lila E. | 73 |
Stevens, Clyde Oliver (Son of Claude) | 220 |
Stewart, Israel | 162 |
Stewart, Mary Jane Scofield | 179 |
Stimson, Frederick G. | 18 |
Stimson, Ivan Eugene | 299 |
Stockwell, Dorris Lola (Infant Daughter of Charles E.) | 24 |
Stratton, Jean | 131 |
Sunderman, August Henry | 114 |
Sutherland, Ezekiel | 92 |
Sutherland, Lewis (Infant Son of Charles L.) | 43 |
Sutherland, Lyman A. | 22 |
Swem, Thomas Marion | 59 |
Takao, Yaeno | 130 |
Taylor, Doran Merrill (Infant Son of Merrill Alanzo) | 156 |
Taylor, Henry Hobart | 345 |
Taylor, James C. | 350 |
Taylor, Juanita Wilma (Daughter of Walter W. A.) | 203 |
Thompson, Nancy | 337 |
Toft, Cora | 246 |
Train, Elmer Edward (Infant Son of O. W.) | 174 |
Trent, Mable Clara | 107 |
Tryor, Marion Ellsworth | 346 |
Turner, John Henry | 370 |
Van Natta, George Oglesby | 311 |
Vestal, James Samuel | 66 |
Voelkner, Christian | 62 |
Vrooman, Ada May | 125 |
Walch, Lewis Monroe | 121 |
Wall, Nancy M. | 53 |
Ward, Allison H. | 219 |
Ward, Clarence Blynn | 293 |
Ward, William T. | 120 |
Warinner, Walter William (Son of Henry L.) | 181 |
Warren, Catherine Grace | 115 |
Warren, Joseph S. | 285 |
Watson, Archie William | 129 |
Weddell, La Pearl | 170 |
Welch, James Easter | 283 |
Wells, Nelson Daniel | 336 |
White, Edward (Infant Son of Frank) | 15 |
Whitney, Alvin | 326 |
Wilbur, Hiram L. (Son of Perry W.) | 240 |
Williams, Elmer Ray (Son of Leonard A.) | 233 |
Williamson, Sarah | 272 |
Wilson, Martha | 185 |
Wilson, Mattie | 167 |
Wilson, Russell Clark (Son of Owen T.) | 314 |
Wise, George | 309 |
Woodson, Anna K. | 94 |
Woody, Mark | 97 |
Wright, William Jasper | 51 |
Wykoff, Nora L. | 288 |
Wyland, Evelyn Nance | 322 |
Wyncoop, Perry E. | 280 |
York, Fred W. | 321 |
Young, (Infant Daughter of William) | 342 |
Zagman, John | 226 |