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Below is an index to our 1936 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbott, Ronald Warren | 276 |
Abrams, Archibald Clayton | 444 |
Adams, Ephrem Whitney | 190 |
Adamson, Oren Ross | 121 |
Akers, Albert Montague | 438 |
Alberts, Albert | 333 |
Anderson, Hilliard Alexander | 169 |
Anderson, Nathan | 105 |
Anderson, Peter S. | 49 |
Andrews, Frank Wilbur | 431 |
Archer, William | 122 |
Arnold, John Franklin | 386 |
Arnold, Sarah Matilda | 353 |
Bailey, Isaac | 93 |
Bailey, John Taylor | 405 |
Bailey, Nancy Lee | 132 |
Baker, Mary Ellen | 359 |
Balcom, Albert James | 296 |
Barkdull, John Emmett | 82 |
Barker, Laura Elizabeth | 171 |
Barklow, Etta Ann | 409 |
Barneburg, Daniel Henry | 252 |
Barnes, Mildred Irene | 288 |
Barry, Edith Ewell | 306 |
Basford, Elizabeth Maud | 297 |
Baughman, Vella Helene | 429 |
Bedwell, Thomas Henry | 17 |
Beery, Lena | 11 |
Beeson, Julia Luella | 443 |
Beldin, Martha Mary | 120 |
Bennett, Belle Boyd | 91 |
Best, Annie M. | 216 |
Beswick, Margaret Ann | 223 |
Bingham, James Dale | 311 |
Birk, Jr., Glenn John | 160 |
Black, Charles Howard | 402 |
Black, Jr., John Maupin | 380 |
Blitch, Minnie | 55 |
Bliven, Horace R. | 269 |
Boardman, Mary Ione | 315 |
Bokirk, Myra Janett | 349 |
Boss, Joseph Edward | 175 |
Boutz, Minnie | 112 |
Box, Gussie Wilbur | 22 |
Boyer, Herman Peter | 347 |
Bradley, Dick | 2 |
Briggs, Herbert Elmer | 300 |
Broadston, Charles W. | 168 |
Brobeck, Emma D. | 170 |
Brood, Avis Engery | 241 |
Buckley, Laurence Edward | 23 |
Butler, John Henry | 284 |
Button, Holsey | 325 |
Cameron, Carrie Ethel | 192 |
Cameron, Warren Leonard | 348 |
Cameron, William | 99 |
Camp, Frank C. | 234 |
Campbell, William Franklin | 197 |
Cantrall, John | 357 |
Carlisle, Samuel James | 416 |
Carlson, Selma | 243 |
Carpenter, Melvin Jay | 365 |
Carstens, Conrad J. | 274 |
Carter, Lillie May | 238 |
Carter, Sidney E. | 362 |
Chapman, Lola Marie | 79 |
Cheadle, Edmond | 390 |
Childreth, Emma Sophia | 100 |
Chomel, Andri Irene | 418 |
Christensen, Barbara Muriel Klein | 219 |
Churchill, Delos Byon | 320 |
Cingcade, Thomas Whorton | 305 |
Clark, Pauline Bartlett | 230 |
Coffman, Samuel Rice | 179 |
Coghill, Sanford Elmer | 289 |
Cole, Elmer Ellsworth | 261 |
Cole, Eugene | 92 |
Collins, Charles | 9 |
Colvig, William Mason | 21 |
Conlon, John | 341 |
Corum, Ann Elizabeth | 147 |
Costolo, Clyde Clarence | 435 |
Cox, Lila Poff | 361 |
Crane, Ella May Allen | 346 |
Crawford, Sarah C. | 88 |
Crockett, Robert S. | 137 |
Culver, Franz Ross | 370 |
Currier, Charley | 244 |
Dahl, (Infant Son of George M. and Thelma L. Dahl) | 395 |
Daley, Hobart Cornelius | 19 |
Davis, Darius Newton | 167 |
Davis, Edward Hudson | 145 |
Davis, Infant Daughter | 294 |
Day, William Henry | 343 |
Dean, Minnie Luella | 452 |
Dean, Minnie Luella | 453 |
Dean, Pauline Russell | 75 |
Ditsworth, Jeremiah Franklin | 26 |
Dixon, Hiram Gilaspy Volney | 60 |
Dolan, Amanda C. | 240 |
Dosier, Livonia | 329 |
Doyle, Ethel Sarah | 428 |
Duffy, Harold Albert | 70 |
Duggan, John Francis | 110 |
Dungan, Robert Lee | 221 |
Durning, Richard E. | 446 |
Dye, Clarence Watson | 266 |
Dysinger, George James | 377 |
Ebinger, Harvey Paul | 151 |
Eder, Ernest Herman | 35 |
Edmonds, Cora Lee | 263 |
Egger, Samuel | 45 |
Elliott, Mabel Louise | 363 |
Elsey, Franklin | 72 |
Erickson, Julia | 299 |
Estell, Charles Sherman | 156 |
Eubanks, George Grant | 372 |
Farleigh, Verian E. | 96 |
Ferguson, Hattie Elizabeth | 330 |
Fifer, Elizabeth R. | 319 |
Fish, Edith Archibald | 339 |
Fitzgerald, David Walter | 298 |
Fleming, Richard Raymond | 73 |
Floyd, James | 130 |
Ford, Bertha Adalade | 290 |
Foster, Harry Eugene | 80 |
Fowler, Benjamin Nathaniel | 397 |
Fowler, Lillian May | 445 |
Fox, Sarah Rebecca | 135 |
Frenna, Mary Margaret | 40 |
Fride, Goldie Mary | 115 |
Frohbach, Hugo Oscar | 77 |
Gibson, Louis | 131 |
Giles, William Gurney | 218 |
Gilmore, William Skinner | 4 |
Glass, Clayburn | 442 |
Gleason, Mary Jennette | 378 |
Glenn, Robert Keith | 194 |
Godfrey, Charles J. | 78 |
Godlove, Laura B. | 27 |
Goodhue, Alice B. | 203 |
Gouty, Angeline | 152 |
Graffis, Donna Anna | 42 |
Grantham, Karol Marie | 250 |
Gregory, Mary Elizabeth Owens | 119 |
Griffin, Bernette Naylor | 95 |
Grimm, Mary Elvira | 65 |
Groves, Herbert | 400 |
Grow, George P. | 47 |
Guiley, Paul | 406 |
Habicht, Elizabeth Viola | 264 |
Haines, Arthur Tyler | 279 |
Hale, William Walter | 389 |
Hall, George | 423 |
Hall, Sarah A. | 158 |
Hamilton, Hulda | 277 |
Hansen, Sarah Hilda | 257 |
Hanson, Charles William | 313 |
Hardisty, Mark Byrd | 233 |
Harkness, Homer D. | 293 |
Hartman, Jaston | 43 |
Harvey, Auletta L. | 258 |
Harwood, Florence Jennesse | 57 |
Hatfield, Hattie Beatty | 16 |
Hawkins, (Infant son of Joseph and Leona Hawkins) | 186 |
Hayward, Enos Franklin | 425 |
Heavilin, George Washington | 283 |
Heberling, Ida Whitcomb | 154 |
Hedberg, Gustaf Hjalmer | 368 |
Hedgpeth, James D. | 356 |
Heffner, William Perry | 94 |
Herndon, Agnes Anderson | 366 |
Herring, Elizabeth S. | 255 |
Hershner, Martha Rachel | 61 |
Hewitt, Ethel Matilda Winter | 52 |
Hibbs, Nanabelle | 322 |
Hickson, Jasper | 318 |
Hilton, Charles Mitchell | 155 |
Hoag, Elmer D. | 235 |
Hockersmith, John Newton | 280 |
Hodgson, Mabel Alice | 434 |
Hogue, William Franklin | 384 |
Hollister, Roy Max | 30 |
Holloway, Ella Jane | 242 |
Holmes, William Montgomery | 374 |
Hooker, John Delbert | 140 |
Hooper, Charles Edward | 28 |
Horn, Josephine | 202 |
Hosler, Martha Morris | 426 |
Howard, Eliza Unis | 364 |
Howard, Frank Macaulay | 358 |
Howard, Joseph | 350 |
Howard, Kenneth Engle | 302 |
Howlett, Sarah Elizabeth | 125 |
Hubbs, Arthur Ward | 245 |
Huffman, Agnes | 207 |
Huffman, Mary | 331 |
Hungate, William Murle | 229 |
Hunter, Walter Mitchell | 450 |
Hurd, Mary Carson | 54 |
Huxley, Willard Lewes | 163 |
Icenhower, Laura Seber | 236 |
Jackson, Dorothy Lee | 307 |
Jacobs, Charles Sherman | 273 |
Jacoby, Elinore Eugenia | 393 |
Jeschke, Carl Herman | 184 |
Johnson, Karl A. | 76 |
Johnson, Richard Lee | 308 |
Johnson, William Bert | 37 |
Johnston, Andrew Willard | 128 |
Joice, Joshua Henry | 173 |
Jones, Hattie Ruperta Whaley | 31 |
Jorgensen, Elise | 182 |
Kelley, Eva Muril | 421 |
Kelts, Jr., Donald MacGregor | 256 |
Kendall, Viola May | 32 |
Kerns, William McMahon | 210 |
Kerr, Sallie | 449 |
Kierstead, Harry Wilbur | 161 |
Kitson, Sarah A. | 212 |
Koger, Michael L. | 448 |
Krause, Regina | 387 |
Lamb, Leonard L. | 81 |
Lamb, Wesley Milton | 114 |
Lane, Fidelia Allen | 7 |
Learned, Elvira S. | 153 |
Leever, William Constant | 275 |
Leigh, James | 67 |
Levy, Estella | 419 |
Lewis, Elva M. | 247 |
Lewsadder, Thomas Walter | 66 |
Lindberg, Patsy Viola | 196 |
Lindley, Luretta M. | 228 |
Lindsay, Fred M. | 101 |
Love, George W. | 259 |
Lovell, Samuel Lafayette | 117 |
Lyman, George Seymour | 200 |
Maasdam, Emma Christina | 193 |
MacFadyen, Cora Dunnavan | 375 |
Malster, Susan G. | 109 |
Manning, Mattie L. | 34 |
Marshall, Margaret Julia | 159 |
Marske, Albert Arthur | 286 |
Martin, Victor Ireland | 251 |
McAbee, James V. | 103 |
McCaskey, Hiram Dryer | 149 |
McCroskey, Maud May | 162 |
McCuen, Melvina Rose | 102 |
McDonald, Margaret | 12 |
McDonald, Paul Butler | 424 |
McKee, William Francis | 6 |
McKercher, Sarah Stewart | 321 |
McKinney, Kate | 206 |
McKinney, William Lewis | 205 |
McQuigg, Josephine Mary | 422 |
McVay, Hazel May | 335 |
Melvin, Mary Elizabeth | 74 |
Merritt, Jennie Elizabeth | 338 |
Merritt, William Henry | 231 |
Meservey, Margaret Forhan | 126 |
Messall, Gordon LeRoy | 412 |
Metternich, Bobby Lee | 323 |
Millard, Wiliam Leroy | 51 |
Miller, John Freeman | 254 |
Miller, William | 150 |
Mills, Della Belle | 189 |
Moore, Louisa Maria | 408 |
Moore, Samuel Hiram | 437 |
Morgan, Etta Eva | 36 |
Morgan, Lena | 227 |
Morris, Martha Frazer | 411 |
Myers, James Johnson | 403 |
Myhre, Peter | 439 |
Mynatt, Sarah Jane | 291 |
Nelson, Annie Joe Kent | 222 |
Nichols, Alice M. | 281 |
Nicholson, Absalom Julius | 146 |
Nolta, George Lelvin | 324 |
Norcross, Harriett Amanda | 29 |
Norris, Thomas C. | 187 |
Norton, Elizabeth Morrell | 18 |
Noud, John | 129 |
Noud, Zoe K. | 303 |
Nunn, William Wesley | 260 |
Nye, Hal Byron | 265 |
Nye, Stephen Emery | 441 |
O'Connor, Virginia Catherine | 176 |
Oldenkamp, Ada | 5 |
Osborn, Fanny Baynham | 133 |
Ovelman, Charles A. | 404 |
Overstreet George Alva | 195 |
Owen, Julia A. | 10 |
Owens, Louisa Luella | 326 |
Owings, Loletia Maude | 398 |
Painter, John | 344 |
Pardee, James Sheridan | 388 |
Paris, (Infant daughter of LaMoyne and Cecile Paris) | 394 |
Parry, Arthur J. | 415 |
Parsons, Ethel | 328 |
Patrick, Daniel | 317 |
Patton, William Sylvester | 211 |
Payne, Violet Rose | 1 |
Pearson, Phyllis Irene | 220 |
Pence, Hester | 3 |
Pengra, Milton Josiah | 53 |
Penny, Louisa | 336 |
Petersen, Dorothy Marie | 367 |
Pettit, Myrtle Grace | 59 |
Phetteplace, George Linwood | 188 |
Phillips, Dora Lee | 44 |
Piatt, Ben Franklin | 345 |
Pittenger, Jasper Allen | 232 |
Platt, Prudence Margarett | 24 |
Porter, Henry Albert | 41 |
Powell, Jane Caroline | 177 |
Powers, Eugene | 246 |
Poyner, Fannie M. | 124 |
Prescott, Lottie | 410 |
Prime, Coral White | 174 |
Prince, Rebecca Copley | 391 |
Pruitt, Joseph Howard | 183 |
Rader, John Beckenridge | 48 |
Ramey, Marie Catherine Bliss Helfert | 337 |
Rankin, Newton Thomas | 136 |
Ray, John Jackson | 316 |
Rease, Mary Luella | 157 |
Reed, William B. | 108 |
Reeves, Charles V. | 352 |
Reid, Coralie Frances | 272 |
Relling, Gerald Edwin | 148 |
Rice, Anna O. | 134 |
Rice, Field M. | 382 |
Richardson, Edmund B. | 68 |
Richardson, Walter Woodford | 209 |
Riches, George M. | 249 |
Ricks, Flora | 58 |
Ripley, Lewis Howard | 360 |
Risse, Charles Joseph | 304 |
Ritter, Norman Loraine | 455 |
Robinson, Walter Leonard | 127 |
Robison, George Milligan | 97 |
Rogers, Margery Steddom | 351 |
Root, Edward Calvin | 262 |
Root, James Riddle | 215 |
Rose, Oscar E. | 165 |
Rowden, Jessie Elizabeth | 270 |
Rowe, Irvin Marcellus | 451 |
Rowley, Mary Elizabeth | 340 |
Russell, Martha Ann | 13 |
Ryder, Cecil Earl | 385 |
Sakraida, Mary Cleopha | 8 |
Salade, Blanche T. | 427 |
Saunders, Alice Marie | 417 |
Schuette, Frances | 312 |
Schuler, Adam Henry | 123 |
Schultz, Doris Viola | 267 |
Seaman, Lloyd Jay | 401 |
Seaman, Russell Terril | 63 |
Searing, Jessie M. | 213 |
Settlemire, Louise Marie | 237 |
Shepard, Catherine | 379 |
Sherfield, Mathias Edison | 309 |
Shields, Weston F. | 201 |
Shockley, Donald Dean | 64 |
Showers, Lucia E. | 62 |
Simons, Malcolm H. | 407 |
Simpson, John | 15 |
Skillings, Farrell Carl | 332 |
Skinner, John David | 278 |
Skinner, Pearle Albert | 56 |
Skuse, Agnes A. | 143 |
Smack, Jane Eliza Knapp | 38 |
Smith, Ida Newton | 90 |
Smith, Katurah | 46 |
Snearley, George Edward | 355 |
Soverns, Jesse | 141 |
Sparr, Henry Clay | 166 |
Spatz, Lulu E. | 39 |
Spencer, Martin Eugene | 172 |
Spindler, Norman L. | 342 |
Squire, Henry Merseal | 139 |
St John, John Clark | 224 |
Stephens, Lucinda Elizabeth | 104 |
Stephenson, Sarah Ann | 106 |
Stewart, William Herbert | 310 |
Stimpson, Leonard | 253 |
Stockwell, Ferdinand Arthur | 144 |
Stone, Fred Webster | 287 |
Stratton, Albert Elliott | 271 |
Stroup, John Walter | 89 |
Sutherland, Angus | 414 |
Svenson, Clara Margaret | 204 |
Tams, Malcom Comming | 87 |
Taylor, Florence Mayes | 85 |
Taylor, Henrietta | 399 |
Tedrick, Emily O. Ellis | 376 |
Tellon, John Brent | 83 |
Thompson, Everett J. | 301 |
Thompson, John Clinton | 25 |
Thompson, John Eldon | 226 |
Thompson, Lucy | 295 |
Tompkins, Frank | 14 |
Totten, Charles Henry | 381 |
Trask, Catherine | 50 |
Travis, Fred Lewis | 327 |
Trefren, John Clarence | 354 |
Trowbridge, Emma L. | 107 |
Trowbridge, Isabel Boyden | 208 |
Tuttle, Jennie | 86 |
Tyrrell, Arletta | 268 |
Tyrrell, Hazel Julia Coulson | 33 |
Vakoc, Joan Vi | 392 |
Van Dorphy, John Sherman | 285 |
Van Gundy, Lafayette | 383 |
Van Rheen, Walter Edward | 373 |
Vanzyl, Andrew Milton | 396 |
Vedder, Thomas Aaron | 248 |
Vincent, Lottie | 71 |
Vinson, Elmira | 314 |
Voruz, Emil Paul | 98 |
Waine, Soloman | 430 |
Wakefield, John D. | 198 |
Walch, Bernice | 199 |
Walker, Cassius C. | 113 |
Warner, Joseph | 178 |
Warner, Violet Antonette | 217 |
Watson, John Franklin | 454 |
Watt, William Harrison | 185 |
Webb, Benjamin | 440 |
Weis, Charles | 413 |
Wheeler, Diana E. | 369 |
Wheelock, Alfred Henry | 225 |
White, Charles Albert | 118 |
White, Claude A. | 239 |
White, Edwin J. | 116 |
White, Edwin Merrill | 164 |
Whitelaw, Carlos Sylvester | 436 |
Whitney, Emma Tibbets | 214 |
Wilkinson, Charles E. | 138 |
Willey, Laura Belle | 433 |
Williams, Emma Jane | 69 |
Williams, William Wallace | 334 |
Wilson, Annie | 142 |
Wirth, Henry Emerson | 432 |
Wise, Allan Hay | 84 |
Wolff, Fredericka | 180 |
Woods, Charles L. | 292 |
Wooldridge, George Lee | 181 |
Wright, Catherine | 447 |
Wright, Gerald William | 371 |
Yarbrough, Frank Dempsey | 20 |
Yoachum, George Edward | 111 |
Yockel, George | 191 |
Young, Charles Franklin | 420 |
Ziebarth, Alicia Marie | 282 |