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Below is an index to our 1938 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbey, Shirley May | 398 |
Abbott, Elizur Mason Don Tavarro | 321 |
Allen, Adelia Nola | 285 |
Applegate, Henry Clay | 70 |
Applegate, Mark | 119 |
Armstrong, Don Isaac | 68 |
Armstrong, James Sylvester | 311 |
Armstrong, Thomas Foster | 182 |
Atkinson, Eugenia L. | 361 |
Austin, Mary E. | 239 |
Ayres, Cecil William | 295 |
Badsgard, Minnie | 342 |
Baker, Bernice Ethel Edmonson | 53 |
Baker, Roy Henry | 43 |
Baker, Thomas C. | 416 |
Baldwin, Lillian Blanche | 121 |
Banta, Charles Walter | 331 |
Barnes, William David | 47 |
Barney, Eliza Ann | 36 |
Barr, Polly Ann | 3 |
Bartlett, Annie C. | 267 |
Baugh, Clarence Leonades | 260 |
Baugh, Sarah Naoma | 265 |
Bell, Martica Juanita | 409 |
Benedict, Fred R. | 343 |
Bennett, Frank Ford | 22 |
Birchfield, John A. | 297 |
Blackman, Joel D. | 277 |
Boggis, Emma Frances | 298 |
Bonar, Nora Howland | 319 |
Border, Loren F. | 105 |
Boyd, Hattie Fiedalia Lyon | 164 |
Boyer, Jesse Everett | 28 |
Brewer, Chauncey Marble | 78 |
Brown, Joe C. | 79 |
Bryant, George K. | 65 |
Buck, Walter E. | 241 |
Burch, Emma | 341 |
Burelson, Edwin Theodore | 107 |
Burkhart, Francis Mary | 259 |
Burrell, Martha A. | 155 |
Butler, Susan Frances | 185 |
Byers, Elizabeth Fair | 249 |
Calkins, Louis G. | 140 |
Campbell, Kenneth Harold | 301 |
Canine, Orlando Roy | 399 |
Carlon, Patricia Levan | 135 |
Carlson, Charles G. | 147 |
Carlton, Mildred Turner | 378 |
Carr, Edward B. | 59 |
Cary, Alice Marie | 269 |
Chambers, Hattie A. | 233 |
Chappell, William Raymond | 133 |
Chartraw, Andrew B. | 90 |
Chase, Harry Curtis | 372 |
Chase, Harry Edward | 325 |
Chastain, Edith Elizabeth | 174 |
Clancy, Andrew | 237 |
Clark, William Thomas | 244 |
Clarke, George L. | 104 |
Clifton, Belle L. | 63 |
Coggins, Virgil B. | 281 |
Coleman, Mattie Ann | 360 |
Collins, Cornelius | 357 |
Collins, Elmo | 258 |
Comstock, Susana | 192 |
Cook, Clyde Allan | 112 |
Cook, John Andrew | 148 |
Cook, LeRoy | 408 |
Cope, Richard | 66 |
Crandall, Cora Belle | 99 |
Crawford, Mina S. | 240 |
Crenshaw, David Lee | 208 |
Cripe, David | 363 |
Crocker, Elizabeth | 196 |
Culmer, Charles | 221 |
Cummings, Frederick Norman | 94 |
Cushman, Roseina May | 130 |
Daily, Marie Irene Martin | 103 |
Davis, Edward Dave | 154 |
Davis, Lucy Ruth | 184 |
Davis, Margaret Huse | 126 |
Dawes, Thaddeus A. | 312 |
Day, Gertrude Edna | 369 |
Denio, William P. | 303 |
Denton, Luanna | 128 |
Derr, Carrie Elmira | 220 |
Desavedo, Manuel S. | 336 |
DeVoe, Dewilton Delancy | 171 |
DeVoe, Frances Jennie Estella | 29 |
Dews, Teressa | 57 |
Dieu, Emil Joseph | 64 |
Dodge, Mary Sophia | 390 |
Doyle, Mary V. | 19 |
Duff, Daniel D. | 405 |
Dunkle, Willard Edgar | 11 |
Dunnington, Martha Ellen | 257 |
Dunnington, Samuel E. | 218 |
Earls, Ellen McCready McGill | 296 |
Eaton, David Rineldo | 82 |
Eden, Charles | 316 |
Edmiston, Florence A. | 380 |
Edmondson, Laura | 77 |
Edwards, Margaret N. | 55 |
Edwards, Ronald Lee | 194 |
Eikerman, Margaret Alla | 344 |
Eldridge, Martha Jane | 263 |
Ellis, Arthur | 31 |
Ellis, Eva May | 110 |
Eubanks, Minnie Pearl | 253 |
Evans, Clarence Leon | 158 |
Evans, Bertha Leona | 274 |
Evans, Lois Jane | 74 |
Evans, Samuel Joshua | 210 |
Evansizer, Mary Elizabeth | 15 |
Everhard, William Harter | 224 |
Farlow, Elizabeth | 180 |
Farra, Edward L. | 345 |
Fierstien, Minnie | 173 |
Finney, Frances Lora | 197 |
Flick, Phoebe McNary | 61 |
Fox, Otto Wilson | 85 |
Fraley, Charles Washington | 62 |
Frederick, Henry Anthony | 352 |
Frizell, John Frazer | 332 |
Frye, Earl | 191 |
Garrison, Sarah Jane | 72 |
Gibbs, Henry Edgar | 48 |
Gibson, Jack | 272 |
Gibson, John Robert | 20 |
Gifford, Ellen Sarah | 339 |
Gillett, Frank Horton | 270 |
Gillmore, James Washington | 383 |
Goddard, Hendrick Hudson | 188 |
Godlove, Sherman Colfax | 310 |
Goswick, John Henry | 186 |
Gowen, Sarah H. | 102 |
Grant, Lawrence Stevens | 414 |
Grant, Margaret | 410 |
Greer, Marcel Stedman | 223 |
Griffin, Earl Sidney | 366 |
Habicht, William Frederick | 166 |
Haines, Sarah Wilde | 250 |
Hall, Harley Hopkins | 276 |
Hall, Henry Wilson | 315 |
Halladay, Adelbert M. | 120 |
Hamilton, Franklin Aloys | 309 |
Handy, Lura Blanche | 313 |
Hanscom, Carrie E. | 54 |
Hanson, Nels Peter | 228 |
Harding, Charles Churbrey | 26 |
Hart, Addie Angeline | 314 |
Haswell, Adelaide Florida | 125 |
Hawkins, Edwin Bryant | 397 |
Hawley, Jennie Matilda | 370 |
Heckner, Madeline | 161 |
Hedrick, William Marion | 219 |
Helm, John William | 58 |
Helms, Clyde Steven | 335 |
Hemstreet, John Allen | 222 |
Henry, Rupert James | 373 |
Hiatt, Willis Milton | 333 |
Higginson, Carrie Lois | 379 |
Hill, Stephen Benjamin | 92 |
Hobbs, Alice M. | 294 |
Hoberecht, Herman | 163 |
Hodgson, Thomas | 69 |
Hogate, Neoma | 351 |
Hoisington, (infant son of Loyd and Blanche Hoisington) | 189 |
Holloway, William | 122 |
Hopkins, Eugene L. | 156 |
Hoxie, Lavilla | 108 |
Hubartt, John A. | 211 |
Hubbard, Allen Alexis | 354 |
Hume, Clinton Taylor | 193 |
Hunt, Enid Maude | 286 |
Hunt, Nettie Robison | 236 |
Hurlbert, Drucilla | 401 |
Hutchens, Harry S. | 340 |
Hutchinson, Homer | 100 |
Hutchison, Roy Dale | 411 |
Jackson, Eugene | 151 |
Jessiman, Charles G. | 243 |
Jester, James Milton | 183 |
Johnson, Reuben Albert | 162 |
Jonas, Dennis Lee | 17 |
Jones, Edna Mary | 283 |
Kay, Daniel Ferdinand | 393 |
Keller, Fannie Ellen | 364 |
Kellett, John | 111 |
Kellow, Douglas Rhyal | 101 |
Kent, Joseph Parkinson | 37 |
Kerr, Thomas Newton | 217 |
Kevern, John F. | 293 |
King, Ben Benton | 87 |
Kirkruff, Bertha Almina | 5 |
Kline, Darthula | 392 |
Knight, Clarence Alberto | 291 |
Knipps, George William | 350 |
Knotts, Alice | 206 |
Kouts, Richard Allen | 6 |
Ladouceur, (infant son of Frank and Violet Ladouceur) | 86 |
LaFrance, Arthur | 328 |
Lamb, Silvia Grace | 395 |
Landon, David Almond | 168 |
Lathrop, Ray Newell | 76 |
Leaverton, Soloman A. | 40 |
Lewis, Walker Duff | 67 |
Lewis, William Leon | 113 |
Liebman, Buelah Jones | 273 |
Lofland, Matilda | 278 |
Lovell, Mary Oreena Luella Carey | 10 |
Lowe, Teresa Ann | 159 |
Ludwick, Silas Centenary | 44 |
Mack, Mary L. | 60 |
Mann, Raymond | 406 |
Manuel, Anna F. | 318 |
Manuel, Walter (infant son of Walter and Laura Manuel) | 212 |
Mapes, William Vance | 202 |
Marini, Florence Knowles | 290 |
Marker, Jacquiline Shauneen | 117 |
Marnach, Joseph | 45 |
Martin, Jack M. | 14 |
Martin, Joseph Washington | 41 |
Martin, Nathalie Rosella | 394 |
Martin, Signa Maria | 118 |
May, Arthur S. | 247 |
McClellan, Mary Harriett | 175 |
McCollum, Issa Henrietta | 38 |
McCollum, Wilson D. | 348 |
McCormick, Agusta | 391 |
McDonald, James Mathew | 407 |
McDonald, Mary Jane Locke | 83 |
McGimpsey, William P. | 71 |
McIntyre, LaVone | 415 |
McKee, Clarance Alexander | 39 |
McKee, Leila Luella DeLong | 227 |
Mee, Mary Ann | 300 |
Meredith, (infant son of Gordon and Axine Meredith) | 187 |
Meyer, Henry Adolph | 320 |
Meyer, Martha Mary | 271 |
Milhoan, Keneth Eugene | 235 |
Miller, James J. | 176 |
Miller, William Leonard | 215 |
Mitchell, Frank Grover | 213 |
Moon, Edith Pearl | 114 |
Moore, Elmer L. | 160 |
Morehouse, Sherman | 280 |
Morgan, Charlie | 403 |
Morse, Irl | 388 |
Mow, Stanley Leon | 157 |
Mulhollen, James Henry | 381 |
Mullen, Albert William | 93 |
Muse, Birdie | 288 |
Myers, Margaret Matilda | 16 |
Newell, Orion Ulyssas | 254 |
Newton, William Henry | 305 |
Noe, Clarence Thomas | 116 |
Noon, John | 50 |
Nutter, (infant daughter of Charles and Charlene Nutter) | 386 |
O'Brien, Maurice Edward | 139 |
Ogilvie, Lillian June | 143 |
Olson, Adolph G. | 27 |
Overstreet, (infant son of Max and Hazel Overstreet) | 337 |
Owings, George Procter | 23 |
Padgett, Claude | 375 |
Palmerton, Rose Etta | 42 |
Pankey, Charles Allen | 34 |
Parker, Louisa R. | 149 |
Parks, Elizabeth Alvira | 245 |
Patterson, Warren Christian | 98 |
Patton, Owney Joseph | 204 |
Payne, Lena D. | 396 |
Pearson, Alice Dalton | 165 |
Peart, Margaret | 123 |
Peck, Leatha May | 13 |
Peek, Charles Theodore | 387 |
Peil, Claus Emil | 7 |
Pelnar, Patsy Jane | 73 |
Pernol, John W. | 338 |
Perrine, Jennie Myrtle Dickey | 284 |
Peters, Harold Leroy | 46 |
Peterson, Emma | 400 |
Pett, Elma C. | 262 |
Pettis, Lewis | 8 |
Phillips, Lester LeRoy | 195 |
Pinkstaff, Michael | 255 |
Pitts, Huston Rutledge | 282 |
Plank, William Thomas | 52 |
Polk, William Clayborn | 382 |
Pool, William Chester | 146 |
Potter, Mary Catherine | 24 |
Powell, Lela Bell | 329 |
Powers, Wayne Elmer | 203 |
Prescott, Lewellyn | 2 |
Price, Marjorie Coffin | 413 |
Pursel, William | 49 |
Putnam, Mark E. | 136 |
Ravenscroft, Walter C. | 355 |
Rawlins, Belle Walker | 51 |
Ray, Boyd Louis | 190 |
Redpath, Edmund Lee | 97 |
Reece, William Henry Harrison | 317 |
Reeder, Rebecca Flora | 89 |
Regan, Mary Ellen | 367 |
Reum, Frank Herbert | 334 |
Reynolds, John Clinton | 84 |
Richey, James Calvin | 238 |
Rickert, Judson Deibert | 25 |
Riley, Thomas J. | 353 |
Ritter, John Jacob | 226 |
Roberts, Nellie Davis | 389 |
Robinson, James William | 201 |
Rockwood, Fannie Augusta | 56 |
Rorden, Anna Margaret | 179 |
Rose, Charles Henry | 169 |
Rosembalm, Myrna Verlene | 324 |
Ross, Etta E. | 96 |
Ross, John Melville | 153 |
Ross, Marilee Gail | 134 |
Ross, Thomas Drew | 200 |
Ruger, John Andrew | 404 |
Russell, Everett Nathan | 4 |
Russell, Francis Josephine | 365 |
Samuelson, Joseph Leslie | 230 |
Sanders, Emma K. | 81 |
Saylor, Mary S. | 141 |
Schell, Charles F. W. | 129 |
Schilling, Harvey Merritt | 1 |
Scholer, Homer | 306 |
Schrimpf, John Francis | 152 |
Seely , Georgia Ann | 109 |
Selsby, Otto M. | 358 |
Seyferth, Joseph Martin | 302 |
Shaffer, Carlos Oscar | 417 |
Sharp, Hugh Gibson | 268 |
Shields, Emma Leard | 12 |
Shults, William Joseph | 384 |
Silver, Alberta | 347 |
Simonds, William Henry | 144 |
Simpson, Wilson Elsworth | 242 |
Sipes, (infant son of William and Marie Sipes) | 167 |
Siple, George Raymond | 359 |
Sleeter, Ralston William | 91 |
Smith, Jackson S. | 80 |
Smith, James R. | 9 |
Smith, Janie M. | 412 |
Smith, Katherine E. | 132 |
Smith, Theodore H. | 322 |
Smith, Velda R. | 21 |
Snider, Roy Lee | 275 |
Soliss, Margaret Sophia | 264 |
Sowell, Nellie Viola | 292 |
Spitzer, Joseph Samuel | 246 |
Stearns, Helen Alma | 327 |
Stevens, Gilbert | 137 |
Stevens, LaVern Blanche | 199 |
Stevens, Mary Ann | 178 |
Stevenson, Jane Katherine | 35 |
Steward, Martha Alice | 256 |
Stewart, Laura D. | 115 |
Stockton, Delia Luella | 308 |
Stone, Tobe | 32 |
Straw, (infant daughter of Orville and Frances Straw) | 95 |
Sutton, Ambrose Miller | 323 |
Swanson, Paul Edwin | 33 |
Swindler, Sophia | 279 |
Tarr, Earnest Lewis | 127 |
Taylor, Margaret | 30 |
Taylor, Margaret Ann | 198 |
Tepper, Marie Robison | 368 |
Terrill, Charles E. | 145 |
Terrill, Effie May | 150 |
Terry, William Oren | 177 |
Thomason, Austin R. | 106 |
Thompson, Alexander Hyde | 225 |
Thompson, Fred G. | 124 |
Thornberry, Laurence Andrew | 172 |
Thornton, Levi Henry | 304 |
Turnbough, Wiley | 234 |
Turpin, Niron Drew | 374 |
Twogood, Frances Anna | 205 |
Umbenhaur, Brice Hilton | 207 |
Van Gordon, Jon Robin | 252 |
Vestal, Tobitha Isadora | 289 |
Vincent, Katherine Marion | 346 |
Vining, Richard Buchanan | 385 |
Von De Veld, Rose Marie | 307 |
Vos, Henry Edgar | 232 |
Wagner, Clifford James | 88 |
Wagner, Edward B. | 261 |
Wakefield, Lee H. | 214 |
Walker, John Ombye | 170 |
Walter, Ida Mary | 349 |
Walton, Norman Alexander | 266 |
Walty, Emma Elizabeth | 248 |
Warren, Corrie Ball | 18 |
Waterhouse, Evelyn Frances | 356 |
Waterston, Dale Randall | 402 |
Weide, John L. | 142 |
Wheeler, Emerson | 229 |
Wheeler, Flora | 330 |
Whisenant, William Kerdelius | 231 |
Wilcox, Doris Mary | 209 |
Wilhite, Elizabeth Ann | 326 |
Wilkinson, Evelyn | 362 |
Williams, Joan Deloris | 376 |
Williamson, Addie Myers | 287 |
Willis, Margaret Tryphene | 216 |
Wilson, Jennie C. | 371 |
Winn, Louisa McNamara | 131 |
Withrow, John Harry | 75 |
Wooldridge, James Logan | 299 |
Wortman, Joseph Franklin | 377 |
Wright, George | 138 |
Wright, Legrand S. | 181 |
Young, George E. | 251 |