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Jackson County Death Certificate Index (1938)

photo of a Death Certificate

Below is an index to our 1938 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society. Postal Request Form

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Last name, first name
Year, page

Name Page
Abbey, Shirley May 398
Abbott, Elizur Mason Don Tavarro 321
Allen, Adelia Nola 285
Applegate, Henry Clay 70
Applegate, Mark 119
Armstrong, Don Isaac 68
Armstrong, James Sylvester 311
Armstrong, Thomas Foster 182
Atkinson, Eugenia L. 361
Austin, Mary E. 239
Ayres, Cecil William 295
Badsgard, Minnie 342
Baker, Bernice Ethel Edmonson 53
Baker, Roy Henry 43
Baker, Thomas C. 416
Baldwin, Lillian Blanche 121
Banta, Charles Walter 331
Barnes, William David 47
Barney, Eliza Ann 36
Barr, Polly Ann 3
Bartlett, Annie C. 267
Baugh, Clarence Leonades 260
Baugh, Sarah Naoma 265
Bell, Martica Juanita 409
Benedict, Fred R. 343
Bennett, Frank Ford 22
Birchfield, John A. 297
Blackman, Joel D. 277
Boggis, Emma Frances 298
Bonar, Nora Howland 319
Border, Loren F. 105
Boyd, Hattie Fiedalia Lyon 164
Boyer, Jesse Everett 28
Brewer, Chauncey Marble 78
Brown, Joe C. 79
Bryant, George K. 65
Buck, Walter E. 241
Burch, Emma 341
Burelson, Edwin Theodore 107
Burkhart, Francis Mary 259
Burrell, Martha A. 155
Butler, Susan Frances 185
Byers, Elizabeth Fair 249
Calkins, Louis G. 140
Campbell, Kenneth Harold 301
Canine, Orlando Roy 399
Carlon, Patricia Levan 135
Carlson, Charles G. 147
Carlton, Mildred Turner 378
Carr, Edward B. 59
Cary, Alice Marie 269
Chambers, Hattie A. 233
Chappell, William Raymond 133
Chartraw, Andrew B. 90
Chase, Harry Curtis 372
Chase, Harry Edward 325
Chastain, Edith Elizabeth 174
Clancy, Andrew 237
Clark, William Thomas 244
Clarke, George L. 104
Clifton, Belle L. 63
Coggins, Virgil B. 281
Coleman, Mattie Ann 360
Collins, Cornelius 357
Collins, Elmo 258
Comstock, Susana 192
Cook, Clyde Allan 112
Cook, John Andrew 148
Cook, LeRoy 408
Cope, Richard 66
Crandall, Cora Belle 99
Crawford, Mina S. 240
Crenshaw, David Lee 208
Cripe, David 363
Crocker, Elizabeth 196
Culmer, Charles 221
Cummings, Frederick Norman 94
Cushman, Roseina May 130
Daily, Marie Irene Martin 103
Davis, Edward Dave 154
Davis, Lucy Ruth 184
Davis, Margaret Huse 126
Dawes, Thaddeus A. 312
Day, Gertrude Edna 369
Denio, William P. 303
Denton, Luanna 128
Derr, Carrie Elmira 220
Desavedo, Manuel S. 336
DeVoe, Dewilton Delancy 171
DeVoe, Frances Jennie Estella 29
Dews, Teressa 57
Dieu, Emil Joseph 64
Dodge, Mary Sophia 390
Doyle, Mary V. 19
Duff, Daniel D. 405
Dunkle, Willard Edgar 11
Dunnington, Martha Ellen 257
Dunnington, Samuel E. 218
Earls, Ellen McCready McGill 296
Eaton, David Rineldo 82
Eden, Charles 316
Edmiston, Florence A. 380
Edmondson, Laura 77
Edwards, Margaret N. 55
Edwards, Ronald Lee 194
Eikerman, Margaret Alla 344
Eldridge, Martha Jane 263
Ellis, Arthur 31
Ellis, Eva May 110
Eubanks, Minnie Pearl 253
Evans, Clarence Leon 158
Evans, Bertha Leona 274
Evans, Lois Jane 74
Evans, Samuel Joshua 210
Evansizer, Mary Elizabeth 15
Everhard, William Harter 224
Farlow, Elizabeth 180
Farra, Edward L. 345
Fierstien, Minnie 173
Finney, Frances Lora 197
Flick, Phoebe McNary 61
Fox, Otto Wilson 85
Fraley, Charles Washington 62
Frederick, Henry Anthony 352
Frizell, John Frazer 332
Frye, Earl 191
Garrison, Sarah Jane 72
Gibbs, Henry Edgar 48
Gibson, Jack 272
Gibson, John Robert 20
Gifford, Ellen Sarah 339
Gillett, Frank Horton 270
Gillmore, James Washington 383
Goddard, Hendrick Hudson 188
Godlove, Sherman Colfax 310
Goswick, John Henry 186
Gowen, Sarah H. 102
Grant, Lawrence Stevens 414
Grant, Margaret 410
Greer, Marcel Stedman 223
Griffin, Earl Sidney 366
Habicht, William Frederick 166
Haines, Sarah Wilde 250
Hall, Harley Hopkins 276
Hall, Henry Wilson 315
Halladay, Adelbert M. 120
Hamilton, Franklin Aloys 309
Handy, Lura Blanche 313
Hanscom, Carrie E. 54
Hanson, Nels Peter 228
Harding, Charles Churbrey 26
Hart, Addie Angeline 314
Haswell, Adelaide Florida 125
Hawkins, Edwin Bryant 397
Hawley, Jennie Matilda 370
Heckner, Madeline 161
Hedrick, William Marion 219
Helm, John William 58
Helms, Clyde Steven 335
Hemstreet, John Allen 222
Henry, Rupert James 373
Hiatt, Willis Milton 333
Higginson, Carrie Lois 379
Hill, Stephen Benjamin 92
Hobbs, Alice M. 294
Hoberecht, Herman 163
Hodgson, Thomas 69
Hogate, Neoma 351
Hoisington, (infant son of Loyd and Blanche Hoisington) 189
Holloway, William 122
Hopkins, Eugene L. 156
Hoxie, Lavilla 108
Hubartt, John A. 211
Hubbard, Allen Alexis 354
Hume, Clinton Taylor 193
Hunt, Enid Maude 286
Hunt, Nettie Robison 236
Hurlbert, Drucilla 401
Hutchens, Harry S. 340
Hutchinson, Homer 100
Hutchison, Roy Dale 411
Jackson, Eugene 151
Jessiman, Charles G. 243
Jester, James Milton 183
Johnson, Reuben Albert 162
Jonas, Dennis Lee 17
Jones, Edna Mary 283
Kay, Daniel Ferdinand 393
Keller, Fannie Ellen 364
Kellett, John 111
Kellow, Douglas Rhyal 101
Kent, Joseph Parkinson 37
Kerr, Thomas Newton 217
Kevern, John F. 293
King, Ben Benton 87
Kirkruff, Bertha Almina 5
Kline, Darthula 392
Knight, Clarence Alberto 291
Knipps, George William 350
Knotts, Alice 206
Kouts, Richard Allen 6
Ladouceur, (infant son of Frank and Violet Ladouceur) 86
LaFrance, Arthur 328
Lamb, Silvia Grace 395
Landon, David Almond 168
Lathrop, Ray Newell 76
Leaverton, Soloman A. 40
Lewis, Walker Duff 67
Lewis, William Leon 113
Liebman, Buelah Jones 273
Lofland, Matilda 278
Lovell, Mary Oreena Luella Carey 10
Lowe, Teresa Ann 159
Ludwick, Silas Centenary 44
Mack, Mary L. 60
Mann, Raymond 406
Manuel, Anna F. 318
Manuel, Walter (infant son of Walter and Laura Manuel) 212
Mapes, William Vance 202
Marini, Florence Knowles 290
Marker, Jacquiline Shauneen 117
Marnach, Joseph 45
Martin, Jack M. 14
Martin, Joseph Washington 41
Martin, Nathalie Rosella 394
Martin, Signa Maria 118
May, Arthur S. 247
McClellan, Mary Harriett 175
McCollum, Issa Henrietta 38
McCollum, Wilson D. 348
McCormick, Agusta 391
McDonald, James Mathew 407
McDonald, Mary Jane Locke 83
McGimpsey, William P. 71
McIntyre, LaVone 415
McKee, Clarance Alexander 39
McKee, Leila Luella DeLong 227
Mee, Mary Ann 300
Meredith, (infant son of Gordon and Axine Meredith) 187
Meyer, Henry Adolph 320
Meyer, Martha Mary 271
Milhoan, Keneth Eugene 235
Miller, James J. 176
Miller, William Leonard 215
Mitchell, Frank Grover 213
Moon, Edith Pearl 114
Moore, Elmer L. 160
Morehouse, Sherman 280
Morgan, Charlie 403
Morse, Irl 388
Mow, Stanley Leon 157
Mulhollen, James Henry 381
Mullen, Albert William 93
Muse, Birdie 288
Myers, Margaret Matilda 16
Newell, Orion Ulyssas 254
Newton, William Henry 305
Noe, Clarence Thomas 116
Noon, John 50
Nutter, (infant daughter of Charles and Charlene Nutter) 386
O'Brien, Maurice Edward 139
Ogilvie, Lillian June 143
Olson, Adolph G. 27
Overstreet, (infant son of Max and Hazel Overstreet) 337
Owings, George Procter 23
Padgett, Claude 375
Palmerton, Rose Etta 42
Pankey, Charles Allen 34
Parker, Louisa R. 149
Parks, Elizabeth Alvira 245
Patterson, Warren Christian 98
Patton, Owney Joseph 204
Payne, Lena D. 396
Pearson, Alice Dalton 165
Peart, Margaret 123
Peck, Leatha May 13
Peek, Charles Theodore 387
Peil, Claus Emil 7
Pelnar, Patsy Jane 73
Pernol, John W. 338
Perrine, Jennie Myrtle Dickey 284
Peters, Harold Leroy 46
Peterson, Emma 400
Pett, Elma C. 262
Pettis, Lewis 8
Phillips, Lester LeRoy 195
Pinkstaff, Michael 255
Pitts, Huston Rutledge 282
Plank, William Thomas 52
Polk, William Clayborn 382
Pool, William Chester 146
Potter, Mary Catherine 24
Powell, Lela Bell 329
Powers, Wayne Elmer 203
Prescott, Lewellyn 2
Price, Marjorie Coffin 413
Pursel, William 49
Putnam, Mark E. 136
Ravenscroft, Walter C. 355
Rawlins, Belle Walker 51
Ray, Boyd Louis 190
Redpath, Edmund Lee 97
Reece, William Henry Harrison 317
Reeder, Rebecca Flora 89
Regan, Mary Ellen 367
Reum, Frank Herbert 334
Reynolds, John Clinton 84
Richey, James Calvin 238
Rickert, Judson Deibert 25
Riley, Thomas J. 353
Ritter, John Jacob 226
Roberts, Nellie Davis 389
Robinson, James William 201
Rockwood, Fannie Augusta 56
Rorden, Anna Margaret 179
Rose, Charles Henry 169
Rosembalm, Myrna Verlene 324
Ross, Etta E. 96
Ross, John Melville 153
Ross, Marilee Gail 134
Ross, Thomas Drew 200
Ruger, John Andrew 404
Russell, Everett Nathan 4
Russell, Francis Josephine 365
Samuelson, Joseph Leslie 230
Sanders, Emma K. 81
Saylor, Mary S. 141
Schell, Charles F. W. 129
Schilling, Harvey Merritt 1
Scholer, Homer 306
Schrimpf, John Francis 152
Seely , Georgia Ann 109
Selsby, Otto M. 358
Seyferth, Joseph Martin 302
Shaffer, Carlos Oscar 417
Sharp, Hugh Gibson 268
Shields, Emma Leard 12
Shults, William Joseph 384
Silver, Alberta 347
Simonds, William Henry 144
Simpson, Wilson Elsworth 242
Sipes, (infant son of William and Marie Sipes) 167
Siple, George Raymond 359
Sleeter, Ralston William 91
Smith, Jackson S. 80
Smith, James R. 9
Smith, Janie M. 412
Smith, Katherine E. 132
Smith, Theodore H. 322
Smith, Velda R. 21
Snider, Roy Lee 275
Soliss, Margaret Sophia 264
Sowell, Nellie Viola 292
Spitzer, Joseph Samuel 246
Stearns, Helen Alma 327
Stevens, Gilbert 137
Stevens, LaVern Blanche 199
Stevens, Mary Ann 178
Stevenson, Jane Katherine 35
Steward, Martha Alice 256
Stewart, Laura D. 115
Stockton, Delia Luella 308
Stone, Tobe 32
Straw, (infant daughter of Orville and Frances Straw) 95
Sutton, Ambrose Miller 323
Swanson, Paul Edwin 33
Swindler, Sophia 279
Tarr, Earnest Lewis 127
Taylor, Margaret 30
Taylor, Margaret Ann 198
Tepper, Marie Robison 368
Terrill, Charles E. 145
Terrill, Effie May 150
Terry, William Oren 177
Thomason, Austin R. 106
Thompson, Alexander Hyde 225
Thompson, Fred G. 124
Thornberry, Laurence Andrew 172
Thornton, Levi Henry 304
Turnbough, Wiley 234
Turpin, Niron Drew 374
Twogood, Frances Anna 205
Umbenhaur, Brice Hilton 207
Van Gordon, Jon Robin 252
Vestal, Tobitha Isadora 289
Vincent, Katherine Marion 346
Vining, Richard Buchanan 385
Von De Veld, Rose Marie 307
Vos, Henry Edgar 232
Wagner, Clifford James 88
Wagner, Edward B. 261
Wakefield, Lee H. 214
Walker, John Ombye 170
Walter, Ida Mary 349
Walton, Norman Alexander 266
Walty, Emma Elizabeth 248
Warren, Corrie Ball 18
Waterhouse, Evelyn Frances 356
Waterston, Dale Randall 402
Weide, John L. 142
Wheeler, Emerson 229
Wheeler, Flora 330
Whisenant, William Kerdelius 231
Wilcox, Doris Mary 209
Wilhite, Elizabeth Ann 326
Wilkinson, Evelyn 362
Williams, Joan Deloris 376
Williamson, Addie Myers 287
Willis, Margaret Tryphene 216
Wilson, Jennie C. 371
Winn, Louisa McNamara 131
Withrow, John Harry 75
Wooldridge, James Logan 299
Wortman, Joseph Franklin 377
Wright, George 138
Wright, Legrand S. 181
Young, George E. 251