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Name | Page |
Adams, Allen | 203 |
Adams, Oliver | 155 |
Adams, Richard Alfred | 477 |
Adkins, William Shephard | 330 |
Agens, Frederic Thomas | 504 |
Aikins, Harold Speer | 48 |
Akers, Willard C. | 25 |
Allen, George Walter | 224 |
Allen, Ida May | 507 |
Amsbary, Charles E. | 214 |
Amsbary, Minnie Lanning | 12 |
Andrews, Walter Edwin | 220 |
Arens, William | 395 |
Arnold, Edgar James | 275 |
Arnold, Marvin Warren | 440 |
Arriola, Rosendra Garcia | 392 |
Atwell, James Harden | 209 |
Auer, Rosemarie Dorly | 370 |
Averill, Carrie | 200 |
Ayres, John Rollin | 281 |
Backes, Nicholas Jackson | 411 |
Badger, Dinah | 446 |
Baker, James Hansen | 39 |
Baker, Naomi | 499 |
Baker, William Everett | 386 |
Baldwin, Dean P. | 111 |
Ball, Frank | 46 |
Ball, Walter George, Jr. | 343 |
Barkley, Eli Clark | 94 |
Bartlett, Henry Melton | 380 |
Baughman, Rosa Lee | 260 |
Beach, Reason Walter | 311 |
Beal, Fred W. | 37 |
Beardsley, William Jefferson | 487 |
Becker, Allen | 27 |
Beeler, Sarah (Sadie) Gertrude | 424 |
Bennett, Marie Elizabeth | 267 |
Bergner, David Stanley | 254 |
Bettner, Martha Marie | 361 |
Birch, William Harvey | 364 |
Birdsall, Henry Daniel | 190 |
Bish, Rebecca L. | 348 |
Blais, Joseph Aurele | 434 |
Blixt, Paul | 472 |
Boardman, James S. | 232 |
Bogle, Charles M. | 89, 90, 91 |
Bohnert, William | 19 |
Booth, Janet W. | 501 |
Borland, Frank Polk | 40 |
Boughereau, Gerald Sterkin | 510 |
Bowling, Mary E. | 444 |
Bowman, John Frank | 432 |
Bradshaw, Douglas Leon | 321 |
Bratton, (Infant son of John G. and Marjorie Bratton) | 418 |
Brewer, Virgil | 187 |
Brickey, Elsie Jane | 202 |
Bridges, Clara Ellen | 217 |
Brinkman, Mary Ellen | 213 |
Brown, Elizabeth Jane | 158 |
Brown, William Andrew | 486 |
Buie, Fannie Lovy | 134 |
Bullock, John T. | 178 |
Bumgardner, Lillian Winifred | 258 |
Burch, Albert | 398 |
Bures, Arthur Henry | 319 |
Burgess, Nellie Annette | 374 |
Burt, Edward Chrittenden | 247 |
Burt, Michael | 84 |
Byrd, Mattie Ellen | 201 |
Cahoon, Percy L. | 228 |
Caldwell, Leah Maud | 229 |
Calkins, Henry Ellis | 468 |
Cantrall, James Madison | 116 |
Carello, Victor | 218 |
Carkin, Ada Louisa | 204 |
Carlile, Mary E. | 139 |
Carlow, Frank George | 350 |
Carlson, August Victor | 188 |
Carter, David Lee | 360 |
Case, Clarence F. | 464 |
Casey, Laurel Jean | 346 |
Cash, Maggie Jane | 77 |
Caton, Harry Freeman | 326 |
Chavner, Peter | 491 |
Clark, Edna Kay | 241 |
Clarke, Nancy Sue | 341 |
Clawson, Anna Salina | 382 |
Clute, Lydia Helena | 369 |
Coffee, Georgeanna U. | 438 |
Coffee, John Frank | 255 |
Coleman, Fred A. | 60 |
Colman, Thaddeus Pound | 109 |
Conley, Fred W. | 13 |
Conner, Charles Stephen | 328 |
Conway, Frank | 102 |
Cook, Jeanette | 351 |
Cook, William Alexander | 292 |
Cooper, Frances Gretchen | 74 |
Copple, Fred A. | 175 |
Corcoran, Ethel May | 197 |
Coss, Mamie Rose | 176 |
Coulter, Clarence L. | 296 |
Covin, Carole | 301 |
Cowley, Robert Christian | 250 |
Cox, Emma Jane | 121 |
Cox, James Wilbur | 126 |
Crabb, Anna Francis | 442 |
Crapsey, George Byard | 471 |
Crawford, Ira Charles | 303 |
Croucher, Alta Marguerete | 400 |
Crowley, Billy Joseph | 18 |
Crowley, John | 422 |
Culver, Veva Margaret | 331 |
Cunningham, John Taylor | 419 |
Dachenhaus, Eldon | 492 |
Daily, Charles Andrew | 219 |
Dalton, Martin Miles | 285 |
Daly, Kenneth Ivan | 481 |
Dark, William Preston | 439 |
Davis, Andrew Joe | 85 |
Davis, Eliza Jane | 108 |
Davis, George Harvey | 120 |
Davis, Harry Edward | 6 |
Davis, Martha Elizabeth | 231 |
Davis, William Rodney | 129 |
Dawson, Ira Cornelius | 113 |
DeLay, Reuben Russell | 294 |
Denman, Albert Garfield | 300 |
Dennis, Effie Elizabeth | 298 |
Dick, Alonzo | 170 |
Dietrich, Peter | 508 |
Dodge, Minnie Hille | 337 |
Dorothy, Orrin Charles | 403 |
Doyle, Edward | 436 |
Duggan, James J. | 304 |
Dunn, Frank J. | 388 |
Duston, Joseph James | 233 |
Eaton, Horace Allen | 196 |
Eaton, William Henry | 14 |
Edmonds, Forest H. | 340 |
Edsall, LaNora Lardine | 342 |
Edwards, Aubry St. Clair | 283 |
Emison, Eva Adelia | 293 |
Enders, Eva Wave | 31 |
Engstrom, Mabel | 80 |
Farrier, Andrew | 336 |
Fendall, George F. | 43 |
Fernlund, Edwin | 159 |
Fitzjarrell, Harry L. | 215 |
Floyd, Mary Richards | 288 |
Foley, Mary Elizabeth | 449 |
Force, David Stephen | 182 |
Foren, William Francis | 164 |
Foster, Mabel Grace | 383 |
Fryling, John A. | 235 |
Gabrielson, Carol Ann | 211 |
Garner, Agnes Smith | 5 |
Garnett, Ben | 123 |
Gaster, Clyde Edward | 460 |
Gault, Mary Rosetta | 97 |
Gaunyaw, Ray Edward | 371 |
Gellet, Benjamin Horton | 248 |
Gilchrist, Anna Christina | 495 |
Godfrey, Marion | 225 |
Gorden, Alfred D. | 332 |
Gorski, Chester S. | 476 |
Gottig, Elsie Merle | 148 |
Graham, (Infant girl of Paul & Gloria Graham) | 174 |
Graham, Elizabeth Louise | 268 |
Grams, Rudolph | 95 |
Gray, Wilma Marie | 32 |
Green, Richard Noble | 237 |
Greene, Fred Wilbur | 152 |
Griffin, Desdia Mae | 58 |
Griffiths, Thomas M. | 51 |
Grigsby, Edward Ezmon | 66 |
Grigsby, Ira | 150 |
Grissom, Llewellyn James | 433 |
Haertle, Walter Eugene | 132 |
Haff, Emma Bell | 21 |
Hagerty, Frank R. | 103 |
Hale, Mary Catherine | 156 |
Hall, Marvin Eugene | 511 |
Hamilton, Nathan D. | 447 |
Hamlin, Ellen | 355 |
Hanna, Andrew Moore | 26 |
Hansen, John Raymond | 306 |
Harbaugh, Dora | 128 |
Harris, Annie M. | 173 |
Hart, William Hugh | 505 |
Hartley, Clara Louise | 389 |
Hartley, James Edmond | 338 |
Hartman, Winifred O. | 391 |
Hast, Madams Charles | 474 |
Hatch, Charles Ray | 345 |
Hatch, Linda Elizabeth | 353 |
Hawkins, Bertha Compton | 99 |
Haymond, Rose Ann | 221 |
Hayward, Vern Earl | 335 |
Head, Henry Warren | 344 |
Heine, Minnie Belle | 8 |
Heldt, Phillip, Jr. | 334 |
Hendricks, Carrie Arabelle | 352 |
Hennegen, Florence Mae | 425 |
Henry, Percy Allen | 125 |
Herriott, George W. | 405 |
Hicks, Wright | 390 |
Higginson, Edward Thomas | 358 |
Higinbotham, James Edward | 478 |
Hitzler, George S. | 70 |
Hodgkins, Anne Dale | 394 |
Hodgson, Harry | 122 |
Hoefft, Theodore John | 29 |
Hoglund, Erick | 239 |
Holman, Bessie Ileen | 408 |
Holman, Nola Lindsay | 17 |
Holmes, Marian Beall | 153 |
Holt, Lucy Fielding | 181 |
Hondrick, Donna Lucille | 145 |
Hooton, Hiram Andrew | 502 |
Howard, Lavina Ellen | 52 |
Howard, Thomas Jefferson | 376 |
Howard, Willie James | 163 |
Hubbard, Asahel C. | 271 |
Hubbard, Margaret | 430 |
Hughes, Roy Louis | 30 |
Humble, Bonnie Jeanne | 179 |
Hungate, William Don | 416 |
Hunt, Clarence G. | 55 |
Hunt, Edgar Basil | 57 |
Hunt, George Arthur | 339 |
Huntley, Patricia K. | 226 |
Hupp, Raymond Relfe | 287 |
Hyatt, George Washington | 180 |
Ingraham, (Infant son of M. C. & Alma Ingraham) | 143 |
Isaacs, Frank | 146 |
Iverson, George Hans | 469 |
Jantzer, Frank | 512 |
Jay, Sarah Jane | 367 |
Jenks, Lynda Louise | 208 |
Jensen, Mary Jane | 112 |
Jobe, Jess G. | 484 |
Johnson, Everett R. | 282 |
Johnson, Florence Veach C. | 207 |
Jones, Burton S. | 262 |
Jones, Clay M. | 316 |
Jones, Fleeta May | 317 |
Keener, Imo | 199 |
Kennedy, Sylvestor | 23 |
Kerr, Anson David | 236 |
Kerrigan, Rose Emma | 246 |
Kindred, Elbert Mason | 506 |
King, Viola Jane | 406 |
Kish, Harold Kenneth | 243 |
Kitsmiller, Leo Halbert | 227 |
Klocker, August Jacob | 100 |
Koenig, Carl V. | 279 |
Kortright, Milfrid Lee | 83 |
Kraft, Herman | 251 |
LaFonte, Alice Elvira | 329 |
Lapree, Effie Francis | 475 |
Latham, Peter Conway | 312 |
Layton, Charley Andrew | 381 |
Leaders, Christine | 368 |
Lewis, Cordelia Lutica | 86 |
Liberty, Benjamin | 59 |
Light, Everett Stewart | 56 |
Lind, William Harry | 265 |
Lindley, John S. | 151 |
Linville, Hattie McDonough | 104 |
Livingston, Joseph Wesley | 375 |
Lucas, Elmer Byron | 414 |
Lund, Helga | 193 |
Lundamo, Donald Lee | 191 |
Lyman, Mary Katheryn | 78 |
MacPherson, John | 445 |
Magee, Claude Richard | 421 |
Magee, Joseph Snivley | 130 |
Magnuson, Adolph William | 172 |
Mallery, Edwin Nelson | 34 |
Marshall, William Yancy | 496 |
Martin, Robert Comfort | 177 |
Martina, (Infant girl of Merritt and Delia Martina) | 379 |
Mathews, Green Banks | 147 |
Matney, Francis Fern | 356 |
Matteson, Minnie Clure | 295 |
McCredie, Pearl | 402 |
McCue, John Jason | 362 |
McDonald, Chester William | 63 |
McDonough, Emma | 482 |
McManus, Fred | 3 |
McNair, William Haller | 274 |
McPhee, Burton J. | 399 |
Meehan, Jennie Rosalinda | 404 |
Merklin, Edson Morgan | 488 |
Messenger, Nathan Horace | 50 |
Messner, Raphael C. | 467 |
Michalski, William | 149 |
Middleton, Katherine Jane | 7 |
Miller, Casper | 385 |
Miller, Ellen Maria | 230 |
Miller, Walter E. | 489 |
Millsaps, Grover Rensler | 24 |
Minear, Ronald Alvin | 212 |
Mitchell, Harry Delmar | 131 |
Mobley, John Albert | 76 |
Monroe, Archie | 431 |
Monroe, John Robert | 470 |
Montgomery, Mary | 101 |
Morgan, Bessie Pearl | 185 |
Morgan, Florence Edna | 366 |
Morgan, Richard Monroe | 42 |
Morris, Mary Irene | 81 |
Morris, Walter Edmond | 93 |
Morse, Josie Vianna | 318 |
Moseley, James Hale | 245 |
Mosier, Sarah | 410 |
Myers, George Riley | 378 |
Myers, Mary I. | 327 |
Myers, Walter | 249 |
Neathamer, Larra Ann | 47 |
Newbry, Loyal Cleveland | 323 |
Newcomb, James Banks | 68 |
Nichols, Milton Silsby | 20 |
Niedrich, Adele Swadley | 11 |
Norcross, Lola Mary | 45 |
Norcross, Warren Henry | 222 |
Northup, Hester Lillian | 35 |
Nuss, Elizabeth Ann | 53 |
Nutter, Frank Leslie | 333 |
OBrien, Barbara Constance | 347 |
Oliver, Philena | 157 |
Olson, Charley B. | 269 |
Olson, Elizabeth | 365 |
Opple, Ellsworth Levale | 494 |
Owens, Charles | 457 |
Pack, Annie Charline | 73 |
Pahl, Mary Melvina | 497 |
Painter, Mary Ann | 453 |
Painter, Mary Stafford | 61 |
Palmer, Clara Louella | 297 |
Papworth, William Robert | 473 |
Parker, Flossie May Campbell | 373 |
Parks, Irena Bosworth | 426 |
Patterson, Jesse | 22 |
Patton, Alexander Addie | 462 |
Payton, Alfred Walter | 428 |
Pech, Emil R. | 216 |
Pech, Rudolph | 72 |
Pedegana, Sadie Ruth | 409 |
Peek, Marion Hannah | 168 |
Pence, John Thomas | 420 |
Peters, Lottie | 264 |
Phipps, Clara Rader | 435 |
Pietzner, Caroline Dorothy | 273 |
Pike, Henry V. | 479 |
Pine, Charles Thorne | 503 |
Ping, James H. | 490 |
Pittenger, Lottie Belle | 261 |
Pittman, Helen Lillian | 44 |
Planer, Ethel Ruth | 429 |
Poelke, Alma | 142 |
Pope, Arthur Melvin | 88 |
Porter, Geniva | 396 |
Porter, Ruth Alice | 161 |
Power, Emory Phillip | 291 |
Preslar, Levi Horton | 278 |
Price, Malvern Howard | 284 |
Priddy, George W. | 315 |
Provost, Peter Sylvan | 349 |
Pullen, Thomas Jefferson | 500 |
Purdy, Walter Lafayette | 276 |
Radcliffe, William Ambrose | 458 |
Radisich, Eva Antionette | 119 |
Ragsdale, Jesse Lawrence | 144 |
Raimey, Thomas Gordon | 192 |
Reames, Alfred Evan | 96 |
Redmon, James Edward | 162 |
Regar, Mary H. | 310 |
Reinhart, William | 454 |
Renvick, Edward E. | 154 |
Reynolds, Charles Luther | 456 |
Rice, Martin Simon | 280 |
Rickman, Dorothy Ann | 413 |
Riegel, Sprague | 223 |
Rinkel, William | 184 |
Ritchson, William Guy | 359 |
Roberts, Raymond Melburn | 459 |
Robertson, Agnes Mina | 166 |
Robertson, John Lemual | 320 |
Robinson, Dora Ella | 302 |
Ross, Mary Elizabeth | 67 |
Ruch, James Henry | 299 |
Rummel, Ralph J. | 117 |
Rusho, Francis Preston | 397 |
Ryan, Mary Alice | 169 |
Samuels, Lottie Venelle | 441 |
Sanders, Michael Neil | 105 |
Sanderson, Zeta Janice | 124 |
Savage, Kenneth Herbert | 417 |
Scott, Isaac Harding | 437 |
Shaw, Margaret Ann | 205 |
Sheehan, Andrew | 38 |
Sherfy, Enos | 252 |
Shumaker, William A. | 465 |
Silva, Alma Mae | 92 |
Simmons, Florence | 133 |
Simmons, Nellie L. | 136 |
Sinclair, Larry James | 452 |
Singler, Rudolph Francis | 290 |
Skeeters, Joseph Andrew William | 240 |
Skinkle, Robert L. | 141 |
Smiley, Oris B. | 263 |
Smith, Carol Ellen | 98 |
Smith, Clifford Charles | 115 |
Smith, Elizabeth Nancy Deleah | 183 |
Smith, Ella Cordelia | 354 |
Smith, Glen Michael | 412 |
Smith, Gloria Ellen | 407 |
Smith, James Wesley | 87 |
Smith, Linda Louise | 450 |
Smith, Lucille Lois | 54 |
Smith, Robert Eugene | 65 |
Smith, Theodore | 64 |
Smylie, James William | 387 |
Sparks, Henry Wilbur | 493 |
Spaur, (Infant girl of Fred and Lula Pearl Spaur) | 4 |
Speece, William Henry | 194 |
Spence, Betty Anne | 372 |
Spencer, Elizabeth Jane | 401 |
Spindler, Charles L. | 451 |
Stanley, George Melvin | 393 |
Starkey, Lawrence O. | 234 |
Stead, Martha Seaman | 110 |
Steadman, California | 423 |
Stearns, Luella May | 69 |
Stinson, Edward Smith | 127 |
Stinson, Nancy Johanna | 427 |
Stolle, Herman | 9 |
Stone, Charley Allan | 171 |
Strahan, Minnie Mae | 289 |
Strattner, John J. | 270 |
Stringer, Wallace | 259 |
Sugg, Nelle Jane | 485 |
Swartz, Flora A. | 195 |
Swift, Charles Henry | 461 |
Taylor, Lee E. | 448 |
Terrell, Ralph W. | 308 |
Tetherow, Samuel Irvan | 322 |
Thomas, Ethel May Baker | 305 |
Thomas, Gussie C. | 41 |
Thomas, Mattie Rachael | 165 |
Thornton, Thomas J. | 198 |
Throckmorton, Aris | 206 |
Ticknor, Harry James | 286 |
Todd, Louis A. | 82 |
Tolle, Henry Frederick | 49 |
Trowbridge, Everette Going | 107 |
Tucker, Edward Hiram | 242 |
Turpin, Willis Lorin | 498 |
VanArtsdalen, Melvin | 186 |
VanDorn, Leanord Lee | 256 |
VanDyke, Alice Janet | 309 |
VanEnglish, Leo | 28 |
Vanier, William Henry | 314 |
Varrassi, Ernest J. | 2 |
Vieres, Sharon Lee | 138 |
Virtue, Frederick Hillier | 106 |
Virtue, Mary Josephine | 114 |
Voight, William John | 33 |
Volker, Bernard W. | 455 |
Vroman, Sirenus | 463 |
Wahl, Paulina E. | 415 |
Walker, Benjamin F. | 137 |
Walker, Jesse Danials, Jr. | 313 |
Wall, John | 324 |
Warfield, James Edward | 253 |
Watson, Exa V. | 75 |
Wedge, Freeman Ebenezer | 140 |
Weeks, Bennie Edward | 10 |
Welch, L. Dell | 189 |
Wells, Irene | 307 |
Wert, Maude Geraldine | 167 |
White, Ida Claudine | 244 |
White, James Hershel | 466 |
Whited, Lewis Asbury | 257 |
Whitelaw, Beda M. | 1 |
Wick, Arthur Bell | 36 |
Wilcox, Della Victoria | 238 |
Wilcox, Katherine Ann | 443 |
Wilder, Edward Eben | 325 |
Willard, Thomas Mitchell | 266 |
Wilson, Charles A. | 363 |
Wilson, Emma Drake | 160 |
Wilson, Joseph Cicro | 480 |
Wilson, Mack Edward | 277 |
Winningham, Martha Maria | 384 |
Wolfe, Elinor Dyer | 118 |
Wolford, Benjamin Edward | 272 |
Wolgamott, Dora | 71 |
Wolgamott, Eliza Elizabeth | 79 |
Wood, Adelia | 357 |
Wood, Burnie Reynolds | 483 |
Woodhouse, Agnes | 377 |
Works, Mary E. | 15 |
Wright, Sally J. | 210 |
Yocom, Frederick Samuel | 62 |
York, Lillian Adele | 16 |
Zash, Joseph S. | 509 |
Zell, Frank | 135 |