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Name | Page |
Ackerman, Samuel Henry | 48 |
Adair, Henry Clay | 438 |
Adams, Harold Milo | 392 |
Albert, (Infant son of Valmire M. Albert) | 138 |
Albert, Frank C. | 518 |
Albert, Hannah Mary | 122 |
Alenderfer, Oscar Odell | 412 |
Allen, Thomas D. | 333 |
Anderson, Edmona May | 49 |
Anderson, Elof | 533 |
Anderson, Wade Sampson | 205 |
Armes, Oliver Perry | 112 |
Armpriest, Nettie M. | 390 |
Arnold, Loretta Ann | 80 |
Askew, George | 321 |
Atchley, Henry Ellis | 196 |
Ault, Glen L. | 301 |
Austin, Lawrence J. | 537 |
Axland, Harold | 54 |
Ayers, Sophia | 532 |
Baker, Eli | 486 |
Baker, Frank Leland | 103 |
Baker, Rosa | 65 |
Ball, Eidth Hayden | 487 |
Barker, Henry Clay | 191 |
Barnard, Thomas Clyde | 3 |
Barnard, Walter | 165 |
Bates, Ida L. | 505 |
Bay, Roy Allen | 88 |
Bear, Glenn Lee | 422 |
Beaton, Rose Ann | 534 |
Beck, Gustaf Ruben | 11 |
Beem, Cordella Bell | 473 |
Beeson, Welborn | 452 |
Belknap, Lewis Frank, Rev. | 269 |
Bigelow, Wells Edwin | 367 |
Bish, Joseph Abe | 340 |
Bittmer, Emma | 483 |
Black, Richard Ernest | 454 |
Blake, Joanna | 404 |
Boen, Sarah Josephine | 159 |
Bostwick, William Thomas | 417 |
Boulton, Richard Henry | 81 |
Bounds, Lola L. | 6 |
Brabham, Eddy Fisher | 62 |
Brandon, (Infant dau. of Deane R. Brandon) | 511 |
Bray, Clark Rodney | 488 |
Breeding, Henry C. | 172 |
Brown, Andrew Jefferson | 73 |
Brown, Frances Eliz. | 389 |
Brown, James Franklin | 101 |
Brown, Joe L. | 137 |
Brown, John Frederick | 328 |
Bruin, William Francis | 195 |
Bryant, Annie May | 2 |
Buck, Paul Herbert | 428 |
Bundock, Weldon Ervin | 334 |
Burgoyne, Peter James | 167 |
Burke, George Lyon | 446 |
Burleson, Hiram P. | 331 |
Burreson, Peter | 362 |
Bursell, Victor | 413 |
Busic, Ruth Ann | 89 |
Butler, William Edy | 262 |
Cerveny, Vencil E. | 212 |
Chanroux, Josephine | 516 |
Chrisler, Myrton P. | 145 |
Christian, Evelyn Jennie | 61 |
Church, Willard Elmer | 190 |
Churchill, Stella Shepherd | 521 |
Clapp, Callie Isabelle Wilson | 252 |
Clark, Clyde C. | 194 |
Clark, Dora B. | 541 |
Clark, James Henry | 124 |
Clary, Dennis Ray | 162 |
Clayton, Susan | 117 |
Cleveland, Dona Lee | 431 |
Clifford, Greta Louise | 530 |
Clover, Mina M. | 290 |
Coats, John Alvin | 147 |
Cochran, Charles Arthur | 63 |
Coffeen, Robert Charles | 97 |
Coghill, Nola May | 184 |
Colbaugh, Alma Ver | 42 |
Coller, Katie Sophia | 492 |
Colver, Frank Lloyd | 239 |
Cook, Emma Jane | 5 |
Cook, William L. | 522 |
Cooper, Rieta Kay | 253 |
Coughlin, Richard | 106 |
Courtney, Eva L. | 295 |
Cox, Vernon | 210 |
Coy, Sarah Ann | 183 |
Craig, Cora | 214 |
Craig, George Arthur | 4 |
Cram, Gladys Eleanor | 324 |
Crawford, Joseph H. | 386 |
Crews, Orley E. | 136 |
Croft, Joseph Augustus | 283 |
Culbertson, Helen Gould | 461 |
Cumbee, Urbon Lee | 439 |
Cunningham, George | 237 |
Curry, James Robert | 218 |
DAlbini, Gerhardt Quintus | 200 |
Damon, Loren Duke | 462 |
Darland, Floyd Evan | 501 |
Darting, Ralph Emerson | 307 |
Davenhill, Edith Eliz | 287 |
Davies, Anna L. | 241 |
Davies, George Lewis | 437 |
Davis, Edward Riley | 182 |
Davis, Jr., Charles Walter | 355 |
Day, Luther H. | 457 |
DeArmond, Lillie L. | 92 |
Degman, Julie Loretta | 170 |
DeHaven, Esther Naomi | 542 |
Deistler, Herman August | 539 |
Dennis, Joseph E. | 385 |
DesMarais, Rosalie | 543 |
DeWolfe, Sarah Mae | 515 |
Dickey, Nellie Estelle | 12 |
Dodge, Jessie Edwards | 469 |
Doren, Artie | 235 |
Doty, Randy Bruce | 517 |
Doty, Sarah Eliza | 243 |
Dougherty, Mervin LeRoy | 353 |
Dow, Robert B. | 226 |
Driskell, James Benjamin | 364 |
DuBuque, Harry A. | 67 |
Duffield, Wirt Demetrius | 310 |
Dunford, Charles Franklin | 171 |
Dunstan, Carrie L. | 354 |
Dusenberry, Joseph C. | 161 |
Dyer, Lina B. | 375 |
Eccles, George Hamilton | 102 |
Eldred, Katherine Pearl | 448 |
Elliott, Marsha Ellen Kerby | 507 |
Ellis, Carrie Belle | 528 |
Emmett, John Fred | 38 |
Epperson, Milton Dwight | 456 |
Estes, George Marvin | 53 |
Farlow, William Perry | 229 |
Farnham, (Infant dau. of Daryl E. Farnham) | 55 |
Feckley, William Andrew | 7 |
Ferguson, Elizabeth | 120 |
Ferrier, Darrel Vernon | 93 |
Fifer, Frances E. | 256 |
Finley, Everett | 508 |
Fiora, John | 499 |
Fisher, Della May | 193 |
Floyd, Philo George | 506 |
Foss (Fosside), Louis Einar | 399 |
Fosside, Louis Einar | 399 |
Foster, Percival Walter | 151 |
Fox, Milton Edward | 313 |
Frame, Frank Wayman | 128 |
Frantz, LeMar D. | 434 |
Frazier, Earl Neal | 368 |
Freed, Thomas | 154 |
French, Clark Benjamin | 453 |
French, William Perry | 41 |
Fry, Mary Ann | 115 |
Fry, Mary E. | 75 |
Gabrielli, Jr., Frank A. | 361 |
Gaddis, Katherine M. | 37 |
Gall, Ellis | 20 |
Gardner, Katherine Teresa | 513 |
Garr, William Wesley | 403 |
Gascon, Helen Evelyn | 531 |
Geisse, Walter William | 110 |
Gemaehlich, Frances Mathilda | 68 |
Gentis, Rene Albert | 370 |
Getzman, Laura | 544 |
Gilkison, Henry Albert | 33 |
Gillette, Hugh Homer | 281 |
Gilman, James Edwin | 25 |
Glascock, Henry Cleaver | 265 |
Glidden, Anna B. | 523 |
Gonderman, Thamar Sebastain | 494 |
Goss, Oliver M. | 158 |
Goswick, Minnie Ethel | 228 |
Gould, Eleanor Anderson | 185 |
Grant, Raymond A. | 58 |
Graves, Florence B. | 387 |
Gray, William David | 255 |
Green, A. P. | 203 |
Green, John Daniel | 46 |
Greene, Grace Eleta | 18 |
Grisham, William Teddie | 130 |
Grove, Addison Bruce | 329 |
Grow, Elmer Hugh | 351 |
Gunzel, Alice Margaret | 495 |
Gustine, Lydia E. | 174 |
Gyger, Mary | 480 |
Haak, Luther Kline | 471 |
Hake, Kenneth Eugene | 251 |
Hale, Dexter | 91 |
Hall, Margaret Elizabeth | 39 |
Hansen, Ben | 388 |
Hansen, Gottfred H. | 94 |
Harper, Nancy Elizabeth | 121 |
Harris, John Way | 56 |
Hart, Bill Dale | 371 |
Harthan, Henry | 502 |
Hartshorn, Edward | 131 |
Hartsock, (Infant son of Robert Hartsock) | 458 |
Haugerud, Thomas S. | 406 |
Havens, Charles B. | 32 |
Hawkins, Ronald Allen | 45 |
Hearn, Andrew | 57 |
Heath, Edward E. | 123 |
Hedgpeth, Caloway M. | 289 |
Heintze, Emil Carl | 425 |
Held, Paul | 232 |
Hemstreet, Lucinda Jane | 350 |
Hendrix, James Albert | 1 |
Hewitt, Edgar | 286 |
Hicks, Eliza Sovern | 335 |
High, Martin Milton | 152 |
High, Nathan Lincoln | 202 |
Hill, Carrie Hildreth | 129 |
Hills, Clara May | 341 |
Hiltibrand, Gail Allen | 504 |
Hobbs, Frank Grant | 402 |
Hoefs, Alice Augusta | 308 |
Hoffman, Eddie | 467 |
Holcomb, Lola A. | 292 |
Holden, Theodrick Webster | 441 |
Holder, Joseph M. | 291 |
Holmes, Eleanor Hunter | 380 |
Hopkins, John Franklin | 538 |
Horn, Jr., John Franklin | 258 |
Hoskins, Carla Evelyn | 155 |
Hoskins, David LeRoy | 14 |
Houston, Mary Alice | 240 |
Hubbard, Margaret Riley, Dr. | 142 |
Huck, Frances Barbara | 126 |
Huffman, Clyde Elmer | 416 |
Hulse, Perry Alonzo | 260 |
Hunsley, Richard G. | 31 |
Hunt, Sr., Theodore | 449 |
Hunter, Joseph Enoch | 427 |
Hunter, Sterling Price | 113 |
Huthman, Gustva Henry | 304 |
Hyde, Fred | 478 |
Imel, Harry Charles | 209 |
Jacobs, Walter | 358 |
James, (Infant dau. of Estle Francis James) | 87 |
James, Elmore Rea | 318 |
Janes, Lora Andrews | 374 |
Jensen, Carl Ness | 71 |
Johnson, James Alexander | 409 |
Johnson, Robert Winfield | 227 |
Jones, Ludmila George | 357 |
Jones, Maggie Ruth | 19 |
Jones, Martha Annie Paine | 536 |
Jones, Mary Adeline | 111 |
Jones, Mattie C. | 408 |
Jones, Shirley Ann | 315 |
Kaspar, Lawrence Frederick | 393 |
Kasseroller, Frank J. | 498 |
Keegan, Christopher | 82 |
Keith, Robert L. | 127 |
Kester, Grover Eldon | 472 |
Kidder, William Elijah | 444 |
Kiplinger, Fannie Rosetta | 296 |
Kitchen, Archie Lee | 282 |
Klein, Dellia May | 369 |
Klemp, Albert S. | 166 |
Knips, Louis | 164 |
Know, Leland Richard | 8 |
Knutzen, Charles Jacob | 225 |
Koch, Julius | 345 |
Koepke, Donald Ernest | 415 |
Koepke, William Frank | 418 |
Koger, Susan | 332 |
Kreisel, Paul | 322 |
Kyker, Caroll Mary | 524 |
Lahr, Anna | 383 |
Lake, Florence | 175 |
Lake, Sr., Thomas | 134 |
Lance, Jr., George W. | 99 |
Landis, Charles Herbert | 141 |
Lane, Rachel Frances | 219 |
Lane, William Hiram | 213 |
Langell, Arthur Thomas | 132 |
Lanham, Minnie J. | 86 |
Larkin, Melvin Clifford | 344 |
Laurent, Frank H. | 83 |
Lawson, Walter J. | 160 |
Lepley, Arthur Valmer | 482 |
Levison, David | 429 |
Lewis, George Nelson | 326 |
Lewis, Jerry | 197 |
Ling, Ephrem Henry | 264 |
Lintz, Robert Earl | 270 |
Livingston, Forrest O. | 189 |
Lockwood, Charles Morrison | 90 |
Loosley, Emma T. | 432 |
Loree, Delbert, Rev. | 455 |
Love, Minnie Ellen | 40 |
Lowry, Neva Britten | 526 |
Luelling, Hallie R. | 384 |
Luke, Martha B. | 105 |
Lundberg, Maria | 9 |
Mace, Frances Emily | 309 |
Mallery, John Harry, M.D. | 312 |
Mallette, Jue H. | 447 |
Manary, Geraldine Marie | 206 |
Mankin, William Carl | 246 |
Manning, Orry A. | 249 |
Marsh, Joseph Nelson | 407 |
Marsh, William | 349 |
Martin, Charles H. | 125 |
Mathews, George Milfred | 215 |
Mays, Carl William | 28 |
McCay, Carl J. | 149 |
McCroskey, Theodore E. | 356 |
McGrath, Delmer D. | 545 |
McGuire, Ulysses Bing | 405 |
McIlvain, Albert Thomas | 442 |
McKinney, Bertha Ella | 139 |
McNeil, Lillian | 26 |
McNew, Philip Lee | 305 |
McPherson, Jerome W. | 435 |
Meeker, Clarence A. | 98 |
Melzer, John V. | 207 |
Meyer, John Austin | 479 |
Meyer, Wendolin | 382 |
Miller, Neva Edna | 320 |
Miller, Nina Henriette | 475 |
Miller, Rachel Ida | 285 |
Miller, Samuel Hugh | 424 |
Millhollin, (Infant son of C. Max Millhollin) | 274 |
Mills, William Anderson | 277 |
Millspaugh, Harold W. | 500 |
Minor, Calvin Dennis | 336 |
Mitchell, Allen | 15 |
Mitchell, Allene | 13 |
Mitchell, Douglas C. | 85 |
Mitchell, Nora Belle | 181 |
Montgomery, Wiley Centennial | 347 |
Moore, Curtis Raleigh | 254 |
Moore, Nettie Merie | 330 |
Morgan, Audrey Goss | 143 |
Morrell, Harvey Mervin | 377 |
Morris, Berle Leroy | 259 |
Morris, Martha Catherine | 44 |
Morse, Margaret S. | 298 |
Morton, Harry D. | 436 |
Moser, Hazel J. | 325 |
Moss, Benjamine Samuel | 474 |
Moss, Earl J. | 266 |
Mueller, Carl | 96 |
Murray, Iva May | 373 |
Murray, Josephine Fick | 231 |
Nash, Fritz Theis | 503 |
Nash, William Robert | 280 |
Neal, Emery L. | 261 |
Neal, Marion Irene | 118 |
Nelson, Lois | 520 |
Netherland, Winnie C. | 275 |
Newlun, George Washington | 352 |
Niver, Mary Rosella | 490 |
Noben, George E. | 157 |
Norval, Ray | 77 |
Nye, Patricia Evon | 223 |
Oakes, Katherine | 22 |
Offutt, William Nathaniel | 317 |
OLeary, Anita Maria | 546 |
Oltman, Charles | 314 |
Owen, Jerry | 70 |
Owens, Annie M. | 72 |
Owens, Minnie | 512 |
Padgam, Henry | 69 |
Parker, Adelia Margaret | 74 |
Paup, Charles | 365 |
Pearson, Jerry D. | 529 |
Peck, George Grant | 470 |
Pelton, Josephine Orth (Mrs. James) | 426 |
Perry, Arthur Gordon | 35 |
Perry, Ella Foster | 337 |
Peterson, Alan Dare | 391 |
Peterson, Elva Jenny | 242 |
Phelps, Elmer Elsworth | 394 |
Phillips, Carrie Bell | 271 |
Phillips, George Julian | 396 |
Piepkorn, Wallace Samuel | 21 |
Pierce, Guy Edward | 411 |
Pinne, William Eastman | 338 |
Pitts, George E. | 294 |
Plummer, Albert T. | 430 |
Prather, Seb Roland | 476 |
Preston, Alma Theresa | 146 |
Prichard, Thomas Franklin | 421 |
Pryce, Mary A. | 366 |
Pugsley, William H. | 284 |
Purdin, Charles Oscar | 463 |
Putman, Amanda K. | 16 |
Raimey, Susie Elizabeth | 156 |
Rambo, Blanche Humphrey | 300 |
Ramsey, Amy Alice | 201 |
Ramskill, Virginia | 144 |
Rauch, Cloyd D. | 440 |
Ray, Matthew | 216 |
Reed, Homer James | 84 |
Renault, John B. | 323 |
Renie, William Charles | 79 |
Rice, Thomas Rudolph | 238 |
Richardson, Rosetta | 497 |
Riddell, Edwin George | 343 |
Riddell, Jennie Elenor | 211 |
Rinabarger, Charles A. | 477 |
Roat, Sarah Etta | 423 |
Roberts, Adeline Martha | 510 |
Roberts, Clara | 339 |
Roberts, Emma D. | 163 |
Roberts, Joseph Louis | 491 |
Roberts, Netta | 43 |
Rowton, Nellie Marion | 23 |
Rucker, Charles DeWayne | 224 |
Rugg, Mildred Rae | 276 |
Rush, Jaren Vale | 297 |
Russell, Clarence C. | 217 |
Russell, Elzina Conyeau | 153 |
Ruzic, Gregory Peter | 278 |
Ruzic, Nellie Mae | 279 |
Sanger, Luda Elizabeth | 519 |
Saunders, Lawrence Sidney | 378 |
Savage, Emaline L. | 273 |
Schandorff, Marvin Eugene | 293 |
Schell, David Ross | 359 |
Scheper, John | 443 |
Schmidt, Tina | 379 |
Schritt, Charles H. | 527 |
Shafer, George Jacob | 135 |
Sharples, Matilda | 107 |
Shaw, Bernard Andrew | 179 |
Shaw, Charles Ernest | 459 |
Shaw, Martha (Mattie) B., Dr. | 177 |
Shelby, Isaac Marion | 36 |
Shellenbarger, Jon H. | 540 |
Shepard, Elma M. | 221 |
Shipley, Edwin | 150 |
Shoup, Sarah Emmaline | 397 |
Shryock, John Widderfield | 119 |
Shults, Phoebe Jane | 24 |
Simpson, Nellie Glenn | 34 |
Sloan, Margurette A. | 100 |
Smith, Anna | 398 |
Smith, Elzina Breedlove | 451 |
Smith, Emma Almira | 306 |
Smith, Lesley R. | 250 |
Smith, Lida Blossom | 302 |
Smith, Mahulda Maria | 468 |
Smith, Osborn B. | 59 |
Smith, Seth | 460 |
Snyder, Barbara Anna | 198 |
Spence, Alvia Joseph | 50 |
Spencer, Milo Warren | 299 |
Spooner, Martha Florence | 169 |
Spray, Toley Arthur | 233 |
Springer, Emily Mae | 464 |
Springsteen, Ralph H. | 76 |
Stafford, Louise Amanda | 176 |
Stanley, Elizabeth | 484 |
Stanley, Roy | 108 |
Staples, Olive R. | 401 |
Starlin, Estell Carol (Jack) | 525 |
Stephens, Billie Ray | 220 |
Stewart, George Wilburn | 372 |
Stickler, Ollie Louise | 348 |
Stiehl, Clara Florence | 27 |
Stille, Eli Samuel | 381 |
Stock, Marie | 489 |
Stoddard, Sadie Sarah | 327 |
Storm, Matilda Jane | 303 |
Strahan, William Calvin | 465 |
Strange, William Loran | 288 |
Sugg, John H. | 376 |
Sutherland, Lewis Harvey | 236 |
Swanson, Oscar | 148 |
Swartz, Lewis N. | 245 |
Swearingen, Phyllis | 248 |
Swett, Oliver Perry | 342 |
Talbot, Lynne Ellen | 400 |
Tanner, Nina Marcel | 420 |
Taylor, Jessie May | 178 |
Tenold, Rae Ethel Richardson | 346 |
Thornton, Gladys Louise | 360 |
Throckmorton, Sarah Ellen | 204 |
Thurston, Gladys Lorraine | 109 |
Tice, Martha | 180 |
Tilley, Mildred Verda | 319 |
Toney, Charles Henry | 363 |
Travis, Opal | 60 |
Trefren, William | 395 |
True, Marcus Pomoroy | 230 |
Tucker, Margaret Jane | 78 |
Turnbaugh, Dennis Ray | 192 |
Turnbaugh, Doris May | 188 |
Turner, Ruth Augusta | 268 |
Turpin, Charles Woodford | 244 |
Turpin, Horace Robert | 66 |
Turrill, Truman H. | 535 |
Tye, Cleve Columbus | 95 |
Ulken, Diedrich | 485 |
Ulrich, Alice Gilson | 104 |
Valiquette, Corinne Marie | 234 |
VanCurler, Nellie Marie | 116 |
VanWegen, Lula Jane | 466 |
Venham, Altimont | 257 |
Vernon, (Infant son of James D. Vernon) | 267 |
Vernon, James Bascombe | 445 |
Vogel, Charlie | 140 |
VonDerHellen, Hugh | 514 |
VonOrff, Maria Theresa | 17 |
Wade, Florence Marie | 263 |
Wagner, John Marshall | 199 |
Walker, Delia J. | 481 |
Walker, Francis Harvey | 222 |
Wallace, Louella Nichols | 64 |
Waller, Cleo Oakley | 186 |
Waller, Thomas Benjamen | 187 |
Watkins, William Robert | 133 |
Weber, Flora Isabel | 173 |
Wedge, Eva Ola | 509 |
Werner, Bertha L. | 30 |
Wetterer, Joseph B. | 208 |
Weybright, William Wilson | 51 |
Whaley, James Hoddnett | 316 |
Wheeler, Ira | 433 |
White, Ralph Farra | 419 |
White, Sally Alvina | 247 |
Whiteley, Charles E. | 450 |
Whitlock, Allen | 272 |
Williams, Charles Jefferson | 114 |
Williams, Mae Joanna | 493 |
Williams, Ruth Marie | 168 |
Wiltermood, Arthur B. | 410 |
Wolfe, Judith Stella | 29 |
Wolfe, Roy Herman | 496 |
Woodcock, Edward | 52 |
Wright, George Francis | 10 |
Wright, Mollie | 414 |
Young, Lucerne | 311 |
Zahnisner, Gertrude | 47 |