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Below is an index to our 1949 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society.
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Name | Page |
Abbott, Emily | 293 |
Abbott, Laura Melsenia | 399 |
Abel, Lucy Anna | 441 |
Adams, Emma Belle | 409 |
Adams, Pirl Melvin | 469 |
Adams, Sarah Emma | 79 |
Adsitt, Ina Stearns | 195 |
Ambrose, Minnie | 460 |
Anders, Nina Idabelle | 36 |
Anderson, Robert Spencer | 301 |
Anderson, Tanya Ann | 24 |
Andrews, Lydia Ann | 223 |
Angle, Charles F. | 88 |
Arnold, Ronald Lee | 294 |
Atwood, Alice Jane | 13 |
Axel, Charles | 15 |
Baer, Edward Irving | 105 |
Bailey, Rosa | 486 |
Bailey, Walter Albert | 408 |
Bain, Augusta Albertina | 477 |
Baird, Daniel Nelson | 458 |
Baize, Effie Ann | 175 |
Baker, Lawrence Arthur | 95 |
Baker, Mary Florence | 434 |
Balderaton, Ella Martha | 291 |
Barker, Edith E. | 51 |
Barkley, William Patterson | 181 |
Barnes, Frank George | 485 |
Barta, Margaretha | 148 |
Bates, William V. | 337 |
Bean, Etta Mae | 156 |
Beddo, Thomas W. | 348 |
Bedwell, Nancy Burgess | 127 |
Bell, William David | 56 |
Bernard, Jerry Lee | 437 |
Besse, Thurman Ezekiel | 177 |
Biart, Frank D. | 97 |
Bickett, Wilhelmina Agnes | 347 |
Bienvenu, Onie | 200 |
Birman, Kenneth Lee | 33 |
Bismark, Carl Montgomery | 430 |
Blackford, Eugene Lowell | 381 |
Blaess, Charles Elmer | 448 |
Blair, Lacy Lorene | 1 |
Blake, Charley Harvey | 498 |
Boes, Marlys | 454 |
Bonney, Bertha Lena Phelps | 416 |
Bowman, Loretta | 478 |
Boyd, Lettie Leona | 473 |
Boye, William F. | 350 |
Bradford, Ira L. | 3 |
Bradley, Hulick R. | 257 |
Bradshaw, Violet H. | 211 |
Brandt, Matilda Alice | 468 |
Brant, William M. | 327 |
Braymer, Frank | 259 |
Breen, Howard Thomas | 400 |
Brown, Katherin | 192 |
Bryant, William M. | 112 |
Buckley, David Peter | 203 |
Budden, (infant dau. of Virgil & Esther Budden) | 43 |
Burgan, John Holmer | 315 |
Burkhart, Charles Umbra | 53 |
Burpee, William Benjamin | 283 |
Burton, William Allan | 40 |
Caldwell, Eliza Ann | 196 |
Campbell, Alice Jeanette | 475 |
Carey, Sarah Effie | 314 |
Carlson, Albert M. | 461 |
Carpenter, Cordelia Emiline | 155 |
Carroll, Hatler Mitchell | 436 |
Carter, Henry Bernard | 304 |
Chapman, Charles L. | 122 |
Chattin, Jessie Bernice | 150 |
Childers, William Allen | 114 |
Childs, Mary Maude | 45 |
Christianson, Clara Jessie | 231 |
Claflin, Ruth Viola | 273 |
Clapp, Irvin E. | 349 |
Clark, Lavara | 44 |
Clements, Lottie Lee | 342 |
Coats, Illutia | 151 |
Collier, Clifford John | 310 |
Collis, Charles | 335 |
Colver, Louie O. | 489 |
Conger, Hemerly W. | 384 |
Conner, Anna May | 147 |
Conner, Meril Axely | 323 |
Cornell, Martha Ann | 163 |
Coss, (infant son of Earl & Louise Coss) | 189 |
Cotman, Rachel | 141 |
Craig, Charles Edward | 480 |
Crawford, (infant son of Theodore & Helen Crawford) | 285 |
Culbertson, Cora Ellen | 433 |
Custard, Jesse B. | 116 |
Danforth, William P. | 157 |
Davis, Vickie Lynn | 340 |
DeCarlow, Charles William | 371 |
Decker, Irene Rose | 276 |
Deiwart, William E. | 121 |
Denny, Cleo Marie | 126 |
Denzer, Frank Arthur | 90 |
Detrick, Rufus Eugene | 242 |
DeWitt, Minnie Belle | 336 |
Diamond, Minnie | 81 |
Dickson, Samuel T. | 366 |
Dippel, Edna Gallier | 279 |
Ditsworth, Lewis August | 277 |
Dodge, Albert Gray | 188 |
Dole, Lloyd Homer | 385 |
Down, John Francis | 450 |
Driver, Mable G. | 214 |
Drumm, William Henry | 459 |
Dunn, Ethel E. | 388 |
Dunnavan, Belle Eva | 465 |
Dusenbury, Earl Arnold | 383 |
Ebel, Robert Rudolph | 357 |
Edgar, James Hamilton | 374 |
Edwards, Nita Marie | 307 |
Eichorst, Johanna Fredericka | 351 |
Eldred, Ed Emmett | 169 |
Ellis, Chester Burt | 295 |
English, Bessie Marie | 128 |
English, Dean Blanch | 178 |
Faire, Mary Ann | 50 |
Falk, Herman August | 153 |
Farmer, Jessie Alberta | 352 |
Farrar, Iva Chella | 222 |
Farrer, William T. | 9 |
Fehl, Electa Alice | 164 |
Felt, Mildred Hessey | 328 |
Field, Betty Jean | 193 |
Finch, Lucinda Regina | 296 |
Fisk, Lulu Blanche | 194 |
Fitch, Affie May | 207 |
Floux, Lucie | 274 |
Flowers, Archie F. | 407 |
Ford, Arvie Martin | 136 |
Ford, Marc Edward | 341 |
Fordyce, Sarah Nickolena | 113 |
Forman, Michael Ernest | 252 |
Foss, Edward E. | 134 |
Foster, Lorenda Lillian | 355 |
Franklin, Newton Henderson | 85 |
Fredinburg, Clay Iliff | 260 |
Freeman, Sarah E. | 199 |
Frost, John Freeman | 129 |
Froysaa, Knute | 234 |
Fry, Lorenzo Dow | 82 |
Furman, Eugene Edgar | 132 |
Gammill, John Anderson | 21 |
Garber, Harriett May | 89 |
Garrett, Lucinda | 228 |
Gault, Edythe Pearl | 32 |
Germer, Margaret Ann | 396 |
Gillette, Clarinda Belle | 438 |
Goddard, Alpha Yates | 49 |
Godfrey, Roscoe F. | 411 |
Golden, George W. | 254 |
Goold, George G. | 326 |
Goold, Mary Clarissa | 431 |
Gorby, Jacob A. | 159 |
Gore, Sophenia Ish | 154 |
Gorfkle, Gerald N. | 405 |
Graham, Katherine E. | 329 |
Graham, William M. | 325 |
Graham, William S. | 120 |
Grice, Nellie Marie | 290 |
Groves, John M. | 306 |
Grow, Elmer Albert | 41 |
Guessford, Arcadia Elmora | 4 |
Gumm, William Emmett | 339 |
Gundlach, Grover C. | 2 |
Hackert, Frederick | 115 |
Hager, Lizzie | 245 |
Hall, Darrell Gene | 55 |
Hall, Frank D. | 75 |
Halladay, Kenneth B. | 487 |
Hammond, Robert Benjamin | 393 |
Harden, Frank E. | 463 |
Hare, Will Sherman | 470 |
Haskins, Gertrude Odgers | 362 |
Hatch, Charles Sturart | 27 |
Hawig, Ewald Stephen | 42 |
Hayes, Laura Eleanor | 447 |
Hayes, Laurence M. | 319 |
Haynes, Julia Carrissa | 265 |
Hazle, Wallace Dale | 219 |
Hazlewood, Amos Cliff | 483 |
Henry, Margaret Ann | 394 |
Hensley, William Coleman | 275 |
Herold, Anna | 209 |
Hickel, Martha Arela | 368 |
Hickman, Robert Wilbert | 93 |
Higgins, Lawrence W. | 389 |
Hilkey, Steven Randall | 452 |
Hill, John W. | 263 |
Hillestad, Margaret Ann | 230 |
Hobbs, Zella Ethel | 278 |
Hodge, Gerald Dean | 133 |
Hodges, Willard C. | 490 |
Hoduffer, Mike | 73 |
Hoffer, Henry Jrome | 412 |
Holman, M. Lottie | 80 |
Holton, Charles | 46 |
Hornbuckel, Melville N., Sr. | 330 |
Hotchkiss, George | 101 |
Hover, William Uriah | 25 |
Howard, Frank | 67 |
Hubbard, Elnora | 243 |
Huggins, Charles H. | 239 |
Hukill, Barbara | 332 |
Hunt, Percy Cyrus | 123 |
Hunter, Augusta Emilie | 215 |
Hurst, Cordelia H. | 84 |
Hussong, Edward Marston | 165 |
Jackson, Oliver Thomas | 39 |
James, John Kellogg | 197 |
Jammerthal, Leo | 266 |
Jandreau, Wendell Steven | 303 |
Jantzer, Thomas George | 190 |
Jennings, Benjamin Butler | 217 |
Johnson, (infant dau. of Harvey & Lola Johnson) | 29 |
Johnson, Annie | 69 |
Johnston, Laura | 361 |
Jones, Benjamin Haley | 376 |
Jones, Kenneth Paul | 6 |
Keesee, Henry Wayne | 479 |
Kelley, James (alias Martin, James) | 144 |
Kellogg, William Henry | 106 |
Kent, James Cameron | 7 |
Kent, William B. | 37 |
Kenyon, Emma | 86 |
Kershaw, Allena | 440 |
King, Charles Oliver | 457 |
Kirkpatrick, Wylie H. | 425 |
Knutson, Ella Johnson | 426 |
Kolsto, Martin | 256 |
Krauss, Etta | 174 |
Kyle, Frederick William | 198 |
LaBass, William Frank | 145 |
Lager, (Infant dau. of Clifford E. & Dorothy Lager) | 292 |
Landers, John E. | 137 |
Lane, Hubert George | 47 |
Lawrence, Frank Thomas | 184 |
Leavitt, May Lois | 142 |
Lee, Ronald Elmer | 30 |
Lehman, William Henry | 158 |
Lehmanowsky, John J. | 238 |
Lenderman, Roy Ralph | 63 |
Lentz, Carl Monroe | 233 |
Leong, Jue H. | 98 |
Lewis, George Raymond | 35 |
Lewis, John | 401 |
Lilly, Mattie Esther | 373 |
Linville, Mary Carmen | 297 |
Lowe, Minnie Caroline | 358 |
Loyd, Luella C. | 14 |
Luchterhand, Charles Frederick (Carl) | 102 |
Lund, Rosenius R. | 496 |
Lusby, John | 288 |
Lyons, Albert Martin | 31 |
Maberry, Luther Harrison | 343 |
Macaulay, Mamie Esther | 149 |
Macbeth, Viola Irene | 218 |
MacSwain, William S. | 227 |
Mahlsteh, Jacob A. | 482 |
Makaroff, Gregory | 299 |
Manning, Clara D. | 367 |
Marshall, Henry Charles | 240 |
Martin, Ernest | 210 |
Martin, Frances Irene | 492 |
Martin, James (aka Kelley, James) | 144 |
May, Barbara | 316 |
May, Sandra Elizabeth | 237 |
McCabe, Myrtle | 65 |
McCaleb, Joyce Ann | 321 |
McCallister, Herbert M. | 370 |
McCarter, Ethel Tuttle | 471 |
McClanahan, James R. | 138 |
McClimans, Myrtle W. | 224 |
McCoy, Charles L. | 410 |
McCoy, Phoebe Jane | 225 |
McCullough, Herman A. | 345 |
McDaniel, William H. | 267 |
McDonald, James Alvious | 143 |
McDowell, Ella Goss | 58 |
McElligott, Mary | 363 |
McHugh, Charles A. | 221 |
McKee, Joseph Douglas | 166 |
McLean, Laughlin | 308 |
McMahon, May M. | 397 |
McMannus, Cora | 364 |
McNeill, Malcolm | 331 |
Melsheimer, Carl | 160 |
Melton, Marvin W. | 176 |
Merriman, Merritt B. | 317 |
Methvin, Clifton | 246 |
Miller, Eugene Charles, Jr. | 38 |
Miller, Mark Marion | 495 |
Miller, Roberta May | 280 |
Milligan, Albert Joseph | 117 |
Mincks, Naomi Hazel Viola | 300 |
Miner, Lovisa Jenkins | 302 |
Mitchell, Carrie William | 309 |
Mitchell, Clyde Ernest | 313 |
Mole, Richard | 8 |
Monia, Walter Floyd | 365 |
Moore, Erwin Larmer | 428 |
Moore, James Harold | 499 |
Moore, John Newton | 83 |
Moore, Mary Lou | 87 |
Moore, Thomas J. | 167 |
Morehead, Armenne Louise | 52 |
Morgan, Wilce P. | 432 |
Morton, Nova E. | 429 |
Mosier, Fred Henry | 109 |
Moss, William Z. | 107 |
Muckey, William Raymond | 287 |
Murphy, David Eugene | 187 |
Myatt, Rose | 421 |
Myers, Clarence E. | 152 |
Mynatt, William B. | 162 |
Neil, Ida May | 324 |
Nequette, Beatrice | 10 |
Nichols, Archie Stewart | 11 |
Niles, John Dickerman | 103 |
Niver, Lucy Cleopatra | 161 |
Nivison, Benjamin | 23 |
Noble, Julia Ellen | 253 |
Nork, Douglas John | 386 |
Nostrand, Ada | 104 |
Ogilvie, Elizabeth E. | 333 |
OLeary, William Francis | 484 |
Orava, Theodore Seth | 212 |
Ortman, Frank W. | 453 |
Oslin, Clarence W. | 131 |
Ovelman, Justa Belle | 272 |
Owen, Benjamin Franklin | 135 |
Page, Marion Woodbury | 247 |
Paige, Frank L. | 456 |
Pankey, Laura Adeline | 111 |
Parker, Delbert | 208 |
Patterson, Warren | 213 |
Patterson, William James | 390 |
Peabody, Henry Martin | 298 |
Peachey, George Henry | 232 |
Peart, George C. | 19 |
Pefley, Frank Allen | 140 |
Pence, Elsie Matilda | 241 |
Penland, Lola May | 377 |
Peterson, Ellen Gurina | 449 |
Petty, George W. | 220 |
Pheister, Charles Marion | 185 |
Phillips, Albert Earl | 18 |
Phillips, Lena Anderson | 391 |
Pisan, Enrico | 271 |
Poisson, Gideon Joseph | 398 |
Pomeroy, Edgar Noah | 204 |
Prock, Curtis | 414 |
Quiring, Marrianna | 462 |
Ranney, William Wells | 124 |
Ratty, Michael Joseph | 286 |
Reaves, Lulu Anna | 443 |
Redden, Franklin Earl | 415 |
Reedy, Thomas Allen | 235 |
Reinking, Walter Joseph Paul | 420 |
Rhodes, Linda Lee | 226 |
Richardson, Sidney W. | 334 |
Riddle, Marvin Oates | 68 |
Ridenour, Ivan L. | 403 |
Ritzinger, Nicholas | 12 |
Robb, Charles Nelson | 206 |
Roberts, Charles William | 205 |
Roberts, Margaret Silvia (Lou) | 249 |
Roberts, William D. | 96 |
Roberts, William Daniel | 146 |
Rogers, Corance Vertie | 179 |
Rose, Samuel | 289 |
Rose, Timothy Ray | 16 |
Roslington, George Edward | 26 |
Ross, Joseph | 406 |
Rost, Ralph LeRoy | 488 |
Rowley, Minnie Estell | 92 |
Roys, Etta | 344 |
Rutschman, Augusta | 417 |
Ryan, Sylvester C. | 262 |
Sagar, Louis Christian | 500 |
Samsel, Dora L. | 20 |
Sandidge, John Howard | 360 |
Sandstrom, Arthur Gordon, II | 119 |
Sauer, John | 472 |
Schell, Melvin Lee | 423 |
Schmidt, Claire | 180 |
Schmidt, Jackie M. | 34 |
Schoeniger, Robert Leo | 466 |
Schuette, John G. | 94 |
Scott, Ernest E. | 186 |
Scott, Ross Wallace | 172 |
Seabright, Amy Elizabeth | 74 |
Seamans, George Henry | 54 |
Seely, Fern | 439 |
Sellers, Nancy Elizabeth | 236 |
Sewell, Amanda Elizabeth Hatley | 369 |
Shaw, Robert Egbert | 502 |
Sheets, Ella Belle | 173 |
Shelton, Ray | 445 |
Sherman, William T. | 108 |
Shore, Claude Price | 183 |
Shore, Lovina Mary | 305 |
Shuman, Clarence May | 446 |
Sidley, John Michael | 353 |
Sievertsen, Bernard Carson | 474 |
Silver, Chester Guy | 455 |
Simmons, Catherine Caroline | 110 |
Simon, Ernest G., Dr. | 372 |
Simpson, Annie Thompson | 171 |
Simpson, Francis I. | 435 |
Simpson, John | 318 |
Sitton, Mickey Joseph | 191 |
Slinger, Anna Sarah | 216 |
Slover, Henry Edward | 451 |
Smith, Glenn Vernon | 491 |
Smith, Guy | 387 |
Smith, Judy Eileen | 130 |
Smith, Mary Ann | 395 |
Smith, Myra B. | 59 |
Snyder, (infant son of Odis C. & Jewell H. Snyder) | 100 |
Sowell, James Edwin | 392 |
Spaur, Pamela T. | 413 |
Springer, Joseph Vincent, Jr. | 64 |
Stailey, Corinthia Elizabeth | 282 |
StArnold, Norman Cherclie | 248 |
Steele, Harry Lockwood | 380 |
Stevens, Eldon, Lennis | 258 |
Stevenson, Margaret Ann | 464 |
Stewart, Harley Middleton | 281 |
Stewart, John E. | 268 |
Stone, Helen Marie | 269 |
Stout, Gordon | 404 |
Stout, Ruby G. | 229 |
Stradling, Allen Wainfield | 78 |
Stratton, Lorena Bell | 427 |
Stubblefield, Ella Bella | 264 |
Swanson, Alice Thresia | 284 |
Swanson, Annie C. | 60 |
Swanson, Harold Martin, Jr. | 201 |
Swanson, John August | 418 |
Swift, Amy | 270 |
Switzer, Asa | 467 |
Talent, Charles Patton | 422 |
Tamney, Stephen Edward | 168 |
Tauber, Josephine | 118 |
Taylor, Allen P. | 311 |
Taylor, Henry Louis | 91 |
Terwilliger, Dwight | 66 |
Thayer, Sofronia May Abner | 419 |
Thomas, Clifford Hollis | 5 |
Thompson, Mary Agnes | 182 |
Thompson, Susan Elizabeth | 338 |
Tresham, Fay D. | 354 |
Turner, William Walter | 442 |
Twedell, Bryan Hayden | 322 |
Umbs, George | 375 |
Vedder, Minna | 476 |
Vessey, Harold Herbert, III | 57 |
Viall, James Gage | 62 |
Vining, Irving Edwin | 493 |
Voorhies, Helen Burrell | 99 |
Wadlow, John Roy | 76 |
Wagler, Luella | 28 |
Walch, Tillie H. | 312 |
Walker, Gladys Lillian | 48 |
Walker, Ketha Louise | 424 |
Warmoth, Anna Laura | 494 |
Warnock, Arthur William | 61 |
Weaver, Walter Crawford | 379 |
Webster, Wilbur Oscar | 356 |
Wenaus, Ina Fern | 255 |
West, Thomas J. | 77 |
Wheeldon, Harry Alexander | 346 |
Whitlock, Mary Ethel Lollar | 378 |
Wilkes, Stephania Beldonia | 72 |
Wilkin, Frank | 22 |
Williams, Henry McCurdy | 202 |
Willits, Irene Ellen Wrisley | 71 |
Wilson, Herbert Harrison | 170 |
Wilson, Lora | 70 |
Wineland, Jeannette | 261 |
Witcher, Cecil Alvin | 125 |
Wittenberg, William F. | 481 |
Wright, Gove S. | 382 |
Wright, William H. | 17 |
Wright, William Raymond | 320 |
Wurdinger, Mabel | 444 |
Yeo, Clive Gregory | 402 |
Younce, Edward Clinton | 244 |
Young, Ernest Burns, III | 501 |
Young, Grant | 359 |
Young, Jeremiah Windsor | 497 |
Zeleznik, Edward | 250 |
Zell, Douglas | 251 |
Zundel, Hylda Oneta | 139 |