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Genealogy Library |
Our library's collection includes a great many volumes of obituaries clipped from the Grant's Pass Courier newspaper. Our volunteers are creating indexes for these volumes. Below is the index for 1990.
If you find a name in our index and would like a copy of the obituary for that name, display the postal request form, complete it online, and send it to us at the address on the form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for $10. Be sure to check to see if there is more than one obituary listed. If so, list all the page numbers shown for that name. You will receive all obituaries for the single $10 fee. You should be aware that we sometimes have only a death notice and not a full obituary.
Name | Page |
Ackerman, Roudolph | 8 |
Adair, James | 87 |
Adams, Alan | 79 |
Adams, Dan | 3 |
Ahlstrom, Zelia | 42 |
Ainsworth, Donna | 2 |
Ainsworth, Ruby | 82 |
Akin, Mark | 23 |
Akin, Molly | 39 |
Allen, Myrtle | 111 |
Allison, Mildred | 115 |
Allman, Traci | 31 |
Alvarez, Helen | 68 |
Amador, Beulah | 116,118 |
Anderson, Angela | 118 |
Anderson, Elsie | 87 |
Anderson, Georgia | 58 |
Anderson, Roy | 104 |
Annon, Jessie | 120 |
Antonuccio, Michael | 58 |
Archer, Alyce | 42 |
Archer, Donald | 72 |
Archer, Harold | 112 |
Armour, Brian | 35 |
Armstrong, Mary | 25 |
Arnberg, Roy | 18 |
Arrington, Ivy | 115 |
Arroyo, Valeria | 61 |
Artoff, Jessica | 116 |
Asbury, Luella | 44 |
Ascargorta, Jacqueline | 64 |
Atkins, May | 88 |
Atteberry, Frances | 110 |
Aucone, Coral | 67 |
Auestad, Donna | 82 |
Avilla, Mary Ann | 129 |
Bailey, Donald | 6 |
Bailey, Marguerite | 45 |
Baker, Bennie | 74 |
Baker, Harry | 2 |
Baker, Henry | 112 |
Baker, Madelyn | 109 |
Baker, W.J. | 45 |
Ballew, Charlotte | 30 |
Balluff, Marian | 107 |
Barbour, Norman | 106 |
Barelli, Mary | 79 |
Barnes, Barbara | 10 |
Barr, Terence | 108 |
Barrette, Sara | 12 |
Bartholomew, Clifford | 75 |
Bartlett, Steven | 103 |
Barton, Harold | 27 |
Bassett, Jack | 1 |
Bates, Beth | 3 |
Baucum, Radies | 79 |
Bazett, Marjorie | 71 |
Beagley, Ernest | 19 |
Bean, Geraldine | 39 |
Bean, Margaret | 8 |
Beard, Paul | 41 |
Beck, Diane | 30 |
Beck, Margaret | 96,98 |
Becker, Jeanne | 113 |
Beckstrom, Zella | 42 |
Beekman, Oliver | 34 |
Bennett, Everett | 78 |
Bergquist, Jeanne | 113 |
Berry, Lucille | 97 |
Berry, Stacey | 94 |
Bettencourt, Eugene | 5 |
Bettis, Margaret | 30 |
Bezner, Beulah | 112 |
Bigham, Ray | 2 |
Binggeli, Melody | 126 |
Bird, Henry | 65 |
Bishop, Beth | 3 |
Black, Gladys | 119 |
Black, Matilda | 89 |
Blair, Virginia | 102 |
Blevens, Bessie | 15 |
Blevins, Roberta | 71 |
Boatman, Florence | 17 |
Bode, Johanna | 70 |
Bolling, Ruby | 75 |
Bonham, Judith | 124 |
Bonifacini, Carol | 70 |
Boone, Dorothy | 113 |
Boorman, Caroline | 123 |
Boorman, Irven | 12 |
Boozer, Chelsie | 23 |
Bostwick, Daniel | 10 |
Bowers, Micky | 46 |
Bowman, James | 106 |
Brandon,Margaret | 106 |
Brazille, Dee Dee | 91 |
Breazeale, Thomas | 79 |
Breeden, Phoebe | 60 |
Breshears, Edna | 25 |
Brewer, Bertie | 15 |
Brickey, Ethel | 80 |
Bridges, Charles | 51 |
Bridges, Jamie | 19 |
Brinkman, Clarence | 53 |
Brock, Florence Jo | 96 |
Brock, William | 38 |
Broeffle, Helen | 30 |
Broer, Bert | 118 |
Brolin, Emma | 11 |
Brown, Kenneth | 6 |
Brown, Mildred | 6 |
Brown, Rosa | 117 |
Brown, Rosina | 19 |
Brownell, Betty | 50 |
Bucan, Eric | 84 |
Buchanan, Mabel | 121 |
Buchanan, William | 24 |
Buckley, Patrice | 6 |
Bugh, Marguerite | 45 |
Buhl, Raymond | 13 |
Buist, Peter | 130 |
Buker, Samuel | 84 |
Burkhart, Frances | 28 |
Burnett, Norma | 53 |
Burrows, Robert | 105 |
Burt, Lulu | 3 |
Burton, Paul | 17 |
Byers, Reed | 126 |
Byington, John | 84 |
Cadwell, Jessie | 81 |
Cairns, Steven | 111,112 |
Calhoun, Katherine | 20 |
Calhoun, Lottie | 38 |
Calhoun, Nancy | 115 |
Callahan, Helen | 58 |
Calver, David | 88 |
Camp, Orville | 43 |
Campbell, Elva | 19 |
Campbell, Guyla | 8 |
Campbell, Leslie | 90 |
Campbell, Paula | 106 |
Carnes, Richard | 68 |
Carpenter, Roxanna | 64 |
Carriere, Donald | 67,72 |
Carter, Frieda | 57 |
Casperson, Gloria | 55 |
Cassity, Ruby | 44 |
Castro, Margaret | 97 |
Caudle, Jesse | 9 |
Caughran, Mary | 33 |
Cavyell, Clarence | 53 |
Cazemier, Louise | 113 |
Cerutti, Virginia | 60 |
Chamberlain, Hazel | 62 |
Chapman, William | 66 |
Chase, Ramona | 18 |
Chausse, Norman | 115 |
Childers, Joseph | 20 |
Chipley, Mary | 56 |
Christean, Lelah | 121 |
Christensen, Barbara | 108 |
Christiansen, Leland | 95 |
Christie, Roland | 112 |
Church, Cleo | 93 |
Cilenti, Shirley | 89 |
Clark, August | 24 |
Clark, Kenneth | 35 |
Clark, Magdalene | 59 |
Clark, Tommy | 25 |
Clarno, Lorraine | 54 |
Clay, Don | 43 |
Click, Aldiene | 94 |
Clienti, Shirley | 89 |
Cochran, Laurence | 85 |
Colby, June | 41 |
Cole, Albert | 32 |
Coleman, Aaron | 66 |
Coleman, Diane | 66 |
Collins, Edna | 25 |
Collins, Lincoln | 22 |
Collins, Ruth | 69 |
Comber, Marjorie | 124 |
Comfort, Ruby | 63 |
Connarley, Anne | 7 |
Conolly, Marian | 107 |
Conway, Florence | 17 |
Cook, Florence | 68 |
Cooke, Anna | 22 |
Coomes, Marymae | 36 |
Cooper, Marie | 82 |
Cornog, Lillian | 50 |
Counts, Raymond | 41 |
Craig, Nellie | 1 |
Crain, Louis | 68 |
Crain, Terry | 95 |
Crane, Daniel | 92 |
Craugh, Frank | 94 |
Crawford, Alvina | 48 |
Crawford, Jean | 78 |
Crawford, John | 127 |
Cronin, Lena | 80 |
Cross, Margaret | 106 |
Crossman, Allan | 66 |
Crothers, Goldie | 24 |
Crouse, Harry | 130 |
Crume, Billie | 105 |
Cundiff, Bonnie | 9 |
Curnutt, Helen | 8 |
Curtis, Vernon | 5 |
Dabbs, Ruby | 82,83 |
Dachhel, George | 128 |
Darling, Cleo | 93 |
Daugherty, Clayton | 5 |
Davidson, George | 114 |
Davis, Carl | 107 |
Davis, Chester | 29 |
Davis, Clara | 94,98 |
Davis, Howard | 22 |
Davis, John | 41 |
Dawson, Ken | 70 |
Day, Aymee | 97 |
Dazey, Stephen | 14 |
Dean, Roxsanna | 64 |
Deardorff, Dee Dee | 91 |
Deaton, Clyde | 55 |
DeHaven, Frances | 31 |
DeLaMontanya, Ethel | 12 |
Delyle, Edward | 114 |
Dennis, Lillie | 101 |
DeSantis, Earlda | 69 |
Devore, Bertie | 15 |
DeVore, Bertie | 15 |
Devore, John | 107 |
DeWeese, Nellie | 1 |
DeYoung, Virginia | 56 |
Dields, John | 62 |
Dietz, Golan | 21 |
Diffey, Gladys | 6 |
Dixon, Fern | 90 |
Dobbyn, Lelah | 121 |
Dodge, Ernest | 107 |
Dodson, Harry | 127 |
Dolmage, Don | 28 |
Donoho, Jeannette | 35 |
Dooray, Sidney | 46 |
Dorsey, Cora | 101 |
Duley, Ruby | 44 |
Dupont, Mary | 88 |
Durland, Con | 26 |
Dye, Eunice | 83 |
Earnest, Roy | 79 |
Ecklund, Charles | 51 |
Ecklund, Frances | 110 |
Egbert, Louise | 113 |
Elkins, Abe | 40 |
Elliott, Malinda | 74 |
Elliott, Maxine | 102 |
Elmore, Early | 113 |
Elwood, Hershel | 100 |
Erickson, Katherine | 20 |
Erjavac, Mary | 27 |
Eskithis, James | 106 |
Eterovic, Margaret | 76 |
Evans, Annabelle | 12 |
Evinger, Viola | 121 |
Fagan, Pauline | 19 |
Falwell, Edward | 129 |
Fanno, Dolores | 85 |
Fawell, Virginia | 102 |
Fay, Edith | 76 |
Feiring, Ivan | 92 |
Ferguson, J.W. | 31 |
Ferris, Arlene | 36 |
Firestone, Edna | 88 |
Figg, Thomas | 122 |
Finch, Leta | 75 |
Fitzpatrick, Albert | 67 |
Flickinger, Clement | 125 |
Flitcroft, Della | 54 |
Florer, Hattie | 121 |
Forthoffer, Anna | 26 |
Fowler, Forest | 110 |
Frahm, Darryl | 110 |
Frantz, Shirley | 51 |
Fredenburg, Charles | 78 |
Freeborn, Alvin | 11 |
Fry, Jessie Anna | 3 |
Fuller, Judson | 92 |
Fuzi, Helen | 130 |
Gaedicks, August | 10 |
Gaglio, Joseph | 44 |
Gaines, Gordon | 38,41 |
Gallagher, Patrick | 30 |
Gallios, George | 83,84 |
Galvin, Robert | 93 |
Garcia, Antonio | 42 |
Garcia, Emma | 79 |
Gardner, Margaret | 30 |
Garton, Lila | 31 |
Gay, Joann | 53 |
Gehrking, Walter | 43 |
George, Minnie | 109 |
Germain, Ethel | 80 |
Gibbs, Mary | 27 |
Gilchrist, Clifford | 119 |
Gillespie, Bill | 56 |
Gipson, Jasper | 46 |
Giraroot, Lamar | 105 |
Glenn, Marie | 61 |
Glovinsky, Michael | 50 |
Godsoe, Murray | 6 |
Goffreda, Nicholas | 61 |
Golden, Clara | 94 |
Gonzalez, Helen | 117,123 |
Gooch, Ralph | 114 |
Goode, Paul | 20 |
Goodman, Ada | 50 |
Gordon, Margaret | 14 |
Goucher, June | 88 |
Gould, Jack | 59 |
Gourley, Lester | 71 |
Graham, Dennis | 100 |
Grant, Jessie | 120 |
Graue, Margaret | 111 |
Gray, Margaret | 24 |
Gray, Willis | 49 |
Green, Alden | 70 |
Green, Dorothy | 42 |
Gregory, Lorna | 41,45 |
Griffis, Robert | 11 |
Grimsgaard, Evelyn | 108 |
Gross, Gene | 104 |
Gross, Oscar | 26 |
Grover, Howard | 111 |
Groves, Marie | 82 |
Gruber, Joseph | 68 |
Guise, Grace | 96 |
Gulka, Mary | 38 |
Gunter, Edna | 21 |
Guy, Malcolm | 77 |
Hager, Vivian | 79 |
Hagstrom, Mildred | 115 |
Hale, Charlotte | 30 |
Haley, Margie | 34 |
Hall, Ruth | 2 |
Hall, W. Jasper | 88 |
Hambelton, James | 71 |
Hamilton, Shirley | 85 |
Hamlin, Henri | 70 |
Hammonds, Violetta | 105 |
Hanley, Marie | 10 |
Hansen, Paul | 57 |
Hantke, John | 58 |
Hardie, Raymond | 84 |
Hardwick, Dorothy | 14 |
Hardy, Madelyn | 109 |
Harkleroad, Anne | 12 |
Harlacher, Annie | 95 |
Harp, Margie | 34 |
Harper, Belva | 94 |
Harper, Mary | 101 |
Harris, Florence | 85 |
Harrison, Howard | 63 |
Hart, Henry | 121 |
Hart, Ronald | 129 |
Hartman, Lloyd | 58,64 |
Hartsfield, Tomoe | 63 |
Hartzig, Forrest | 115 |
Hassett, Russell | 37 |
Hately, Clara | 90 |
Hauck, Cecelia | 122 |
Haven, Ellen | 64 |
Havens, Rodney | 37 |
Haw, Florence | 85 |
Headley, Dorothy | 41 |
Heap, Richard | 36 |
Heath, Coleman | 49 |
Heffleger, Edwin | 128 |
Helert, Paul | 9 |
Helmer, Joseph | 15 |
Hemmerly, Betty | 22 |
Hendrickson, Kenneth | 58 |
Henry, Harold | 49 |
Henselin, William | 116 |
Heppenstall, Clair | 77 |
Herndon, Irene | 78 |
Herriott, Dewain | 125 |
Herve, Esther | 1 |
Heydenburk, Ellen | 64 |
Hickerson, Myrl | 106 |
Hickler, Walter | 19 |
Higinbotham, Mildred | 23 |
Hilger, Orin | 91 |
Hinds, Clyde | 129 |
Hipps, Olin | 72 |
Hoff, Helmer | 2 |
Hoffman, Mary | 27 |
Hogan, Alice | 74 |
Holgren, Lorraine | 54 |
Holmes, Marguerite | 45 |
Hood, Dorothy | 56 |
Hooten, Violetta | 105 |
Hopper, Helen | 95 |
Horel, Martha | 72 |
Horg, Anna | 26 |
Horn, Floyd | 114 |
Horne, Paul | 102 |
Houser, Walter | 49 |
Howard, Wilma | 32 |
Howell, Marion | 90 |
Hoyt, Alyce | 31 |
Huckaby, Edwin | 13 |
Hudgins, Martha | 119 |
Huff, Evadna | 28 |
Hufman, William | 24 |
Hull, Emma | 19 |
Hulse, Lidia | 52 |
Hummel, Robert | 45 |
Hunt, Frederick | 51 |
Hunt, Grace | 102 |
Hunt, William | 87 |
Hustwayte, Joyce | 49 |
Hutchinson, Hazel | 62 |
Inman, Esther | 45 |
Inman, Helen | 61 |
Ireland, Della | 54 |
Isaacs, William | 80 |
Iudice, Greg | 60 |
Jackson, Margaret | 29 |
Jackson, Theodore | 120 |
Jacobs, Ethel | 62 |
James, Willard | 111 |
Jenkins, Charles | 129 |
Jenkins, Coral | 67 |
Jennings, Curtis | 53 |
Jensen, Helen | 130 |
Jobe, Roberta | 71 |
John, Rosemary | 1 |
Johnson, Frank | 27 |
Johnson, George | 8 |
Johnson, Golda | 7 |
Johnson, Harold | 128 |
Johnson, Paul | 44 |
Johnson, Wilbur | 74 |
Johnston, Elnora | 124 |
Johnston, Geraldine | 39 |
Johnston, Violet | 83 |
Joliffe, Dorothy | 56 |
Jones, Dorothy | 41 |
Jones, Florence | 17 |
Jones, Harold | 36 |
Jones, Mildred | 43 |
Jones, Norman | 109 |
Jones, Wesley | 75 |
Jones, Wilma | 130 |
Jorde, Lila | 74 |
Judd, Arlene | 36 |
Juni, Jane | 89 |
Jury, Anne | 7 |
Kafer, Fred | 79 |
Kaneen, Robert | 82 |
Kasprzyk, Angela | 118 |
Kaufman, Alviene | 94 |
Kaufner, Ruth | 126 |
Keating, Helen | 123 |
Kegley, Florence | 77 |
Kellems, Fay | 98 |
Kelly,Martha | 129 |
Kendrick, Golda | 7 |
Kennedy, Emma | 19 |
Kenyon, Agnes | 66 |
Kesler, Virginia | 60 |
Killian, Kenneth | 122 |
Kime, Velma | 4 |
Kimsey, Oren | 119 |
Kincaid, Fred | 60 |
King, Bruce | 114 |
King, Mary | 54 |
King, Pearl | 60 |
Kirk, Vibert | 111 |
Kirkland, Austin | 78 |
Kittle, Ronald | 119 |
Klein, Ruth | 126 |
Klikovac, Zako | 56 |
Klinker, Bonnie | 9 |
Kloepfer, Vernon | 3 |
Knauss, Anne | 12 |
Knight, Huie | 99 |
Knox, Diane | 30 |
Koeberle, Carl | 34 |
Koke, Alma | 65 |
Koop, Frances | 48 |
Kroes, Jean | 45 |
Kubli, Lorna | 91 |
Kuhlman, Harry | 58 |
Ladd, Madelyn | 109 |
LaGest, Gordon | 67 |
Laird, Linnie | 50 |
Lamb, Lidia | 52 |
Landaker, Shane | 66 |
Landrum, Edna | 47 |
Lane, Lee | 123 |
Lane, Lila | 74 |
Lantz, Walter | 13 |
Larison, Katherine | 71 |
Larson, George | 56 |
Latham, Jessie | 71 |
Lathrop, Estella | 127 |
Latva, Joseph | 34 |
LaVada, Betty | 50 |
Lawrence, Catherine | 99 |
LeaMaster, Anna | 22 |
Lee, Andrew | 98 |
Lee, Vioda | 26 |
LeGault, Lisa | 64 |
Leighton, Margery | 32 |
Leinen, Lorna | 45 |
Lemmon, Eugene | 101 |
Lemson, Jane | 89 |
Leonard, Eva | 36 |
Leonard, Helen | 61 |
Leslie, Lucile | 97 |
Lester, Margery | 32 |
Levering, Theodore | 120 |
Lewis, Edith | 104 |
Lewis, John | 126 |
Lewman, Glenn | 47 |
Lichner, George | 77 |
Lichtenthaler, Lulu | 3 |
Lightfoot, Charles | 102 |
Lindsay, Alma | 4 |
Littel, Robert | 98 |
Little, Margaret | 76 |
Litz, Orval | 93,104 |
Lohr, Elizabeth | 17 |
Long, Troy | 104 |
Lopez, Eddie | 12 |
Lopez, Valeria | 61 |
Lounsbry, Edith | 76 |
Love, Ivor | 3 |
Lutz, Dorothy | 128 |
MacKechnie, Harriet | 11 |
Mackey, Esther | 1 |
Macy, Beth | 3 |
Makepeace, George | 19 |
Maphet, Cecil | 120 |
Martin, Mary | 91 |
Martin, Radies | 79 |
Martin, William | 29,109 |
Martinez, David | 4 |
Mason, William | 48 |
Massender, Sam | 43 |
Matchett, James | 94 |
Matlock, Viola | 121 |
Matthews, Charles | 106 |
Matthews, Doris | 62 |
Matthews, Jake | 29 |
Mauldin, James | 123 |
May, Helen | 130 |
Maynard, Benjamin | 118 |
McAllister, Fern | 90 |
McAllister, Guyla | 7 |
McBride, Charles | 32 |
McBride, Paul | 55 |
McCabe, Maxine | 103,104 |
McCloud, Patrick | 20 |
McClung, Jean | 25 |
McCord, James | 110 |
McCormack, Jerry | 21,27 |
McCormick, Ernest | 49 |
McCormick, Robert | 83 |
McCown, Harold | 18 |
McCue, Sue | 76 |
McGrady, Patricia | 84 |
McGuffin, Ina | 38 |
McHargue, Edith | 92 |
McKean, Mary | 129 |
McKecknie, Nora | 16 |
McKim, Thomas | 121 |
McKusick, Ethel | 93 |
McLaren, Alyce | 42 |
McLaren, Julia | 75 |
McLaren, Marjorie | 122 |
McLean, Lucille | 81 |
McMahon, Marjorie | 55,59 |
McNair, Bernice | 103 |
McNeill, Lucille | 81 |
McShane, Maurice | 90,92 |
McVey, Verana | 108 |
Means, Glee | 11 |
Meier, Arnold | 1 |
Melstrom, Margaret | 69 |
Melvin, Ruth | 23 |
Merrill, Wanda | 108 |
Merritt, Dorothy | 21 |
Meteer, Maxine | 104 |
Meyer, Louis | 62 |
Millard, Arthur | 53 |
Miller, John | 91 |
Miller, Sara | 40 |
Miller, Sharon | 102 |
Mitchell, Donald | 125 |
Mitchell, James | 64 |
Moe, Lily | 37 |
Monteleone, Antonio | 31 |
Montgomery, Viola | 121 |
Mooma, Edna | 88 |
Moomaw, Estella | 127 |
Mooney, Dennis | 35 |
Moore, Charles | 24 |
Moore, Edan | 21 |
Moore, Helen | 8 |
Moore, Vera | 50 |
Moos, Joseph | 126 |
Morand, Norman | 77 |
Moreno, Manuel | 20 |
Morgan, Margaret | 8 |
Morgan, Otis | 55 |
Morley, Ramona | 18 |
Morningstar, Eugene | 15 |
Morris, Mabel | 48 |
Morris, Thomas | 27 |
Morris, William | 96,99 |
Morrison, Janie | 97 |
Morse, Nana | 59 |
Mortara, Kay | 90 |
Moss, Anna | 49 |
Moulton, Donald | 128 |
Mouw, Gloria | 18 |
Mullin, Carol | 96 |
Munell, Addie | 75 |
Murko, Laura | 45 |
Murphy, John | 15 |
Murray, Jessica | 63 |
Murren, Richard | 37 |
Murry, Bryan | 59 |
Nash, Stephen | 23 |
Naylor, Beverly | 23 |
Neelund, Ruby | 75 |
Nelson, Florence | 40 |
Nelson, Geraldine | 39 |
Nelson, Harry | 19 |
Nelson, Richard | 42 |
Nemis, Inez | 123 |
Nessner, Anna | 49 |
Nestero, Nicholas | 16 |
Newbrough, Eugene | 105 |
Newcomer, Alvina | 48 |
Norton, Hiram | 39 |
Norton, Joseph | 105 |
Norton, Roy | 27 |
Noskoff, Gwendolyn | 39 |
Nutz, Speedy | 113 |
Nyman, Alfred | 99 |
O'Roke, Connie | 35 |
Oaks, Molly | 39 |
Oberdick, Wilfred | 33 |
Oden, Frank | 129 |
Oelke, Oral | 81 |
Olson, Ruby | 90 |
Olufson, Leslie | 23 |
Osborn, Eldon | 34 |
Osborn, Wilma | 32,40 |
Owenby, John | 72 |
Owens, Gladys | 14 |
Owens, Sharon | 102 |
Packard, Eugene | 69 |
Packard, Florence | 40 |
Paddock, Jessie | 10 |
Padilla, Helen | 68 |
Palmer, Claude | 30 |
Palmer, Mary | 30 |
Palmerton, Eunice | 18 |
Parker, Audra | 114 |
Parker, Jeannette | 35 |
Parks, Walter | 47 |
Parra, Tony | 80 |
Parris, George | 29 |
Parrish, Gyneth | 43 |
Parsons, William | 65 |
Passow, George | 52 |
Paterson, Hazel | 62 |
Patterson, Edward | 33 |
Patterson, Gladys | 6 |
Patterson, Robert | 80 |
Paulin, Irene | 81 |
Paylor, Earnest | 20 |
Pearce, Robert | 25 |
Pedersen, Minnie | 109 |
Pelowski, Shirley | 118 |
Peltier, Aubrey | 66 |
Peltier, Steven | 127 |
Pencille, Rose | 54 |
Perine, Jeanne | 113 |
Perkins, Diane | 66 |
Perry, George | 50 |
Perry, Martha | 129 |
Pesterfield, Bernice | 103 |
Pestridge, Edith | 73 |
Peterson, Roberta | 71 |
Pettit, Schuyler | 68 |
Philbrick, Dorothy | 21 |
Phillips, Capitola | 89 |
Philips, Lillian | 14 |
Phillips, John | 59,87 |
Phillips, Juanita | 5 |
Phillips, Richard | 72 |
Phipps, Ruby | 63 |
Picard, Roy | 12 |
Pierce, Alma | 4,65 |
Pierce, Julia | 124 |
Pike, Danny | 111 |
Pilano, Martha | 42 |
Pinkerton, Annabelle | 12 |
Pitman, Zua | 18 |
Planchon, Clarence | 70 |
Player, Harold | 125 |
Poe, Robert | 51 |
Polk, Roscoe | 116 |
Pollard, Wallace | 65 |
Pollard, Wanda | 16 |
Pope, Margaret | 106 |
Porter, Eunice | 83 |
Potter, John | 96 |
Pough, Michael | 26 |
Poulin, Jeannette | 35 |
Prack, Florence | 96 |
Prack, Peter | 96 |
Pratt, Irene | 78 |
Pratton, Kay | 90 |
Price, Andrew | 101 |
Price, Edith | 92 |
Price, Jimmy | 60 |
Price, Nicole | 56 |
Price, Virginia | 56 |
Priest, John | 51 |
Pring, Phyllis | 4 |
Probst, Dewey | 98 |
Pruess, Donald | 93 |
Pugsley, Mary | 87 |
Purcival, Margaret | 14 |
Purkett, Robert | 110 |
Quinn, Esther | 4 |
Quinn, Thomas | 15 |
Rabon, Helen | 95 |
Racataian, John | 49 |
Raleigh, Martha | 72 |
Ramp, Vera | 57 |
Ramsey, Marvin | 54 |
Ras, Dirk | 85 |
Rash, Mildred | 43 |
Rasmussen, April | 116 |
Raycamp, Edwin | 73 |
Raymond, Hobart | 109,114 |
Reber, John | 18 |
Redding, Hazel | 59 |
Reed, Forrest | 16 |
Reed, Juanita | 73 |
Reed, Patsy | 52 |
Reed, Rosa | 117 |
Reeves, Ernest | 93 |
Reeves, Rebecca | 95 |
Rega, Arnold | 35 |
Reilley, Betty | 100 |
Rezac, Edward | 46 |
Rhodes, Fern | 72 |
Rhodes, Laurence | 37 |
Rice, Russell | 91 |
Richards, June | 88 |
Richards, Shawn | 31 |
Rimer, Howard | 63 |
Roberts, Clifford | 67 |
Roberts, June | 44 |
Roberts, Lewis | 124 |
Roberts, Margery | 32 |
Robinson, Clifford | 117 |
Robinson, John | 124 |
Robinson, Orde | 13,14 |
Robinson, Roy | 16 |
Robowski, Raymond | 99 |
Robson, Betty | 100 |
Rockel, George | 101 |
Rodriguez, Babe | 34 |
Roebuck, Ermin | 32 |
Roeske, Bertha | 37 |
Roff, Donald | 87 |
Rohner, Bertha | 71 |
Romero, Valeria | 61 |
Rose, Joseph | 77 |
Ross, Ethel | 9 |
Rowe, Francis | 16 |
Roysdon, Leitha | 85 |
Ruch, Ivy | 115 |
Runnion, Mable | 102 |
Ruskowski, Mathew | 110 |
Russell, Homer | 33 |
Russell, Mae | 46 |
Russell, Marie | 82 |
Ryan, Christine | 85 |
Ryder, Robert | 76 |
Sackett, Rosamonde | 116 |
Saffer, Lisa | 64 |
Sample, Herman | 9 |
Sanders, Thomas | 78 |
Sandquist, Donna | 2 |
Sands, Lucile | 53 |
Sanford, Fulton | 65 |
Sanford, Harriet | 11 |
Sannes, Margaret | 24 |
Satterlee, Harmon | 125 |
Sauer, Margaret | 8 |
Schapansky, Gary | 7 |
Scharbach, Capitola | 89 |
Schell, Geraldine | 107 |
Schilling, Betty | 93 |
Schmitz, Joann | 53 |
Schneider, Norma | 53 |
Schrenck, Harvey | 73 |
Scieszka, Bernice | 109 |
Scott, Alton | 82 |
Seagoe, Alberta | 127 |
Sealock, Catherine | 51 |
Self, Michael | 66 |
Sether, Ruth | 103 |
Sexton, Capitola | 89 |
Shacklett, Chester | 52 |
Shawn, Eva | 39 |
Shearer, John | 8 |
Sheldon, Wardell | 128 |
Shelton, Katherine | 71 |
Shepperd, Nellie | 11 |
Sherer, Addie | 11 |
Sherk, Grace | 102 |
Sherman, Margaret | 111 |
Shipp, Leta | 75 |
Shippy, Jim | 35 |
Shirley, Bill | 18 |
Shoemaker, Robert | 33 |
Short, Lloyd | 14 |
Siddon, Sara | 12 |
Silverthorn, Merrill | 97 |
Simmonds, LaVera | 87 |
Simning, Daisy | 48 |
Simons, Myrtle | 45 |
Simonson, April | 116 |
Singler, Zua | 18 |
Skaff, Charlotte | 1 |
Smith, Arthur | 44 |
Smith, Catherine | 30 |
Smith, Charles | 100 |
Smith, Dean Paul | 76 |
Smith, Esther | 84 |
Smith, George | 83 |
Smith, Gyneth | 43 |
Smith, Kenneth | 10 |
Smith, Malinda | 74 |
Smith, Oliver | 57 |
Smith, Walter | 44 |
Smylie, Robert | 67 |
Snelling, Lowell | 124 |
Snook, Robert | 67 |
Sonneland, June | 31 |
Sorensen, Bella | 117 |
Sowash, Sincell | 13 |
Sowell, Helen | 95 |
Spangrud, Doretha June | 103 |
Sparks, Mary Ruth | 52 |
Spears, Ethel | 62 |
Speers, Charles | 53 |
Spellings, James | 2 |
Spellman, Evelyn | 17 |
Spencer, Agnes | 66 |
Spencer, Radies | 79 |
Spieth, Carl | 81 |
Stacy, Dolores | 85 |
Stahlschmidt, Baldur | 78 |
Starns, Ida | 40 |
Stephens, Jennie | 83 |
Stern, William | 13 |
Stevens, Helen | 127 |
Stevens, June | 115 |
Stewart, Clarice | 125 |
Stillman, John | 99 |
Stinebaugh, Mary | 57 |
Stoltz, R. Sue | 76 |
Stoner, Dorwin | 68 |
Stranko, Judith | 36 |
Strelow, Evelyn | 17 |
Stroud, Rayford | 126 |
Stuhr, Joseph | 94 |
Stump, Charles | 117 |
Sturm, Casterria | 70 |
Stursa, Jennie | 65,83 |
Sutton, Martha | 129 |
Swain, Myrtle | 111 |
Swearingen, Ermin | 32 |
Sweek, Belva | 94 |
Sweet, Bernice | 109 |
Swinney, Charles | 24 |
Tagliere, Maggie | 57 |
Talbert, Catherine | 99 |
Talbot, Harold | 2 |
Tapscott, Norma | 53 |
Tassow, George | 59 |
Taylor, Charles | 69 |
Taylor, Jay | 40 |
Taylor, Shirley | 51 |
Taylor, Willard | 122 |
Teeters, Doretha | 103 |
Thayer, Esther | 4 |
Thayer, Frieda | 57 |
Thetford, Willie | 61 |
Thexton, Roy | 47 |
Thomas, Jasper | 70 |
Thomas, Keith | 122 |
Thomason, Velma | 4 |
Thome, Margaret | 113 |
Thompson, Florence | 54 |
Thompson, Grace | 1 |
Thompson, James | 6 |
Thompson, Lee | 129 |
Thompson, Mary | 52 |
Thompson, Micky | 46 |
Thompson, Wanda | 16 |
Throne, Mayvis | 37 |
Tidyman, Marjorie | 14 |
Tifft, Robert | 60 |
Tocher, Kenneth | 39 |
Tocher, Phyllis | 4 |
Todd, Grace | 122 |
Tolle, Russell | 65 |
Tolner, Roland | 115 |
Totman, Russell | 97 |
Townsend, Arthur | 120 |
Trucks, Helmut | 2 |
Tuey, Casteria | 70 |
Vander Griend, Tina | 28 |
Vanes, Gloria | 18 |
Varner, Alyce | 31 |
Varner, Ray | 32 |
Vaughn, Guyla | 8 |
Velasquez, James | 5 |
Vial, Arman | 118 |
Vickery, Leitha | 85 |
Vischer, Charlotte | 1 |
Vollendorff, Shirley | 89 |
Vorhies, Alvy | 130 |
VoShell, Lucile | 53 |
Vosseler, Marie | 119,120 |
Vyborny, Shirley | 118 |
Wagenmakers, Jane | 89 |
Wagner, Leo | 117 |
Wagoner, Geraldine | 107 |
Walden, Melba | 90 |
Walentine, Roer | 108 |
Walker, Ruth | 103 |
Wallace, Betty | 128 |
Wallace, Theodore | 15 |
Wallwin, Walter | 1 |
Walteher, Harold | 105 |
Walters, Lawrence | 38 |
Wampler, George | 96 |
Warner, Myrtle | 45 |
Warren, Faye | 17 |
Warren, Mary | 56 |
Washburn, Joseph | 33 |
Waters, Cora | 101 |
Watson, Alfred | 62 |
Watt, James | 120 |
Watts, Helen | 121 |
Watts, John | 124 |
Watts, Mary | 57 |
Weaver, William | 82 |
Weber, Hannah | 90 |
Weber, Robert | 7 |
Wegener, Elizabeth | 17 |
Weier, Elton | 100 |
Welch, Donald | 5 |
Wells, Kenneth | 107 |
Wells, Viola | 46 |
Werden, Robert | 80 |
West, Calvin | 121 |
Whaley, James | 116 |
Wharton, Ida | 40 |
Wheeler, Bryan | 20 |
Wheeler, Caroline | 123 |
Wherley, Joseph | 7 |
White, Bessie | 15 |
White, Frances | 31 |
White, LaVera | 87 |
White, Stacey | 94 |
Whitehouse, Roy | 26 |
Whitelock, Elaine | 48 |
Wickersham, Gloria | 55 |
Wilbur, Ralph | 43 |
Wild, Edna | 21 |
Wilde, Marie | 44 |
Wilder, Bernard | 54 |
Wilder, Betty | 9 |
Wilder, Caroline | 123 |
Wilder, Lorraine | 54 |
Wildey, Lloyd | 130 |
Wilfong, Edna | 88 |
Wilkinson, Wade | 40 |
Willard, Harry | 35,36 |
Willenstein, Mary | 101 |
Willfoung, Barbara | 10 |
Williams, Cecelia | 122 |
Williams, Clifford | 81 |
Williams, Malinda | 74 |
Williams, Midge | 88 |
Williams, Virginia | 102 |
Williams, Wayne | 29 |
Williamson, Anna | 22 |
Williford, Lowell | 69 |
Williford, Mary | 33 |
Willis, Harry | 47 |
Wilson, Gladys | 119 |
Wilson, Harold | 50 |
Wilson, Mary | 87 |
Wilson, William | 9 |
Wiltse, Melody | 126 |
Winner, Marie | 89 |
Winter, Judith | 36 |
Wirtz, Lola | 61 |
Wise, Ruby | 114 |
Witham, Paul | 7 |
Wodzewoda, Frances | 28 |
Wood, Melvin | 69 |
Wood, William | 9 |
Woodcock, Ernest | 92 |
Woods, Verana | 108 |
Woodson, Berniece | 97 |
Woodward, R. Sue | 76 |
Woodward, Kenneth | 28 |
Woolsey, Addie | 11 |
Woolsey, Wanda | 108 |
Worthington, Lena | 80 |
Wotli, Howard | 104 |
Wyman, William | 112 |
Wysong, Cora | 78 |
Yadon, Sylvia | 16 |
Yatt, Louis | 20 |
Young, Alyce | 42 |
Young, Florence | 17 |
Youngblood, Juanita | 5 |
Zacvha, Eugle | 26 |
Zehm, Esther | 4 |
Zehr, Irene | 21 |