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Genealogy Library |
Our library's collection includes a great many volumes of obituaries clipped from the Grant's Pass Courier newspaper. Our volunteers are creating indexes for these volumes. Below is the index for 2005.
If you find a name in our index and would like a copy of the obituary for that name, display the postal request form, complete it online, and send it to us at the address on the form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for $10. Be sure to check to see if there is more than one obituary listed. If so, list all the page numbers shown for that name. You will receive all obituaries for the single $10 fee. You should be aware that we sometimes have only a death notice and not a full obituary.
Name | Page |
Ackerman, Mary ôMitziö | 257 |
Acklen, Ruth D. | 76,77,78 |
Ackley, Fay M. | 113,115 |
Adams, Alice Sloman | 222 |
Adams, Ilean | 257 |
Adams, Ilean | 256,257 |
Adams, Joan Frances Schueller (2) | 71 |
Addington, Oro D. ôDeanö | 230 |
Agnew, Billie Vanderhoof | 172,173 |
Aguilar, Chandra Sue | 166 |
Ainsworth, Kathrine Leigh | 37 |
Alberta, Antoinette ôToniö | 246,250 |
Alberts, Janice Margaret | 192 |
Aldridge, Inez V. ôGinnyö | 124 |
Alertas, Shirley J. | 275 |
Alexander, Dorothy Taylor (2) | 139 |
Allison, Jason Michael | 33,39 |
Allison, Vicki | 236,238 |
Ambrose, Karolena Ruth | 149 |
Amling, Paul D. | 136,142 |
Amos, Allan C. | 101 |
Anderson, Carol Margaret Dennis | 119 |
Anderson, Connie Irene | 146,148 |
Anderson, Dorothy E. | 283,285 |
Anderson, Ella | 26 |
Anderson, Jean | 70 |
Anderson, Kenneth L. | 250,252 |
Anderson, Meta Kathleen ôKayö | 51,57 |
Anderson, Rolland ôAndyö Jr. | 208,210 |
Anderson, Russell M. ôAndyö | 40,44 |
Anderson, Walter M. | 283 |
Andrews, Michael David | 181,184 |
Angerman, Deborah Lynn Lombardi | 158 |
Annette, Frances Eleanor | 137 |
Anthony, Martha D. | 244,248 |
Applegate, Virginia ôRuthö | 259,262 |
Archuletta, Robert ôBobbyö | 156,159 |
Armstrong, Alison Victoria | 129 |
Armstrong, George Vernon | 91 |
Arnold, Dorothy ôDottieö | 141 |
Arnold, Lenora May | 193,194,199 |
Arnold, Lillian E. | 231,232 |
Arnold, Virginia P. | 141,144,173 |
Arrasmith, Marjorie | 98 |
Arturi, Eleanor Wynne | 5 |
Atkins, Clarke W. | 261,264 |
Attebery, Cheryl Anne | 155,162 |
Ausland, Grace Wilma | 144 |
Ausland, Vivian Eleanor | 211,212 |
Austin, Sarah Wattie Sanders | 127,129 |
Baca, Andrew | 181 |
Backes, Velma Lee | 32,40 |
Baier, Bruce Douglas | 241 |
Bailey, Betty May | 36,39 |
Baird, Eva Jean | 22 |
Baker, Leona Rose | 88 |
Baker, Madock Alexander | 253 |
Baker, Mary Georgeann ôGeorgieö | 212,214 |
Baker, Thelma Elizabeth | 137 |
Baker, Thorin Lee | 244 |
Baldwin, Howard ôBuzzö | 136,140 |
Ballert, Ruth Adelaide | 250 |
Ballinger, Ray Lee | 275 |
Ballinger, Velma Cleo Ivie | 241,243,267 |
Barber, Eleanor | 188,191 |
Barbour, Edith E. | 230,232 |
Bare, Carol Law | 267,268,276 |
Barich, Vance | 152,163 |
Barrett, Edith Lavina | 196 |
Bartlett, Lynore Ann ôMurrayö | 265,268 |
Bartley, Paul Frederick | 106,125 |
Baskis, Jean | 256 |
Bates, Elizabeth ôBessö | 27 |
Bauer, Dorothy B. | 228,229 |
Baukol, Deloris Ruth | 77 |
Bay, Helen F. ôPennyö | 286 |
Bayard, Ruria Marie ôRudiö | 194,197 |
Baydala, Orysa L. | 105 |
Bayless, Roy Junior | 217,220,221 |
Be Dell, Geraldine B. | 57 |
Bealer, Guy S. | 126 |
Beals, Cora E. | 132 |
Bean, Joe W. | 122 |
Beard, Colin Michael | 195,201 |
Beard, Fountiene Lee | 265,268 |
Beatty, John L. | 105 |
Beaudry, Marie Mae | 21 |
Beaver, Mary Evelyn | 245 |
Beck, Dorothy B. | 228,229 |
Beedle, Lillian E. | 231,232 |
Beekman, Irene | 103 |
Beith, Sylva Dorothy | 3 |
Bell, J. Doris | 128 |
Bellamy, Bobbie June | 26 |
Beltran, Edward David | 132,134 |
Beltz, Harry Leroy ôLeeö | 203 |
Benavente, Virginia Hazel | 58 |
Bengston, Carl Rodney | 107 |
Bennett, Edward E. | 256 |
Bennett, Laval M. McQuity | 286 |
Bennett, Richard Irving | 130,132 |
Bennett, Virginia Gale | 257,261 |
Benson, Robert D. | 228 |
Berdan, Ray | 48 |
Berg, Eldon Louis | 51,58 |
Berge, Fred Edward | 188,192 |
Bergeron, Betty Ann | 255 |
Bergersen, Lois Mae | 103,107 |
Bergold, Mary M. | 84,86 |
Bernal, Marjie R. | 258 |
Berry, Charles D. | 132 |
Berry, Jean ôBobbieö | 121,144 |
Bettencourt, Clarence Wallace | 201,206 |
Bewley, Bertha Jean Smith | 227,230 |
Beyer, Anneliese M. | 202,206 |
Beyer, Phyllis Roberta Jones | 274,275 |
Biddle, Winston ôCurlyö | 232,237 |
Bigelow, Jill Vernal | 87 |
Biggs, Jack | 21 |
Birch, Robert Nathaniel | 27 |
Bird, Dorothy | 15 |
Bird, Lori | 226 |
Bird, Ronald E. | 83 |
Bishop, Florence Nellie | 239,241,250 |
Bishop, Mary Lucile | 84,87 |
Bishop, Vernon Douglas | 208 |
Bisordi, Raymond Narciso | 122 |
Blachley, Pauline Frances | 111,112 |
Blair, Eloise Marilyn ôSusieö | 183,186 |
Blair, John Hugh | 174 |
Blakely, Kathleen B. (2) | 1 |
Blind, Willem Johan Laurens | 92,94 |
Blinzler, Cora E. ôLynnö | 108 |
Bloodgood, Grant Lee | 223 |
Bobb, Susan ôGammonö | 11 |
Boggs, Lou Helen | 104 |
Bolinger, Shirley Ruth | 30 |
Boltin, Patricia Ann | 66 |
Bond, Irma Hallock | 285 |
Bond, Mary Christine | 143,149 |
Bonner, Gar David | 19,20 |
Bookhamer, Carl Benjamin ôBenö | 176 |
Borreson, Buni Ann | 237,240 |
Bossard, Patricia S. Steveson | 83 |
Bowdoin, Willard E. | 95,97 |
Bower, Elizabeth Tuthill | 127,128 |
Bowman, Bill D. | 77 |
Bowman, Billie Lucille | 30,31 |
Bowman, L. Dawn Reddick | 229 |
Bowman, Treva Arlene | 109 |
Bowser, Howard Dale | 207 |
Boyer, Martha L. | 146 |
Boyle, George D. | 196,200 |
Boyum, Deloris Baukol | 77 |
Brady, Alma E. | 56 |
Brady, Eloise Marilyn "Brady" | 183,186 |
Brandon, Lois R. | 151 |
Branham, Fred | 117 |
Brannan, B.B. ôBudö | 122,125 |
Brannan, Flossie Marie | 83 |
Bravo, Adelaide M. ôAdyö | 159 |
Bray, Robert Cartwright Jr. | 141,146 |
Brazil, Virginia O. | 5 |
Brennecke, Anne Marie | 180 |
Brenner, Ruth Bosworth Parks | 70 |
Breshears, Maudie M. | 270 |
Brewer, Opal May | 17 |
Brickey, Patricia Lea | 194 |
Bridges, Wesley Scott | 34 |
Briggs, Kellie Jo | 173 |
Brinkman, Douglas J. | 227 |
Britton, Naomi Beverly | 110 |
Brock, Donald | 83 |
Broer, Randall Bert ôRandyö | 200 |
Bromley, Jodi Helene | 259 |
Brooks, James Winfield | 217,220 |
Brovelli, Elnora M. | 226 |
Brown, Barbara Ann | 238 |
Brown, Beverly Anne | 240,244 |
Brown, Elmer Carl ôBrownieö | 32 |
Brown, Estella Montieth | 167,169 |
Brown, Irene Mary | 238 |
Brown, Pamela May | 153 |
Brown, Pearl E. | 252 |
Brown, Raymond Lee | 88,89 |
Brown, Roger William | 280,281 |
Brown, Walter Charles ôWallyö | 9 |
Bruni, Katherine | 151 |
Brunson, Clarence Ellis ôChickö | 151,154 |
Brush, Lorraine Dorothy Ketelsen | 127 |
Bryan, Betty Ann | 49 |
Bryant, Pattie | 69 |
Bryant, Robert | 173 |
Buccanan, Linda Carpenter-Williams | 102 |
Buck, Doris Vivian | 67 |
Buck, June | 230 |
Buck, Vivian C. | 132 |
Buckley, Charles H. Sr. | 232,235 |
Buckmaster, Glen Leroy | 101 |
Bunch, Elizabeth ôBessö | 27 |
Buntin, Daniel Lee | 5,13 |
Burdick, Wayne Alton Jr. | 247,252 |
Burgess, Linda Ann | 3 |
Burke, Inez Olson | 90 |
Burke, Virginia P. | 141,144,173 |
Burnett, Joan Lenore | 14 |
Burroughs, Donald Royal, Sr. | 43 |
Buschke, Betty J. | 158,160 |
Buscho, Joyce Elaine | 153 |
Butler, Thomas Patrick III | 19 |
Butts, Donald Lee | 208 |
Byard, Joni Lynne | 221 |
Byron, Pamela May | 153 |
Cadelinia, Carol M. ôCowkö | 100,103 |
Cairns, Barbara J. | 179 |
Calciano, Constance May | 40 |
Callahan, Harvey L. | 70,73,85 |
Caluyo, Magdalena | 132 |
Cameron, Donald Karl | 277 |
Camis, Charles | 112 |
Campbell, Colette Renee | 80 |
Cannard, Marcia | 140,150 |
Cannon, Theresa Alice ôPatö | 104,109 |
Cantua, Corinne ôKimö | 267,269 |
Carlino, Kathrine Leigh | 37 |
Carlson, Evelyn E. | 150 |
Carlton, Clifford Lee ôBoompaö | 89 |
Carnes, Evelyn ôMarieö | 24,28 |
Carpenter, Linda Sue | 102 |
Carroll, Karen | 25 |
Carroll, Shirley | 179 |
Carson, Alice Elizabeth | 108 |
Carson, Doris ôYvonneö | 192 |
Carter, Elizabeth | 88 |
Carter, Teelou Morrow | 95 |
Carter, Vincent Edward | 27 |
Carver, Helen June | 59 |
Case, Albert Leslie | 130 |
Casler, John Alexander | 95,98 |
Cassano, Joanne Barbara | 180,182 |
Cassebarth, Delores May | 21 |
Caton, Genevieve | 261 |
Catuto, Edward James | 275 |
Cecil, Sid | 53 |
Chadd, Maxine Bell | 213 |
Chamberlain, Victor Eugene | 107 |
Chambers, Inez V. | 151 |
Chancey, Fern | 20 |
Chancler, Carl W. ôBudö | 145 |
Chapman, James M. (2) | 134 |
Chapman, Joan M. McGuffey | 285 |
Charleboix, Helen Rose Rosiek | 228,229 |
Chase, Nicholas J. | 124,128 |
Chatelain, Mary | 281,282 |
Chewning, Letta Jennette | 64 |
Chiado, Franklin ôDelö Harelson | 202,227 |
Childers, Beau | 268 |
Chiniaeff, Aileen Florence | 80,84 |
Chiniaeff, Alexander Walter | 129,130 |
Christensen, Charles | 161,163 |
Christiansen, Richard Dean ôRickö | 38 |
Clabaugh, Gertrude Orpha ôTrudyö | 20,25 |
Clark, Billie Maxine | 173 |
Clark, D. Joe, Sr. | 34 |
Clark, Dorothy Jean | 172 |
Clark, Inez Virginia ôGinnyö Aldridge | 124 |
Clark, Morton Eliot | 267,272 |
Clark, Violet Irene | 278,280 |
Clark, Walter M. | 250,279 |
Clements, Bruce Roland | 84,87 |
Clements, Frederick J. | 84,87 |
Cleveland, Virginia Lee | 257,265 |
Clevenger, Betty Jane Wimer | 274 |
Clifton, Dawn R. (2) | 257 |
Close, Ila Mae | 63 |
Clough, Gayle ôGatorö | 127 |
Cobble, Jody | 205 |
Cobbs, Maureen K. | 177 |
Coburn, Victor Palmer | 132 |
Coffey, Loleta | 60 |
Coffman, Katherine | 150 |
Cogburn, Viola Mae | 263 |
Cogswell, Elizabeth ôAnnö | 135 |
Coldiron, Michael S. | 146 |
Cole, Bessie Fay | 19 |
Cole, Dianna L. | 181,182 |
Cole, John M. | 71,73,82 |
Cole, Robert ôBobö | 268,270,272 |
Collett, Gloria Rose | 256,258 |
Collins, Ruth Sharon | 264,266 |
Collins, William Gus | 124 |
Collison, Linda Jean | 181,182,183 |
Comstock, H. Faye (2) | 165 |
Condreay, Elwin J. ôEdö | 243,246 |
Connelly, Carolyn M. | 198 |
Conner, C.K. ôPeteö | 31 |
Connors, Viola Mable | 133 |
Conrad, William N. | 139 |
Cook, Joseph P., Sr. | 130,135 |
Cook, Mae Evelyn | 213 |
Cook, Susan Hope | 264 |
Cook, William Alden | 203 |
Cook, William H. | 30,37 |
Cook, William M. | 238,239 |
Cooke, James Delmore | 93,97 |
Cooks, Ruth Virginia Johnson | 114 |
Coombs, Dorothy Mae ôDottieö | 34 |
Cooper, Jayne Marie | 259,261 |
Cooper, Lulu G. | 277 |
Cooper, William Bert ôBillö | 43,45 |
Copeland, Irene | 229 |
Cotte, Pauline E. | 230,235 |
Coull, Harry | 175 |
Cowell, Susan Faye | 154 |
Cox, Leonard Grant | 105 |
Coyle, Velma A. | 50 |
Cozad, Patrick | 92,96 |
Cragg, Korey Parker | 45,48,60 |
Cram, Ilean | 256,257 |
Crampton, Wayne M. | 32,36 |
Crane, Marie Maude | 158,166 |
Crawford, Danny | 229,231 |
Crawford, Janice Anita | 242 |
Crews, Grace ôMillieö | 27 |
Critchlow, Wilbur ôWebbö | 204 |
Crites, Diane Mary | 136,137 |
Criteser, Ralph O. | 277 |
Crittondon, Marty Lee ôMartyö | 36,45 |
Crombie, Donna Lynn | 243 |
Crosby, Judyth Ann | 111,112 |
Crowl, Delbert Leonard | 57,61 |
Crump, Darline Tillotson | 131,134 |
Culbertson, Ruby Winifred Higinbotham | 102 |
Cullen, Julia ôGiglerö | 281 |
Cunningham, James Shawn | 125 |
Cunningham, John William | 186,188,189 |
Curll, Dorothy Keller | 112,113,126 |
Curphey, Robert E. ôBobö | 22,29 |
Currier, Carlin Timothy | 2 |
Dadisman, Janice Florine | 233,237 |
Dahl, Kurt ôOpaö | 95 |
Damon, Gene Robert | 83,86,107 |
Dangerfield, Holly Ann | 51,54 |
Daniels, Vivian Nadine | 55 |
Danskin, John Halstead ôDannyö | 56,59 |
Daulong, Doris ôYvonneö | 192 |
Davey, Hazel Sarah Phillips | 274,277 |
Davidson, E. Pauline | 32,49 |
Davidson, Frances Ruth | 152,154 |
Davis, Dehra Minola | 130 |
Davis, Glen Russell | 262 |
Davis, Mary Agnes | 210 |
Davis, Richard Jack | 99 |
Dawson, Ivy May | 116 |
Deadmond, Dorothy Lavern Middleton | 30 |
Deardorff, Lloyd Albert | 63,68 |
DeArmond, Mary Sollee | 106 |
Deaton, Brent ôLuckyö | 123,126 |
DeCarlo, Dominic Joseph | 112 |
Deignan, Paul Anthony | 271 |
DelBane, Marjorie | 110,119 |
Demaree, Antoinette ôToniö | 246,250 |
DeMaris, Clara Elizabeth | 203,206 |
Denison, Karen | 25 |
Dennis, Carol Margaret | 119 |
Derby, Ella | 26 |
Derry, Barbara Ames Spalding | 186,187,188 |
Derry, Charles E. | 58 |
Devey, Mark Lee | 266 |
Dickey, Helen F. Bay | 237,286 |
Dickson, Victoria ôToriö | 247,248 |
Diffie, Constance Calciano | 20,40 |
Dillon, David | 264 |
Dixon, Eldon Leroy | 254,255,256 |
Dobbins, Thelma Elizabeth | 137 |
Dodane, Charles P. | 259,262 |
Dodge, Wanona Lee | 122,123 |
Doeppel, Dan Allin | 196 |
Doherty, John Joseph | 123,128 |
Doland, Robert S. ôBobö | 222 |
Doney, Julia Marie | 238,240 |
Driskell, Beatrice | 141,142 |
Drolette, James Alexander | 136,138 |
Droscher, Gerald Charles ôJerryö | 55 |
Drumm, Elizabeth Tuthill | 127,128 |
Duke, Charlotte | 175 |
Duncan, Clyde Robert | 19,22 |
Dungey, David A. | 49 |
Dunkel, Delores May | 21 |
Dunken, Clarence ôDunkö | 186 |
Dunne, James Frazier | 104 |
Duran, Garnette May | 127 |
Durboraw, Linnea | 65 |
Durham, Duffy | 26 |
Dwyer, Doris A. | 100 |
Dye, Harold Leroy | 2 |
Dyer, Vern Oliver ôHaywireö | 212,215 |
Easley, Jack Marvin Jr. | 93 |
Eastwood, Cheryl Anne | 155,162 |
Ebben, Alberta Ann ôMistyö | 239,247 |
Eckert, Warren E. | 195 |
Eckstein, Ruth Marie Bailey (2) | 264 |
Edmon, Shirley | 179 |
Edwards, Carolyn Jane ôCarrieö | 260 |
Edwards, Janet M. | 264,265 |
Egan, Billie Ruth | 24 |
Eggleston, Bertha | 44 |
Eggleston, Cheryl Anne | 155,162 |
Ehmann, Elsie | 280 |
Eley, Dewey | 227 |
Eley, Winafred E. | 233 |
Elledge, Larry C. | 41 |
Elletson, Florence Anne | 184,201 |
Ellievich, Catherine Veronica | 168 |
Ellis, Bertha Eggleston | 40,44 |
Ellis, Darwyn Leon | 261,263 |
Elmendorf, Ada Ruth | 197 |
Elmore, Michael Eric | 28 |
Emch, Grace Nina | 16,21 |
Emley, Robert Howson | 212,226 |
Emmons, Edna | 116,119 |
Emrey, Christopher | 188,190 |
Endicott, Kenneth H. Jr. | 194,195,212 |
Enz, Phillip Herman | 175,189 |
Epple, Wayne A. (2) | 24 |
Erck, Louis W. ôBudö | 254 |
Erickson, Marty Boyd | 157 |
Erskine, Marjorie | 98 |
Ertel, Alvina G. | 155,157 |
Ervin, Georgia Leon Terrel | 212,214 |
Erwin, Marcus ôWayneö | 59 |
Eskitgis, Mary Christinakis | 38 |
Espy, Gaye | 238,241 |
Ethridge, Wallace L. | 91,93 |
Evans, Mell Dewey | 43,44 |
Fabrick, Esther Mary | 191 |
Fahey, Iris Belle Morrison | 181,182 |
Falls, John Thomas | 223,226 |
Farmer, James F. ôFloydö Sr. | 87,88 |
Farthing, Francis E. ôGeneö | 248 |
Feeney, Verne J. | 229,230 |
Feist, Edward Lawrence | 123,127 |
Fentress, Catherine L. ôLucyö | 212 |
Ferguson, Genevieve | 137 |
Ferry, Lorene ôLorrieö | 152,161 |
Fialho, Virginia | 129 |
Figueroa, Ozmin ôOzzieö | 92 |
Findley, Buell W. | 23 |
Fisher, Mary C. | 261,268 |
Fitzpatrick, William ôBillö | 277 |
Flanagan, Marilyn Ann | 205,208 |
Fleischman, R. Erich | 106,110 |
Fletcher, Charles L., Jr. | 220,221 |
Flippin, Howard Edward | 190 |
Foisy, Dianne Marie | 177 |
Ford, Ralph ôMikeö | 89,90 |
Foreman, Neal | 31,32 |
Forester, Joni Lynne | 221 |
Forster, Hallie Edna | 56 |
Forthun, Kenneth ôVirgilö | 102,105 |
Foster, Alden D. | 2,4 |
Fox, Norbert Kenneth | 11,17 |
Fox, Yvonne Elizabeth | 132,139 |
Francis, Charles Lewis | 240 |
Francis, Doris E. | 177 |
Francis, Ilabelle C. | 81 |
Franco, Mary M. | 94 |
Franko, Mary Georgeann | 212,214 |
Frantz, Helen L. | 239 |
Frederick, Mona Harriet Metcalf | 24 |
Frederick, William George ôBillyö | 167 |
Freeman, Dawn Lucille | 15,17 |
Frenzel, Mildred Mae | 13 |
Frey, Anne Marie Brennecke | 175,180 |
Friese, Mary W. ôNaomiö | 187,190 |
Fry, Eva Jean | 22 |
Fugua, Archie ôFrankö | 88 |
Fuhrman, Corey Bruce | 190 |
Fuller, Jane F. | 145 |
Fuller, Jean C. | 1,2 |
Fuller, John Charles | 201 |
Fuller, Naomi Beverly | 110 |
Gabe, Fountiene Lee | 265,268 |
Gabel, Kenneth Hubert | 20 |
Galatioto, Samuel Joseph | 158,160,163 |
Gallagher, Mary M. | 94 |
Gallamore, Ann L. | 101,115 |
Gallego, Jose E., Sr. | 221,224 |
Gallegos, Elevio ôDannyö | 15,18,20 |
Gammel, Henry Allen ôRedö | 99,101 |
Gammon, Susan | 11 |
Gandler,Vicki | 236,238 |
Gardner, Susan Faye | 154 |
Garrett, Maxine E. Lawrence | 110,111 |
Gasser, Josephine Jennings | 122,124 |
Gateley, Shirley L. | 149 |
Gatlin, Mary Labertha | 276 |
Gauthier, Pauline Frances Blachley | 111,112 |
Geary, Dorothy Ann Glynn | 89,91 |
Gee, Michael Kingman | 70,72 |
Gentry, Mervyn L. | 119 |
George, Alfred M. | 47 |
George, John A. (2) | 88 |
Gerdis, Geraldene ôGerryö | 200,203 |
Gertsch, Doris Lorraine | 69,73 |
Gervacio, Margaret Alice | 237 |
Geurin, Roberta Louise ôBertieö | 135 |
Gibson, Charles R. | 181,187 |
Gibson, Colette Renee | 80 |
Gibson, Janice Gloria ôJanö | 203,204 |
Gibson, Stanley R. | 196,206 |
Gigler, Julia | 281 |
Gilbert, Lloyd William | 74,75,93 |
Gilchrist, Jean McDonald | 118 |
Gillen, Carl | 141 |
Gilles, Joanne Barbara | 180,182 |
Gillis, Kathy Lynn | 162 |
Ginet, Olivette ôSister Helene Roseö | 111 |
Givens, Frances Evelyn ôLowö | 68 |
Glenn, Maxine Lillian | 127,132 |
Glisson, Eva Lee | 48,50 |
Glunz, Leon A. | 79,85 |
Glynn, Dorothy Ann | 91 |
Goad, James Samuel | 250,254 |
Godwin, Catherine Veronica | 168 |
Godwin, Pauline F. | 111,112 |
Golden, Corinne ôConnieö Lee | 254 |
Goldsam, Ralph Mathias ôBudö | 101 |
Gomes, Joseph ôJoeö (2) | 164 |
Gomez, Cesar Vasquez | 30 |
Gonder, Warren William | 65 |
Gonzales, Reinaldo, Jr. | 190,194 |
Gonzales-Espinoza, George | 243 |
Gonzales-Espinoza, Jacob | 243 |
Gonzales-Espinoza, Jared | 243 |
Goodwin, Maggie Mae Lee | 249,252 |
Gordon, James Owen | 8 |
Gothard, Maxine E. | 110,111 |
Graves, Scott Andrew | 24 |
Gray, Edie McDonald | 29 |
Gray, Marion Clarence ôBobö | 42 |
Grazier, Rosella | 263 |
Green, Charles T. | 151 |
Green, Dorothy Jean | 85 |
Green, Naomi | 110 |
Green, T.J. Joseph | 186,187 |
Greene, Hartley B. | 97 |
Greenough, Dorothy | 141 |
Gregg, Helen Inez | 116 |
Gregg, Maudie M. Breshears | 269,270 |
Gribble, William R. | 130 |
Griffin, James Harry ôJimö | 143 |
Grimes, William ôBillyö | 43 |
Grinolds, Wayne Leroy | 42,53 |
Grond, Janet Eileen | 43,47 |
Gronholz, Lois Mae | 103,107 |
Grove, Barbara Kathryn | 184 |
Grubbe, Ervin | 100 |
Grubbs, Bernice G. | 281 |
Gruenebaum, Irene Anna | 264,265 |
Guches, Richard ôDickö | 1 |
Guerrero, Betty Sue | 273,280 |
Guggisberg, Evelyn E. | 150 |
Guise, Janet M. | 264,265 |
Gustafson, Inger Julianne | 149,150 |
Gwynn, Earl Martin | 11,12,17 |
Haacke, Mae Evelyn Cook | 213 |
Haas, Carolyn Jane Edwards | 260 |
Haas, Ernest Arthur ôErnieö | 201,203 |
Habben, Joyce Thelma | 156,162 |
Hackett, Cheviot ôChevyö | 184 |
Hackler, Mary M. | 94 |
Hagen, Kevin ôDoc Bakerö | 156,158 |
Haines, Kevin Scott | 31 |
Hale, Blanche R. | 174 |
Hall, Elizabeth V. | 186 |
Hall, Gloria Barbara | 227 |
Hall, John Patrick | 19 |
Hall, Norma Gail | 214,216 |
Hall, Patricia | 7 |
Ham, William Albert ôBillö | 238,242 |
Hamilton, Charles Leslie | 72 |
Hamilton, Rebecca ôBeckyö | 257 |
Hammar, Jasmine Marie | 97 |
Hammar, Michael Joseph | 97 |
Hammer, Tricia | 56 |
Hammon, Jeremy | 230 |
Haney, Naomi Ruth Holder | 201 |
Hannon, Delores Gertrude | 158,160 |
Hansen, Craig deVoe | 113,120 |
Hansen, Fay Ann | 245,247 |
Hansen, Louise Jeannette | 30,35 |
Hansen, Walter E. ôSkeetö, Sr. | 39,40 |
Hanson, Edna | 116,119 |
Harelson, Fred Allan | 278 |
Harkey, Raymond Orville, Sr. (2) | 283,284 |
Harmon, Theos Mansford | 164,170 |
Harper, Loyal G. | 119,122 |
Harrington, Rae Noreen | 94 |
Harrison, Marion ôRubenö | 149,157 |
Hart, Ione Sedgwick | 275 |
Hart, Kathleen H. | 236 |
Hart, Mary Ann | 181,183 |
Harter, Barbara Jane | 179 |
Hartnett, James ôJimmyö | 271,273 |
Hatcher, Shirley L. | 149 |
Hatcher, Thomas | 196,221 |
Hatcher, Velma A. | 50 |
Haugen, Peter III | 160,165 |
Hauss, Dorothy Mae ôDottieö | 32,34 |
Havens,Tricia | 56 |
Havniear, Noweta | 99 |
Hawkins, Alvina | 155,157 |
Hawley, Mary O. | 15,18 |
Hawthorne, Edwina Calista | 267,269 |
Hayden, Carol Law | 267,268,276 |
Hayden, Clinton | 223 |
Haydon, Martha Mary ôMartyö | 263,271 |
Hayes, Kelly Leann ôKochö | 212,213 |
Haynie, Mildred ôMillieö Ann | 212,219 |
Hayworth, Susan Mary | 196 |
Hazelbaker, Lucille Bobette | 84 |
Hazlett, Harriet M. | 136 |
Head, Jeanette Reusser | 176 |
Heater, Gary Ross | 37,38,71 |
Hechter, Evelyn Mertzel | 84,95 |
Heckel, Arthur D. | 146 |
Heggestad, Lucille Weber | 102 |
Heil, Robert ôJohnö | 31,32 |
Helm, Floyd Gene | 48 |
Henderson, Annabel | 233 |
Henderson, Bessie Estelle | 120,122 |
Hendricks, James Leo | 246,249,251 |
Hendrix, Genevieve E. | 98 |
Hersey, Dorothy Elizabeth | 32 |
Hervey, Charlotte May | 72,75 |
Hess, Mary Helen | 150,153 |
Hess, Samuel M. | 233 |
Hester, Charlotte May | 72,75 |
Hewitt, Robert W., Sr. | 148 |
Hewlett, Dorothy ôPeggyö | 6,15,29 |
Hibbard, Garry Jack | 102 |
Hicks, Judith Ann ôJudyö | 45 |
Hicks, Mildred S. | 272,274 |
Higginbotham, Charles | 277 |
Higgins, William Charles | 220 |
Higham, Yvonne Elizabeth | 132,139 |
Hightower, Everett ôTexö | 223,225 |
Hill, Alice Marie | 94 |
Hilliard, Robert Donald | 103 |
Hilsabeck, Donald Dean, Sr. | 71,72 |
Hilton, Helen Almae Teal | 248 |
Hiner, Jack C. (2) | 184 |
Hobbs, Jim J. | 147 |
Hobbs, Wendell Maurice ôDocö | 71,76 |
Hodes, Ralph I. | 90 |
Hodge, Beverly M. | 198 |
Hodges, Harry L. | 77,81 |
Hoffman, Inger Julianne | 149,150 |
Hoffman, Marjie R. Bernal | 258 |
Hogue, Billie Lucille | 30,31 |
Holder, Mabel Elizabeth | 51,54,56 |
Holder, Naomi Ruth | 201 |
Holford, Hope Annette | 201,205 |
Hollenbeak, Teresa Marie | 260 |
Holloway, Nellie Mary | 150,151 |
Holmes, Margaret Claire Young | 274,276 |
Holt, Isobel M. | 190,193 |
Holt, Marilyn Ann | 11,12,23 |
Holzgang, Robert Bernard, Jr. | 1,3 |
Honig, Estelle | 243 |
Hooey, Norman ôTedö | 125 |
Hopkins, Eileen | 167,172 |
Hopkins, Norman | 268,282 |
Hosier, Irene Lucille | 88,89 |
Hoskins, John Edward | 135 |
Howard, Jackson Wesley | 223 |
Howe, Barry Arthur | 188,193 |
Howerton, Margaret Irene | 262 |
Howland, Lillian ôLily" | 43,44 |
Huddleston, Georgia Martha | 286 |
Hudson, Charles Earl ôChuckö | 69 |
Hudson, Justin ôRayö | 149 |
Hudson, Vivian Alice Hughes | 84 |
Huebner, Carol Joyce | 16,18,19 |
Hueneryager, Alvin Benjamin | 114,121 |
Huff, Shirley F. | 80 |
Hughes, Aleen Fae ôTootieö | 115 |
Hughes, Doug | 8,11 |
Hughes, Vivian Alice | 84 |
Hughes, William B. ôWillyö | 182 |
Hukkanen, Linda Rae | 127 |
Hull, Richard Lee, Sr. | 60 |
Hummel, Susan A. ôSuziö | 7 |
Hunt, Eva Lee | 48,50 |
Hunt, James Hoban ôJimö | 77,79 |
Hunt, Mark Hamilton | 28 |
Hunt, Mary Angela McLain | 180 |
Hurd, Frances Griffith | 265 |
Hurt, Wanda Mae | 233,235 |
Husen, Keith Dale | 69,74 |
Hutchins, Valerie Anne | 112,122 |
Hutfles, Dorothy | 15 |
Hyatt, Christina E. | 216 |
Ice, Steven | 116 |
Ihrig, Martha Helen Williams | 23 |
Ihrig, Samuel Kenneth | 128 |
Inman, Opal May | 17 |
Innes, Ragnvi | 259,267 |
Ivie, Dorance Albert ôSugarö | 143,145,153 |
Ivie, Velma Cleo | 243 |
Jackson, Crystal ôCrissö | 99 |
Jackson, Dorothy M. ôDottieö | 271,273 |
Jackson, Max Lee | 173,174 |
Jacobs, Teresa Louise Waldrop | 98 |
Jakel, Cecelia F. | 281 |
James, Douglas Stanley | 222 |
James, Helen Alt | 169 |
Janes, Winston C. | 136 |
Jaques, Frances M. | 86 |
Jaskala, Betty Lou | 173,174 |
Jasoni, Kellie Jo Briggs | 173 |
Jauregui, Gloria Rose | 256,258 |
Jaynes, Lowell Charles ôChuckö | 209 |
Jenkins, Dorothy Pauline | 266,270,273 |
Jenkins, Jack ôDavidö, Jr. | 8 |
Jennings, Ann M. | 33,35 |
Jentzsch, Helen R. | 281 |
Jernigan, Vicki | 236,238 |
Jett, Joseph Randolph | 80,84,86 |
Johann, Lee Aldrich | 30,32 |
Johansen, Jared Lee | 112,113 |
Johnson, Alice Elizabeth | 108 |
Johnson, Andrew A. ôAndyö | 243,245 |
Johnson, Anna Ruth | 111 |
Johnson, Cecil L. | 4,5,6 |
Johnson, Dustin Howard | 253,255 |
Johnson, Ed | 282 |
Johnson, Florence E. | 9 |
Johnson, Gilbert J. ôGilö | 76,79 |
Johnson, Inez A. | 226 |
Johnson, Kent Howard | 22,27 |
Johnson, Lorraine | 33 |
Johnson, Maureen Grace | 194,197 |
Johnson, Ruth Virginia | 114 |
Johnson, Sandra Loraine | 71,73 |
Johnson, Wanda Mae | 233,235 |
Joli, Carolyn Alice | 206,208 |
Jones, Hannah Maurine Jones | 258,263 |
Jones, Harold Lee | 124,130 |
Jones, Ione Sedgwick Hart | 254,275 |
Jones, Phyllis Roberta | 275 |
Jordan, Eugene Stanley | 99,102 |
Josh, David L. | 158,162 |
Jourdan, Harry J. | 93 |
Joyce, Ann Mary | 33,35 |
Jubber, Laura June | 141 |
Kanter, Roy | 75 |
Karttunen, Inez V. Chambers | 151 |
Kasper, Carolyn Alice | 206,208 |
Keefe, Wesley John | 176,179 |
Keel, Georgia Rae | 154 |
Keith, Patsy Lou | 168,169 |
Keller, Dorothy | 126 |
Kelley, Esther Mathilda Matz | 141,143 |
Kelley, Hannah Maurine | 158,163 |
Kemper, John Millington, Jr. | 30,33 |
Kennedy, Marilyn | 123,131 |
Kennedy, Vicki Lee | 190,191 |
Kent, Lorene ôLorrieö | 152,161 |
Kepler, Phyllis Jane | 158 |
Kerns, Thomas A. | 155 |
Kerridge, Pamela May | 153 |
Kiene, Fritz Alexander | 48 |
Killian, Mary Lucile | 84,87 |
Kimport, Dorothy Chloena | 141 |
King, Bernice Josephine | 208,266 |
King, Buni Ann | 237,240 |
King, Mary Anne | 258 |
King, Thelma Elizabeth | 148 |
King, Therese Marie | 239,243 |
King, Vivian Nadine | 55 |
Kinley, Mary Joann | 186,187 |
Kinney, Florence A. Merritt | 184,201 |
Kirk, Joyce Elaine | 153 |
Kirtley, Vivian | 71 |
Kiser, Arthur Dee ôArtö | 207 |
Kiser, James L. ôJimö | 62,65 |
Kjorlien, Leo Orlando | 123 |
Klindt, Vernon Earl ôMikeö | 188,191 |
Kline, Celeste Marie | 278 |
Klotz, Lorna Mae | 146 |
Knab, Marie | 131,133 |
Knight, Charles Edward ôChuckö | 176 |
Knoles, Gordon | 98 |
Knopf, Helen G. | 1 |
Knox, Marcy James | 273,274 |
Kobryn, Marianne | 180 |
Koch, Kelly Leann | 213 |
Kohout, David Neal | 286 |
Kramer, Dolores Maria | 216 |
Kreckman, Bruce C. | 224 |
Kremenak, Elaine F. | 40 |
Kropf, Spencer Joseph | 92 |
Krupp, Walt, Jr. | 43 |
Krupp, Walter, Sr. | 231 |
Kueny, Francis Anthony | 145,149,213 |
Kuerbiss, Irmgard J. | 146,147 |
Kuhl, Edith E. | 230,232 |
Kunschke, Mabel Elizabeth | 51,54,56 |
Kvasnikoff, Patrick | 133 |
Kwiatkowski, Betty Jean | 19 |
Labathe, Hope Annette | 201,205 |
LaBorde, Julia Marie | 238,240 |
Lackey, Howard Henry | 241,249 |
Laffan, Mary Olive | 15,18 |
Lahde, Walter O. | 272 |
Lairson, James Arvie ôRVö | 110 |
Lake, Winafred Eley | 232,233 |
Lamb, Ann Gladys | 37,39 |
Lambert, Estella Montieth | 167,169 |
Lancaster, Frank L. | 4 |
Lang, Katherine G. | 239,241 |
Langland, Louise Jeanette | 30,35 |
Lankford, Doris ôYvonneö | 192 |
Lantzer, Harry A. | 251,253 |
Larsen, Warren Rupert | 269,272 |
Larson, Rae Noreen Harrington | 91,94,99 |
Larson, Waldo | 215 |
Latimer, Sandra L. | 73 |
Lavada, Vicki Lee | 190,191 |
LaValley, Mary | 281,282 |
Law, Arletta ôGeneö | 35 |
Law, Carol | 267,268,276 |
Lawrence, Arthur Verdelle | 143,147,148 |
Lawrence, Maxine E. | 111 |
Layton, Jill Vernal Bigelow | 87 |
Lee, Anna Mae | 173,177 |
Lee, Marcia | 137 |
Lee, Teena | 127 |
Lee, Wanda J. | 67 |
Leighton, Douglas Keith | 74,76 |
Leitner, Estella Montieth | 167,169 |
Lemay, George | 65 |
Lembo, Catherine Rita | 154 |
Lemmertz, Francis Henry | 217 |
Lenhart, Michael L. | 164 |
Leonard, Robert William | 153,155 |
LeRoy, Altha S. | 46,50 |
Lester, William ôBillö | 155,159 |
Letson, Richard Carlton | 275,278 |
Lewis, Clifford Owen | 90 |
Lewis, Earlynn M. | 104 |
Lewis, S.B. ôHapö | 243,250 |
Lewman, Alvie L. | 182 |
Lichner, Emmadine Leone | 243,246 |
Liddycoat, Catherine ôSheilaö | 33 |
Light, Mildred Elizabeth | 230 |
Lindell, William H. ôBillö | 175,176 |
Linden, Bernice Blanche | 15 |
Lindsay, Rebecca ôBeckyö | 257 |
Lines, Robert E. ôBobö | 177 |
Ling, Norma Gail | 214,216 |
Lippold, Neola Muree | 282,283 |
Little, Jacqueline Chapman | 113,115 |
Little, Maureen K. | 177 |
Llewellyn, Helen Almae | 248 |
Lloyd, Dennis Wayne, Jr. | 34 |
Lloyd, Dorothy P. ôDottieö | 203 |
Lockwood, Nelle Heald | 115 |
Loera, Martin Hernandez | 152,160 |
Lombardi, Deborah Lynn | 158 |
Long, Harold R. | 236 |
Loomis, William H. | 41 |
Loper, Lynda | 63 |
Loran, Irene Mary | 238 |
Losch, Gladys Ruth Back | 53,63 |
Lovejoy, Teena | 127 |
Low, Frances Evelyn | 68 |
Lowden, Margaret Maelee | 249,252 |
Lowden, Nathan Elijah | 270,272 |
Lowe, Barbara Jane Cairns | 176,179 |
Lowry, Craig | 46 |
Luken, Marvin Charles | 196,200 |
Lund, Pamela | 39 |
Lundblad, Jacqueline Marie | 117,118 |
Lundquist, Calvin Walter | 63,78 |
Lupo, Rose | 2,7 |
Lyng, Robert L. | 62 |
MacCormack, Shirley L. | 149 |
Maddux, Wayne Floyd | 150,155 |
Mahaffie, Patricia M. | 43 |
Mahnke, Frances Ruth | 218 |
Main, Eileen B. | 114 |
Maldonado, Aaron Michael | 103,106 |
Maleski, Joseph Vincent | 246 |
Malin, Betty Jane | 212 |
Mallory, Hally Dawn | 73 |
Manary, Ruth M. | 105 |
Mangrum, Virginia Gale | 257,261 |
Mannix, Dianne D. Matney | 247 |
Marchant, Susan Hope Cook | 261,264 |
Marrington, James | 95,103 |
Marsh, E. ôJeanö | 233 |
Marshall, Clarence H. | 200 |
Martin, Clifford ôPeteö | 15 |
Martin, Leon Junior | 145 |
Martin, Lottie Lines | 60,86 |
Martin, Marie | 131,133 |
Martinson, Peter ôDinoö (2) | 175 |
Mason, Alice | 36 |
Mason, Robert Samuel | 269,270 |
Matney, Dianne D. | 247 |
Matteucci, Bruna | 181 |
Matthews, Betty Joyce | 109 |
Matthews, George C. | 85 |
Matz, Esther Mathilda | 143 |
Matz, Florence Louise | 35 |
Maxwell, Helen Emerald | 155 |
May, Chester M. | 230 |
Maybo, Dehra Minola | 130 |
Maynard, Loleta | 60 |
McAllister, Claude D. | 202,204,209 |
McCahill, Estella Montieth | 167,169 |
McCarthy, Billie Lucille | 31 |
McCauley, William Henry | 151 |
McCloskey, Mary ôKayö | 151 |
McCollum, Gordon C. | 277,278 |
McCollum, Natalie Ann | 25 |
McCollum, Ruth Edna | 13 |
McCuen, Edwin W.ôMackö (2) | 188,196 |
McCumber, Charles Eli, Jr. | 47 |
McDonald, Charles E. Jr. | 101,105 |
McDonald, Dean R. ôMortö | 54,59 |
McDonald, John Goss, Jr. | 238 |
McDonald, Melva E. | 183,185 |
McDougal, Richard Joseph | 48,51 |
McElroy, Jody | 205 |
McEvoy, William Alfred | 256,259 |
McFarland, Clarence H. | 56 |
McFarland, Joyce W. | 241 |
McGuffey, Joan M. | 285 |
McGuffey, Shirley Ann | 66 |
McGuffin, Larry D. | 281,284 |
McGuire, Dorothy Mae | 277 |
McHenry, Martha D. | 244,248 |
McIntosh, Lorna N. | 123 |
McKee, Carolyn F. | 124,131 |
McKeen, E. Clifford | 121 |
McKnight, Carol Joyce Huebner | 16,18,19 |
McKnight, Connie Lee Golden | 251,254 |
McKnight, William Samuel, Sr. | 99 |
McLain, Mary Angela | 180 |
McLane, Jerry Norman | 233 |
McLean, Janice Margaret | 192 |
McLeod, Jean Daigneault | 256 |
McMorrine, Mary E. | 88,91 |
McNamer, Charles Eldon | 181,186 |
McPherson, Ruth Adelaide Ballert | 242,250 |
McQueen, Esther Bernice | 14 |
McQuity, Laval M. | 286 |
McSwain, J. Mae | 213,236 |
Mead, Melvin Roy | 133 |
Means, J. Mae | 213,236 |
Medina, Corey A. | 167 |
Medina, Eevavangelana N. | 112,119 |
Meldrum, Mildred Mae | 13 |
Melling, Nadine | 55,59 |
Melnick, Janice Florine | 233,237 |
Menke, Warren Douglas | 49 |
Merkel, Cheryl | 283 |
Merrill, Gayland George | 265 |
Merritt, Florence Anne | 201 |
Mershon, Robert J. | 233,235 |
Mertzel, Evelyn | 84,95 |
Metzger, Ermal Yvonne | 12 |
Meyer, Fred Edward | 260 |
Michel, Donald Cuddy | 175,178 |
Middlekauff, Helen G. | 1 |
Middleton, Dorothy Lavern | 30 |
Mighetto, Evangelana N. ôEvaö | 112,119 |
Milburn, Arnold Keith | 223,224 |
Miller, Brian Anthony | 153,157,218 |
Miller, Charles E. | 217,219 |
Miller, Chauncey W. | 90 |
Miller, Chester James ôChetö | 215 |
Miller, Frances Ruth | 218 |
Miller, Juanita Mae ôSueö | 136 |
Miller, Lasca V. Rearick | 50 |
Miller, Lawrence E. | 24 |
Miller, Mary Evelyn | 245 |
Miller, Ronald Stanley | 261,263 |
Miller, Wayne D. | 66 |
Mills, Chintana | 227 |
Mills, Gary Frederic | 29 |
Minniear, Wilma | 123,127 |
Minton, ôEddieö Paul | 232,234 |
Miranda, Kathy | 153 |
Misuraca, Catherine Rita Lembo | 152,154 |
Mitchell, Ellen Evelena Murray | 136 |
Mizejewski, Melvin Deuane | 88,91 |
Moen, Jean Hannah | 115,117 |
Moir, Jean McDonald Gilchrist | 113,118,120 |
Monroe, Leona Rose | 88 |
Montes, Deborah Lynn Lombardi | 158 |
Moody, Neil George | 221 |
Mooney, Jean | 254 |
Mooney, Violet Irene | 278,280 |
Moore, Dorothy Mae McGuire | 277 |
Moore, Winifred Jean Giltner | 208,222 |
Morehouse, James Ace | 139 |
Morehouse, Lois Lillian | 217 |
Morey, William F. ôBillö | 49 |
Morgan, Stella L. | 256 |
Morgan, Virginia Dorothy | 211,219 |
Morrell, Amelia K. | 197 |
Morris, Bessie Estelle | 120,122 |
Morris, Earlene LaNora Madruga | 167,168 |
Morris, Lesley Glasspool | 198 |
Morris, Nancy S. | 179,183 |
Morris, Saxson May Schulz | 82 |
Morrison, Iris Belle | 182 |
Morrison, Leland T. ôThedö | 74,76 |
Morrow, Tom | 230,231 |
Mortensen, Lois Ann | 36,41 |
Mortensen, Vernon Steven | 36,41 |
Morton, Christina E. | 216 |
Morton, Homer Harold | 175,179 |
Mosella, Rose | 2,7 |
Moss, Flo Rita | 280 |
Moxley, Ellen E. | 275,276 |
Mueller, Judith Ann | 45 |
Muldoon, Irma E. | 136 |
Mundt, Elda Leta | 127,133 |
Munyon, Glen Dean ôPunkö | 195 |
Murphy, Kenneth Brian | 113,118 |
Murphy, Pauline Alice Spoelstra | 167,171 |
Murphy, Susan Faye | 154 |
Murphy, William J. | 206 |
Murray, Ellen Evelena | 136 |
Murray, Lynore Ann | 268 |
Muskopf, Caroline I. | 2,3 |
Myers, Doris Vivian | 67 |
Mykytuyk, Orysa | 105 |
Nannini, Steven Louis | 99,100 |
Nash, Joseph Eugene | 72 |
Nation, Ethel Marie | 239 |
Nations, Emley | 14 |
Naylor, Gilbert Earl ôChiefö | 108 |
Neil, William E. ôWillieö | 103 |
Nelson, Helen Elizabeth | 45 |
Nelson, Lowell Yerington | 246 |
Nevotti, Barbara M. | 13,16 |
Newberry, Marcy James | 273,274 |
Newbill, Elsie | 280 |
Newland, Dietz A. | 199 |
Newman, Donald Francis | 111,112 |
Newton, Fred D. | 102,107,114 |
Newton, Orsola B. ôZolaö | 51 |
Newton, William Lee | 217,218 |
Nichols, Melva E. McDonald | 183,185 |
Nicholson, Floy Irene | 104 |
Nilsen, Kjell John | 119,123 |
Nix, Joni Lynne | 221 |
Noble, Drake Raley | 267 |
Noe, Janice Margaret | 192 |
Noggle, Eileen Beatrice Main | 114 |
Noland, Brian ôPatrickö | 142,143 |
Norman, Joan Miller | 168,170 |
Norton, Richard Lynn | 21 |
Nottingham, Jack Willis | 231,234 |
Nottingham, Sheri G. Schaefer (2) | 229,231 |
Nunes, Roy | 91 |
Ocell, David Michael ôOceö | 185,188 |
O'Connor, James Edward | 97,99 |
Odear, Josephine Mary | 13,14 |
Oens, Leona Rose | 88 |
Ogden, George Edward | 152 |
Ohler, Harold ôBuckö | 89 |
Olsen, Byron ôButchö | 39,41 |
Olsen, Diane Elizabeth | 50 |
Olsen, Rosabelle Marie | 140 |
Olson, Anna Ruth | 111 |
Olson, Barbara G. | 254 |
Olson, Inez | 90 |
Olson, Mildred Stroud ôMickeyö | 30 |
O'Neill, Daniel | 281 |
Osborne, Donald A. | 181,183 |
Osborne, Mildred ôJeanö | 152 |
Osborne, Wayne | 44 |
Ostrom, Van Tine | 13,20 |
Ott, Beverly Jean | 171,180 |
Overby, Ruby Hazel | 29,34 |
Owen, Cherie M. | 226 |
Owen, Howard Joseph | 191,192 |
Packard, Charles Phillip | 264,271 |
Page, Lou Helen Boggs | 101,104 |
Pagni, Inez Hollis Grace | 205,209 |
Palomino, Crystal Norene | 99 |
Pariseau, Kenneth ôKenö (2) | 117 |
Parker, Eloise M. ôEllieö | 79 |
Parker, Kathleen B. | 1 |
Parker, Louise Wallace | 54 |
Parkhill, Linda Jean | 181-183 |
Parks, Ruth Bosworth | 70 |
Parry, George Franklin | 269 |
Patterson, Donald Eugene ôPatö | 67 |
Patterson, Gene | 124 |
Paul, Marcia | 137 |
Paulsen, Dorothy Mae | 277 |
Payne, Helen Inez Gregg | 116,117 |
Pazillo, Dorothy Mae Coombs | 32,34 |
Peat, Billie Vanderhoof | 172,173 |
Peck, Dorothy ôDottieö May | 271,273 |
Pekarchuk, Anthony | 245 |
Pells, Robert T. ôSargö | 14,23 |
Penacho, LaRayne Marie | 46 |
Perry, Evelyn E. | 150 |
Peters, Janice Anita Crawford | 242 |
Petersen, Florence Nellie | 239,241,250 |
Peterson, Dennis L. | 63 |
Peterson, Harry B. | 261 |
Peterson, Maxine | 202 |
Peterson, Virginia Lee | 257,265 |
Pettingill, Hazue | 227 |
Pfaendler, Earl Eugene | 176,181,222 |
Pfeiler, Louis Frank (2) | 16 |
Pflum, Taylir Anne Lee | 221 |
Pfohl, Paul Matthew | 25 |
Phelan, Shirley S. | 177 |
Philbrick, John Rae | 123 |
Phillips, Edith Violet | 165,168 |
Phillips, Hazel Sarah | 277 |
Pickard, Laura June Cooper | 141 |
Pike, Delia | 156 |
Platko, Juanita | 113 |
Player, Betty Lou | 173,174 |
Plont, Wanda J. | 67 |
Pluid, Hannah Jean | 115,117 |
Plummer, Theda Rosalie | 259,263 |
Polloreno, Frances Irene | 81 |
Pomper, Frances H. Eleanor | 134,137 |
Pool, Harold Anthony | 172 |
Pool, Ray E. | 273 |
Porter, Dale Franklin | 85 |
Powell, Mary C. | 261,268 |
Powell, Mildred Amelia | 21 |
Powers, Lois Lillian Morehouse | 217 |
Poynter, Rozella | 263 |
Prather, Alice Marie | 94 |
Prather, Mary ôAileenö | 239,241 |
Prestianni, Tommy | 278 |
Prestin, Anneliese M. | 202,206 |
Price, Edna Lucille | 76,80,81 |
Price, Martha D. | 244,248 |
Prigmore, Mary Louise | 145,151 |
Probert, Barbara Mae | 143 |
Procknow, Irmgard J. | 146,147 |
Pursell, Edwina Calista | 267,269 |
Putnam, Evelyn Mae | 165,169 |
Pyle, Caroline I. | 2,3 |
Pyle, Joann Violet | 53 |
Quail, Ruby M. | 83 |
Queen, Frances Eveline Ramsey | 108,110 |
Rader, Arthur Edward | 194 |
Raeder, John P. | 165,166 |
Ragsdale, Delbert Hiley | 36,44 |
Ralls, Bessie Estelle | 120,122 |
Ralston, Agnes ôAggieö | 114,125 |
Ralston, Florence Nellie | 239,241,250 |
Ramsey, Frances Eveline | 110 |
Randall, Anna L. | 93,97 |
Rankin, Violet M. | 105 |
Rapp, Ruria Marie ôRudiö | 194,197 |
Rasmussen, Dorothy Pauline | 266,270,273 |
Ratliff, Robert Eugene | 206,211 |
Rawlin, Ruth Sharon | 264,266 |
Rawlins, Helen E. Maxwell | 155 |
Ray, Pearl Irene Smith | 249,253 |
Rearick, Lasca V. | 50 |
Reddick, Flo Rita Moss | 278,280 |
Reddick-Bowman, L. Dawn | 229 |
Redfield, Olga Freda | 158 |
Redman, Cora May | 197 |
Reed, Raymond Olen | 108,111 |
Reeder, J. Doris | 128 |
Reese, J. Mae | 213,236 |
Reeter, Pearl | 227 |
Reeves Edie | 29 |
Reeves, Martha Mae | 251,266 |
Regnaud, Glenn Howard | 68 |
Reid, Maudean Elizabeth Sharp | 275,280 |
Reinagel, Jack August | 6,11,12 |
Reinhart, Marcy James | 273,274 |
Renfro, Frances Irene | 77,81,89 |
Renner, Margaret Alice | 237 |
Respini, Anna ôRuthö | 184,185 |
Reule, Eleanor B. | 186,187 |
Rhoades, Paul Robert | 204 |
Rhodes, Linda Ann | 3 |
Rice, Arthur James | 248,259 |
Rice, Thomas A. | 223 |
Richardson, Emley | 14 |
Richardson, Virginia ôRuthö | 259,262 |
Rider, Lois Ann | 41 |
Ridgley, Billy Ray | 36 |
Ries, Charles Arthur ôChuckö | 175,178 |
Rigel, Faye M. | 113,115 |
Riggi, Susie T. | 36,38 |
Riha, Janis L. | 159,168 |
Rinehart, Frank Walter | 277 |
Ring, Elza | 134,140,141 |
Rizzo, Nicholas Anthony ôNickö | 141,142 |
Roberts, Betty J. | 158,160 |
Roberts, Beverly A. | 56 |
Roberts, Geraldene ôGerryö | 200,203 |
Roberts, Ruby Vernetta | 196,207 |
Robinson, Everett J. | 268 |
Robles, Gregory ôGregö | 117,120 |
Rodgers, Elsie (Newbill) | 278,280 |
Rogers, Jacqueline Marie | 117,118 |
Rogers, Jody Boyd | 196,200 |
Rollins, Walter Floyd ôJackö | 168,171 |
Ronge, LaRayne Marie Penacho | 46 |
Rose, Mary Anne | 258 |
Rosiek, Helen Rose | 229 |
Rosser, Robert D. ôBobö | 199 |
Ruehlen, Theodore Waldon | 130 |
Ruments, Valy | 161,164 |
Rumrey, Lois Jean Riley | 139 |
Russell, Cheryl | 283 |
Russell, Frances Ditty | 258 |
Russell, Frances E. | 256 |
Rust, Fay Ann Hansen | 239,245,247 |
Ruston, Ruby Hazel | 29,34 |
Ruth, Rose Lucille | 31,38 |
Ruthart, Doris | 76 |
Rutherford, Ronald Ray | 225 |
Ryerson, Cheryl Merkel | 283 |
Rylander, Gerald C.M. | 54,55 |
Sackett, Barbara Ames | 186-188 |
Saffer, LeslieöDubö | 244,245 |
Said, Ethel Mae | 273 |
Sale, Patricia Faye | 106,108 |
Sanchez, Grace ôMillieö | 27 |
Sanders, Marguerite Andrea | 225 |
Sanders, Sarah Wattie | 129 |
Sanders, Shawn Anthony Scott | 101 |
Sanders, Virginia Vivian VanHoy | 244 |
Sandlin, EugeneöGeneö | 114 |
Sands, Christopher A. | 175 |
Santee, Marcia | 140,150 |
Sarenana, Robert ôBobö | 9 |
Sargentini, Irene Anna | 264,265 |
Saso, Margaret Irene Howerton | 257,262 |
Saulsbury, Robert J. ôBobö | 258 |
Savage, Lester Lincoln | 281,284 |
Sawtell, Pauline Frances | 111,112 |
Sawyers, Allen Lloyd | 55,64 |
Sayre, Clarence I. ôIraö | 238,240 |
Schaefer, Sheri G. | 229,231 |
Schalau, Robert Duane | 245 |
Scheibner, Wilbur Roland | 9 |
Schirmer, Benjamin Edward | 273 |
Schlatter, Marguerite Andrea | 225 |
Schlumpberger, Larry A. | 245,249 |
Schmitz, Charles Edward (2) | 170 |
Schmoll, Gladys Ruth | 53,63 |
Schnautz, Emmadine Leone | 243,246 |
Schneider, Lynda Loper | 63 |
Schneider, Therese M. | 239,243 |
Schraeder, Allan Donald | 244 |
Schroeder, Floydean | 177,183 |
Schroyer, Alvin Keith | 7 |
Schuck, Frances M. | 86 |
Schueller, Joan Frances (2) | 71 |
Schulte, Marilyn Ann | 205,208 |
Schultz, Pongsri Von Essen | 279 |
Schwartz, Lynda Loper | 63 |
Schwerzler, Earl Henry | 77,79 |
Scott, Alma C. | 187,189 |
Scott, Conrad ôScottyö | 113 |
Scott, Lawrence David ôLarryö | 215,224 |
Scott, Max B. | 61,64 |
Scott, Robert H. | 228,229,235 |
Scott, Sereyna Catherine Sade | 29 |
Scott, Verna Marie Zottola | 225 |
Seal, Evelyn Marie | 24,28 |
Seals, John William | 172,174 |
Seat, Orval Littleton | 61,70 |
Segui, Barbara Kathryn Grove | 183,184 |
Sellars, Karolena Ruth | 149 |
Semple, Doris Jean | 173,174 |
Seney, Deborah Lee | 63,67 |
Serpa, Henry ôHankö | 236,251 |
Sessions, Valerie Anne | 112,122 |
Sha, Roy Frank | 5,10 |
Shafer, Loren Earl | 281 |
Shamblin, Dale Carman | 175,178 |
Shamblin, Larry Gene, Sr. | 247,253 |
Shamel, Lewis W. ôWaltö | 22 |
Shapiro, Joshua N. | 205 |
Sharp, Maudean Elizabeth | 280 |
Shaw, John Jackson | 189 |
Shaylor, Marjorie ôJeanö | 10 |
Sheehy, Margaret Claire Young | 274,276 |
Shepard, Ada Ruth | 197 |
Shepard, Robert Allen ôBobö | 187,214 |
Shepard, Theodore Erwin ôTedö | 66 |
Sherman, Jeanie | 130,136 |
Sherwood, Cheralyn Jean | 4,10 |
Shields, Dennis Michael | 129 |
Shields, Fern | 103 |
Shimanoff, Morris S. ôJimö | 211 |
Shine, Charles R. ôDickö | 84,94 |
Shirley, Iona Leigh | 22,26 |
Shoaf, Irene Marion | 54 |
Shouse, Irma Elizabeth | 234 |
Shults, Georgia Martha | 286 |
Shuman, Janice Gloria "Jan" | 203,204 |
Shute, Irene Mary | 238 |
Sidell, William Stanley | 233,237 |
Siegman, Irene L. | 100 |
Silva, Marguerite | 142 |
Silva, Marie K. | 40,45,46 |
Simmons, Carroll Merlyn | 13 |
Simpson, Opal May Brewer | 17 |
Sinck, Jan Ray | 47 |
Siple, John Dale | 232 |
Skelley, Dorothy Claire | 58 |
Slater, Garland Joseph, Jr. | 113,114,120 |
Slayton, Alice Elizabeth Carson | 108 |
Sloan, Ann L. | 101,115 |
Sloman, Alice | 222 |
Sloman, John Robert | 28 |
Small, Clara Marie | 284 |
Smallwood, Wanda Jean | 66,69 |
Smalz, Richard William | 37 |
Smedes, Pauline E. | 230,235 |
Smith, Ann Gladys | 37,39 |
Smith, Bertha Jean | 230 |
Smith, Betty Ann Bergeron | 255 |
Smith, Delores May | 21 |
Smith, Frank Edward | 82 |
Smith, Hazel I. | 100 |
Smith, Ilabelle C. | 81 |
Smith, Laverne O. | 257 |
Smith, Lenora May Arnold | 193,194,199 |
Smith, Pearl Irene | 253 |
Smith, Rex Richard | 26 |
Smith, Shirley Mae Taylor | 185 |
Smith, Verma Louise | 173 |
Smouse, Dorothy Pauline | 266,270,273 |
Smythe, Sid | 48 |
Sneathem, Eva Belle | 61,65 |
Snelling, Elmer | 80 |
Sniffen, Dorothy D. | 101,106 |
Snyder, Wallace Dell | 269,271 |
Sogoian, Louis Rene | 145 |
Sommerer, Velma Lee Backes | 32,40 |
Sorensen, Cheryl | 283 |
Sorenson, Ernest Benedict ôErnieö | 145,151 |
Souder, Lenora May | 193,194,199 |
Southard, Holly Ann | 51 |
Southern, Marie | 131,133 |
Southwick, David Henry | 234 |
Southwick, Irma Elizabeth Shouse | 234 |
Southwood, Van Roy | 121 |
Sowell, Julia Marie Scranton | 238,240 |
Spalding, Barbara Ames | 187 |
Spaulding, Joyce Thelma | 156,162 |
Speer, Pauline E. | 230,235 |
Spencer, Earl A. | 210 |
Spilman, Joseph Eugene | 153,158 |
Splinter, Phyllis Jane Kepler | 158 |
Spoelstra, Pauline | 171 |
Spurgin, Lloyd | 230,231,232 |
Spurling, Peggy | 56 |
St. John, Ivan | 226 |
Stack, Myrtle E. | 171 |
Staley, Kathrine Leigh | 37 |
Stampler, Helen L. | 257 |
Standley, Matthew Gabriel | 159 |
Stanley, Meta Kathleen ôKayö | 51,57 |
Staples, Patsy Lou | 168,169 |
Stark, Hollis Ray | 235,237 |
Starner, Wallace E. ôWallyö | 113,116 |
Staton, Liba Zdenka | 34 |
Stauch, Frances Ruth | 152,154 |
Steffey, Richard Dudley | 51 |
Steiger, Everett J. | 180,204 |
Steinbeck, Mavis L. Brelsford | 260 |
Stellingwerf, Gerben ôDutchö | 230,232 |
Stephens, Patricia Faye | 106,108 |
Stephenson, David Harry, Jr. | 206,215 |
Stepp, Carl Roma | 164 |
Stevens, Inez | 90 |
Stevens, Juanita L. | 46 |
Stevenson, Jack | 2,4 |
Steveson, Patricia S. | 83 |
Steward, Nip Earl Selby | 266 |
Stewart, David K. | 62,69 |
Stewart, Frances Jean | 185 |
Stockton, Patricia S. Steveson | 83 |
Stockwell, Violet Pauline | 164,166 |
Stonequist, Florence | 260 |
Stoner, Alice Jane | 2,8 |
Stores, Margaret Hope | 35 |
Storms, George Edward, Jr. | 236 |
Story, David Lee | 43,79 |
Stotts, Dorothy Claire | 58 |
Strait, Edna Lucille | 81 |
Strand, Floy Irene Nicholson | 104 |
Streight, Charlotte Culver | 245,246 |
Strempel, Richard Albert | 205,208 |
Stricklan, Robert W. ôBobö | 62 |
Stroud, Mildred ôMickeyö | 30 |
Stubbs, Judyth Ann | 111,112 |
Stuckey, Altha Barbara Lucille | 50 |
Sturgeon, Robert Dimock | 217,220 |
Sullivan, Josephine M. | 13,14 |
Sutliff, Catherine Grace | 28 |
Sutton, Constance Irene Vancil | 283,284 |
Swan, Billie Ruth | 24 |
Swandal, William Nels II | 228 |
Swanson, Dale M., Sr. | 156,160 |
Swanson, Robert Alvin | 200,205 |
Swanson, Thea | 41 |
Swanson, Vincent ôDeanö | 207 |
Swindle, Mildred Amelia | 21 |
Swoboda, Curtis | 59,61 |
Szabo, Julius | 36 |
Tack, Esther Mary Fabrick | 191 |
Taibi, Susie T. | 36,38 |
Talcott, Roy J. | 265,267 |
Tallion, Karen Carroll | 25 |
Tandoc, Estelle | 243 |
Tanner, Glyndon E. | 256 |
Tappan, Yvonne Anna Thaon | 223 |
Taylor, Dorothy (2) | 139 |
Taylor, Irma Hallock Bond | 280,285 |
Taylor, Juanita Mae Sue Miller | 134,136 |
Taylor, L. Oretha | 214,217 |
Taylor, Richard Jefferson "Rev" | 274 |
Taylor, Shirley Mae | 185 |
Teal, Helen Almae | 248 |
Teresi, Grace Etta | 165 |
Terrazas, Colette Renee | 80 |
Terrell, Georgia Leon | 214 |
Terrill, Shirley Ann | 136 |
Thaon, Yvonne Anna | 223 |
Thatcher, Larry Dean | 116 |
Thomas, Cora Ethelyn Blinzler | 104,108 |
Thomas, Jodi Helene | 257,259 |
Thomas, Josephine | 124 |
Thomas, Mildred M. ôMillieö | 113 |
Thomas, Roy Christopher, Sr. | 86 |
Thompson, Doris Jean | 173,174 |
Thompson, Harold Robert | 129 |
Thompson, Patricia ôPaddyö | 7 |
Thompson, Shirley Ann | 60 |
Thorn, Mack Hobart | 192 |
Thornton, Jean C. | 1,2 |
Thornton, Mildred Ann | 212,219 |
Thorp, Clarence Leroy ôRoyö | 277,282 |
Thorpe, Jerri Fae | 141,143 |
Thorson, Dennis Earl | 243,247 |
Thuss, Robert Leo | 151,154 |
Tice, Leona Ellen | 109 |
Tillery, Thelma L. | 108,115 |
Tillotson, Darline T. | 131 |
Timm, Shirley Jean | 196,202 |
Tipton, Charlotte Hope | 95 |
Tipton, Ralph David | 95 |
Todd, Donald L. | 68 |
Tolen, Nell Jane | 196,198 |
Tompkins, James W. ôJimö | 146,147 |
Tonkins, Terry Randolph | 66 |
Towne, Hally Dawn Mallory | 73 |
Townzen, Sandra L. | 272,274 |
Tracer, Harvel W. ôSonnyö | 167 |
Tracy, Cora May Redman | 197 |
Trader, Robert Richard, Jr. | 44,46 |
Travers, Omer Ruggles | 177,178 |
Treadgold, Marjory Vannice | 275 |
Trott, Leslie Regina | 44,47 |
Tucker, Jan L. | 166 |
Turner, Patricia Ann | 66 |
Turner, Robert ôBobö | 209 |
Turner, Virginia Lee | 257,265 |
Tweed, Dolores Maria Kramer | 214,216 |
Ulvila, Michael R. | 123 |
Urch, Robert F. | 71 |
Vahrenwald, Virginia D. Cresswell | 211,219 |
Valdez, Dixie Lee | 46,48 |
Valdez, Kelly Ray | 228,230 |
Valenzano, Edna Lucille | 80 |
Vallejo, Lou Helen | 101,104 |
Van der Linden, Ethel | 174 |
Van Fossen, Anna L. | 97 |
Van Leeuwen, Janet Eileen | 43,47 |
Van Mater, Dennis W. ôRed Beardö | 216 |
Van Ness, Charles Sherman | 217 |
Van Zee, Inez A. | 226 |
VanBrunt, Shirley S. | 177 |
Vancil, Constance Irene | 283,284 |
VanDamme, Gerald T. ôJerryö | 236 |
Vanderhoof, Billie | 172,173 |
VanDuzer, Violet L. | 97 |
VanHoy, Virginia Vivian | 244 |
Vannice, Marjory ôMargeö | 275 |
Vannoy, George Andrew (2) | 93 |
Varga, Shirley Ann McGuffey | 66 |
Varner, Mary Ann | 183 |
Vaughan, Marcy James | 273,274 |
Vaughan, Virginia Mae | 213 |
Vaughn, Clara Marie Small | 277,284 |
Venable, Carole P. | 259,261 |
Vencill, Noweta Havniear | 99 |
Verser, Helen Virginia | 269,271 |
Vilas, Carolyn McKee | 124,131 |
Vogt, Mildred M. ôMillieö | 113 |
Von Essen, Pongsri V. | 279 |
Voorhees, Barbara A. | 261,262 |
Waldrop, Teresa Louise | 98 |
Walker, Chester Paul | 232,234 |
Walker, Jerry Walter | 270 |
Walker, Thomas Lee | 31,34 |
Wallace, Frances ôGraceö | 241,242 |
Wallace, Helen Alt James | 169 |
Wallin, Fern Martha | 76 |
Walter, Jack Ross | 43,45 |
Walton, Anna ôRuthö | 184,185 |
Warner, Genevieve | 239 |
Warner, Janice Gloria "Jan" | 203,204 |
Warrington, Katherine G. | 239,241 |
Washburn, Alice Marie | 145 |
Washburn, Joann Violet Pyle | 51,53 |
Waters, Alberta Ann ôMistyö | 239,247 |
Waters, William Melvin ôBillö | 83 |
Watkins, Richard S. | 260,261 |
Watt, Neil Warren, Sr. | 228 |
Watts, Raymond S. | 282,284 |
Watzlawick, Frances Ruth | 152,154 |
Weaver, Richard ôDickö | 164 |
Weaver, Ronald A. | 249,255 |
Webb, Leona Ellen | 109 |
Weber, Anna Mae Witten | 166 |
Webster, Iona L. | 22,26 |
Weeks, B.W. ôBuddyö | 114,117 |
Weeks, Virginia Hazel | 58 |
Weinig, John Edward, Jr. | 68 |
Weisbrod, Evelyn | 84,95 |
Weise, Lyle ôHermanö | 129,131 |
Wells, Shirley Ruth | 30 |
Wells, Stanley | 160 |
Werry, Dawn Lucille | 15,17 |
Wescott, Edward C. ôBudö | 226 |
West, John William | 27 |
Westphal, Janice Lane | 42 |
Westphal, Ralph Louis | 265,266 |
Wheatley, Jean Anderson | 70 |
Wheeler, Violet Pauline | 164,166 |
Whisonant, Kathleen Hart | 233,236 |
White, John Lee | 179 |
White, Noble | 250,255 |
White, Patricia Mahaffie | 43 |
White, Wilma | 123,127 |
Whittemore, Dorothy Claire | 58 |
Whittier, Jane Fuller | 143,145 |
Wickman, Robert A. | 200 |
Wideman, Theresa ôPatö | 104,109 |
Wieser, Jackie | 223 |
Wigger, Bernice Josephine | 208,266 |
Wiggins, Dorothy ôDottieö | 203 |
Wiggins, Genevieve ôGenö | 239 |
Wilder, Donald H. | 139 |
Wilder, Teena | 127 |
Wilder, Thelma Elizabeth King | 144,148 |
Wildman, Mark | 168,170 |
Wiley, Hillis H. ôButchö | 155,159,185 |
Wiley, Robert Eugene ôBobö | 198,202 |
Wilhelm, Taylor Lane | 31 |
Wilhelm, Tegan Marie | 31 |
Wilkison, Marjorie ôJeanö | 10 |
Willems, Joan Lenore | 14 |
Willems, Louis | 49 |
Williams, Charles Beverly | 111,113 |
Williams, Darrell Keith ôTazö | 114 |
Williams, Gertrude Orpha "Trudy" | 20,25 |
Williams, Linda Sue Carpenter | 102 |
Williams, Marjorie Lynn | 180 |
Williams, Martha Helen | 23 |
Williams, Robert O. | 7 |
Williams, Ruria Marie ôRudiö | 194,197 |
Williams, Ruth E. | 169 |
Williamson, Katherine G. | 239,241 |
Willie, Curtis Dylan | 273 |
Willson, Edwin W. ôGrampsö | 70,73,74 |
Wilson, Jim O. | 48,52 |
Wilson, Kenneth Ray | 137 |
Wilson, Martha | 165 |
Wilson, Mary Elizabeth | 1 |
Wiltermood, Francis Ditty | 258 |
Wimer, Betty Jane | 274 |
Wineteer, Betty Jane | 263 |
Winter, Cheralyn Jean Sherwood | 4,10 |
Winter, Corinne Mary ôKimö | 267,269 |
Winters, Leora | 40 |
Wirtz, Fern | 103 |
Wissler, Eleanor | 188,191 |
Witcher, Vivian Retha Elliott | 280,283 |
Witten, Anna Mae | 166 |
Wolfangle, Myrtle E. | 171 |
Wolfe, Chandra Sue Aguilar | 166 |
Wood, Eva Nadine | 75 |
Woodard, Ella Meda | 14,18 |
Woodcock, Beverly Jean | 171,180 |
Woodley, Clifford E. | 21,22 |
Woods, Ann Gladys | 37,39 |
Woods, Ray | 10 |
Woolford, Pamela May Brown | 151,153 |
Worden, Dawn (2) | 257 |
Wright, Alice K. | 36 |
Wright, Cecil Eugene ôGeneö, Jr. | 34,38 |
Wright, Dorothy | 15 |
Wright, Joseph Wayne | 253 |
Wright, Karolena Ruth | 146,149 |
Wright, Roy Patrick, III | 177 |
Wroe, June Clarissa | 33,39 |
Wroe, Mary Naomi | 187,190 |
Wynn, John David ôDaveö (2) | 175 |
Wynne, Eleanor | 5 |
Wytcherley, Arletta ôGeneö | 35 |
Wytcherley, Daniel Joseph | 157 |
Yeager, Maxine Lillian | 127,132 |
Yost, Park R. | 251,252 |
Youde, Lulu G.Cooper | 277 |
Young, Albert Ross | 26 |
Young, Margaret Claire | 274,276 |
Young, Pattie | 69 |
Young, Richard Ray | 158,165,167 |
Zanides, Rosamond Goodrich | 212,214 |
Zash, Joseph P. ôJoeö | 159,163 |
Zeller, Magdalena | 132 |
Zering, Linda Jean | 181-183 |
Ziegenbein, Carole P. | 259,261 |
Zieser, William Charles | 208,211 |
Ziske, Robert Franklin ôBobö | 228 |
Zoppo, Frank A. | 119 |
Zosel, Susan Joy | 181 |
Zottola, Verna Marie | 256 |
Zubal, Milton H. ôButchö | 259 |
Zucht, Patricia Mahaffie White | 43 |