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Genealogy Library |
Our JCGL volunteers are scanning and indexing microfilmed images of Medford Mail Tribune Obituaries and Death Notices. Below is an index to the 1913 scanned images. It includes the name of the deceased person, his/her place of birth (when available), and the number we have assigned to the image. If the deceased person is a married woman and her maiden name was given in the obituary, this is included in the index. If you would like to receive a copy of a scanned obituary, follow this link, Postal Request Form to display the request form. Complete and print the form, then send it to the address shown along with a check for $10 and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Some of the scanned obituaries require more than one image. We will send them all for a single $10 fee, but you must put all the image numbers (e.g., scan123456, scan123457) on your request. Be sure to provide all the required information on the form.
For faster turnaround, use the Buy Now button below to make a secure online payment and to provide the information needed to fill your request. Be sure you fill ALL fields in the form including all image scan numbers. When you complete the transaction, our librarian will copy the requested information and email it to you as an attachment. It will be sent as a .jpg (picture) file. When you receive this .jpg file, click on it and it will be loaded into your picture viewer from which you can print a hard copy. |
Name | Place of Birth | Image Number |
Adais, William T. | scan123434 | |
Allen, Mary Ellen | IA | scan123564 |
Anderson, A. N. | scan123516 | |
Anderson, Albert N. | scan123517 | |
Armstrong, William C. | scan123547 | |
Ballinger, Louis K. | scan123448 | |
Bashford, George | scan123375 | |
Bigham, George | scan123559 | |
Bigham, George | scan123560/123561 | |
Bigham, George | scan123563 | |
Bigham, George | scan123556 | |
Bigham, George | scan123557 | |
Bissell, Sally | scan123542 | |
Book, Theodore | Holland | scan123497 |
Brooke, William H. | scan123490 | |
Brown, Hank | scan123570 | |
Brown, Martha M. | scan123593 | |
Bush, Asabel | scan123592 | |
Case, Earl Jr. | scan123545 | |
Case, W. E. | scan123492 | |
Chase, Elizabeth Susan | Unity ME | scan123572 |
Clayville, Daisy W. | scan123386 | |
Clemens, Augustin W. | Linn County MO | scan123481 |
Clement, William H. | Carroll County AR | scan123467 |
Cleveland, Ella | OR | scan123460 |
Colby, Edgar Daniel | IA | scan123582 |
Coldson, Jeff | scan123550 | |
Cole, Ralph Ferdinand | scan123438 | |
Cole, Ralph Ferdinand | scan123439 | |
Conger, Elmer | scan123549 | |
Conger, Melinda | OH | scan123526 |
Converse, Mary E. | scan123494 | |
Coppel, David | scan123477 | |
Crawford, Joshua H. | Carl County OH | scan123591 |
Crosby, Margaret | Ireland | scan123522 |
Cryderman, Mary | scan123489 | |
Cryderman, Mary | scan123488 | |
Darnell, James K. | IL | scan123541 |
Daw, Reuben P. | Hapland CA | scan123493 |
De Roboam, Rosa | San Francisco CA | scan123590 |
Deane, (Mrs. G. W.) | scan123486 | |
Dent, Cora B. | Cadez OH | scan123521 |
Dewees, Louis | IL | scan123447 |
Dewey, (Son of G. W. Dewey) | scan123472 | |
Diamond, Theodore | scan123489 | |
Diamond, Theodore | scan123488 | |
Diamond, Theodore B. | scan123487 | |
Dougherty, Mary N | WI | scan123431 |
Dougherty, N. | WI | scan123395 |
Dyre, W. R. | scan123531 | |
Eifert, W. W. | scan123536 | |
Eifert, W. W. | scan123537 | |
Eifert, W. W. | scan123538 | |
Eifert, William Walter | Kenton OH | scan123533/123534 |
Elliott, Adelbert | IL | scan123555 |
Ellis, Charles | IL | scan123562 |
Emery, Stephen S. | Oswego NY | scan123381 |
Enney, Stephen S. | Oswego NY | scan123380 |
Enney, Stephen S. | Oswego NY | scan123382 |
Erkine, William Henry | ME | scan123586 |
Fansher, Lloyd W. | scan123435 | |
Fansher, Lloyd Watson | Paris KS | scan123437 |
Fiek, Peter Nicholas | Hamburg Germany | scan123540 |
Finch, Daniel | scan123553 | |
Gaunyaw, Guy | scan123457 | |
Gaunyaw, Guy E. | scan123459 | |
Gay, Archie | scan123447 | |
Gillaspy, James | scan123590 | |
Gilman, Elizabeth | ME | scan123553 |
Gilman, Elizabeth Susan | Unity ME | scan123572 |
Grimsley, Mary A. | England | scan123595 |
Guernsey, Frances | scan123532 | |
Hammer, John H. | scan123553 | |
Hanna, Dotha | MO | scan123390 |
Harkness, Sara E. | scan123573 | |
Hart, Ernest E. | scan123385 | |
Heath, Arthur | scan123486 | |
Heberlie, Lou A. | scan123442 | |
Heil, Louis | scan123482 | |
Helms, Donald A. | scan123512 | |
Helms, Donald A. | Gold Hill OR | scan123515 |
Heminger, Albert | scan123513 | |
Hendricks, Louise | scan123455 | |
Hendricks, Louise Jane | Clinton IA | scan123458 |
Henselman, Georgia A. | Covington IN | scan123588 |
Hodges, Elizabeth | scan123389 | |
Horton, Sarah | Troy NY | scan123379 |
Houston, Francis Ellen | TN | scan123443 |
Howard, James R. | KY | scan123566 |
Howlett, Agnes (Miss) | Eagle Point OR | scan123391 |
Howlett, Agnes Love | Eagle Point OR | scan123392 |
Huntley, John | West Bend WI | scan123491 |
Hurd, (Mrs. W. A.) | scan123441 | |
James, Charles | scan123431 | |
Jarnagin, Sarah C. | Highland County OH | scan123394 |
Johnson, Emma | IA | scan123384 |
Johnson, Ira C. | Champaign County OH | scan123448 |
Jones, J. P. | scan123479 | |
Judd, Luman H. | scan123587 | |
Kauer, John | scan123554 | |
Keaton, Thomas J. | scan123467 | |
Kelly, Sarah Luamma | KS | scan123530 |
King, Elmira | Goshen IN | scan123539 |
Klippel, Henry | Jacksonville OR | scan123501 |
Klippel, Henry V. | Jacksonville OR | scan123519 |
Koppes, Margaret | scan123376/123377 | |
Kroh, Elizabeth | Tifin OH | scan123573 |
Laddington, William | KY | scan123577 |
Langell, (Mrs. Nathaniel) | scan123558 | |
Langley, E. J. | scan123523 | |
Lanterman, Sara E. | scan123573 | |
Lawrentz, August | Waestenthem Germany | scan123567/123568 |
Lind, C. G. | Sweden | scan123578 |
Loveland, J. | scan123548 | |
Lucas, William | scan123483 | |
Lucas, William | Eccleston England | scan123484 |
Lynch, Mary Catheryn | Harden County OH | scan123553 |
Mahan, Annie J. | Frontenac Canada | scan123587 |
Martin, Mary R. | Fulton County PA | scan123378 |
Mathewson, Sarah F. | Bradford County PA | scan123589 |
McAllister, E. R. | scan123576 | |
McArdle, J. D. | NY | scan123502 |
McArdle, John D. | scan123503 | |
McCallen, Andrew | scan123596 | |
McGaw, (Mrs. Glenn O. Taylor) | Manitoba Canada | scan123433 |
McGraw, George V. | scan123482 | |
McPherson, (Mrs. J.) | Spencer IA | scan123383 |
Medill, Catheryn | scan123553 | |
Miller, James W. | WI | scan123506 |
Miller, Thomas J. | scan123518 | |
Mills, Paul Eldred | scan123436 | |
Morgan, Samuel Melvin | Canton OH | scan123484 |
Morrison, H. E. Dr. | scan123505 | |
Napper, Mary | WI | scan123431 |
Nichol, Annie J. | Frontenac Canada | scan123587 |
Nichols, William Jackson | Douglas County OR | scan123514 |
Nihart, Louise | scan123454 | |
Nihart, Louise | scan123455 | |
Nihart, Louise Jane | Clinton IA | scan123458 |
Nye, Nathan B. | Oakland MI | scan123432 |
Nye, Nathan B. | Oakland MI | scan123440 |
Oatman, B. V. | IL | scan123462 |
Obenchain, John Allen | IL | scan123500 |
Osborne, John | Maidstone England | scan123465 |
Palmer, Henry L. | scan123452 | |
Peters, Elizabeth | Tifin OH | scan123573 |
Phillips, Ella J. | IA | scan123475 |
Phipps, Ira Judson | Owen County IN | scan123529 |
Phipps, Iradel Judson | scan123530 | |
Powell, W. M. "old cider man" | scan123535 | |
Price, William R. | Milwaukee WI | scan123565 |
Prim, Teresa Maria | scan123499 | |
Prim, Theresa M. | scan123495 | |
Reese, W. S. | GA | scan123469 |
Reese, W. S. | GA | scan123470 |
Reeser, B. F. | Schuylkill County PA | scan123471 |
Rehkoph, August | Germany | scan123546 |
Reymers, Victor | scan123478 | |
Ritter, James F. | scan123520 | |
Robbins, Jonathan Andrew | IN | scan123586 |
Rockfellow, Eugene F. | Talent OR | scan123498 |
Ronk, Samuel H. | New Ross IN | scan123575 |
Root, Ed | Comanche IA | scan123451 |
Root, Ed | scan123452 | |
Rose, Lewis Albert | Charlestown IA | scan123504 |
Ross, Mary Louise | Jacksonville OR | scan123493 |
Rumsey, John A. | OH | scan123571 |
Rush, Orlie B. | scan123496 | |
Ryan, Elizabeth | Lawrenceburg IN | scan123480 |
Schilling, Harold | scan123551 | |
Schilling, Harold | scan123552 | |
Schlinsag, Emma J. | KY | scan123527 |
Scott, Joe | scan123445 | |
Shapleigh, Mary | scan123594 | |
Shotwell, Mary E. | scan123494 | |
Simmons, Oscar Ford | scan123541 | |
Simmons, Oscar Forde | scan123539 | |
Singler, August D. | Plymouth County IN | scan123463/123464 |
Singler, August D. | scan123466 | |
Singler, August D. | scan123468 | |
Sisty, James L. | scan123456 | |
Slover, J. A. | scan123574 | |
Smith, Mary | scan123452 | |
Smith, Rae Victor | scan123447 | |
St Clair, Elizabeth | Lawrenceburg IN | scan123480 |
Stanley, Mary L. | scan123491 | |
Stanley, Mary Louise | Jacksonville OR | scan123493 |
Stearns, Theresa M. | scan123495 | |
Stitt, Wm. S. | scan123580 | |
Stitt, Wm. S. | scan123581 | |
Strahl, Elizabeth | scan123553 | |
Stratton, E. "Rip" | scan123544 | |
Stuart, A. L. | scan123509 | |
Sutton, Robert Knowlton | scan123443 | |
Sutton, Robert Knowlton | scan123445 | |
Swainson, (Mrs. C. E.) | Iola KS | scan123476 |
Talent, Aaron Patton | scan123486 | |
Taylor, (Mrs. Glenn O.) | Manitoba Canada | scan123433 |
Thompson, John H. | MO | scan123388 |
Thompson, Tommy | scan123525 | |
Tolin, Mary E. | Milford County DE | scan123566 |
Tozer, Sarah F. | Bradford County PA | scan123589 |
True, (Mrs. Jack) | scan123480 | |
Turpin, Hamilton C. | IL | scan123507 |
Tyhurst, James E. | OH | scan123586 |
Upton, James M. | NY | scan123579 |
Warren, Louise R. | New Orleans LA | scan123450 |
Watson, Mary | scan123594 | |
Way, W. H. | scan123548 | |
Webb, Mary Elizabeth | scan123510 | |
Webb, Vesta Elizabeth | IL | scan123474 |
Webster, Louise R. | New Orleans LA | scan123450 |
Westerheide, Herman | scan123525 | |
Westerlund, Charlotte | scan123585 | |
Westerlund, Charlotte C. (Miss) | Sweden | scan123583 |
Whetstone, Elmira | Goshen IN | scan123539 |
Whittaker, (Mrs. C. E. Swainson) | Iola KS | scan123476 |
Wilholt, Leander | MO | scan123473 |
Williams, Earl | scan123447 | |
Williams, Thomas J. | scan123511 | |
Wolery, Nathaniel | Wilmington OH | scan123387 |
Wood, Agnes G. | Madison OH | scan123543 |
Woody, Sarah C. | Highland County OH | scan123394 |
Woody, Sarah Catharine | scan123393 | |
Woolf, Isaac | scan123524 | |
Woolf, Isaac | scan123528 | |
Woolfolk, Mr. | MO | scan123485 |
Wright, Isaac | scan123518 | |
Young, Edna May | IN | scan123583 |
Young, Ellen | Oswego County NY | scan123553 |