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Abridged Jackson County Birth Records (1921-1923)

photo of a couple with child

Our library has a set of digital images of birth records for 1921-1923. The images were made from handwritten transcriptions abstracted from official records available from the Jackson County Health Department in the 1960's. Each record is limited in content to legally allowed facts presently available to researchers. Each record includes the name, sex, and date of birth of the infant as well as the father's name and the mother's name.

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Jackson County Birth Records
Last name, first name

Name (A-Golden) Name (G-Peebler) Name (Pee-Zundel)
Abbott, (Girl) Good, Anna Vera Pefley, Frank Allen
Abbott, Archie E Good, Elizabeth Claire Pefley, Louise
Abbott, Eunice Marie Good, Minnie Pelty, Cora
Abbott, Hilda Good, Orville H. Pence, Hattie
Abbott, Loraine Goodlett, Clarence Oda Pence, Minnus F.
Abbott, Thomas Goodlett, John William Pence, Noel
Abe, Kazuye Goodlow, Newet Stephen Pence, Tressie Rosella
Abercrombie, Iva Bella Goodlow, Wm. Otis Penconie, Allen Vernon
Aboud, Alice Hellen Goodwin, Mabel Jennie Penconie, Bernard Herman
Aboud, Thomas Michael Goold, Charles Gardner Pendelton, (Boy)
Achio, Kachijo Goold, Margaret Jane Pendelton, Willard
Ackley, Ia Gordan, Mattee Peninger, Marjorie Ireline
Acree, Blanche Gordon, Emilia Josephine Peninger, Wm. Henry
Adams, Archie E. Gordon, Tessie Penland, Doris
Adams, Jean Levona Gorham, Audrey Penland, George W.
Adams, Roy Ellsworth Gorham, Jackson Penland, Marjorie Lee
Adams, Ruth Gorshine, Billy LeRoy Penniston, Frederick S.
Adamson, Lula Irene Gorshine, Walter LeRoy Penniston, Wm. Frederick
Adbolt, Thelma Coral Goss, Mathi Perdin, Fred Austen
Addington, Rosa Gould, Frances Lucille Perdin, Worlan Crosby
Aitler, Flora Graham, Grace Perdue, Clyde James
Albert, Elizabeth Rosa Graham, James Robert Perdue, James Gerald
Albert, Geo. Wm. Herman Graham, Patricia Anne Perkins, Harold Ernest
Albert, Glenn W. H. Granthans, Leigh Ellen Perkins, LaVerne
Albert, Ina H. Gravel, Frances E. Perning, Georgianna
Algood, Margarite Ollie Gray, Norman Perry, (Girl)
Allen, James Richard Gray, Robert Perry, Jesse R.
Allen, Lois Alene Green, Ella Perry, Nellie May
Allen, Walter Earl Gribbetta, Antonetta Peters, Elsie
Allexan, Elma Natalie Grieves, Catherine Elizabeth Peterson, Agnes
Almack, Lois Velanthol Grieves, Edwin Rush Peterson, James
Alsip, Goldie L. Grieves, John Ludo Peterson, Wm. Robert
Amig, Margaret Mary Grieves, Ludo Onnis Peyton, Audrey Ruth
Amundson, George E. Grigsby, Lola Peyton, Charles H.
Amundson, Marjorie Grigsby, Lorena May Peyton, Eldred Warren
Anderson, Bernice Grim, Clara Peyton, Henry Irwin
Anderson, Buena Renona Grimes, James Henry Peyton, Homer Earl
Anderson, Christine Gerhard Grimes, Lewis C. Peyton, Paul
Anderson, Edith Grover, Frank Seeley Peyton, Robert Harold
Anderson, Effie Jane Grover, George Howard Peyton, Ruby Lillian
Anderson, Ethel May Grover, Mabel Peyton, Wm. Reuben
Anderson, Frank Grover, Verta Phelan, Ruth
Anderson, Fred Grow, Ethyl Evelyn Phelps, Stella May
Anderson, G.K. Grow, Homer Samuel Phillip, Lila
Anderson, John A. Grow, Lilly Luzetta Phillips James I.
Anderson, Mary Grubb, Harry Phillips, Charles Melvin
Anderson, Melvin George Grubb, Kate Edna Phillips, Donald
Anderson, Peter Victor Grubb, Mary Lois Phillips, George Grover
Anderson, Phina Rosa Gubetta, Ednardo Phillips, James Samuel
Anderson, Rhea Fances Gubetta, James Phillips, Jessie
Anderson, Ruth Guisinger, Edith Phillips, Lee Vernon
Anderson, Shirley Evelyn Gunter, (Girl) Phillips, Leslie Evelyn
Anderson, Victor Valdemar Gunter, Gerald E. Phillips, Levasse
Angell, Lenore C. Gurney, Mary Effie Phillips, Sophia
Angle, Charles Fulton Haak, Winnifred Virginia Phitteplace, (Boy)
Angle, Edward Huntington Haas, Charles J. Phitteplace, Gertrude E.
Angle, Katherine Myrtle Haas, Helen Bernadette Phitteplace, Glen C.
Angle, Prudence Margaret Haberthur, Albert A. Pickel, Floyd Marion
Anning, Grace Haberthur, Shirley Maud Pickel, Grover Marion
Anning, Henry Snell Hackney, Maralyn Bernice Pickey, Lidia Effie
Apland, Myrtle Hadfield, Dorothy May Pierce, Clarence Casper
Arant, Lillian Grace Hadfield, John W. Pierce, John Milton
Arbogast, Joseph Ager Hale, Margaret Pierce, Lois Irene
Arbogast, Mildred Haley, Eula Pierce, Lois Maxine
Arbogast, Ora Hall, (Boy) Pierce, Martha Lucile
Arens, Benj. Raymond Hall, Abel Edward Pike, Maude Ellen
Arens, Delbert Ashland Hall, Andrew A. Piper, Dean E.
Arens, Doris Mary Hall, Basil Piper, Shirley Francis
Arens, Elbert Ashley Hall, Charles Marion Pitman, Daisy
Arens, Joseph Daniel Hall, Clare Pitzenberger, Helen
Arens, Robert Richard Hall, Clarence Amory Place, Bertha
Armstrong, Ethel Hall, Eva May Plaisted, John Franklin
Armstrong, Hazel A. Hall, Harley Hopkins Plaisted, Pauline Elizabeth
Arnold, Anna Maude Hall, Joyclin Marie Platt, Alex Layton
Arnold, Norma Jean Hall, Leland Robert Platt, Halett Frank
Arnold, Winifred H. Hall, Lucille Marie Platt, Jean Bernice
Asakura, Mari Hall, Ora Bell Pohle, Helen
Ash, Gene Edward Hall, Orin Richard Polk, Fanny Lee
Ash, Howard Lynn Hall, Orin Robert Pomeroy, Vina
Ash, Rena Mabel Hall, Phyllis Yvonne Pool, Eva Francis
Ashmont, Bessie Hall, Ralph Elwood Poole, Bernice May
Ashworth, Agnes May Hall, Richard Frank Pope, George Edward
Askew, Myra Hall, Robert E. Porter, Riley
Askio, Kachio Hall, Seely V. Porter, Stephen
Asmintukie, Bessie Hall, Seely Vinton Jr. Post, Charles Wilton
Atkins, Clara Mable Hall, W. Post, Mabel Ellen
Atkins, Leonard Leroy Hallett, Elsie Pott (Pett), Helen Mary
Atkins, Wm. James Ham, Dorothy Lucille Potter, Donald
Atlanta, Mary Ham, Earl Thomas Potter, Boyd M.
Atwood, Lois Virginia Ham, Edith Caroline Potter, Fay Francis
Atwood, Melvin Watrous Ham, Virginia May Potter, Leora Ellen
Aulerey, Phyllis Louise Hamershy, Gloria May Potter, Pauline Lucile
Aulerey, Ross Hamershy, Joseph Nolan Potts, Grace May
Austin, Grace Hamilton, Clyde Milton Potts, Lucile
Autle, Mildred Hamilton, John Winfred Potts, Walter
Avent, Leora June Hammond, (Boy) Poullin, Ora
Avent, Rabon Cottrell Hammond, Charlott Alice Powell, Alden D.
Avery, Myrtle Hammond, Frank Powell, Alden D., Jr.
Avery, Robert Archibald Hammond, Robert B. Powell, Ethel Levisa
Avery, Robert Sippy Hammond, Sarah Virginia Powell, Hazel
Badger, Helen Joyce Handy, Frankie Marcella Powell, Phyllis Patricia
Badger, Horace D. Handy, George W. Power, Emery Phillip
Bagley, Geo. S. Hanley, Rilda Mircle Power, Hugh Edward
Bagley, Herbert Ellis Hanley, Stephen Ray Pratt, (Boy)
Bailey, Albert Donald Hannah, Mable G. Pratt, Carrol Emerson
Bailey, Anna Elizabeth Hanscom, Albert Ruban Pratt, Crystal Marie
Bailey, Clifford Dale Hanscom, Cecil Ellis Pratt, Daniel
Bailey, Dorothy Hanscom, D.G. Pratt, Evelyn Jane
Bailey, Mary Rose Hanscom, Genevieve Pratt, John Raymond
Bailey, Raymond Carl Hanscom, Robert Carl Pratt, Leva
Bailey, Robert James Hanscom, Winnie Reed Amelia Pratt, Paul C.
Bailey, Saylor H. Hansen, Celia Pratt, William Manford
Baker, Dorothy Loraine Hansen, Bruce Edward Pratton, Betty Jean
Baker, Grace Eileen Hansen, George August Pratton, Paul Rodney
Baker, Henry Franklin Hansen, James Elmor Prefountain, Edward Rephell
Baker, John Frederic Hanson, Edwin F. Prefountain, Mary Josephine
Baker, L. Lester Hanson, Hazel Ruth Prentice, Annie P.
Baker, Lucile C. Hanson, Vie P. Prentice, Cora Perl
Baker, Lulu Margaret Happy, Elizabeth Prentice, John Wm.
Baker, Marcus Philipe Harden, Anita Fern Preston, Malona Susanna
Baker, Roderick Blackburn Harden, Ross Price, Audrey Eileen
Baker, Vera Francis Hardy, Arthur Vernon Price, Ernest Bliss
Baldwin, Myrtle H. Hardy, Elizabeth Eloise Priest, Barbara Ann
Baldwin, Thoes Imogene Harget, Alameda Priest, Chester Woodard
Baldwin, Wm. Carr Harkins, (Boy) Priest, Chester Woodard
Banks, Clifford Harkins, Philip Prillaman, Katherine
Banks, Warren Lynn Harkleroat, Maggie Promenschenkel, Susan A.
Barbam, Dorothy Ailine Harlow, Grace Pruett, Don Russel
Barbam, Wayne Webster Harmon, Berdina Sophia Pruett, W. Guy
Barber, Frank Harmon, Zella Viola Pruitt, Oda Jean
Barber, Gertrude Harnish, Benjamin Ray Pruitt, Raymond H.
Barber, Julia Mercedes Harnish, Louise Margaret Pulaski, (Girl)
Barber, Katherine Harnish, Mary Ella Pulaski, Robert Lee
Barber, Margaret Jean Harnish, Robert E. Lee Pullen, Inez Lucille
Barber, Thomas Wallace Harrell, Irene Pullin, Ora
Barbour,Elva Harris Ralph Lorenzo Pulse, (Girl)
Barel, Violet Vivian Harris, Anna Fredita Pulse, William Edward
Barkam, Jess Albe Harris, Carl H. Purkeypile, Lillian Myrtle
Barkam, Lucy Naoma Harris, Dortha H. Pursel, George Henry
Barker, Alice Harris, Eugene Raymond Pursel, Roy George
Barker, Geo. Frederick Harris, Kenneth Wm. Putman, James Alfred
Barker, Geo. W. Harris, Lois Putman, Margaret
Barlow, Maurice F. Harris, Marjorie Grace Putnam, David Luthy
Barlow, Maurice M. Harris, Ralph Wayne Putnam, W.R.
Barnes, Golda E. Harris, Raymond Dale Pyle, Thomas Jefferson
Barnes, Grace Harrison, Charles Thomas Pyle, Thomas Jefferson Jr.
Barnes, Lillie Harrison, Harry L. Rader, Ina Pearl
Barnes, Mattie Harrison, Margaret Isabelle Raimey, Gweneth Elizabeth
Barney, Clarence O. Harrison, Newsome Harvey Raimey, Re
Barney, Lola Gwendolyn Harrison, Velma Rains, Archie Marshal
Barnhouse, Louise Maxine Hart, Charity Rains, Millie Joan
Barnhouse, Peter Richard Hart, Ellen Marie Ramerez, Faburcia
Barnum, (Girl) Hart, Floyd H. Ramerez, Tamas
Barnum, Lewis O. Hart, Maude Rose Ramey, Andy
Barr, Chester Elmer Hart, Walter LeRoy Ramey, Betty Jean
Barr, Eleanor Hartley, (Boy) Ramey, Ora
Barr, Tottie Ella Hartley, Charles Ramsey, (Boy)
Barr, Verdie Hartley, Cora Pearl Ramsey, Clarence E.
Barrett, Henry F. Hartley, Edith Maud Ramsey, Lillie May
Barrett, Kenneth W. Hartley, Lillian E. Randall, Bessie
Barrette, Joe Hartwell, Albert Randall, Gladys D.
Barrette, Marcie Pearl Hartwell, Fred Q. Randles, Robert Easton
Bartlett, Gladys Harvey, Lewis R. Randles, Robert Easton, Jr.
Bartlett, Irene Lucile Harvey, Mildred F. Rankey, Effie
Basham, Lida L. Harvey, Paul Newton Rankin, Oletta
Bateman, Joseph N. Harwood, Burl Ranell Raymond, Lilly
Bateman, Mable Lenore Harwood, Ruth Maxine Raymond, Martha A.
Bateman, Robert Jackson Haryford, Hazel Rea, Frank
Baughman, Bertha Haselton, Franklin Blaine Rea, Susan Janette
Baughman, George Haselton, Marcine May Real, LeRoy Hicks
Baxter, Sadie L. Hastings, Patricia Catherine Real, Martin Earl
Bay, Elbert Oscar Hastings, Verne D. Reames, Bettie Belle
Bay, Norma Jene Hatch, Kenneth Dorman Reames, Charles W.
Beaulieu, Jesse Elise Hatch, Linden K. Rease, Luella Geraldine
Beaulieu, Theodore Edmund Hatfield, Merlin Rease, Thornton Theodore
Bebb, Hazel Hatfield, Wm. Redding, (Girl)
Beck, (Girl) Hathaway, Clara Olga Redding, Lorenzo Dow
Beck, James H. Hawk, Norman L. Redding, Samuel J.
Bedford, Julia Day Hawk, Russell Redding, Wm. Jessie
Bedingfield, Jennie Antha Hawken, Ida Estelle Reddy, Helen Dolores
Beebe, Carl Randall Hawks, Arthur Scott Reed, (Girl)
Beebe, Dora Byford Hawks, Johnson J. Reed, Henry
Beebe, Emma Hazel Hawley, Grace Carroll Reed, James E.
Beebe, Fern Rosaltha Hayes, Alex F. Reed, Leland S
Beebe, Lois Hayes, Harold Dumitt Reed, Melvin Howard
Beer, Ernest Hayes, John King Reed, Nave Curtis
Beer, Kenneth Duncan Hayes, Joyce Carolina Reed, Owen Wm.
Beeson, Charlotte May Hayes, Lenore Jeanette Reed, Retha May
Beeson, Elton E. Hayes, Leon Harold Reed, Roy Arthur
Beeson, Emmett Wm. Hayes, Regina Reed, Sarah
Beeson, Everett Haymond, Frances Louise Reed, William David
Bell, Clara V. Haymond, Ralph Reed, William Raul
Bellows, Carlton Eugene Haynes, Barbara Joanne Reed, Wm. Grant
Bellows, Doris Raymond Haynes, Betty Nadine Reed, Wm. Lee
Beltz, Marie Lamanda Haynes, Sherman Reeker, Catherine M.
Beltz, Wilhelmina Hazelton, Elizabeth Lucile Reese, Alice
Bennett, Anna May Head, Celia Adelois Reichert, Augusta C.
Bennett, Bell L. Head, Guy Thomas Reichert, Mabel
Bennett, Edward Carl Heaton, Ora Alice Reid, Alberta Margaret
Bennett, Eugene Peart Hebbs, Edna Margaret Remillard, Edward
Bennett, Grace Lenore Heckert, Annie L. Remillard, Homer
Bennett, Jesse W. Heckman, LaVerne Rennells, Leon Eugene
Bennett, June Heckman, Wm. M. Rennells, Robert Eugene
Bentley, Hubert Boyd Hemmingsen, Tena M. Reter, Janet Rea
Bentley, Hubert Boyd, Jr. Hemphill, Ruth V. Reter, Raymond R.
Bergman, Jettie May Henderson, Alice E Reynolds, Gladys
Bergstrom, Charles Ludwig Henderson, Ida Fay Reynolds, Tessie May
Bergstrom, John Arvid Henderson, Thomas Earl Rhinehart, Clara E.
Berrian, Herbert James Henderson, Thomas ALexander Rhoads, Addie Francis
Berrian, James Henry Henderson, Thomas Earl, Jr. Rhoads, Albert Milton
Bertheau, Jeannette Henderson, Thomas Wm. Rhoads, Clara Edith
Bertleson, (Boy) Hendricks, Earl Rhoads, Clement Lowell
Bertleson, Wallace B. Hendricks, Shirley Nadine Rhoads, Milton Merle
Bess, Grace Caven Hendrix, Maxine Elza Rice, (Boy)
Betts, Althea Muriel Hendrix, Reuben, Rice, Cora May
Betts, Merrill Otis Hendson, Helen G. Rice, Louise
Biberstedt, Olga Henry, Augusta Rice, Sadie H.
Biden, Violet Mary Henry, Dennis Y.K. Richards, Elizabeth
Bidwell, Dorothy B. Henry, Everett Dennis Richardson, Caroline Anita
Bigham, Cora Annie Henry, Hermenia Caroline Richardson, VaLere
Bigham, Della Bell Henselman, E. Ward Rickley, Jennie
Bigham, Elbert Manfold Henselman, John Phillip Ricks, Virginia Lee
Bigham, John William Hensley, Elma E. Ricks, Walter C
Bihhr, Eda Frances Hensley, Illma Ricr, Earnest Clyde
Bish, Lewis T. Hepperle, Lydia Riddle, Lucile May
Bish, Walter Earl Herchele, Blanch Gertrude Riddle, Robert
Bishop, Florine Herrick, Edith Rigby, Verl Lucile
Bishop, Guy Wm. Herrin, Frederick Lewis Riggs, Ollie
Bitner, Jessie Herrin, Lewis Ira Riley, Ethel Ellen
Blackwell, Betty Lee Herrin, Martin Robert Rinebarger, Isabelle Fay
Blackwell, Wilmore Terry Herrin, Robert Ring, David, Ray
Blake, Chester C. Heryford, Frances Lee Ring, Ray Leverne
Blake, June Alice Heryford, Harry Lee Ritchie, Juanita
Blakely, Cleo Evelyn Heryford, Hildred Ritter, Clarence Johnson
Blakely, Edna Agnes Hester, Bessie Wyatt Ritter, James Leroy
Blakely, Sandy J. Hibbard, Henry Clyde Ritter, John Jacob
Blann, Sarah Bell Hibbs, Charles William Ritter, Philip Lyman
Blass, (Boy) Hibbs, Dorothy Marie Ritzinger, Christina Bertha
Blass, Louie Hibbs, Frank John Robbins, Edna Alvia
Blaylock, George Ferman Hibbs, Rose Irene Roberson, Charles E.
Blaylock, Marvin E. Hicks, Elois Roberson, Eva Clare
Blore, Frank Hicks, Vera Roberts, Charlene
Blore, Frank, Jr. Hickson, Clifford Fred Roberts, Charles Leslie
Boardman, Edward James Hickson, June Elizabeth Roberts, Eldora
Boardman, Edwin Junior Higginbotham, (Boy) Roberts, Joseph L.
Boardman, Grace Ruth Higginbotham, Mary Elizabeth Roberts, Maud B.
Bodeker, Herman August Higginbotham, Oscar Roberts, Retha
Bodeker, Ruth High, Edward Gavan Roberts, Rufus
Bodenhamen, Barbara Lee High, George Edward Roberts, Walter L.
Bodenhamen, David L. Hight, Jesse Drew Roberts, Walter Verl
Bodwell, Mary V. Hight, Virginia Ruth Robertson, Lewis E.
Boenig, Florence V. Hill, Callie R. Robertson, Pauline Helen
Boggis, Mary L. Hill, Calvin Leroy Robertson, Phillis Ozeet
Boggs, Benj. Franklin Hill, Charles Raymond Robins, (Boy)
Boggs, Louis Edna Hill, Iris Lenore Robins, John E.
Bohall, Nelson Esmond Hill, Lydia Pearl Robinson, Agnes L.
Bohall, Nelson Esmond Jr. Hill, Maxine Lorella Robinson, Irma
Bohe, Katherine Pauline Hill, May Robinson, Walter H.
Boldman, Wilhelma Hill, Seldon Dillon Robinson, Walter H., Jr.
Bolen, Frank Hille, Elma Louise Robison, Eula
Bolen, Ruth Hillis, Myrtle Elfe Robrer, George Warren
Boles, C.A. Hinnies, Elmer P. Robrer, Warren W.
Boles, Norma Jean Hinnies, Robert Elmer Rock, James Daniel
Boling, Betty Louise Hinshaw, Maggie Belle Rock, James Mitchell
Boling, Lester Roy Hirano, Sumiko Roderignes, Emilio
Boone, Hazel J. Hislop, Wilhelmina Roderignes, Maria
Borg, Carl Edward Hlafsa, Elizabeth Rodgers, Bert L.
Borg, Marion Clara Hoagland, Darwin Merritt Rodgers, Cecil Clifford
Bostwick, Barbara Lucille Hoagland, Robert Jene Rodriguez, Hermilio
Bostwick, Earl B. Hodge, Ferne Rodriguez, Rosario M.
Bostwick, Henry O. Hodges, Henry Amos Rogers, Cecil Everett
Bostwick, Lincoln Wm. Hodges, James Amos Rogers, Evelyn Florence
Bostwick, Vance Hodgman, (Boy) Rogers, Frances
Bostwick, William Albert Hodgman, Kenneth C. Rogers, Janus Edward
Boucher, Eva Georgina Hodman, Hilda Marie Rogers, Marie
Boussom, Nellie May Hoefft, Harlan Lyle Roher, Helen
Bowles, Gladys Hoefft, Theofield J. Rohrer, Helen Beatrice
Bowling, Isabel Pearl Hoefs, Elmer Thomas Romtvedt, Alfhelt
Bowling, Joe Hoefs, Robert Franklin Root, Josephine
Bowman, George Harris Hogan, Barney Ros, Ambrocia V.
Bowman, Homer Larence Hogan, Jarvis Lee Rose, Charles Rice
Bowman, Margaret Elizabeth Holbrook, (Boy) Rose, Margaret Elizabeth
Bowman, Robert Ray Holbrook, Luther Rose, Mildred Elizabeth
Bowman, Ruth Anna Holden, Elizabeth C. Rose, Minnie Keath
Bowser, Lillian Pearl Holdridge, Charley M. Rosecrans, (Girl)
Boyd, Edna Holdridge, Doris Irene Rosecrans, Benjamin F.
Boyd, Elizabeth Jane Holloway, Mary Francis Rosecrans, Beulah Marie
Boyd, Emma Lovina Holloway, Wm. Arthur Rosecrans, Charles F.
Boyd, Hyla Nancy Holman, Henry Taylor Rosecrans, Dotchill Emery
Boyd, Mildred Holman, Mary Elizabeth Rosecrans, Leo Francis
Boyd, Rose Elnora Holman, Wm. Robert Rosecrans, Robert Edwin
Boyden Charles Z. Holmer, John T. Rosecrans, Wm. E.
Boyden, Charles Albert Holmer, Marian Jean Rosenburg, David Hugh
Boydsten, (Boy) Holmes, Arlene May Rosgetti, Margurita
Boydsten, George W. Holmes, Bessie Ross, Delbert Samuel
Boydsten, Lora May Holmes, Carroll Hote Ross, Elmer H.
Bradley, Sadie E. Holmes, George Edwin Ross, James Cunningham
Bragg, Arlet Lavern Holmes, Lovilo Lester Ross, Katie
Bragg, Benjamin Franklin Holmes, Mary Arhsch Ross, Lena Ina
Bragg, Ruth Marie Holmes, Robert Leslie Ross, Vivian May
Brake, Bernice Ida Holmes, Walter Baird Rouse, Beiise K.
Brallier, (Baby) Holms, Marie Rouse, Milton
Brallier, Emery E. Honey, Vivian Alta Rouse, Milton Beverly
Bray, Henry Lee Hood, Alma Margaret Rouse, Ruth Venita
Bray, Jonett P. Hooker, Jane Maxine Rowe, Clyde Preston
Brayton, Barbara Ann Hooker, Wm. Alfred Rowe, Esther Anetha
Brayton, Everett H. Hoover, Frank Rowe, Lucy
Breeding, Edna Maud Hoover, Ina Bessie Rowley James Ivan
Breeding, Robert E. Hoover, Robert James Rowley, Grace Louise
Brenner, Verona Hopkins, Mary R. Rowley, James Dale
Breovicish, Julia Hoppin, Julia Dole Royce, Ernest Ivan
Brerden, Edith Hord, Harold Walter Royce, Wm. A.
Bressenden, Elizabeth Hord, Walter Gus Royle, Ruth Ova
Briegger, Esther Horton, Ada Rubenstein, Elmira J.
Briggs, (Boy) Hoskins, Donald Ruchmuth, Carl Frank
Briggs, Alice Hoskins, Theodora M. Ruchmuth, Catherine Josephine
Briggs, Nancy Brown Hoskins, Violet Rumley, Frances Elizabeth
Briggs, Nellie Householder, Dawley Margaret Rumley, Lynn
Briggs, W. R., Capt. Householder, Eckell Rummerfield, Bruce Victor
Briggs, Wesley (Herbert) Householder, Iva Pearl Rummerfield, Robert
Briggs, William McKinley Householder, Ralph Edward Runnels, Hazel Orvetla
Brink, Lucile Householder, Westley Evert Rupe, Lena Goldie Hattie
Brisben, Evelyn Bernice Houston, Carmen Francis Rupe, Roxy Ray
Brisben, Walter M. Houston, Frank W. Rush, Ralph O.
Brisbin, (Twin Boys) Howard, Alice Ruth Rush, Robert Ray
Brisbin, Samuel R. Howard, Anna Francis Rush, William
Briscoe, Earl G. Howard, Faye Rush, William G.
Briscoe, Elizabeth May Howard, Gertrude Russell, Albert Glenn
Briscoe, Harriette Howard, Orren H. Russell, Cecil Ross
Briscoe, Harry Howe, Irwin Harold Russell, Edith May
Briscoe, Hellen Bernice Howe, Wanda Joy Russell, Edward Allen
Briscoe, Otto Howell, Bertha Marie Russell, Harvey Morris
Briscoe, Patricia Howell, Thomas Lyle Russell, Lewis McKinley
Brittson, Charles Benjamin Hubbard, Carrie Catherine Russell, Loraine
Brittson, John Hubbard, Robert Anton Russell, Patricia Elizabeth
Brittson, Thomas M. Hubbard, Roland Asahel Russell, Ralph Albert
Brittson, Wanda Leona Huenergardt, (Girl) Russell, Ray Charles
Brittson,( Baby) Huenergardt, Jacob Russell, Ruby Evelyn
Brock, Edward Dennis Huggins, Pearl M. Russell, Theodora Arepta
Brock, Ralph Milton Hughes, Margaret Evelyn Russell, Wm. A.
Brodrek, Georgia May Huiting, Arthur Loveland Ryan, Arvilla
Broebeck, Eulalie Huiting, Keneth Ryon, Hattie
Broili, Charles G. Hukill, Bettie Marie Sage, Charles W.
Broili, Robert Thayer Hukill, James Ross Sage, Norman Rose
Bromack, Violet Hulen, Charles W. Saito, Hitoshi
Bromley, Horace Louis Hulen, Katherine LaVerne Saito, Ramsaku
Bromley, Robert Evan Hulse, Ellen Rosella Sakai, Kameji
Brooks, Ruth Mabel Humphrey, Willie J. Salade, Louis Andenried
Brown, A.J. Hunks, Lillian Margaret Salade, Wm. Andenried
Brown, Betie Ruth Huntley, Lyman Lee Sale, Lillie Belle
Brown, Elsie Margaret Huntley, Mike Salsmon, Mattie Belle
Brown, Ethel T. Hurst, Ada Saltmarsh, Osie
Brown, Florence Agnes Huston, Ida Sample, Earl Landen
Brown, Frank Melville Hutchinson, (Boy) Sample, Fred M.
Brown, J.D. Hutchinson, Bethal Naoma Samuelson, Harry J.
Brown, Joe L. Hutchinson, Floyd L. Samuelson, Joyce Adelene
Brown, Mark O. Hutchinson, Lester Wm. Sanders, Caroline Anita
Brown, Nancy Igarashi, Sada Sanders, Wm. O.
Brown, Norman Jesse Ingram, Bertha Sanderson, Charles, C.
Brown, Robert Inlow, Gladys Sanderson, Ernest Ray
Brown, Robert Melville Inlow, Jesse V. Sandey, (Boy)
Brown, Robert Polton Inmans, Elaine Vione Sandey, Wm. J.
Brown, Roy Inmans, Glenn Lewis Sandmeyer, Dorothy H.
Brown, Seldon Keith Irvin, Orpha Edna Sanford, Pearl B.
Brown, Walter Irvine, Jeanett Ruth Santone, Louise
Bruce, Mary E. Irwin, Nettie Jane Sargant, Mary Elizabeth
Bruegger, Esther Ishi, Kishino Sargent, Anna Lavelle
Bruley, Lena B. Isuzuki, Natsuzo Sargent, Hilda Margaret
Bryan, Bertha Anna Jack, Evelyn Elizabeth Saul, Frances
Buchanan, Florence A. Jack, Milford C. Saunders, Charles
Buck, Grace Jackson, Ada Saunders, David Daniel
Buckles, Robert Jackson, Bessie Mabel Saxton, Charlotta Louise
Buckles, Robert John Jackson, Janett Saxton, Roy J.
Buckmaster, Bert Lee Jackson, Thomas Jonathan Scarberry, Lucy Catherine
Buckmaster, Rosa Alberta Jacobs, (Girl) Schackel, Matilda G.
Bueren, Lillian Pearl Jacobs, Barbara Lee Schade, Laurence Joseph
Bugstrom, Charles Ludwig Jacobs, Edward Franklin Schade, Laurence Noben
Bugstrom, Harvey Tegner Jacobs, Leland Schaeffer, Edith B.
Buhrman, Gerald Louis Jacobs, Leo Franklin Schaler, Homer
Buhrman, Millard Otis Jacobson, Albert Martin Schaler, Kendal Wayne
Bullis, Josephine Jacobson, Ernest Wm. Scherer, Emily
Bullis, Seth Madison Jacobson, Luther Martin Scherer, Martha Hale
Bullock, Ruth Lenora Jacobson, Marian Scherer, Paul Armand, Lt.
Bultis, Marie Myrtle Jacobson, Melvin Richard Scherer, Pauline
Bunker, Mary H. James, Mary Helen Schleif, Frances May
Burchell, Fay Janney, Douglas Benton Schlingsog, Grace B.
Burdett, Louise Janney, Edwin H. Schlinsog, Alice Nane
Burdic, Joseph Thorne Janney, Sarah Riley Schlinsog, Charlotte Loretta
Burdic, Ruric Lister Jr. Jenkins, Joyce Alene Schlinsog, James Henry
Burg, Lora Cathlene Jenkins, Wm. Earl Schlip, Amil
Burg, Ora E. Jennings, (Baby) Schlip, Virginia Adair
Burg, Vadah Manerva Jennings, Jean A. Schmidt, Johanna
Burg, Wm. E. Jennings, Louis Schmitz, Tresa M.
Burkhart, Betty Jean Jennings, Walter T. Schneir, Valma Ruth
Burkhart, Joseph B, Jensen, Estro Fern Schneir, Wm. August
Burleson, Blanche B. Jensen, Gale Edward Schnurr, Albert George
Burleson, Nancy Ellen Jensen, Jens Schnurr, George Edward
Burnett, Valeita Jensen, John Joseph Scholz, Harry Urban
Burnette, George Jensen, Louis Scholz, Isobell Ruth
Burnette, Robert Richard Jensen, Louis John Ernest Schomisch, Anna Margarita
Burns John Wesley Jewett, Harold Paul Schreangast, Mary Catherine
Burns, Bessie Lee Jewett, Howard P. Schroeder, Christina Leona
Burns, Carl Harvey Jillson, Mayme Schroeder, Paul
Burns, Eva Vennetta Job, Dale Howard Schuette, Frank H,
Burns, Monica Dorothy Job, Ella Edna Schuette, Paul Herald
Burns, Robert Gordon Job, Ona E. Schuhard, Milton E.
Burns, Robert Harvey Johnson, Albert Schuhard, Richard Autle
Burns, Robert L. Johnson, Alice A. Schultz, Martha
Burrows, Eunice Adelaine Johnson, Bettie Schumpf, Margaret
Busby, Beulah Johnson, Beverly May Schure, Pearl
Busby, John H. Johnson, Carl Everett Scott, Arvilla
Busby, Juanita May Johnson, Coral Rose Scougall, Elizabeth Anne
Bush, (Boy) Johnson, Edith Victoria Scougall, Harry C.
Bush, Denny E. Johnson, Edna Josephine Seaman, Bessie G.
Bussie, Lou Johnson, James Frank Seaman, Blanche
Butler Pauline Ruth Johnson, Janie Seaman, Patricia
Butler, (Girl) Johnson, Kenneth Everett Seaman, Russell Edward
Butler, Glen Wm. Johnson, M.H. Seaman, Russell T.
Butler, James Francis Johnson, Margaret Seeley, Willie Marie
Butler, John A. Johnson, Marion Henry Semon, Russell
Butler, Montague Macquewnie Johnson, Orris James Semon, Russell David
Butler, Wm. Wesley Johnson, Oscar Settles, Agnes Matilda
Butterfield, Josephine Johnson, Thomas Adolph Shaffer, Ada Elizabeth
Butterfield, Mary Edith Johnson, Wayne Harold Shaffer, Arthur
Byer, Grace Johnston, Arthur J. Shaffer, Bertha Evelyn
Byerley, Alta Johnston, Charles LaVerne Shaffer, Joseph David
Calahan, Jack Johnston, Joan Kathleen Shaffer, Rachael
Calahan, Nathan O. Johnston, Joseph B. Shanks, Beulah Mae
Calice, Frank Lewis Johnston, Katie Ellen Shanks, Hazel Marie
Calice, Peter Michael Johnston, Ruth Shanks, Mary Magdalen
Calise, Elizabeth Antonia Johnston, Wm. Alexander Shaw, Eloise Virginia
Calise, Petro Johnstone, Wilber Arthur Shaw, Laurence C.
Callan, Ace Broebeck Jolley, (Girl) Shaw, Marion
Callan, James E. Jolley, Charlotte Loretta Shearburn, Margaret Ann
Callander, Albert Wm. Jolley, Ralph Shearburn, Walter Eugene
Callander, Phares D. Jones, (Girl) Shelby, (Girl)
Calvin, Ann Catherine Jones, Carl Edward Shelby, Alfred B.
Calvin, John Jones, Clyde James Sheldon, Benj. Cushing
Cameron, Ageny Jones, Dorothy Gladys Sheldon, David Butterfield
Cameron, Edith Arlene Jones, Herman Carl Shellenbarder, (Girl)
Cameron, John Jones, J.B. Shellenbarder, Willard Franklin
Cameron, Rob Roy Jones, Ora Mae Shelton, Gladdy
Cameron, Royal D. Jones, Raymond C. Shepard, (Girl)
Campbell Beulah Jones, Sam L. Shepard, Gertrude
Campbell, Bonnie Jean Jones, Stanley Carroll Shepard, Wm. James
Campbell, Eli M. Jones, Sylvia Shepard, Wm. Martin
Campbell, Maggie Jones, Theodore Raymond Shepherd, Clarence W.
Campbell, Myrtle Jones, Winifred Shepherd, Lois Lee
Campbell, Neil Judy, John W. Sherman, (Girl)
Campbell, Oren Ross Judy, John Wesley Jr. Sherman, E.A.
Campbell, Oren Ross, Jr. Julian, Logan McKinley Shideler, Eva Ellen
Campbell, Pearl Mary Julian, Logan McKinley Jr. Shiina, Aiko
Campbell, Virginia Julien, (Girl) Shiina, Talunasuke
Campbell, Winston Julien, Daniel Berton Shimizu, Arata
Canfield, Elizabeth Day Just, Ella Shimizu, Hajime
Canfield, Ira Day Larsons Kamikawa, Hisoko Shintaffer, Grace
Canin, Eva Marie Kamikawa, Taichi Shippy, Gertrude Alice
Cann, Clarence Winfred Kannasto, (Girl) Shoemaker, Carl C.
Cann, Marguerite Ruth Kannasto, Edith Josephine Shoemaker, Hilda Myers
Cannon, Mabel Kannasto, John Shoemaker, Joe
Cantrall, Arlene Kantor, Henry Albert Shoemaker, Lillian Frances
Cantrall, James Everett Kantor, Joseph Shoffer, Jennie Elizabeth
Cantrall, John Karjala, Annie Marie Short, Arthur L.
Cantrall, Lobart Vernon Kasshafer, Anna Short, Carle
Capinger, Harry Kay, Barbara Short, John Basley
Capinger, Keith Wolary Kay, Daniel F. Short, Lois Muriel
Cardwell, Joseph A. Kearney, Bettie Marie Short, Patricia Jean
Cardwell, Viola Virginia Kearney, Ralph Leasure Short, Stewart Haywood
Carkhuff, James Keaton, Eva Short, Thomas Jefferson
Carkhuff, Norma Jene Keeton, Ivy Shortridge, (Girl)
Carkin, Carroll Louise Keith, Byron T. Shortridge, John W.
Carkin, Everett York Keith, Robert L. Shubert, Earl Linn
Carkin, John Herbert Keizur, Lowell Walter Shubert, Leon W.
Carkin, John Herbert, Jr. Keizur, Walter A. Sielaff, Herman Emil
Carle, Anna Kekoanui, Esther K. Sielaff, Martha Alvina
Carle, Claude Chamberlain Keller, Florence Siemantel, Mary
Carle, Henry Emil Keller, Gladys Mable Silva, Joseph Edward
Carle, Lucy Keller, Leota Iola Silva, Maxine
Carlton, Alvin Rodney Keller, Theresa E. Silver, Hazel
Carlton, Clark Lyle Kelley, Minnie May Silver, Medeline
Carlton, Jesse M. Kellogg, Alvah Lester Silver, Oscar F., Jr.
Carlton, Lyle H. Kellogg, E.V. Silver, Oscar Fitzallen
Carlton, Thayer Ulrich Kellogg, Isabell Ina Silver, Oscar Junior
Carlton, Thomas A. Kelly, Anna Genieve Simons, Arepta Virgaleur
Carmack, Dorothy May Kelts, Bernice Simpson, Effie Mendella
Carmack, Harold Edmund Keltz, Grace Sisk, Alice
Carmony, Thomas Francis Kemble, Agnes Elaine Sivenius, Tynne Johanna
Carmony, Thomasine Virginia Kemble, John R. Skeeters, Charles L.
Carpenter, Jennie Kenedy, Rosamond H. Skeeters, Richard Orville
Carr, (Girl) Kennedy, Alvin Theodore Skellon, Mabel Ruth
Carr, Harry A. Kennedy, Donald L. Skyman, Clara
Carr, Maude May Kent, Arthur Slack, Lynn G.
Carroll, Bertha Viola Kent, Arthur Clinton Slack, Wilfred Earl
Carson (Boy) Kent, Helen Irene Slagle, Dorothy Marie
Carson, J. Rank Kent, James Slagle, Henry Tillery
Carter, Annabell Kent, Lucy Slorah, James A.
Carter, Mina Augusta Kent, Mary Jane Slorah, Ruth
Cartro, Fannie J. Kent, Robert M. Sly, Bessie Evelyn
Cartwright, Clarence Cecil Kenzie, Pearl Mae Smedley, Earl A.
Cartwright, LaVerne Wm. Kerby, George Asa Smedley, Helen May
Carver, Lita Adeline Kerby, George Donald Smith, (Boy)
Cary, Alice Jane Kerby, Leora Perl Smith, (Girl)
Cary, Carl Verne Kerr, James Eastham Smith, (Girl)
Cary, Hazel Barbara Kerr, Margaret Ann Smith, (Girl)
Casad, Edmund James Keshe, Cloe Emma Smith, Albert Lee
Casad, Willard Arthur Keston, Ivy St. Clair Smith, Alvin Bardwell
Case, Donald Monroe Keys, James Smith, Amy
Case, E.M. Keys, Stanley James Smith, Bardwell Spaur
Case, Ella Marie Kiggins, Zoe L. Smith, Bert H.
Case, Harley James Kincaid, Archie R. Smith, Burt M.
Case, Harry A. Kincaid, Eunice Elizabeth Smith, Cecil Evert
Case, Kathaleen Jane Kincaid, Irene Smith, Cecil Raymond
Casebolt, Violet Kinder, (Girl) Smith, Clyde R.
Cassidy, Earl Thomas Kinder, Mark Wilson Smith, David C.
Cassidy, Katherine Edwina Kinder, Ruth Pauline Smith, Dora Gene
Cassidy, Leo John Kindle, Helen Jene Smith, Dudley Polk
Cassidy, Vernice Cecelia Kindle, Murrel Markham Smith, Dudley Polk, Jr.
Caster, Beatrice May Kiner, Sadie Smith, Earl Palmer
Caster, Frank King, (Boy) Smith, Edna May
Caton, (Boy) King, (Boy) Smith, Elizabeth May
Caton, (Girl) King, Constance Ruth Smith, Ella Francis
Caton, Clyde Norman King, David Sheridan Smith, Emily Louise
Caton, Dulcie Clara King, Frank Smith, Eunice Louise
Caton, Harry Freeman King, H.G. Smith, Floyd L.
Cavender, Alberta King, Pearl Smith, George Lamar
Cavin, Ora Isabelle Kittredge, Frank Smith, George W.
Cay, Lola B. Kittredge, Jack Lester Smith, Glessie Bell
Centers, Opal Beatrice Kittredge, Walter Smith, Grace
Chamberlain, May Kizer, Vineta A. Smith, Grace Gertrude
Chaney, Newton Cornelius Klein, Edward J. Smith, Gwendolyn Lucille
Chapman, Bert Klein, Vernon Joseph Smith, Herbert A.
Chapman, Bessie Klimek, Ludmila Smith, Irene
Chapman, Claude C. Klimek, Marcel, Jr. Smith, James Barrington
Chapman, Delmar Eugene Klimek, Marcel, Sr. Smith, Kennety(Kenneth) Reed
Chapman, Harold Klipple, Emma Elizabeth Smith, Laura Belle
Chapman, Lillian Knapp, Auburn Smith, Louis E.
Chapman, Zina Theresa Knapp, Charles Ellis Smith, Louise
Charley, Gwendolyn Kneebone, Wm. Henry, Jr. Smith, Mamie
Charley, Reed L. Kneebone, Wm. Henry, Sr. Smith, Martha Maxine
Charley, Ruby Kathleen Knight, Hulda Smith, Mary
Charley, Walter Floyd Knight, Ima Smith, May Martha
Chase, Arthur Edward Knoff, Doloris Theo Smith, Myrtle Rose
Chase, Opal Beatrice Knowles, Chester Roy Smith, Naoma Emma
Chastain, Devina Knowles, Geo Murphy Smith, Orvel W.
Chastain, Edith C. Knox, Winnie Smith, Richard Norman
Chastain, Oran Clarence Knox, Zola O. Smith, Ruth
Chastain, Samuel Edward Kodani, Katuno Smith, Thomas Earl
Cheever, Rose Storey Koenig, Louise Esther Smith, Thomas Keelie
Cherry, Minta Konecek, Julia Smith, Thomas Orville
Childers, (Girl) Konkle, Dorothea Julia Smith, Vernon O.N.
Childers, Etta Konkle, Ellsworth M. Smith, Virginia
Childers, James D. Koyama, Juiche Smith, Walter Glenn
Childers, Ruth Naomi Koyama, Masako Smith, Warren Lyle
Childers, Samuel A. Koyama, Shizoko Smith, Wilhelminia Abigal
Childers, Vivian Mable Kozek, Violet Smith, Winifred Mary
Childress, (Boy) Krutzler, Laura Smithton, Helen Annie
Childress, Walter L. Kurz, Emmanuel Paul Smithton, Hugh
Childreth, Graydon Ernest Kurz, Lena Louise Snell, Lilah F.
Childreth, Robert Lee Kurz, Walter Robert Snodgrass, Alonia Melvina
Chisum, James Bailey Lacy, Elsie Leona Snyder, (Boy)
Chisum, Jamie Walter Lacy, Ive Pearl Snyder, David A.
Clapp, Eunice Gail Lacy, Lester Glenn Snyder, Mable
Clapp, Ralph Wade Lacy, Lorina Christina Sommer, Earl Arnold
Clark, Daisy Leulla Laird, Elberta Francis Sommer, Herman Louis
Clark, Helen Marie Lake, (Boy) Sondennes, Evelyn
Clark, Millie Lake, Frank Edward Sondennes, Tom
Clarke, Clem C. Lamb, Kenneth Peart Southerd, Mabel Alice
Clarke, Conward Dee Lamb, Milo Ellery Souza, Frank George
Clarke, Hope Vivian Lambert, Violet E. Souza, George Frances
Clarke, Laura Belle Lance Ruth Mintie Sowerwine, Mable
Clarke, Ray Vernon Lance, Floyd George Spalding, Lottie Lee
Clarke, Veral Nadine Landing, (Girl) Sparks, Virginia Rae
Clarke, Wiot H. Landing, Frank M. Spearin, Flossie Belle
Clarke,Thelma Mae Lanini, Henry Ernest Spencer, Joseph Wm.
Clarkson, Delia Lanini, Vincent Spencer, Mary Bertha
Clarno, (Boy Twin) Largin, Charles Everett Spencer, Ray C.
Clarno, (Girl Twin) Largin, Joseph William Spink, Marie Bessie
Clarno, Perry Oliver H. Largin, Joseph William Spring, Mollie
Clary, Ethel Levisa Powell Larkin, Hettie Springer, Cale L.
Clary, Wm. Roy Larson, Edith Reginia Springer, Cale L.,Jr.
Clawson, Orra Anna Larson, Louise Springer, Francis E.
Clemens, Alden Asel Latham, Ella Springer, Julia
Clemens, Asel Wallace Latham, Gerald Thomas St.Clair, Frank G.
Clemens, Barton Edward Latham, Joseph St.Clair, Roy Eugene
Clemens, Cecil C. Lathrop, Mamie St.John, Helen Alice
Clemens, Geraldine Phills LaTourette, John W. Stampfli, Matilda
Clement, Albert C. LaTourette, Wayne Charles Stancliff, Luther F.
Clement, Carol Laurentz, Delbert John Stancliff, Paul Luther
Clement, Emma Lois Laurentz, Dorothy Marion Standard, Ruth Anna
Clement, James Almon Law, Jessie Standley, Charles Wm.
Clements, Walter Cuthbert Lawrence, (Boy) Standley, Everett Samuel
Clements, Walter Joseph Lawrence, James E. Stanley, Darrel Rader
Cleveland, Cloteen Venitta Lawrence, James W. Stanley, Donald Curry
Cleveland, Maude Lawrence, Roberta Stanley, Evelyn Carol
Cleveland, Myrtle Laws, (Boy) Stanley, Harry A.
Clift, Cora Amelia Laws, Garfield Stanley, John Harvey
Close, Grace Hortense Laws, Lester Leroy Stanley, Ralph
Close, Loren Laws, Walter H. Starboard, Eunice M.
Cochran, Maude Leabo, Nancy Evelyn Starns, Ida May
Coffein, Charles Alvin Leazer, Melba Steadman, Adeline Irene
Coffein, John Alvin Leazer, Ruby H. Steadman, William Douglas
Coffin, (Girl) LeBlanc, Alfred L. Stearns, Celia May
Coffin, Lila LeBlanc, Delphise Lewis Stearns, Harry Arthur
Coffin, Wesley Lees, George Edward Stearns, Robert Warren
Coffman, Charles Francis Lees, J.R. Stearns, Sidney O.
Coffman, William Merton Lees, Wm. Clare Steiner, Hazel Susan
Coggins, Ada May Lemen, Edward Harry Steiner, Hermine
Coggins, Charles Cecil Lemen, Wm. Kenneth Steinmetz, Ralph W.
Coggins, Josie A. Lenk, Carre B. Steinmetz, Violet Marie
Coggins, Ralph Cecil Lenning, Ethel Stella Steinnett, Arthur Jefferson
Colbough, (Boy) Leonard, Jean Camille Steinnett, Clyde Everett
Colbough, C.D. Leonard, Norris Bamford Stengel, Hiram C.
Cole, Bessie May Leonard, Norris Bamford, Jr. Stengel, Leberta Aldeon
Cole, James Leonard, Robert Stephan, Roland Martin
Cole, Joyce Leonard, Samuel Mark Stephens, Emily
Coleman, Delpha Leonard, Samuel Mark Jr. Sterrett, (Boy )
Coleman, Elva Leonard, Willard Sterrett, James
Collier, Dan D. Lera, Calalina Stevens, (Girl)
Collier, Louise Lester, Christina P. Stevens, Calvin Leo
Collins, (Twin Boys) Lester, Iva Ethyl Stevens, Charles Jackson
Collins, Allan Burton LeTourneaux, George Stevens, Clyde
Collins, Bert LeTourneaux, John Edward Stevens, Eleanor Roberta
Collins, Clara L. Levier, Flossie Stevens, Frank Clayton, Jr.
Collins, Edith M. Lewis, Anna Bell Stevens, Frank Clayton, Sr.
Collins, Ina Odessa Lewis, Bermuda Stevens, Geo. C.
Collins, Robert Allan Lewis, Elmer Stevens, Pansy R.
Collins, Zella Lewis, Frances Elaine Stevens, Stella
Colvig, Donald L. Lewis, James Frederick Stewart, Lee Winifred
Colvig, Gladys Eldora Lewis, June Elinor Stewart, Oscar R.
Colvig, Richard Marshall Lewis, Lenna Stickler, Laura Belle
Combest, Peggy Lucile Lewis, Lydia Liza Stillwell, Mildred Elizabeth
Combest, Valentine Lewis, Nellie Stinson, Maxine Elizabeth
Combs, Ruth` Lewis, Nettie Stinson, Myrtle May
Commer, Minnie E. Lewis, Raymond L. Stinson, Wm. Henry
Conger, Georgia Alice Lewis, Robert Stoaks, Herman Frank
Conger, Jonathan Dewey Lewis, Vera I. Stoaks, Margaret Ellen
Conger, Laura Lightbody, Ima Stokes, Arthur Dale
Conger, Lawrence Lindsay Lightbody, Robert Stokes, Truman D.
Conger, Lola Lucile Lilge, Bettie Jane Wilford Stolts, Charles Albert
Conlon, James Harry Lilge, Katheryn Loraine Stolts, Russel James
Conlon, John Lilge, William Wilford Stolts, Sophia Anna
Connely, Harold W. Lilge, Wm. Wilford Stone, Donald Wilson
Connely, Marian Lucille Lindsay, Clara Millie Stone, Lawrence
Conner, Ada Lindsay, David Curtis Stonebreaker, Nora Pearl
Conover, Blanche Lindsey, Sarah E. Stoner, Leah
Conser, Katherine E. Linebaugh, Lydia Storm, Jean
Constable, Geo. Earl Linebaugh, Maude Ethel Storm, Jesse Miles
Constable, Ruth Unita Lininger, Bruce Milton Storm, John Andrew
Conway, Arla A. Lininger, Margaret Violet Story, Josie Francis
Conwell, Irwin Way Link, Caroline Planch Stout, Ora
Conwell, Olin George Littlefield, Marjorie Boardman Strahan, Margaret
Cook, (Girl) Littrell, Elijah A., Jr. Straus, Dick
Cook, Agnes Littrell, Wm. Warren Straus, Stanley Donald
Cook, Catherine Fern Livingston, Juanita Strewblood, Estella
Cook, Earl Lloyd, Florence Strhele, Clementina
Cook, James Allie Lockhart, Gladys May Strickler, Elizabeth
Cook, Phyllis June Lockwood, Carrie Pearl Stringer, Jessie May
Cook, Robert H. Lofer, Goldie Vey Strong, Robert B.
Cook, Stella Long, Bessie Strong, Robert Crawford
Cook, Thomas F. Long, Pearl May Stubbs, Flora Belle
Cook, Vernon Thomas Longwill, (Boy) Stumbo, Claire Warren
Cooper, Clara Eugen Longwill, Albert Sidney Stumbo, Claire Warren, Jr.
Cooper, Daisy Longwill, Eldred Albert Stump, Mary Pearl
Cooper, Eva Muriel Longwill, Loy Frank Stump, Susie McCom
Cooper, George M. Lood, Betty Sullivan, Donald Leroy
Copple, Leona Avanella Loomis, Laura Fay Sullivan, Floyd
Corby, George Lewis Loos, Charles Fred Sullivan, Georgia
Corby, Morris Loos, Stella May Summer, Drulla Irma
Corder, Meda Lopez, Antonia Summers, Florence E.
Cork, Catherine E. Lord, Jeanette Sumner, Duesella I.
Cormany, George Jr. Lorvash, Gladis Suzuki, Kamekuchi
Cormany, George O. Lotaro, Teresa Suzuki, Sadamu
Cornelius, Minerva G. Lousley, Cary Vern Suzuki, Takashi
Corthell, Edith Irene Lousley, Frances Dorothy Swank, Wm. S.
Corwin, Ben J. Love, Alva W. Sweet, Mildred Mary
Corwin, DeWitt Willard Love, Arthur Merton Swem, Jack Steward
Corwin, Willard Harry Love, Elva Swem, John H.
Counts, Cinthia Caroline Love, Jean Maxine Swenson, Carl Leonard
Counts, Dorcas Jane Loveland, Leilah J. Swenson, John August Theodore
Counts, Harriett Elizabeth Lowden, Wm. Swift, Lucile
Cowdery, Iva Leona Lowden, Zola Swift, Mary Ellen
Cowen, Frank Alexander Lowe, Sylvia Swihart, Dorothy Jacquline
Cowen, Robert Alexander Lowell, David Franklin Swihart, Ralph Wilbert
Cowin, Irma Lowell, Ernest J. Tadema, Erina Dominica Marie
Cowling, Ellen Louise Ludlow, (Boy) Tadema, John
Cox, Andrew J. Ludlow, Addie Takahira, Miijoko
Cox, Dorothy Marie Ludlow, Stephen Takahira, Rickachi
Cox, Helen Louise Lulman, Ellen Takahira, Rikachi
Cox, Melvin Andrew Luman, Charles Wesley Takahira, Shizuko
Cox, Reginald Guy Lusby, Daisy Takao, Henry
Cox, Wanda Claire Luthy, Gladys Takao, Kakuji (Kay)
Cox, William A. Luthy, Marie Takao, Mary
Coy, Dorris Pearl Lyman, Irene May Takeuchi, Shimahaehi
Coy, Helen Lyman, Lloyd Gouvy Takeuchi, Takako
Coy, Nellie Lynch, Mildred Tataro, Theresa
Coy, Rex Joseph Lynn, Leola Taylor, (Boy)
Craft, Mary Lillian Lynn, Mabel Ruth Taylor, (Girl)
Craft, Sidney F. Lyon, Fred Wheaton Taylor, Aubrey Edwin
Craig, A.J. Lyon, Ray W. Taylor, Clara
Craig, Winifred Ada Lyon, Wilma Taylor, Clarence
Crandall, Clara Eleanor Mace, Freeman Taylor, Edwin Henry
Crandall, Florence M. Mace, John Freeman Taylor, Grace Evelyn
Crandall, Wm. Henery Mack, Lillian Bernice Taylor, Joyce Winifred
Crawford, Bernice Mae, Emily Leona Taylor, Mable Rhoda
Crawford, Harry Thomas Magerle, Carl L. Taylor, Margaret
Crawford, Laurence Imber Magerle, Maxine Gladys Taylor, Marie Eva
Crawford, Raymond Magerle, Ralph Edwin Taylor, Mary
Crawford, Theodore Vernon Magerle. Charles F. Taylor, Nevah Ann
Crawford, Wm. Warren Maham, Madeline Taylor, Norma
Creighton, Hellen Wait Mahan, Maysel Eleanor Taylor, Robert Chalmers
Creiss, Grace Mahoney, Gertrude Taylor, Robert M.
Cromwell, Stella Mairs, Vera V Taylor, Ross L.
Crosman, Wm. Henry Maltby, Emma Taylor, Ruth
Crosslin, Geneva May Maneely, Alfred Edwin Taylor, Theron Thomas
Crow, Cordelia Maneely, Robert Warren Taylor, W. C.
Crow, Ida Estella Manely, (Twin Girls) Taylor, Willis Wesley
Crowfoot, Ruby Augusta Manely, Willian John Tedrick, Fred
Crummett, Fred Mann, Clarence W. Tedrick, Lyle Raymond
Crummett, Leland Mann, Frank (Francis) John Tengwold, (Girl)
Crump, Ethel Mann, George Lincoln Tengwold, Carl Y.
Culy, Clement N. Mann, Jane Marie Terrell, Dean
Culy, Kathleen Louise Mann, Wells Enoch Terrell, Lyle Delbert
Cummings, (Boy) Manning, Elizabeth Lorena Terrett, Dade Reid
Cummings, Albert C. Manning, George Everett Terrett, Dorothy Dade
Cummings, Junior Albert Manning, Patricia Jean Terrill, Dorland
Cummings, Wm. J. Mansfield, Mary E. Terrill, Glen L.
Cunningham, Ethel May Marquis, Leonora Eloise Terry, Evelyn R.
Curby, Mabel Viola Marshall, Edison, Jr. Teters, Addie Ellen
Currie, John Alexander Marshall, George Edward Tetherow, Cosette Florence
Currie, Ruth Lee Marshall, Star Tharp, Lois Francis
Curry, Gladys Marshall, Vern B. Thayer, Lenore
Curry, May Marshall,Edison Themmes, Cora Belle
Curtis, Ruth Marten, Elizabeth Thomas, Fern Walker
Cushman, Dora Catherine Martin, (Boy) Thomas, Gertrude
Cushman, Emma Mae Martin, Donald Ray Thomas, Jannet Elizabeth
Custard, Murrel Martin, Edna Florence Thomas, Kirby Newberry
Cyr, Evelyn Ona Martin, Ella Florence Thomas, LeRoy Douglas
Dahl, Helen Martin, Geo. P. Thomas, Mary Elizabeth
Daily, Daily Henry Martin, Grace Thomas, Mildred Elizabeth
Daily, Eleanor Madelin Martin, Grace Thomas, Nathaniel Gordon
Daily, Ethel Marie Martin, Iva Thomas, Netheldread
Daily, Harry D. Martin, Jessie Thompson, (?) Evaline
Daily, Robert Timothy Martin, Josephine Agnes Thompson, Alta
Dale, Elizabeth Ann Martin, Mary Thompson, Eugene August
Dale, Richard Edwin Martin, Roberta K. Thompson, Eugene Augusta, Jr
Daley, Alonzo L. Martinez, (Boy) Thompson, Freda M.
Daley, Eleanor Marie Martinez, John Thompson, Ida
Daley, Victor Hugo Martins, Florence J. Thompson, John Oliver
Daley, Wm. Charles Maruyama, Masuzo Thompson, Nelle E.
Dallaire, John G. Maruyama, Saburo Thompson, Nellie Florence
Dallaire, Robert Alfred Maryauskos, Albert Joseph Thompson, Paul Creighton
Dalton, Dick Maryauskos, James Mathew Thompson, Paul I.
Damon, Fay Mason, Allen Wilmer Thompson, Rita B.
Danford, Amy Elizabeth Mason, John Victor Thompson, Violet
Danford, Beecher Mason, Levona Jane Thompson, Warren Buster
Danford, Donie Aileen Mason, Mary Leola Thonos, James Honey
Daniels, Maybelle Mason, Raymond Victor Thonos, Thomas
Darby, Curtis Charles Mason, Victor Dean Thorn, Olive
Darby, Curtis Creed Mason, William Leslie Thornbour, Helen Ina
Darby, Jessie Mathes, Clarence D. Thornbour, Russell
Darby, Leona Grace Mathes, Clarence Westley Thorson, (Boy)
Darby, Scott Robert Matheson, Gertrude Aileen Thorson, John C.
Dasier, May Mathews, Rachel E. Thrush, Mary Ann
Daugherty, Bessie Fern Mathews, Stella Thurman, Harry Lyle
Daugherty, Betty Jean Mathis, (Boy) Thurman, Louis Robert
Daugherty, Fredene Anna Mathis, James D. Thurman, Lyle Blaine
Daugherty, Frederick Armstrong Maud, Jennie Thurston, Alice
Davenport, Blanch Maule, Blanche Thurston, Leland Francis
Davidson, Ethel Belle Maupin, Mattie Thurston, Robert Leland
Davidson, Myrtle Maxfield, (Girl) Thurston, Violet Veta
Davidson, Ruth I. Maxfield, Orin George Tikker, Dorothy Rush
Davies, Genevieve Ruby Mayfield, (Boy) Tinker, Mary Elizabeth
Davies, Irwin Winifred Mayfield, Frank Tjoelker, (Boy)
Davies, Wilbert Russell Mayfield, Frank Miles Tjoelker, John Cornelius
Davis, Ada Blanche Mayfield, Ivan Francis Tjoelker, John J.
Davis, Alena Margaret Mayfield, Joe Todd, Hubert Wedge
Davis, Bert F. Mayfield, John Dawson Todd, Wm. Angus
Davis, Bert Franklin, Jr. Mayfield, Leroy John Tolliver, Ruhama Eliza
Davis, Bess May Mayfield, Samuel Lewis Tomida, Yaeno
Davis, Charles Herbert Mayfield, Violet Ellen Toney, Florence Lolitta
Davis, Clarence Mayfield, Wilda Train, Bertha J.
Davis, Clarence Elmer Mayfield,Delorris Fern Train, Lester Clinton
Davis, Ethellyn McAbee, Gwendolyn Geraldine Train, Marion B.
Davis, Hannah McAbee, Harold Vanderver Traley, Louise Caroline
Davis, Hazel Ava McAbee, James Vanderver Trapp, Edward John
Davis, Inez E. McAbee, Pinknia Jackson Trapp, Reese Edwin
Davis, Jessie Beatrice McAbee, Ramona Margery Trefren, Elizabeth Goldie
Davis, Joseph William McCabe, Charles Anthony Trefren, Florence
Davis, Minerva Belle McCabe,(Boy) Trimpley, Lelilia Isabelle
Davis, Nadine Blanche McCallister, Ernest C. Troutt, Maud
Davis, Nellie Anne McCallister, Ernest Ray Trowbridge, Florence
Davis, Pansy McCarger, Nancy Lee Trusty, Louise Virginia
Daw, Elizabeth Mae McCarger, Richard H. Trusty, Rufus Theodore
Daw, Frank Reuben McCarthy, Herbert Foster Tucker, (?) Clara
Dawson, James Russell McCarthy, Herbert Grubb Tucker, (Boy)
Dawson, William Thomas McCasland, Charles T. Tucker, Charlotte Mae
Day, Janette Lillian McCasland, Frommie Tucker, Earl Edward
DeAlbeni, Ellen Corine McCaslin, Frances I. Tucker, J.H.
DeAlbeni, Gerhart McClanahan, Lloyd Allen Tucker, John Wm.
Dean, Ralph E. McClanahan, Melva Arline Tucker, Lowell Edwin
Dean, Zetta Anne McClanahan, Robert Oval Tucker, Mary Olive
Deaver, John Charles McClane, Burros S. Tucker, Thomas Milton
Deaver, Nathan Robert McClane, Norman Larry Tucker, Virgil Hart
Decker, Austin Clifford McCleland, Hazel Gladice Tuel, Dell
Decker, Edward Ben McCole, Bruce Thomas Tukamata, Satsu
DeCrevel, Lea Amanda McCole, George Tumy, Deborah Gilbert
Deering, Muriel McCollister, Chauncey Tumy, Earl S.
Deitrick, Merl McCollister, Phoebe Turnbaugh, Elizabeth
Deitrick, Peter McCollum, Huldah Theresa Turner, Mattie
Delsman, Anna Kathleen McCormic, Leta Viola Turner, Ruth Maurine
Delsman, Charles Herman McCormick, Winnie Turner, Vida
Delsman, Charles Herman, Jr. McCoy, Alva Ray Turpin, Horace
Delsman, Charles Lewis McCoy, Blanche Beatrice Turpin, Janet Lillian
Delsman, Clara McCoy, Darris D. Turpin, Mazie Winters
Dency, Gladys McCoy, Mable Turrell, (Boy)
Dengan, Irene Agnes McCoy, Myrtle A. Turrell, Albert E.
Dennis, Louis Bert McCoy, Sherman Turrell, Zeneth Raymond
Dennis, Mathew S. McCurdy, C.C. Tuterbough, Augusta
Dennis, William Newton McCurdy, Jane Berthean Tuttle, Jennie
Dennis, Wm. Bert McCurdy, Mary Ellen Tuttle, Oscar
Derby, Lynn Randolph McCurdy, Ralph Hubert Tuttle, Robert Miller
Derby, Sherwin Rugg McCurley, Paul H. Tuttle, Shelby Mason
Deseny, Anna Pearl McCurley, Thomas Gene Tyo, Arthur M.
DeShazer, Betty Jean McDonough, Bertha Tyo, Dorothy Eileen
DeShazer, Catherine B. McDonough, Emma May Ulrich, Lilly Gertrude
DeShazer, Robert Wm. McDougall, Leila M. Unruh, Abraham Anderson
Desousa, Mary McFadden, Nellie May Unruh, Harry Roy
Deveraux, (Girl) McGrath, Agnes Unruh, Harvey
Deveraux, Lester McGraw, Merle Everett Uribe, Josephine
DeWees, Oliver Edmund McGraw, Thomas Elmer Uribe, Leonigildo
DeWees, Oliver Edmund Jr. McIver, Rose Mary Utsinger, Gertie
Dewey, Esther Louise McKay, Mildred Grace Vaillancour, Ernest Joseph
Dewey, Nellie Edith McKee, Emma Vaillancour, Richard Lee
DeWolf, Bertram C. McKee, Helen Van Device, Lucy
DeWolf, Tilley Bell McKee, Matilda Van Dorfy, Maecle Mary
Dimmick, (Boy) McKenna, Goldie May Van Dyke, Bernita Meryl
Dimmick, Donald B. McKenna, L.B. Van Dyke, Cortland Windford
Dixon, (Boy) McKenzie, Dorothy May Van Dyke, Wm. Lloyd
Dixon, Frank E. McKenzie, John Hugh Van Dyke, Wm. McKinley
Dixon, Gertrude McKeowin, Anna Nora Van Gothen, Julliet E.
Dixon, H. V. Volney McKinney Nora Van Hemmen, Jennie
Dixon, Margaret Anne McKinney, Eleanor Ruth Van Hoy, (Girl)
Dodds, Blanche Louise McKinney, John Thomas Van Hoy, Earl Alvin
Dodge, Burdette Lynde Jr. McKinney, Millie Jane VanBuren, Elbert
Dodge, Burdette Lynde, lll Mckinois, Viola Edna VanBuren, Howard Eugene
Dodge, Jennie McKissick, Jessie Vanderberg, Geo. Washington
Dodge, John Mack McKissick, Stuart Vanderberg, Harvey Cornelius
Dodge, Stephen John McLaughlin, Ella E. Vanhorn, Cecil H.
Doki, Chijo McMullen, Leon Elizabeth Vanhorn, Lauren H.
Domergue, Eugenie Antionette McNeill, Vista Irene Vann, Flora Thelma
Domergue, Wm. Gaston McNerey, Elias Vannett, Ann
Donaldson, Nellie B. McNerey, George Washington Vannetta, Anna Bell
Donlavey, Eva McQuat, Paul Cowin Vaughn, Bert Smith
Dooley, Elsie A. McQuat, Paul James Vaughn, Donald Raymond
Dooms, Ethel McReynolds, Katherine Jean Vaughn, Edward Chelton
Dopp, (Boy) McReynolds, Steven Robert Vaughn, Everett Leroy
Dopp, Ransom H. Meadows, (Girl) Vaughn, Roy Cornelius
Doreland, J. Irene Meadows, Bolton Vawter, Vernon E.
Doren, Bessie Venetia Meadows, George Lewis Vawter, Vernon H.
Dorn, Adelade L. Meadows, Howard Ray Vawter, William Ira, Jr.
Dorothy, Gladys Marion Meadows, Mathew Lee Vawter, Wm. I
Dosier, Franklin Marion Meadows, Ruth Eliza Vecos, Ac
Dosier, (Girl) Meadows, Samuel Joseph Tilden Verbick, Esther Mary
Dosier, Hugh Meadows, Virgie Grace Vestal, David Hyslop
Dosier, Marjorie Janalle Medler, Ruth Vestal, Dorothy Pauline
Doss, Essie Madeline Mee, Barbara Marie Vestal, Florence Elizabeth
Dotson, Margaret Mee, Thomas E. Vestal, Gaylord Sherman
Dougherty, Albert R. Mendez, Longina Vestal, Gaylord Sherman, Jr.
Dougherty, Delbert James Mendez, Teadora Vestal, Thomas Tennessee
Dougherty, James Merritt, Wm. Louis Vetter, Betta
Dougherty, Lowell Millard Merritt, Wm. Louis, Jr. Vieaux, Harry Joseph
Dow, Margaret Ellen Messecar, Fred Hesseltin Vieaux, Hope Althea Lucille
Dow, McMorris Marshall, Dr. Messecar, Lewis Walter Vimont, Betty Corinne
Dow, McMorris Marshall, Jr. Messecar, Walter Ernest Vimont, Dwight Raymond
Drake, Ira James Messinger, Rose Ella Vimont, Wm. Dwight
Drake, Loraine Jane Meston, Nnie Vincent(?), Lillian C.
Drake, Margaret May Metternich, Clara Jannett Vincent, Dewey
Drake, Mary Pearl Metternich, Joseph Vincent, Gibson
Dresser, Fera Agnes Meyers, (Boy) Vincent, Ila Evelyn
Dressler, Frank H. Meyers, Edmond James Vincent, Ira C.
Dressler, Hazel Lucille Meyers, Elbert Frederick Vincent, Joseph Edwin
Driskell, Wesley W. Michael, Dorothy Vincent, Leatha Lelia
Driskell, Wesley W., Jr. Michael, Walter Louis Vincent, Pauline
Dubill, Zella Fay Michem, Florence Maxine Vincent, Robert Collins
Dumitt, Neva Michem, James Clyde Vincent, Wayne Paul
Dunaway, Mary El Fleda Middlebusher, Ora Vinson, (Girl Twin)
Duncan, Genevieve Louise Miksch, Gertie S. Vinson, Cyril David
Duncan, Wesley Miksche, (Boy) Vinson, Ray
Dunford, Albin Foster Miksche, Raymond A. Vogt, Harry Paul
Dunford, Arthur John Millard, Geneva Areline Vogt, Virginia Ruth
Dungey, Edith May Millard, Ray Volk, John
Dungey, Elmer Edward Miller, (Girl) Volk, Otto
Dungey, Winona Mae Miller, Antone Edward Von Der Hellen, (Boy)
Dungey, Wm. Robert Miller, Benj. Von Der Hellen, Carl A.
Dunlap, Atta Fay Miller, Bertha Ellen Von Der Hellen, Lily
Dunlap, Jack Everett Miller, Bertha Evelyn Voss, Henry Edgar
Dunlap, Ralph Floyd Miller, Blanch Elola Voss, Henry H.
Dunn, George Edwin Miller, Calvin Vroman, Clinton Dean
Dunn, Robert Edwin Miller, Casper Vroman, Elmer E.
Dunnington, Clinton Bryan Miller, Donald LeRoy Vroman, Jean
Dunnington, Rodger James Miller, Edna Grace Vroman, Margory Lee
Dunston, Frances Lucille Miller, Edward G. Wachnick, Joseph S.
Dupray, Mary Edna Miller, Emma Caroline Wachnick, Wm. Alger
Durell, Jean Valeria Miller, Estie Waddell, (Baby)
Durham, Daniel Miller, Gladys Pearl Waddell, (Boy)
Durham, David Miller, Grace Waddell, Guy
Dusenberry, Joseph Glennen Miller, John Gordon Wagner, Blanche M.
Dusenberry, Lova Mae Miller, Josie Waits, Elizabeth Ruth
Dusenbury, Leonard Ralph Miller, Lilly Waits, Elmer Leonard
Dusenbury, Roy Somerville Miller, Lois Walch, John
Duwe, (Girl) Miller, Mary Eliza Walch, Katherine May
Duwe, Ernest Fred Miller, Mary Mae Walden, Eli Omar
Eads, Elma Edith Miller, Mattie Walden, Florence
Eads, Maud May Miller, Nathel Walden, Ruth
Eastman, Edwin Charles Miller, R.A. Waldron, Frances C.
Eastman, Jean Maxine Millett, Claud Waldron, Ralph Emerson
Eaton, Della Dean Millett, Goulda Garner Waldron, Ralph Emerson
Eaton, James Mills, Stephen Bruce Waldron, Robert Warren
Eaton, James, Jr. Mills, H.L. Walker, Charlotte Nadine
Eaton, Ruth Mills, John W. Walker, Clark J.
Eby, Dell Grace Mills, Violet Mildred Walker, Clyde Wm.Richard
Eccleston, Amy Helena Milman, Arlie Walker, Geraldine Grace
Echard, Grace Milton, Lillie Ella Walker, Gladys Rose
Eddington, John Newton Minear, Donald Merle Walker, Marion B.
Eddington, LaVelle Minear, Merle I. Walker, Ruby Opal
Eddy, Samuel Miner, Blanche Violet Walker, Wm. Robert
Eddy, Stanley E. Minter, Deihless Wall, (Girl)
Eden, Douglas Scott Minter, Vicey Vine Wall, Betty Marie
Eden, Orville Albert Mintle, Fred B. Wall, Eleanor
Edmiston, Jay Grover Mintle, Ida May Wall, Enos
Edmiston, John Elton Mintle, Mary Wall, Etha W.
Edmonds, Earline Bernice Mischell, Elmer Lee Wall, Everett Raymond
Edmonds, L.E. Mischell, Louise Francis Wall, Nancy Bell
Edmundson, Bernice Ethel Mitchell, Benson Clarke Wall, Wm. Hayes
Edson, Ila Jessie Mitchell, Benson Clarke Jr. Walla, (Boy)
Effman, Serena Mitchell, Charles Ernest Walla, Stanley
Eidsness, Sigfred Mitchell, Charlotte Wallace, Charles E.
Elam, Helen Josephine Mitchell, Elsie Anna Wallace, Elizabeth Jean
Elam, William C. Mitchell, Harold W. Wallis, Arthur LeRoy
Elder, Ida Mitchell, Herman Wallis, James Arthur
Elder, Inez Mitchell, Norma Claire Walsh, Louis
Ellen, Frank M. Mitchell, Robert Edward Walsh, Louis Reuben
Ellen, Harold Frank Mitchell, Vena Walter, James F.
Elliott, Sadie Mabel Mitchelll, Lawrence Davis Walter, Mildred Clara
Ellis, Carmine Loraine Moffat, (Boy) Walters, Helen Pauline
Ellis, Edwin Dale Moffat, John P. Walters, Leroy Melvin
Ellis, Laura Monroe, (Girl) Walters, Norvin R.
Ellis, Lester Monroe, Francis Arthur Walters, Raymond
Ellsworth, Bernice Bertha Moon, Edna Lucile Walthers, Charity Leah
Emerick, Aletha Moon, Volney I. Ward, Ella
Emery, Abbie Moore, (Boy) Ward, Elma Hazel
Emig, Margaret Mary Moore, Beva E. Warner, Bernice Gertrude
Enders, Maude M. Moore, Cecile Warner, Donald Burton
Engel, George Richard Moore, Cleo Yvetta Warner, Frank Robert
Engel, Richard Moore, Essie Warner, Fred Joshua
Ensted, Hazel Moore, Geneva May Warner, Hazel L.
Enteman, Edith Lilian Moore, Gertrude Warner, John Gordon
Erickson Irene C. Moore, Gladys Cordelia Jane Warner, John Willmar
Erickson, Arthur Edward Moore, Hugh E. Warner, Kate Carol
Erickson, Maxine Sybel Moore, James Joseph Warner, Ruth Alma
Ernest, Bertha B. Moore, Janice Irene Warren, D.E.
Estep, Geo. Henry Moore, Martha Warren, Donald Phillip
Estep, Roberta Elizabeth Moore, Reuben Warren, Frank E.
Eudora, Edith Dorothy Moore, Sunbeam Warren, Roy Jay
Eunice, Etta E. Moran, John Childers Warrick, John J.
Evans, Carmen L. Moran, John Elma Warrick, Joseph
Evans, Jack Hastings Morava, Anthony Waters, (Girl)
Evans, Mary Charlotte Morava, Ruth Waters, Daniel B.
Evans, Ora More, Louise Wathervill, Ida Loretta
Evans, Vernie Morgan, Clyde Standler Watkins, Philip A.
Evanson, Edward Christin Morgan, Daisy Alene Watson, Daniel D
Evanson, Edward A. Morgan, Edward M. Watson, Ella Josephine
Evensizer, George E. Morgan, Emenerine C. Watson, Henrietta
Evensizere, Harold Morgan, F.M. Watson, Marjorie
Everhand, Eleanor Mary Morgan, Lottie Marie Watson, Rube Lucille
Everhard, Agnes Grace Morgan, Murl Watts, Florence Lavina
Everhard, Ruth Morgan, Wilda Jane Webb, Harriet L.
Everitt, Mabel Morgan, William Ralph Webb, Millie
Ewing, Beatrice Edna Morlock, (Boy) Webber, (Boy)
Fair, Orin Victor Morlock, Richard O. Webber, Earl Lewis
Fair, Rose Millicent Morris, Blanch Webber, Eunice Evelyn
Farlow, Albert Jewett Morris, Elizabeth Webber, H.E.
Farlow, Eva Hester Morris, Marion Elizabeth Wedge, Evelyn Felicia
Farlow, Myrtle Elizabeth Morris, Viola Weeks, Freida Marguerite
Farlow, Robert Jewett Morris, Wm. Alexander Weeks, Geo. Washington
Farmer, Clarke D. Morrison, (Boy) Weills, John C.S.
Farmer, Daniel J. Morrison, Bessie May Weills, Spencer Butterfield
Farmer, Gerald Wayne Morrison, James W. Weitman, Lela
Farmer, Hugh Rodney Morrison, Lowell Leslie Welch, Bertha
Faucett, Harold James Morrison, Marietta Welch, Loe Vern
Faucett, Harold Wentle Morrison, Rosie Welch, Lois Lucile
Fausher, Lois I. Morrison, Willard L. Welch, William L.
Fawcett, Elizabeth Morrison, Zella Welch, Wm. Bernard
Fay, Thomas Henry Morrow, Nancy Wells, Edna
Fay, Lester Morrow, Osborn Bill Wells, Harold L.
Fedde, Carrol Yvonne Morrow, Richard Cavender Wells, Roscoe Earl
Fedde, Otto Frederick Morse, Carrol Fay Wenner, Gerald Haritz
Fekete, Anna O. Morse, Elmer H. Wenner, Gertie Gwendolyn
Ferguson, Frances Julia Morse, Emery Willis Wenzick, Mary Kate
Ferguson, Laurence VanBuren Morse, Mabel Della Wepel, Gertrude Emma
Ferns, Charles Morse, Mary Weren, Donald
Ferns, Edward Dale Morten, John A. Weren, Erie Hjakman
Ferns, Marjorie Fay Morten, Louis Vernon Weren, Ingrid P.M.
Ferry, Constance Bell Morton, Nora Wertz, Clara Emily
Fick, Lawrence Robert Moser, Lela Blanch Wertz, Leslie
Fick, Peter J. Moses, Bert L. Wertz, Leslie Charles
Fiddler, Anna Moses, Ray Wertz, Phillip
Fields, Mary Ethel Moxley, Ruby Luella Wessela, Clara
Fiend, Myrtle Anna Muller, Maud West, Arthur
Fifer, Reginald DeKoven Mundy, Edna Leona West, Eleanor Louise
Fifer, Reginald DeKoven, Jr. Mundy, Elizabeth Luella West, Gladys Frances
Fifer, Sarah Jane Mundy, Walter Johnston West, Grover C.
Finch, Breynton R. Munn, Olive Irene Crump West, Ida Abadean
Finch, Burton A. Munn, W.S. West, James Leon
Finch, Richard Vinton Murphy, Ethel May West, John B.
Finch, Waneta Barbara Murphy, Florence Gertrude West, Joseph A.
Findley, Eva Jane Murphy, John Murray West, Lena Jane
Fink, Laura Mae Murphy, Mora Marie West, Marjorie May
Finley, Bernice Elizabeth Myall, Bessie B. West, Pearl Vernice
Finley, Robert Myers, Frances M. West, Raymond Elihu
Finley, Theodore Myers, Hilda Westerberg, Hjalmar Richard
Firestone, Esther Myers, John Eugene Westerberg, Junior
Firestone, James Marcus Myers, Thomas Wm. Westerlund, Lillian
Firestone, Nancy Mae Nahss, Charles Jr. Weston, Catherine Mary
Firestone, Violet Lois Nahss, Charles T. Weston, Guslav
Fish, Cyble Valentine Nahss, Henry Weston, Ruth
Fisher, Patricia Clara Naito, Emiko Westphal, Rose
Fisher, Wm. Henry Naito, Kangichi Whaley, Essie May
Fitzgibbon, Mary Geraldine Nakajiri, Ichitaro Wharton, (Girl)
Fitzhugh, Vera Ruthboert Nakajiri, Kayichi Wharton, Howard Erwin
Flippin, Gertrude E. Nakano, K.S. Wheeler, Dora H.
Flood, Evilma Lorraine Nakano, Tairo Wheelock, Gladys Adelene
Flood, M.L. Nakao, Asami Whetstone, Eunice Elmira
Florey, Andrew Jackson Nale, Carrie Whetstone, Newell
Florey, Margarite Natwick, Carlyle R. Whetstone, Penelope
Flury, Chester Arthur Natwick, Gladys Whillock, Alpha Belle
Flury, Chester Ray Natwick, Tomie Whillock, Charles Alphon
Flynn, Diamond Leslie Neal, Lettie May Whillock, Edith Lee
Flynn, Dorothy Naomi Nealon, Rose Whillock, Georgia Olive
Flynn, Jackelin Noriene Nealy, Irene Whipple, Della Eugenia
Flythe, Agness Shart Near, Lewvilla Whipple, Ethel Ema
Foose, Darlene Iva Neathammer, Minnie May Whipple, Jennie
Foose, Tom O. Neeley, Grant E. White, Delbert Freeman
Force, Bruce Neeley, Gay Evelyn White, Harold Lloyd
Force, Charles Bruce Neil, Carroll Frances White, Loren Ramsden
Ford, Druscilla Nelson, Arthur B. White, Mary Jane
Forget, Emilie August Nelson, Benton Louis White, Robert Clinton
Forget, Francois Leon Nelson, Bernice Widmer, Rose Josephine
Forgey, Albert Preston Nelson, Charles Frederick Widmer, Xaver
Forgey, Virginia Jane Nelson, Evalyn Irene Wight, Donald Edgar
Forrey, Longina Nelson, Fred W. Wight, Edgar R.
Foster, Carl Wm. Nelson, Gladys A. Wilcox, Anna Bell
Foster, Carree Irene Nelson, Minnie Wilcox, Doris Eileen
Foster, Laura May Neth, Ruth Wilcox, Fred Herbert
Foster, Mary Elizabeth Netherland, George LaVon Wilcox, George Andrew
Fox, Hamilton H. Netherland, Lowell A. Wilcox, Lester Allen
Fox, Hettie Veneta Nevel, Frances A. Wilcox, Lester Allen, Jr.
Fox, Newman Lucretia Newbry, Earl T. Wilcox, Natalie Louise
Fraley, Betty Lois Newbry, Edward Lester Wilcox, Ralph Herbert
Fraley, David Wilson Newbry, Lewis Edward Wilcox, Robert Arthur
Fraley, Earl John Newbry, Lynell Wilkinson, John Joseph
Fraley, Milton J. Newcomb, Anna Bell Wilkinson, Patricia Helen
Fraley, Thelma Newcomb, Donald A. Willhite, Arthur Chester
Francis, Minnie Newland, E.W. Willhite, Max Bernard
Franklin, Barbara Winifred Newland, Robert Warren Williams, Ada Belle
Franklin, Neil Newman, (Boy) Williams, Albert
Franklin, Ruth Newman, (Girl) Williams, Charles M.
Franzack, Anna Newman, Bert E. Williams, Don Owen
Frary, Mary Amanda Newman, Milton Williams, Ellen Augusta
Frazier, Floyd S. Newstrom, Marie Williams, Florence Irene
Frazier, Jetta Avanell Newton, Ruby Ruth Williams, Gloria Vann
Frazier, Joseph Oscar Newtown, Ethel Williams, Grant Logan
Frazier, Wm. Armstrong Nichols, Bess Anna Williams, Hugh Everett
Fredeger, Isaac Ricky Nichols, Edna Fern Williams, Kenneth Charles
Fredeger, Jean Caroline Nichols, Luke Clois Williams, Kenneth Randall
Fredenberg, Elfreda Nichols, Luke Clois Jr. Williams, Leo Benjamin
Fredenburg, Gean Nichols, Lulu Williams, Leonard Alvin
Fredenburg, John L. Nichols, Marjorie Eva Williams, Olive Bonita
Frederick, Delmar O. Nichols, Pearl E. Williams, Thomas Jefferson
Frederick, Wm. Harry Nichols, Ruth Williams, Tipton Benjamin
Freed, Norma Fern Nichols, Thomas E. Williamson, Murry Elden
Freed, Philip Harmon Niedermeyer, (Boy) Williamson, Walter James
Freeland, Dorothy Niedermeyer, Earnest H. Willis, Carmen Vey
Freeland, Eugene Lewis Niksche, Geraldine Willis, Elwin Clinton
Freeland, Rita Adelle Noben, Grace Willis, Lois
Freeman, Andrew Bert Norby, (Boy) Willits, Amos R.
Freeman, Ethel Marjory Norby, John Willits, Wm. Clark
French, Alice Jennie Norcross, (Boy) Wilson, D.C., Jr.
French, Bertha May Norcross, Noah Wilson, Emma Bell
French, Doris Elaine Nord, Richard Leonard Wilson, Harry W.
French, Edward Owen Nord, Walter G. Wilson, Harvey W.
French, Laurel Belle Nordin, James Lester Wilson, Hazel C.
Frey, Fred Rudolph Nordin, Lester Austin Wilson, Irving Norman
Frey, Harry Robert Nordwick, Harry F. Wilson, Myrtle May
Frink, Emma Laura Nordwick, Ruth Christine Wilson, Orodle Elmer
Frink, James L. Norris, Alfred Wilson, Phillip Earl
Fristo, (Boy) Norris, Anna Christine Wilson, Robert Mattern
Fristo, Sam M. Norris, Eula Belle Wilson, Sherman Leroy
Fristoe, Harry Arthur Norris, Irene M. Wimer, Betty Jane
Fristoe, Matieline Norris, Marie Wimer, Charles L.
Fristoe, William Ordray Northup, Emily May Winebarger, Nellie
Fristoe,James Ordray Noud, Margaret Wing, Acacia Jeane
Fristoe,Willie Jack Noud, Susan Agnes Wing, Charles Armstrong
Froman, Carl E. Nourse, Glenn W. Winkel, George Lyan
Froman, Ruth Marian Nourse, Herbert Harry Vernon Winkel, Orlando
Fry, Francis D. Nussbaum, Mary Magdalen Winkle, (Girl)
Fry, Maud Mae Nussbaum, Wm. Herman Winkle, Jack
Fry, Ruth Cynthia Nygren, Anna Winkle, John Calvin
Fry, Susie Lee Oberst, Elizabeth Ellen Winningham, (Boy)
Furry, Juanita Amelia May O'Conner, John Winningham, John
Gable, Myrtle O'Conner, Mary Rebecca Wiren, Ingio P.
Gaddis, Dorothy Katherine Oden, Lilly M. Wise, Bessie Elizabeth
Gaddis, Earl Calvin Oden, Margaret Elvina Wisner, Nordine
Gaesler, Wm. Geo. Oden, Nan May Withrow, Donna Ruth
Gaesler, Wm. Oden, Ruby Withrow, Earl Harvey
Gaidals, John O'Donoughue, Alexander H. Withrow, Earline May
Gaidals, Theodore Arayard O'Donoughue, Walter Withrow, Pearl C.
Gairns, Jean O'Dowd, Margaret Mary M. Wix, Maud Lee
Galbreath, Bernice K. Offenbacher, Charles Larry Wochnick, (Girl)
Galbreath, Frank Offenbacher, Ray Wochnick, Joseph S.
Galbreath, Verle Franklin Offord, (Boy) Wolary, Iva
Gale, Clara Jane Offord, Ray R. Wold, Ingolf
Gale, Georgia Offord, Ray R. Wold, Maud
Gale, Junior Ogle, Marilyn Louise Wolff, Christian
Gale, Nathan Older, Charlotte Louise Wolff, Fred
Gale, Webster Willis Older, Lewis Phillip Wolff, Ray Keith
Galiant, John Wm. Olds, Florence Wolff, Robert Otis
Galiant, Wm H. O'Leary, Catherine Loretta Woodard, (Girl)
Ganje, Christine Olit, Norman F. Woodard, Walter
Garcia, Ambrosia Olit, Robert Thompson Woodford, Hiram D.
Garden, Bessie Oliver, Alice Woodford, Lovena Beatrice
Gardiner, Myrtle May Oliver, Ella Catherine Woods, Christeen
Garlock, Levi C. Olivia, Ida Woods, Goldie Winifred
Garlock, Mary Fern Olsen, Margaret Joanna Woods, Laura J.
Garnett, Joan Ruth Olsen, Marie Woods, Lila Gertrude
Garnett, Merle Olson, Ellen Woody, Arthur J.
Garret, Charles Dennis Olstead, Vera Mae Woody, Laurett
Garret, Dennis Jack Ord, Louise May Woody, Rosey Jane
Garrett, Letta Orr, Ira Vernon Worden, (Boy)
Gasper, Alice Marie Orr, Lawrence Vernon Worden, Lester A.
Gasper, Wm. Valentin Orton, Bernard Works, Ada Belle
Gates, Eltha Marie Orton, Floyd Vernon Works, Byron T.
Gates, Laura Osborne, Eva Jane Works, Ellen May
Geanetoni, Roas Ott, Nora Lydia Worrell, Gladys
Gearhart, Elizabeth B. Owen, Ruth Wortman, Charles Leever
Gearhart, Mildred Evelyn Owens, Ethel May Wortman, Harry Goodwin, Jr.
Geary, Sallie Jane Owens, Lura Genelte Worverton, Geo. W.
Gentry, Alta Owens, Vergie M. Worverton, Stanley Baker
Gentry, Dorothy Mae Oyi, Kenj Wright, (Boy)
Gentry, John Taylor Oyi, Toshiko Wright, Dona Velma
Gentry, McKinley S. Pack, Ida May Wright, Donald Philip
Gentry, Velma Palmer, Rhoda Jane Wright, Eleanor Louise
Gentry, Wm. Gurvil Panky, Martha Wright, Elinora Jeanetta
Geppert, Zula May Park, Lula Wright, Elmer John
Ghason, Joseph Patrick Parker, Chester T. Wright, Jessie E.
Ghason, William David Parker, Dee Oris C. Wright, Leroy Andrew
Giadals, John Parker, Dick Wright, Malcom Englemen
Giadals, Josie Parker, Howard Van Device Wright, Marion
Gibbs, Jessie James Parkhurst, Harmon Orville Wright, Richard
Gibbs, Jessie Maude Parkhurst, Ralph Earnest Wyant, Fern Elinor
Gibson, Florence Parks, (Girl) Wyant, Lena
Gibson, Mural H. Parks, Leonard B. Wyant, Lewis Herbert
Gilbert, Dorothy E. Pashby, Stella Irene Wycoff, Edith Delia
Gilbert, Lucy Maude Patrick, Maxine Wyland, Thelma
Gilbert, Minnie Euphenia Patrick, Pauline Yamakawa, Mosaco
Gilchrist, Jane Patrick, Ray A. Yarborough, Myrtle E.
Gilkison, Allie Patrick, Roy Allen Yaryan, Della
Gillespie, Lillian Mary Patterson, Bale (Babe) Yates, Ardell Barnett
Gillmore, Charles Maurice Patterson, Dexter E. Yates, Chester Barnett
Gillmore, Frances Velene Patterson, Eva Yeomans, Elizabeth
Gilman, George Patterson, Henry Yocom, Bertha Gay
Gilman, Lorraine Bertha Patterson, Lester Lile Yocom, Emmett Rollo
Gilman, Verda Estelle Patterson, Myrtle Clair Yocom, Yoda Lenore
Gilmore, Chalmers N. Patterson, Thomas Wilber Yost, Lois Irene
Gilmore, Cordie Ozella Patterson, Wilber Romain Yost, Ray Ayrell
Gilmore, Ralph Patton, (Girl) Young, Carrie Amelia
Gingsby, Raymond Everett Patton, Annie F. Young, Davis Miller
Gingsby, Wm. J. Patton, Charles I. Young, Edwin Forest
Gipson, Betty Jean Patton, Mildred Young, Everett Marion
Gipson, Carol Paul, (Boy) Young, Floyd Vernon
Gitzen, Giles Alexander Paul, Burton Wesley Young, Lillian
Gitzen, John Henry Paul, Floyd Alvin Young, Marion Francis
Gitzen, Wm. James Paul, Frederick Young, Martha Geneva
Gleason, LuEllis Paul, Gordon Wesley Young, Thelma Yvonne
Gleim, Charles Wm. Paulsen, Agnes Marie Young, Winifred
Gleim, George Dewey Payne, Dorothy Younger, Donald Warren
Gleim, Margarett Anna Payne, Guy Emmerson Younger, Robert Lee
Glenn, Susanne Payne, Hazel L. Zash, Alice Virginia
Glisan, (Boy) Payne, John Maxwell Zash, Helen Margaret
Glisan, Calvin B. Peachy, Nellie Irene Zash, Joseph Samuel
Glover, Madge Pearce, Martin Leroy Zboralski, Edward Russell
Gober, (Girl) Pearce, Paul Manual Zboralski, Victor Frank
Gober, Emily Pearson, Sidney M. Zimmerlee, Dallis H.
Gober, Lawrence J. Pearson, Donald Edison Zimmerlee, Dennis L.
Goddard, Delbert Peart, (Boy) Zimmerman, Ester
Goddard, Gladice Mae Peart, James W. Zimmerman, Orvell Branson
Goddard, James A. Peart, Lela A. Zimmerman, Orvell Sherwood
Goddard, Marjorie Edith Peart, Mable Zumbrum, Clarice Katherine
Gold, Donald Allan Peck, Clara Ella Zumbrum, William
Gold, Douglas B. Pederson, Bernard Zundee, (Boy)
Gold, Douglas H. Pederson, Robert Leon Zundee, Lavon
Gold, Nadine Peebler, Grover C. Zundel, Weldon
Golden, Dolly Peebler, Marjory Lucile Zundel, Weldon Paul