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Jackson County Death Certificate Index (1936)

photo of a Death Certificate

Below is an index to our 1936 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society. Postal Request Form

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Last name, first name
Year, page

Name Page
Abbott, Ronald Warren 276
Abrams, Archibald Clayton 444
Adams, Ephrem Whitney 190
Adamson, Oren Ross 121
Akers, Albert Montague 438
Alberts, Albert 333
Anderson, Hilliard Alexander 169
Anderson, Nathan 105
Anderson, Peter S. 49
Andrews, Frank Wilbur 431
Archer, William 122
Arnold, John Franklin 386
Arnold, Sarah Matilda 353
Bailey, Isaac 93
Bailey, John Taylor 405
Bailey, Nancy Lee 132
Baker, Mary Ellen 359
Balcom, Albert James 296
Barkdull, John Emmett 82
Barker, Laura Elizabeth 171
Barklow, Etta Ann 409
Barneburg, Daniel Henry 252
Barnes, Mildred Irene 288
Barry, Edith Ewell 306
Basford, Elizabeth Maud 297
Baughman, Vella Helene 429
Bedwell, Thomas Henry 17
Beery, Lena 11
Beeson, Julia Luella 443
Beldin, Martha Mary 120
Bennett, Belle Boyd 91
Best, Annie M. 216
Beswick, Margaret Ann 223
Bingham, James Dale 311
Birk, Jr., Glenn John 160
Black, Charles Howard 402
Black, Jr., John Maupin 380
Blitch, Minnie 55
Bliven, Horace R. 269
Boardman, Mary Ione 315
Bokirk, Myra Janett 349
Boss, Joseph Edward 175
Boutz, Minnie 112
Box, Gussie Wilbur 22
Boyer, Herman Peter 347
Bradley, Dick 2
Briggs, Herbert Elmer 300
Broadston, Charles W. 168
Brobeck, Emma D. 170
Brood, Avis Engery 241
Buckley, Laurence Edward 23
Butler, John Henry 284
Button, Holsey 325
Cameron, Carrie Ethel 192
Cameron, Warren Leonard 348
Cameron, William 99
Camp, Frank C. 234
Campbell, William Franklin 197
Cantrall, John 357
Carlisle, Samuel James 416
Carlson, Selma 243
Carpenter, Melvin Jay 365
Carstens, Conrad J. 274
Carter, Lillie May 238
Carter, Sidney E. 362
Chapman, Lola Marie 79
Cheadle, Edmond 390
Childreth, Emma Sophia 100
Chomel, Andri Irene 418
Christensen, Barbara Muriel Klein 219
Churchill, Delos Byon 320
Cingcade, Thomas Whorton 305
Clark, Pauline Bartlett 230
Coffman, Samuel Rice 179
Coghill, Sanford Elmer 289
Cole, Elmer Ellsworth 261
Cole, Eugene 92
Collins, Charles 9
Colvig, William Mason 21
Conlon, John 341
Corum, Ann Elizabeth 147
Costolo, Clyde Clarence 435
Cox, Lila Poff 361
Crane, Ella May Allen 346
Crawford, Sarah C. 88
Crockett, Robert S. 137
Culver, Franz Ross 370
Currier, Charley 244
Dahl, (Infant Son of George M. and Thelma L. Dahl) 395
Daley, Hobart Cornelius 19
Davis, Darius Newton 167
Davis, Edward Hudson 145
Davis, Infant Daughter 294
Day, William Henry 343
Dean, Minnie Luella 452
Dean, Minnie Luella 453
Dean, Pauline Russell 75
Ditsworth, Jeremiah Franklin 26
Dixon, Hiram Gilaspy Volney 60
Dolan, Amanda C. 240
Dosier, Livonia 329
Doyle, Ethel Sarah 428
Duffy, Harold Albert 70
Duggan, John Francis 110
Dungan, Robert Lee 221
Durning, Richard E. 446
Dye, Clarence Watson 266
Dysinger, George James 377
Ebinger, Harvey Paul 151
Eder, Ernest Herman 35
Edmonds, Cora Lee 263
Egger, Samuel 45
Elliott, Mabel Louise 363
Elsey, Franklin 72
Erickson, Julia 299
Estell, Charles Sherman 156
Eubanks, George Grant 372
Farleigh, Verian E. 96
Ferguson, Hattie Elizabeth 330
Fifer, Elizabeth R. 319
Fish, Edith Archibald 339
Fitzgerald, David Walter 298
Fleming, Richard Raymond 73
Floyd, James 130
Ford, Bertha Adalade 290
Foster, Harry Eugene 80
Fowler, Benjamin Nathaniel 397
Fowler, Lillian May 445
Fox, Sarah Rebecca 135
Frenna, Mary Margaret 40
Fride, Goldie Mary 115
Frohbach, Hugo Oscar 77
Gibson, Louis 131
Giles, William Gurney 218
Gilmore, William Skinner 4
Glass, Clayburn 442
Gleason, Mary Jennette 378
Glenn, Robert Keith 194
Godfrey, Charles J. 78
Godlove, Laura B. 27
Goodhue, Alice B. 203
Gouty, Angeline 152
Graffis, Donna Anna 42
Grantham, Karol Marie 250
Gregory, Mary Elizabeth Owens 119
Griffin, Bernette Naylor 95
Grimm, Mary Elvira 65
Groves, Herbert 400
Grow, George P. 47
Guiley, Paul 406
Habicht, Elizabeth Viola 264
Haines, Arthur Tyler 279
Hale, William Walter 389
Hall, George 423
Hall, Sarah A. 158
Hamilton, Hulda 277
Hansen, Sarah Hilda 257
Hanson, Charles William 313
Hardisty, Mark Byrd 233
Harkness, Homer D. 293
Hartman, Jaston 43
Harvey, Auletta L. 258
Harwood, Florence Jennesse 57
Hatfield, Hattie Beatty 16
Hawkins, (Infant son of Joseph and Leona Hawkins) 186
Hayward, Enos Franklin 425
Heavilin, George Washington 283
Heberling, Ida Whitcomb 154
Hedberg, Gustaf Hjalmer 368
Hedgpeth, James D. 356
Heffner, William Perry 94
Herndon, Agnes Anderson 366
Herring, Elizabeth S. 255
Hershner, Martha Rachel 61
Hewitt, Ethel Matilda Winter 52
Hibbs, Nanabelle 322
Hickson, Jasper 318
Hilton, Charles Mitchell 155
Hoag, Elmer D. 235
Hockersmith, John Newton 280
Hodgson, Mabel Alice 434
Hogue, William Franklin 384
Hollister, Roy Max 30
Holloway, Ella Jane 242
Holmes, William Montgomery 374
Hooker, John Delbert 140
Hooper, Charles Edward 28
Horn, Josephine 202
Hosler, Martha Morris 426
Howard, Eliza Unis 364
Howard, Frank Macaulay 358
Howard, Joseph 350
Howard, Kenneth Engle 302
Howlett, Sarah Elizabeth 125
Hubbs, Arthur Ward 245
Huffman, Agnes 207
Huffman, Mary 331
Hungate, William Murle 229
Hunter, Walter Mitchell 450
Hurd, Mary Carson 54
Huxley, Willard Lewes 163
Icenhower, Laura Seber 236
Jackson, Dorothy Lee 307
Jacobs, Charles Sherman 273
Jacoby, Elinore Eugenia 393
Jeschke, Carl Herman 184
Johnson, Karl A. 76
Johnson, Richard Lee 308
Johnson, William Bert 37
Johnston, Andrew Willard 128
Joice, Joshua Henry 173
Jones, Hattie Ruperta Whaley 31
Jorgensen, Elise 182
Kelley, Eva Muril 421
Kelts, Jr., Donald MacGregor 256
Kendall, Viola May 32
Kerns, William McMahon 210
Kerr, Sallie 449
Kierstead, Harry Wilbur 161
Kitson, Sarah A. 212
Koger, Michael L. 448
Krause, Regina 387
Lamb, Leonard L. 81
Lamb, Wesley Milton 114
Lane, Fidelia Allen 7
Learned, Elvira S. 153
Leever, William Constant 275
Leigh, James 67
Levy, Estella 419
Lewis, Elva M. 247
Lewsadder, Thomas Walter 66
Lindberg, Patsy Viola 196
Lindley, Luretta M. 228
Lindsay, Fred M. 101
Love, George W. 259
Lovell, Samuel Lafayette 117
Lyman, George Seymour 200
Maasdam, Emma Christina 193
MacFadyen, Cora Dunnavan 375
Malster, Susan G. 109
Manning, Mattie L. 34
Marshall, Margaret Julia 159
Marske, Albert Arthur 286
Martin, Victor Ireland 251
McAbee, James V. 103
McCaskey, Hiram Dryer 149
McCroskey, Maud May 162
McCuen, Melvina Rose 102
McDonald, Margaret 12
McDonald, Paul Butler 424
McKee, William Francis 6
McKercher, Sarah Stewart 321
McKinney, Kate 206
McKinney, William Lewis 205
McQuigg, Josephine Mary 422
McVay, Hazel May 335
Melvin, Mary Elizabeth 74
Merritt, Jennie Elizabeth 338
Merritt, William Henry 231
Meservey, Margaret Forhan 126
Messall, Gordon LeRoy 412
Metternich, Bobby Lee 323
Millard, Wiliam Leroy 51
Miller, John Freeman 254
Miller, William 150
Mills, Della Belle 189
Moore, Louisa Maria 408
Moore, Samuel Hiram 437
Morgan, Etta Eva 36
Morgan, Lena 227
Morris, Martha Frazer 411
Myers, James Johnson 403
Myhre, Peter 439
Mynatt, Sarah Jane 291
Nelson, Annie Joe Kent 222
Nichols, Alice M. 281
Nicholson, Absalom Julius 146
Nolta, George Lelvin 324
Norcross, Harriett Amanda 29
Norris, Thomas C. 187
Norton, Elizabeth Morrell 18
Noud, John 129
Noud, Zoe K. 303
Nunn, William Wesley 260
Nye, Hal Byron 265
Nye, Stephen Emery 441
O'Connor, Virginia Catherine 176
Oldenkamp, Ada 5
Osborn, Fanny Baynham 133
Ovelman, Charles A. 404
Overstreet George Alva 195
Owen, Julia A. 10
Owens, Louisa Luella 326
Owings, Loletia Maude 398
Painter, John 344
Pardee, James Sheridan 388
Paris, (Infant daughter of LaMoyne and Cecile Paris) 394
Parry, Arthur J. 415
Parsons, Ethel 328
Patrick, Daniel 317
Patton, William Sylvester 211
Payne, Violet Rose 1
Pearson, Phyllis Irene 220
Pence, Hester 3
Pengra, Milton Josiah 53
Penny, Louisa 336
Petersen, Dorothy Marie 367
Pettit, Myrtle Grace 59
Phetteplace, George Linwood 188
Phillips, Dora Lee 44
Piatt, Ben Franklin 345
Pittenger, Jasper Allen 232
Platt, Prudence Margarett 24
Porter, Henry Albert 41
Powell, Jane Caroline 177
Powers, Eugene 246
Poyner, Fannie M. 124
Prescott, Lottie 410
Prime, Coral White 174
Prince, Rebecca Copley 391
Pruitt, Joseph Howard 183
Rader, John Beckenridge 48
Ramey, Marie Catherine Bliss Helfert 337
Rankin, Newton Thomas 136
Ray, John Jackson 316
Rease, Mary Luella 157
Reed, William B. 108
Reeves, Charles V. 352
Reid, Coralie Frances 272
Relling, Gerald Edwin 148
Rice, Anna O. 134
Rice, Field M. 382
Richardson, Edmund B. 68
Richardson, Walter Woodford 209
Riches, George M. 249
Ricks, Flora 58
Ripley, Lewis Howard 360
Risse, Charles Joseph 304
Ritter, Norman Loraine 455
Robinson, Walter Leonard 127
Robison, George Milligan 97
Rogers, Margery Steddom 351
Root, Edward Calvin 262
Root, James Riddle 215
Rose, Oscar E. 165
Rowden, Jessie Elizabeth 270
Rowe, Irvin Marcellus 451
Rowley, Mary Elizabeth 340
Russell, Martha Ann 13
Ryder, Cecil Earl 385
Sakraida, Mary Cleopha 8
Salade, Blanche T. 427
Saunders, Alice Marie 417
Schuette, Frances 312
Schuler, Adam Henry 123
Schultz, Doris Viola 267
Seaman, Lloyd Jay 401
Seaman, Russell Terril 63
Searing, Jessie M. 213
Settlemire, Louise Marie 237
Shepard, Catherine 379
Sherfield, Mathias Edison 309
Shields, Weston F. 201
Shockley, Donald Dean 64
Showers, Lucia E. 62
Simons, Malcolm H. 407
Simpson, John 15
Skillings, Farrell Carl 332
Skinner, John David 278
Skinner, Pearle Albert 56
Skuse, Agnes A. 143
Smack, Jane Eliza Knapp 38
Smith, Ida Newton 90
Smith, Katurah 46
Snearley, George Edward 355
Soverns, Jesse 141
Sparr, Henry Clay 166
Spatz, Lulu E. 39
Spencer, Martin Eugene 172
Spindler, Norman L. 342
Squire, Henry Merseal 139
St John, John Clark 224
Stephens, Lucinda Elizabeth 104
Stephenson, Sarah Ann 106
Stewart, William Herbert 310
Stimpson, Leonard 253
Stockwell, Ferdinand Arthur 144
Stone, Fred Webster 287
Stratton, Albert Elliott 271
Stroup, John Walter 89
Sutherland, Angus 414
Svenson, Clara Margaret 204
Tams, Malcom Comming 87
Taylor, Florence Mayes 85
Taylor, Henrietta 399
Tedrick, Emily O. Ellis 376
Tellon, John Brent 83
Thompson, Everett J. 301
Thompson, John Clinton 25
Thompson, John Eldon 226
Thompson, Lucy 295
Tompkins, Frank 14
Totten, Charles Henry 381
Trask, Catherine 50
Travis, Fred Lewis 327
Trefren, John Clarence 354
Trowbridge, Emma L. 107
Trowbridge, Isabel Boyden 208
Tuttle, Jennie 86
Tyrrell, Arletta 268
Tyrrell, Hazel Julia Coulson 33
Vakoc, Joan Vi 392
Van Dorphy, John Sherman 285
Van Gundy, Lafayette 383
Van Rheen, Walter Edward 373
Vanzyl, Andrew Milton 396
Vedder, Thomas Aaron 248
Vincent, Lottie 71
Vinson, Elmira 314
Voruz, Emil Paul 98
Waine, Soloman 430
Wakefield, John D. 198
Walch, Bernice 199
Walker, Cassius C. 113
Warner, Joseph 178
Warner, Violet Antonette 217
Watson, John Franklin 454
Watt, William Harrison 185
Webb, Benjamin 440
Weis, Charles 413
Wheeler, Diana E. 369
Wheelock, Alfred Henry 225
White, Charles Albert 118
White, Claude A. 239
White, Edwin J. 116
White, Edwin Merrill 164
Whitelaw, Carlos Sylvester 436
Whitney, Emma Tibbets 214
Wilkinson, Charles E. 138
Willey, Laura Belle 433
Williams, Emma Jane 69
Williams, William Wallace 334
Wilson, Annie 142
Wirth, Henry Emerson 432
Wise, Allan Hay 84
Wolff, Fredericka 180
Woods, Charles L. 292
Wooldridge, George Lee 181
Wright, Catherine 447
Wright, Gerald William 371
Yarbrough, Frank Dempsey 20
Yoachum, George Edward 111
Yockel, George 191
Young, Charles Franklin 420
Ziebarth, Alicia Marie 282