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Jackson County Death Certificate Index (1948)

photo of a Death Certificate

Below is an index to our 1948 volume of Jackson County Death Certificates. It includes the name of the the deceased person and the page reference within the volume. If you would like to receive a copy of the death certificate, follow the link below to display the request form. Fill it out completely and print it, then send it to us along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a check for $10 payable to the Rogue Valley Genealogy Society. Postal Request Form

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Name Page
Ackerman, Samuel Henry 48
Adair, Henry Clay 438
Adams, Harold Milo 392
Albert, (Infant son of Valmire M. Albert) 138
Albert, Frank C. 518
Albert, Hannah Mary 122
Alenderfer, Oscar Odell 412
Allen, Thomas D. 333
Anderson, Edmona May 49
Anderson, Elof 533
Anderson, Wade Sampson 205
Armes, Oliver Perry 112
Armpriest, Nettie M. 390
Arnold, Loretta Ann 80
Askew, George 321
Atchley, Henry Ellis 196
Ault, Glen L. 301
Austin, Lawrence J. 537
Axland, Harold 54
Ayers, Sophia 532
Baker, Eli 486
Baker, Frank Leland 103
Baker, Rosa 65
Ball, Eidth Hayden 487
Barker, Henry Clay 191
Barnard, Thomas Clyde 3
Barnard, Walter 165
Bates, Ida L. 505
Bay, Roy Allen 88
Bear, Glenn Lee 422
Beaton, Rose Ann 534
Beck, Gustaf Ruben 11
Beem, Cordella Bell 473
Beeson, Welborn 452
Belknap, Lewis Frank, Rev. 269
Bigelow, Wells Edwin 367
Bish, Joseph Abe 340
Bittmer, Emma 483
Black, Richard Ernest 454
Blake, Joanna 404
Boen, Sarah Josephine 159
Bostwick, William Thomas 417
Boulton, Richard Henry 81
Bounds, Lola L. 6
Brabham, Eddy Fisher 62
Brandon, (Infant dau. of Deane R. Brandon) 511
Bray, Clark Rodney 488
Breeding, Henry C. 172
Brown, Andrew Jefferson 73
Brown, Frances Eliz. 389
Brown, James Franklin 101
Brown, Joe L. 137
Brown, John Frederick 328
Bruin, William Francis 195
Bryant, Annie May 2
Buck, Paul Herbert 428
Bundock, Weldon Ervin 334
Burgoyne, Peter James 167
Burke, George Lyon 446
Burleson, Hiram P. 331
Burreson, Peter 362
Bursell, Victor 413
Busic, Ruth Ann 89
Butler, William Edy 262
Cerveny, Vencil E. 212
Chanroux, Josephine 516
Chrisler, Myrton P. 145
Christian, Evelyn Jennie 61
Church, Willard Elmer 190
Churchill, Stella Shepherd 521
Clapp, Callie Isabelle Wilson 252
Clark, Clyde C. 194
Clark, Dora B. 541
Clark, James Henry 124
Clary, Dennis Ray 162
Clayton, Susan 117
Cleveland, Dona Lee 431
Clifford, Greta Louise 530
Clover, Mina M. 290
Coats, John Alvin 147
Cochran, Charles Arthur 63
Coffeen, Robert Charles 97
Coghill, Nola May 184
Colbaugh, Alma Ver 42
Coller, Katie Sophia 492
Colver, Frank Lloyd 239
Cook, Emma Jane 5
Cook, William L. 522
Cooper, Rieta Kay 253
Coughlin, Richard 106
Courtney, Eva L. 295
Cox, Vernon 210
Coy, Sarah Ann 183
Craig, Cora 214
Craig, George Arthur 4
Cram, Gladys Eleanor 324
Crawford, Joseph H. 386
Crews, Orley E. 136
Croft, Joseph Augustus 283
Culbertson, Helen Gould 461
Cumbee, Urbon Lee 439
Cunningham, George 237
Curry, James Robert 218
DAlbini, Gerhardt Quintus 200
Damon, Loren Duke 462
Darland, Floyd Evan 501
Darting, Ralph Emerson 307
Davenhill, Edith Eliz 287
Davies, Anna L. 241
Davies, George Lewis 437
Davis, Edward Riley 182
Davis, Jr., Charles Walter 355
Day, Luther H. 457
DeArmond, Lillie L. 92
Degman, Julie Loretta 170
DeHaven, Esther Naomi 542
Deistler, Herman August 539
Dennis, Joseph E. 385
DesMarais, Rosalie 543
DeWolfe, Sarah Mae 515
Dickey, Nellie Estelle 12
Dodge, Jessie Edwards 469
Doren, Artie 235
Doty, Randy Bruce 517
Doty, Sarah Eliza 243
Dougherty, Mervin LeRoy 353
Dow, Robert B. 226
Driskell, James Benjamin 364
DuBuque, Harry A. 67
Duffield, Wirt Demetrius 310
Dunford, Charles Franklin 171
Dunstan, Carrie L. 354
Dusenberry, Joseph C. 161
Dyer, Lina B. 375
Eccles, George Hamilton 102
Eldred, Katherine Pearl 448
Elliott, Marsha Ellen Kerby 507
Ellis, Carrie Belle 528
Emmett, John Fred 38
Epperson, Milton Dwight 456
Estes, George Marvin 53
Farlow, William Perry 229
Farnham, (Infant dau. of Daryl E. Farnham) 55
Feckley, William Andrew 7
Ferguson, Elizabeth 120
Ferrier, Darrel Vernon 93
Fifer, Frances E. 256
Finley, Everett 508
Fiora, John 499
Fisher, Della May 193
Floyd, Philo George 506
Foss (Fosside), Louis Einar 399
Fosside, Louis Einar 399
Foster, Percival Walter 151
Fox, Milton Edward 313
Frame, Frank Wayman 128
Frantz, LeMar D. 434
Frazier, Earl Neal 368
Freed, Thomas 154
French, Clark Benjamin 453
French, William Perry 41
Fry, Mary Ann 115
Fry, Mary E. 75
Gabrielli, Jr., Frank A. 361
Gaddis, Katherine M. 37
Gall, Ellis 20
Gardner, Katherine Teresa 513
Garr, William Wesley 403
Gascon, Helen Evelyn 531
Geisse, Walter William 110
Gemaehlich, Frances Mathilda 68
Gentis, Rene Albert 370
Getzman, Laura 544
Gilkison, Henry Albert 33
Gillette, Hugh Homer 281
Gilman, James Edwin 25
Glascock, Henry Cleaver 265
Glidden, Anna B. 523
Gonderman, Thamar Sebastain 494
Goss, Oliver M. 158
Goswick, Minnie Ethel 228
Gould, Eleanor Anderson 185
Grant, Raymond A. 58
Graves, Florence B. 387
Gray, William David 255
Green, A. P. 203
Green, John Daniel 46
Greene, Grace Eleta 18
Grisham, William Teddie 130
Grove, Addison Bruce 329
Grow, Elmer Hugh 351
Gunzel, Alice Margaret 495
Gustine, Lydia E. 174
Gyger, Mary 480
Haak, Luther Kline 471
Hake, Kenneth Eugene 251
Hale, Dexter 91
Hall, Margaret Elizabeth 39
Hansen, Ben 388
Hansen, Gottfred H. 94
Harper, Nancy Elizabeth 121
Harris, John Way 56
Hart, Bill Dale 371
Harthan, Henry 502
Hartshorn, Edward 131
Hartsock, (Infant son of Robert Hartsock) 458
Haugerud, Thomas S. 406
Havens, Charles B. 32
Hawkins, Ronald Allen 45
Hearn, Andrew 57
Heath, Edward E. 123
Hedgpeth, Caloway M. 289
Heintze, Emil Carl 425
Held, Paul 232
Hemstreet, Lucinda Jane 350
Hendrix, James Albert 1
Hewitt, Edgar 286
Hicks, Eliza Sovern 335
High, Martin Milton 152
High, Nathan Lincoln 202
Hill, Carrie Hildreth 129
Hills, Clara May 341
Hiltibrand, Gail Allen 504
Hobbs, Frank Grant 402
Hoefs, Alice Augusta 308
Hoffman, Eddie 467
Holcomb, Lola A. 292
Holden, Theodrick Webster 441
Holder, Joseph M. 291
Holmes, Eleanor Hunter 380
Hopkins, John Franklin 538
Horn, Jr., John Franklin 258
Hoskins, Carla Evelyn 155
Hoskins, David LeRoy 14
Houston, Mary Alice 240
Hubbard, Margaret Riley, Dr. 142
Huck, Frances Barbara 126
Huffman, Clyde Elmer 416
Hulse, Perry Alonzo 260
Hunsley, Richard G. 31
Hunt, Sr., Theodore 449
Hunter, Joseph Enoch 427
Hunter, Sterling Price 113
Huthman, Gustva Henry 304
Hyde, Fred 478
Imel, Harry Charles 209
Jacobs, Walter 358
James, (Infant dau. of Estle Francis James) 87
James, Elmore Rea 318
Janes, Lora Andrews 374
Jensen, Carl Ness 71
Johnson, James Alexander 409
Johnson, Robert Winfield 227
Jones, Ludmila George 357
Jones, Maggie Ruth 19
Jones, Martha Annie Paine 536
Jones, Mary Adeline 111
Jones, Mattie C. 408
Jones, Shirley Ann 315
Kaspar, Lawrence Frederick 393
Kasseroller, Frank J. 498
Keegan, Christopher 82
Keith, Robert L. 127
Kester, Grover Eldon 472
Kidder, William Elijah 444
Kiplinger, Fannie Rosetta 296
Kitchen, Archie Lee 282
Klein, Dellia May 369
Klemp, Albert S. 166
Knips, Louis 164
Know, Leland Richard 8
Knutzen, Charles Jacob 225
Koch, Julius 345
Koepke, Donald Ernest 415
Koepke, William Frank 418
Koger, Susan 332
Kreisel, Paul 322
Kyker, Caroll Mary 524
Lahr, Anna 383
Lake, Florence 175
Lake, Sr., Thomas 134
Lance, Jr., George W. 99
Landis, Charles Herbert 141
Lane, Rachel Frances 219
Lane, William Hiram 213
Langell, Arthur Thomas 132
Lanham, Minnie J. 86
Larkin, Melvin Clifford 344
Laurent, Frank H. 83
Lawson, Walter J. 160
Lepley, Arthur Valmer 482
Levison, David 429
Lewis, George Nelson 326
Lewis, Jerry 197
Ling, Ephrem Henry 264
Lintz, Robert Earl 270
Livingston, Forrest O. 189
Lockwood, Charles Morrison 90
Loosley, Emma T. 432
Loree, Delbert, Rev. 455
Love, Minnie Ellen 40
Lowry, Neva Britten 526
Luelling, Hallie R. 384
Luke, Martha B. 105
Lundberg, Maria 9
Mace, Frances Emily 309
Mallery, John Harry, M.D. 312
Mallette, Jue H. 447
Manary, Geraldine Marie 206
Mankin, William Carl 246
Manning, Orry A. 249
Marsh, Joseph Nelson 407
Marsh, William 349
Martin, Charles H. 125
Mathews, George Milfred 215
Mays, Carl William 28
McCay, Carl J. 149
McCroskey, Theodore E. 356
McGrath, Delmer D. 545
McGuire, Ulysses Bing 405
McIlvain, Albert Thomas 442
McKinney, Bertha Ella 139
McNeil, Lillian 26
McNew, Philip Lee 305
McPherson, Jerome W. 435
Meeker, Clarence A. 98
Melzer, John V. 207
Meyer, John Austin 479
Meyer, Wendolin 382
Miller, Neva Edna 320
Miller, Nina Henriette 475
Miller, Rachel Ida 285
Miller, Samuel Hugh 424
Millhollin, (Infant son of C. Max Millhollin) 274
Mills, William Anderson 277
Millspaugh, Harold W. 500
Minor, Calvin Dennis 336
Mitchell, Allen 15
Mitchell, Allene 13
Mitchell, Douglas C. 85
Mitchell, Nora Belle 181
Montgomery, Wiley Centennial 347
Moore, Curtis Raleigh 254
Moore, Nettie Merie 330
Morgan, Audrey Goss 143
Morrell, Harvey Mervin 377
Morris, Berle Leroy 259
Morris, Martha Catherine 44
Morse, Margaret S. 298
Morton, Harry D. 436
Moser, Hazel J. 325
Moss, Benjamine Samuel 474
Moss, Earl J. 266
Mueller, Carl 96
Murray, Iva May 373
Murray, Josephine Fick 231
Nash, Fritz Theis 503
Nash, William Robert 280
Neal, Emery L. 261
Neal, Marion Irene 118
Nelson, Lois 520
Netherland, Winnie C. 275
Newlun, George Washington 352
Niver, Mary Rosella 490
Noben, George E. 157
Norval, Ray 77
Nye, Patricia Evon 223
Oakes, Katherine 22
Offutt, William Nathaniel 317
OLeary, Anita Maria 546
Oltman, Charles 314
Owen, Jerry 70
Owens, Annie M. 72
Owens, Minnie 512
Padgam, Henry 69
Parker, Adelia Margaret 74
Paup, Charles 365
Pearson, Jerry D. 529
Peck, George Grant 470
Pelton, Josephine Orth (Mrs. James) 426
Perry, Arthur Gordon 35
Perry, Ella Foster 337
Peterson, Alan Dare 391
Peterson, Elva Jenny 242
Phelps, Elmer Elsworth 394
Phillips, Carrie Bell 271
Phillips, George Julian 396
Piepkorn, Wallace Samuel 21
Pierce, Guy Edward 411
Pinne, William Eastman 338
Pitts, George E. 294
Plummer, Albert T. 430
Prather, Seb Roland 476
Preston, Alma Theresa 146
Prichard, Thomas Franklin 421
Pryce, Mary A. 366
Pugsley, William H. 284
Purdin, Charles Oscar 463
Putman, Amanda K. 16
Raimey, Susie Elizabeth 156
Rambo, Blanche Humphrey 300
Ramsey, Amy Alice 201
Ramskill, Virginia 144
Rauch, Cloyd D. 440
Ray, Matthew 216
Reed, Homer James 84
Renault, John B. 323
Renie, William Charles 79
Rice, Thomas Rudolph 238
Richardson, Rosetta 497
Riddell, Edwin George 343
Riddell, Jennie Elenor 211
Rinabarger, Charles A. 477
Roat, Sarah Etta 423
Roberts, Adeline Martha 510
Roberts, Clara 339
Roberts, Emma D. 163
Roberts, Joseph Louis 491
Roberts, Netta 43
Rowton, Nellie Marion 23
Rucker, Charles DeWayne 224
Rugg, Mildred Rae 276
Rush, Jaren Vale 297
Russell, Clarence C. 217
Russell, Elzina Conyeau 153
Ruzic, Gregory Peter 278
Ruzic, Nellie Mae 279
Sanger, Luda Elizabeth 519
Saunders, Lawrence Sidney 378
Savage, Emaline L. 273
Schandorff, Marvin Eugene 293
Schell, David Ross 359
Scheper, John 443
Schmidt, Tina 379
Schritt, Charles H. 527
Shafer, George Jacob 135
Sharples, Matilda 107
Shaw, Bernard Andrew 179
Shaw, Charles Ernest 459
Shaw, Martha (Mattie) B., Dr. 177
Shelby, Isaac Marion 36
Shellenbarger, Jon H. 540
Shepard, Elma M. 221
Shipley, Edwin 150
Shoup, Sarah Emmaline 397
Shryock, John Widderfield 119
Shults, Phoebe Jane 24
Simpson, Nellie Glenn 34
Sloan, Margurette A. 100
Smith, Anna 398
Smith, Elzina Breedlove 451
Smith, Emma Almira 306
Smith, Lesley R. 250
Smith, Lida Blossom 302
Smith, Mahulda Maria 468
Smith, Osborn B. 59
Smith, Seth 460
Snyder, Barbara Anna 198
Spence, Alvia Joseph 50
Spencer, Milo Warren 299
Spooner, Martha Florence 169
Spray, Toley Arthur 233
Springer, Emily Mae 464
Springsteen, Ralph H. 76
Stafford, Louise Amanda 176
Stanley, Elizabeth 484
Stanley, Roy 108
Staples, Olive R. 401
Starlin, Estell Carol (Jack) 525
Stephens, Billie Ray 220
Stewart, George Wilburn 372
Stickler, Ollie Louise 348
Stiehl, Clara Florence 27
Stille, Eli Samuel 381
Stock, Marie 489
Stoddard, Sadie Sarah 327
Storm, Matilda Jane 303
Strahan, William Calvin 465
Strange, William Loran 288
Sugg, John H. 376
Sutherland, Lewis Harvey 236
Swanson, Oscar 148
Swartz, Lewis N. 245
Swearingen, Phyllis 248
Swett, Oliver Perry 342
Talbot, Lynne Ellen 400
Tanner, Nina Marcel 420
Taylor, Jessie May 178
Tenold, Rae Ethel Richardson 346
Thornton, Gladys Louise 360
Throckmorton, Sarah Ellen 204
Thurston, Gladys Lorraine 109
Tice, Martha 180
Tilley, Mildred Verda 319
Toney, Charles Henry 363
Travis, Opal 60
Trefren, William 395
True, Marcus Pomoroy 230
Tucker, Margaret Jane 78
Turnbaugh, Dennis Ray 192
Turnbaugh, Doris May 188
Turner, Ruth Augusta 268
Turpin, Charles Woodford 244
Turpin, Horace Robert 66
Turrill, Truman H. 535
Tye, Cleve Columbus 95
Ulken, Diedrich 485
Ulrich, Alice Gilson 104
Valiquette, Corinne Marie 234
VanCurler, Nellie Marie 116
VanWegen, Lula Jane 466
Venham, Altimont 257
Vernon, (Infant son of James D. Vernon) 267
Vernon, James Bascombe 445
Vogel, Charlie 140
VonDerHellen, Hugh 514
VonOrff, Maria Theresa 17
Wade, Florence Marie 263
Wagner, John Marshall 199
Walker, Delia J. 481
Walker, Francis Harvey 222
Wallace, Louella Nichols 64
Waller, Cleo Oakley 186
Waller, Thomas Benjamen 187
Watkins, William Robert 133
Weber, Flora Isabel 173
Wedge, Eva Ola 509
Werner, Bertha L. 30
Wetterer, Joseph B. 208
Weybright, William Wilson 51
Whaley, James Hoddnett 316
Wheeler, Ira 433
White, Ralph Farra 419
White, Sally Alvina 247
Whiteley, Charles E. 450
Whitlock, Allen 272
Williams, Charles Jefferson 114
Williams, Mae Joanna 493
Williams, Ruth Marie 168
Wiltermood, Arthur B. 410
Wolfe, Judith Stella 29
Wolfe, Roy Herman 496
Woodcock, Edward 52
Wright, George Francis 10
Wright, Mollie 414
Young, Lucerne 311
Zahnisner, Gertrude 47