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Jackson County Death Certificate Index (1966)

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Death Certificates 1966
Abbott, Brian E 99
Adamson, Nancy Lee 618
Albert, Minnie E 606
Alexander, Pearl Austin 661
Alford, Harold McClellan 356
Alger, Robert Bruce 692
Alkire, Oscar  651
Allen, Dorothy Mae 185
Allen, Robert L 703
Althouse, Belle Mourning 71
Alwine, Alvin 27
Ames,. Lucile P 537
Andersen, Russell Allen 726
Anderson, Anton Frederick 49
Anderson, Myrtle Jane 614
Anderson, Oscar Carl 652
Armpriest, Jessie Helen 454
Arnett, Reta Mary 685
Arthur, Helen V 379
Arthur, Roy Franklin 716
Ash, Howard Lynn 397
Aston, Jodie Alynn 457
Ayer, Margaret I 555
Badger, Lawrence Watson 510
Baird, Given Joe Graber 334
Baker, Charley W 130
Baker, Emilia Wilhelmina Pauline Seidlitz 229
Baker, McKinley 597
Baker, Sophia Lium 742
Bampton, Nellie Wright 625
Barklow, Alden James 13
Barkus, Ruby G 721
Barnett, Eugene C 255
Barnett, Gertrude Lillias 331
Barnett, Nancy Elizabeth 617
Barnhardt, Raymond R 683
Barnhart, Chloe 135
Barrett, James Francis 432
Barshaw, Gilbert Peter 333
Barton, Gene Stanley 309
Baugh, Mabel 545
Baylor, Robert Earl 697
Beach, Martin Harry 569
Bear, Edward Maxfield 204
Beard, Percy Jean 666
Bechdoldt, Alta May 23
Beebe, Carl Randall 106
Bell, Donald Ray 177
Bem, John 461
Benbow, Earl William 195
Beneka, Alice Maude 17
Benner, Adell S 6
Bentley, George G 317
Benton, Henry B 382
Berg, Howard Edwin 394
Berriman, Job 456
Berry, Nora Belle 632
Bertram, Margaret Matilda 559
Betz, Austin Alexander 67
Biden, Ernest N 244
Biltoft, George A 311
Blancett, Wiley Floyd 786
Bliss, Albert E 9
Bodenhamer, Maggie Myrtle 552
Boenig, Frederick John 305
Bohley, Gerda T 327
Boland, Lawrence J 508
Bonderson, Birdie O 94
Booze, Anna Mary 42
Bottom, Bessie May 90
Bourne, George Allen 312
Boussum, Harry Harold 364
Bowen, Clara Evelyn 138
Bowers, Benton 74
Bowman, Anna B 37
Boyce, George T 321
Boyd, Dorothy M 186
Boyden, Charles Z 129
Boyer, Archie Logan 52
Bradley, Verta Irene 773
Brannack, Lillian May 524
Branson, Charles Quinn 121
Bressler, Amy May 35
Brewer, Grace M 341
Brittsan, Bernice Anna 79
Brock, Gyle Cyrus 351
Brockway, Louise Irene 536
Brooks, John Matthew 477
Brown, Arthur E 58
Brown, Chester Charles 132
Brown, Ernest Levant 242
Brown, Lawrence Irving 507
Brown, Richard 687
Bruce, Robert John 702
Bryan, Blain Bronson 95
Buehling, Walburga Anna 779
Buford, Basil Duke [MD] 70
Bullis, Seth Madison Sr 737
Bunnell, Edward Lloyd 203
Burch, Marguerita Adaline 561
Burleson, Anna Mae 43
Burmeister, Charles Lewis 116
Burnett, James Faye 433
Burns, Wiliam C 791
Burreson, Ole 638
Burrill, Charles Robert 122
Butler, John Francis 465
Caddell, Walter Eugene 781
Cadzow, John 462
Calder, Pansy 657
Callahan, Tina L 764
Calvary, Lonnie Guy 531
Cameron, Charles Morgan 119
Campbell, Elbert Elviro 210
Caouette, Bernard Adrian 76
Carlsen, Bertha E 83
Carroll, Critt Waldo 159
Carter, Mary Louella 586
Casten, Nine Edastine 629
Chamberlain, Edward Raymond 205
Chapman, Jeanne C 445
Chapman, Norman D 634
Charlton, Louis Clyde 534
Chase, Ronald Eugene 709
Chew, Lula Minerva 539
Childers, Albert L 12
Childers, Buford 101
Childers, Elsie Elizabeth 225
Childs, Beryl Ruby 87
Childs, Lester Watts 522
Chipman, William John 797
Chirgwin, Herbert Stanley 388
Christian, Harold Earl 353
Clark, Dora Long 181
Clark, Edna Pearl 201
Clark, Ernest Wilford 245
Clark, Olga Marie 641
Clary, Walter Lee 784
Clayton, Rickey D 691
Clemens, Grace Phine 344
Clemons, Harry Henry Sr 365
Clower, Nora Elizabeth 633
Coder, Lawrence Robert 509
Cole, Ida C 404
Colegrove, Dorothy M 187
Connell, Josephine 488
Conwell, John A 459
Cook, Alfred 15
Cook, Bert L 82
Cook, Ernest Leon 243
Cook, Murtle Frances 613
Cook, Roy Winfred 718
Cowdrey, Charles L 585
Cox, Francis William 276
Culy, Irene Elizabeth 419
Cummings, Kenneth Charles 497
Cunningham, Forest J 273
Cunningham, James Joseph 436
Currie, Anna Charlotte 38
Curry, Isabelle J 422
Dahl, Thelma Louise 751
Daily, Carol Ann 107
Daily, Margaret Alice 553
Daily, Murt L 612
Daniels, Lillian M 525
Danuser, Bennie Lee 73
Davis, Edith 196
Davis, Robert Earl 698
Davis, Scott V 735
Day, Gracie Angeline 345
De Rosier, George 316
Dean, Florence F 271
Dedrick, Carl Henry 104
Deen, Murl Cleotis 611
Deihl, Peri An 668
Delsman, Charles Herman Sr 115
DeMaurez, Raymond Oswald 682
Denney, Timothy Allen 763
Denny, Gladys Alberta 335
Desmond, Joseph H 486
Dew, Lee Walter 511
Dickson, Nina L 628
Diment, Veldon Joseph 769
Dirst, Albert E 10
Ditson, Vera Estellia 770
Divers, William Lloyd 798
Doe, Unknown Infant 409
Dollarhide, Retha Wulf 686
Donaldson, Anne Martin 48
Doran, George C 315
Doty, Claude E 147
Doty, Peggy Sue 663
Drake, John Lafayette 473
Dressler, David Byron 164
Drung, Gene Scoles 310
DuFrene, Robert Donald 695
Dugan, Tina Lynn 765
Dunham, Clarence Milton 145
Dyrdahl, William Arnold 788
Eales, Ethel Genevra 253
Earhart, Frank L 284
Easley, James Edmond 428
East, Ada Chrisitine 3
Eaton, Clair Melvin 137
Eaton, Violet M 775
Edgerton, Harry Clarence 361
Edmondson, Lola May 530
Edmondson, Robert Everett 699
Eicher, Helen A 371
Ellsworth, Olin Lee 642
Elspas, Raymon M 681
Enders, Frank L 285
Estes, Jennie 447
Estes, Robert Dudley 696
Eutsey, George Halfton 319
Everett, Arthur Alvin 56
Farley, Katherine Lee 494
Farris, Amanda Viola 31
Faulkner, Frederick Russell 306
Ferguson, Mary Magdaline 587
Ferris 410
Fhampton, John G 467
Fickenscher, Ruby Dewey 720
Field, Berna E 75
Flanary, Charles Carter 112
Fletcher, Alvin 29
Ford, James Walter 438
Foster, Minnie Pearl 609
Fowle, Linnie Catherine 528
Franklin, Frank 280
Fraser, Richard Nolan 690
Fredenburg, Bessie Edith 88
Fredenburg, John L 474
Freeman, Floyd Chester 272
Frohreich, Rosa Maria 710
Fuller, Inez L 408
Gaines, Laura Arabell 505
Galbreath, Frank G 281
Gale, Kay 495
Gallatin, Louis Herman 535
Gardner, Emma 232
Garrett, Eva 259
Garrett, James Wolfork Jr 439
Gascon, John Phillip 480
Gay, Sidney Fields 740
Gilbert, Emily Jane 230
Gilbert, Frank W 292
Giles, William Benard 790
Gilinsky, Joseph Wilson Sr 487
Gilman, George 318
Gjerde, Gerold Elwood 329
Gleason, Isabel 421
Glover, Merle B 601
Goff, Lydia Mae 543
Goings, Thomas Everett 755
Golden, Arthur E 59
Goodman, Carrye 108
Gorman, John J 471
Goss, Philip H 672
Gould, John Earl 464
Grant, Charles Davis 113
Green, Earl Jess 193
Green, Frankie Roland 294
Greenslitt, Maria Pearl 562
Greer, Jeanette Mae 443
Gregory, Harold James 354
Gregory, Joe H 458
Gresham, Myrtle Orene 616
Griffin, Mary Barbara 576
Griffith, Justin C 491
Griffitts, Nellie Edna 621
Gropp, Alfred Norman 16
Grout, Grace B 339
Grove, Laurence Richard 506
Guches, Clyde Albert 152
Gunn, Paula Dianne 660
Gunter, Gerald Emmett 326
Gwin, Adla Christine 7
Haertle, Ethel 254
Hague, Henry Walter 386
Haight, Fred Alton Sr 297
Hall, Clyde Eugene 153
Hall, Grace Mae 342
Hall, Richard Dana 688
Ham, Male Infant 411
Hamaker, Sykes W 748
Hamilton, Wayne D 785
Hammond, Hugh J 401
Hannaford, Edith Sue 197
Harding, Irene B 418
Hardy, Eleanor M 213
Hardy, Percy Raynes 667
Harper, Arthur James 60
Harper, William Arthur 789
Harper, William M 799
Harris, Kevin Jay 502
Harrison, Raymond Taylor 684
Harshman, George Mathew 320
Hart, Earl 192
Hartley, Anna 40
Hash, Mary Victoria 588
Haskins, Helen 375
Haskins, Wallace E 780
Hatfield, Clara Lucinda 141
Hatfield, Mack McCulley 551
Haugen, Herbert Leonard 387
Haven, Stephen Brett 744
Hayden, Claude M 148
Heath, Sarah Elva 733
Heft, E Earl 189
Heitkamp, Martin 570
Helms, Wurther Frederick 807
Hendricks, Howard LeRoy 398
Hendrix, Elizabeth Jane 216
Henry, Janet Mae 441
Herzberg, Ruben Carl 719
Hesdorfer, Emma S 235
Hess, William Douglas 792
Hewitt, Emory Kelcy 238
Hibnes, Anna 41
Hicken, David Louis 165
High, Frank Charles 277
Hillis, Orrison Leroy 648
Hillyer, Esther P 251
Hinman, Harry Sherwood 367
Hogan, Olive Amy 644
Hohenleitner, Fred B 299
Holbert, Clyde 155
Holcomb, Mark Thomas 566
Holden, James Bishop 424
Holderness, Hazel Gertrude 370
Holdridge, Frank Lester 286
Holifield, Erscie Vira 247
Hollingsworth, Eliza Bentz 215
Holloway, William Harrison 795
Holmer, Janice M 442
Holmes, Arvilla Abbie 65
Holmes, Fred S 303
Homan, S Charles 124
Hooper, Barney Joe 69
Hopper, Marie 564
Hornbuckle, Frances R 274
Houston, Elsie Louise 226
Howard, Clara Elizabeth 139
Howard, Mary Barbara 577
Howerton, William Whitley Jr 804
Hueners, Minnie M 608
Huff, Rose Belle 712
Hughes, Mary Doris 580
Hulbert, Hugh H 400
Hulse, Christina May 136
Hunsley, Esther Grace 250
Hurd, Elmer 221
Hutcheson, William Daniel 793
Hutchison, Charles William 126
Illingworth, Troy Dean 767
Jackson, Roland Gary 708
Jacobs, Don Lambert 173
Jacobson, Anna Mabel 44
Jacoby, Verlan Clair 771
James, Margaret Jane 557
Jarman, Mary Etta 581
Jepson, Della Louisa 169
Jessel, Susie Jane 747
Joanis, Irene Frances 420
Johns, Thomas Albert 753
Johnson, Cassie Brush 109
Johnson, Clyde Ernest 154
Johnson, Earl 194
Johnson, Edna Marian 200
Johnson, Harry Edwin 362
Johnson, Helen M 376
Johnson, Jesse M 453
Johnson, Nellie Blanche 619
Johnson, Roberta Lee 706
Johnston, Bert 81
Jones 485
Jones, Dan R 163
Jones, Edmond Robert 199
Jones, Emma Elizabeth 231
Jones, Frank 283
Jones, Fred Sherman 304
Jones, James 437
Jones, Johnny E 484
Jones, Kinsey D 503
Jones, Mary 117
Jones, Samuel Jackson 730
Jorgenson, Olaf  637
Josephsen, Pearl Madaline 662
Kannasto, Mary Josephine 583
Keith, Alden 14
Keizur, Mabel F 549
Kennett, Thomas M 758
Kent, George Albert 313
Kerber, Glen 336
Kerby, Ada Belle 2
Kezer, John Philbert 481
Kies, Fannie Elizabeth 266
Kight, Buford Clinton 100
Kincheloe, Elbert H 211
Kincheloe, Myrtle Jane 615
Kingery, Mabel E 546
Kinman, Clara Katherine 140
Kisserow, John Paul 482
Kneass, Arthur Brown 57
Knight, Horace Fenton 391
Knight, Irena 417
Knutzen, Hester  389
Koppel, Nellie Beatrice 620
Koyl, Charles W 127
La Rocque, Viola J 774
Lacey, Nova Ursula 635
Laing, Nellie 624
Lamb, Rufus Frank 725
Lambert, Luther L 542
Landers, Katharin M 493
Lanfear, Emery Arthur 228
Langston, Neva Nadine 627
Langston, Ralph Bertram 676
Larson, Nellie Gertrude 622
Larson, Ole J 639
Law, Guy, W 349
Laws, Garfield 308
Lee, Emmett 237
Leffew, Patricia Ann 658
Lewis, Donald E 174
Lindgren, Sigfrid Crebe 741
Lindley, Lucy 538
Lindner, Ray L 680
Little, Eva Ruth 260
Lium, Minnie 607
Loper, Shelly Denel 739
Loucks, Eugene D 256
Loughary, Ted Erbin 749
Love, Grover V 347
Loveland, Sara 732
Low, Oscar 654
Lowry, Bert B 80
Lowry, Olive Keller 645
Lucas, John Hamilton 468
Lucas, Mabel Lee 550
Luchterhand, Harold Spencer 357
Lunceford  541
Lunstroth, Orville Claire 649
Lynch, Mabel Estella 547
Lynch, Margaret Irene 556
Lytle, Robert R 705
Maasdam, Gerhardus Hagens 328
Mack, Chester Gilbert 133
Mackay, Beulah May 93
Mackey, Edward H 202
MacKnicki, Audrey M 66
Maguin, Barbara Eva 68
Maple, Alvin Bishop 28
Mark, Howard A 393
Marske, Maude Elizabeth 589
Martin, Franklin G 295
Martin, Ida Augusta 402
Martin, Merrott E 602
Martinson, Martin E 568
Mather, Howard Warren 399
Matthews, Ida May 406
Mattos, Goldia L 338
Maxwell, Stuart Neil 745
Mayes, Guy Winifred 350
Mayne, Mary C 579
Mc Cullough, Charlotte H 131
McColm, Harry LaVerne 366
McCoul, John Ira 470
McDaniel, Benjamin Butler 72
McDonald, Charles Orrin 120
McGee, Allen Ospert 20
McHenry, Lloyd E 529
McKay, John 479
McKenzie, William M 800
McKinney, Grace 343
McMullen, Anna Oiive 46
McQueen, James B 425
Meadows, Mary Ethel 582
Meadows, Winton Henry 806
Means, William D 794
Medina, Roger M 707
Melhart, Anna 45
Merritt, Robert Lee 704
Millbourn, Ernest George 241
Miller, Dollie A 171
Miller, Dora S 183
Miller, Eroll E 246
Mills, Maurine June 592
Millsaps, Elna Augusta 223
Mix, Robert Carr 694
Moberly, Deward B 170
Molberg, Elizabeth Trythal 219
Moore, Marguarita 560
Moore, Ralph Thompson 677
Morgan, Harley O 352
Morgan, Mildred Elizabeth 604
Morrison, Dorothy Adaline 184
Morrison, Emma 234
Mosser, Cora Annette 157
Mount, Alma Glover 21
Mullin, Theodore Roosevelt 752
Myers, Frank Roy 288
Myhre, Ida Belle 403
Neff, James Asher 423
Nelson, Arnold Berg 54
Nelson, Bernard 78
Nelson, Sarah Elizabeth 734
Neuber, Carl 105
Niedermeyer, Henry Frederick 384
Niedermeyer, Opal Hendrix Harvey 647
Niedermeyer, Otto H 656
Noonan, Thomas Eugene 756
Norcross, Noah Daniel 630
Norris, Harold Leon 355
Noud, Thomas Patrick 761
Nouguier, Elie 214
Nybrann, Mary J 584
Oakley, Jess Ernest 452
O'Coynne, Hosanna 392
O'Donnell, Franklin O  296
Oedekerk, Martinus H G Sr 573
Offord, Willard Elwood 787
Olson, Marmie Erwin 567
Olson, Oletha 640
Orr, Grace H 340
Osborn, Robert Eugene 700
Osenbrugge, John James 472
Osterman, Fred Elmer 300
Pace, Female Infant (Twin #1) 412
Pace, Female Infant (Twin #2) 413
Pace, Frederick Thomas 307
Pankey, Anna Caroline 39
Pappas, Walter J 783
Parker, Guy 348
Parton, Duane 188
Patterson, Jeanette (Jennie) 444, 449
Paudois, Marie J 565
Pawlowski, Leon 517
Paxson, Lelia M 512
Peabody, Evelyn M 263
Pearl, Martin William 572
Pearson, Jerry 451
Peart, Clyde Walton 156
Pedersen, James Godfrey 435
Pederson, Bernard 77
Pence, Osa Luttie 650
Pentkowski, Yvonne Shirley 808
Peppers, Mildred M 605
Perdue, Clara May 142
Perkins, Bessie Putman 91
Perkins, Helen Gertrude 374
Pershall, Elvin Miles 227
Petercie, Andrew 36
Peters, Arthur Merrill 63
Pfeifer, Laila Fern 504
Pflugrad, Arnold 55
Pfnister, Clarence Aaron 143
Phillips, Leslie R 520
Pinkham, Alice M 18
Pitts, Gregory Angelo 346
Plummer, Lena 513
Plymire, James Wm Clyde 440
Polk, Perry Nelson 670
Pollock, Erma G 239
Pollock, William H 796
Pope, Charles William 128
Porter, Charles Stewart 125
Porter, Lillian Ray 526
Prevo, Helen Mae 377
Price, Henry B 383
Prince, Kenneth Darrell 498
Provost, Domina Sylvan 172
Puckett, Amy Ann 33
Puddy, Lorena Alice 532
Purcell, Harold Thomas 358
Putney, Ethel Curry 252
Randall, Thomas Gardner 757
Ratcliffe, Lillie Jane 527
Rathbun, Arthur Leslie 62
Rathbun, Bessie Lavelle 89
Read, James Edward 429
Reginato, Antonio 50
Reich, Fred  302
Reimer, Kenneth George 499
Reinarz, Ida C 405
Reis, Julius A 489
Reise, Donald Lyle 176
Relling, Leo U 515
Rementeria Rudolph E 723
Rementeria Rudolph E 724
Remmie, Ervin Lee 248
Renard, Charles Arthur 111
Renzema, Anna Petronella 47
Rettig, Elsie Doretta 224
Rhodes, Thomas Dean Jr 754
Rice, Eleamor Bell 212
Richardson, Randall Jon 679
Rico, Camilla Dosier 102
Rivera, Abundio Lopez 1
Roberts, Emma Irene 233
Roberts, Frank C 278
Roberts, Roscoe William 711
Robinson, Dora May 182
Robinson, Kearney Monroe 496
Robison, John Baker 460
Rogers, Donald Edward 175
Rogers, Oliver 646
Rood, (Baby Boy) 414
Rooks, Phillip Dean 673
Ross, Faye 268
Ross, John MacNeal 478
Rozell, Ernest Alva 240
Ruberg, Helga Marie 380
Russell, Frank E 279
Ruth, Edwin John 207
Rutledge, Margaret 558
Sallee, Elaine Snyder 209
Saltmarsh, Robert Glenn 701
Sample, Muriel Cathlean 610
Samuelson, Daisy Bell 160
Sanderson, Agnes May 8
Sanderson, Clifton 151
Saunders, Frank Hix 282
Savage, David Russel 166
Scaife 415
Schimpf, Mary Ann 575
Schliemann, Henry 385
Schrader, Donald Robert 178
Schuchman, John F 466
Scobie, Percy A 665
Sconyers, George W 323
Scott, Charles L 118
Seaney, Octave Clayton 636
Selb, Alice M 19
Sevcik, Frances 275
Seward, Harry F 363
Shaul, Alya Calyton 24
Shaw, James Bartholomew 426
Shelton, Clarence G 144
Shepherd, Virgil Verne 776
Sherlie, Gertrude Thelma 332
Shields, Olin Walker 643
Shoemaker, Louie Francis 533
Shortridge, John D 463
Silveira, Mary B 578
Silvers, Maurice Franklin 591
Silverwood, Claude Delorne 146
Simmonds, Melissa Michelle 599
Singler, Rose Regina 714
Sizemore, Everett J 264
Skeate, Catherine Mary 110
Skonetzni, Felix A 269
Slavens, Susan Lucinda 746
Smail, Margaret B 554
Smallwood, Charles Franklin 114
Smets, Addie R 4
Smink, Ruby I 722
Smith, Alva Clarence 25
Smith, Amy Kent 34
Smith, Chester Martin  134
Smith, Eunice Mildred 258
Smith, Frank Peter 287
Smith, George Albert 314
Smith, Georgia Rose 325
Smith, Helen Sylvia 378
Smith, John Lameraux 475
Smith, Le Roy Almer 518
Smith, Leon B 516
Smith, Lullu Francis 540
Smith, Ralph W 678
Smith, Roy Garfield 717
Smith, Thomas Marshall 759
Smith, Walter Glenn 782
Snowden, Elizabeth 217
Soliss, Elizabeth 218
Spaulding, Veda Mae 768
Spencer, Clifford Clarence 150
Splawn, Flora Della 270
Stanley, Mabel E 548
Stanton, Earl F 191
Starcher, Bren Hollis 98
Staus, (Baby Boy) 416
Steele, Bertha May 85
Steele, Frank 290
Steele, Samuel W 731
Steele, Vohn Hillis 777
Stephen, Fannie C 265
Stevens, Marvin Lorris 574
Stevenson, James Edward 430
Stewart, Penny Jean 664
Stich, Fred Albert 298
Stickels, Lewis N 523
Stickler, May Lou 595
Still, Eulah C 257
Stine, David Van 167
Stout, George Thomas Sr 322
Stromnes, Richard Leland 689
Strong, Harriet Marie 360
Strong, Karen Kay 492
Stuart, May Alice 593
Swinney, George Washington 324
Swinney, Osie May 655
Taylor, Dallas Scott 162
Taylor, Donna Bell 180
Taylor, Edwin Henry 206
Taylor, Samuel Henry 729
Taylor, Todd Laurence 766
Tebbe, Amelia Florence 32
Tehle, Leo E 514
Templeman, Nellie Louise 623
Templeton, Elmer 222
Terrill, Glen Loren 337
Terrill, June Elaine 490
Thomas, Cora 158
Thompson, Bertha Olive Mae 86
Thompson, Hattie Celia 369
Thompson, Phillip Wayne 674
Thompson, Robert B 693
Thompson, Seneth Arthur 736
Thomson, Russell L 727
Timmons, Arthur 64
Toay, Michael Anthony 603
Tolbert, Gertrude English 330
Tolles, Blanche 96
Toska, Peter S 671
Towne, Marian 563
Trusty, James Francis 434
Trusty, Thomas Marion 760
Tucker, Mayme Almona 596
Turley, Voilette Gregor 778
Turner, Maurice Curry 590
Turner, Noel Andrew 631
Valentine, Stella Winifred 743
Van Buren, Howard E 395
Vanderlin, Arthur J 61
Vanderwalker, Jennie L 448
Verderame, Frank 291
Vilm, Ruth Ewalt 728
Vincent, Dale F 161
Vinson, Eva Sally 261
von Buskirk, Carl Bryan 103
Vongehr, Edmond Desmond 198
Wade, Elmer Fredrick 220
Wade, May Belle 594
Wald, Kenneth Vernon 501
Walker, Addie 5
Walker, Jennie 450
Wallace, Earl Edward 190
Wallis, Bertha Estelle 84
Walter, John Herman 469
Walters, Melba Lee  598
Walthard, Bette Clair 92
Ward, Claude 149
Warner, Fred E 301
Warner, Teresa 750
Watkins, Emma 236
Watson, Archer Hunter, Sr 51
Watson, Helen Fern 373
Webb, Hiram E 390
Webber, Frank Selvester 289
Webber, Jessie Opal 455
Weeks, John Stewart 483
Westvong, Martin O 571
Wharton, Howard Ervin 396
Whipple, Evelyn June 262
White, Ralph Alexander 675
White, William O 802
Whittle, William Thomas 803
Wieskamp, Frank William 293
Wilcox, Almond L 22
Wilkes, Helen Edith 372
Willems, Menno A 600
Willett, William Wesley 805
Williams, Albert Faxton  11
Williams, Henrietta Maynard 381
Williams, Nettie Claudine 626
Williams, Oscar Lloyd 653
Williamson, John LeRoy 476
Willoughby, Estelle 249
Wilson, Alva Marie 26
Wilson, Bonnie Mae 97
Wilson, Charles Randall 123
Wilson, Donna A 179
Wilson, Edythe Mae 208
Wilson, Leslie Everett 519
Winters, Lester Allen 521
Witt, Rose Marie 713
Wood, Fannie H 267
Woods, Harold 359
Woods, Patricia A 659
Woods, William Nathan 801
Woodworth, James Dexter 427
Wooldridge, David Harlan 168
Wright, Archie 53
Wright, Ida M 407
Wright, Sharon Jean 738
Wyatt, Harvey Chester 368
Wyatt, Vernon P 772
Yarbrough, Amanda Rosetta 30
Yocom, Lyle Keith 544
York, Perry Hulse 669
Young, Jennie Estes 446
Young, Kenneth O'Conor 500
Zack, James E 431
Zander, Thomas 762
Zumwalt, Roxie Ellen 715

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Last Updated: 06/08/2018