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Genealogy Library |
Our library's collection includes a great many volumes of obituaries clipped from the Grant's Pass Courier newspaper. Our volunteers are creating indexes for these volumes. Below is the index for 1988. For most of our obituary indexes no distinction was made by the indexers between obituaries and death notices. In this case, however, the two were separated. The first table below is an index to true obituaries and the second and last table below is a listing of the information contained in the death notice. We have no information on these individuals other than what is contained in the death notice.
If you find a name in our obituary index and would like a copy of the obituary for that name, display the postal request form, complete it online, and send it to us at the address on the form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for $10. Be sure to check to see if there is more than one obituary listed. If so, list all the page numbers shown for that name. You will receive all obituaries for the single $10 fee.
Name | Page |
Abreu, Stella | 1 |
Acker, Charles M. | 4 |
Adams, Walter Raymond | 3 |
Albertson, Selma | 91 |
Alderson, Jacques Samuel ("Jack") | 51 |
Allen, Leo Mayhew | 80 |
Allen, Martha L. | 11 |
Allison, Ulin Elvira | 25 |
Allmon, Henry Marcellous | 95 |
Andersen, Wanda Maurine Brace | 49 |
Anderson, Elmer Leonard | 38 |
Anderson, Horace A. ("Andy") | 51 |
Appel, Clara Mitchell | 21 |
Arbogast, Harry W. ("Bill") | 59 |
Arnold, Herbert Gustave | 14 |
Arnold, John R. | 13 |
Ash, Ruby Arizona Inman | 44 |
Aue, George Frederick | 65 |
Baas, Walter N. | 55 |
Baker, Jr., Robert Stone | 52 |
Balderree, W. W. ("Bill") | 22 |
Ballinger, Dora B. Workman | 52 |
Barbour, Valerie Z. Heathering | 45 |
Barelli, Mario M. | 59 |
Barnes, Ruth B. Bellis | 34 |
Barnett, Rachel Orpha Thrasher | 44 |
Barr, Charles A. | 36 |
Barrett, Joseph F. | 91 |
Baskins, Sr., George William | 41 |
Basnett, Euda Muriel | 63 |
Basnett, Wilbur Lee | 74 |
Bassett, Marietha M. Jensen | 38 |
Bassford, Dan E. | 66 |
Baur, Albert Martin | 63 |
Bays, Marcella Joan Carrillo | 58 |
Beall, Doris Bowlus Haag | 45 |
Beamon, Delbert Richard | 57 |
Bean, Minnie | 76 |
Beaty, Clarence Willis | 60 |
Becker, Hazel Marie | 35 |
Bedarfas, Sophia P. | 72 |
Beekman, John Andrew | 53 |
Belcher, Clarence Delbert | 48 |
Belding, Maxine | 54 |
Bellis, Ruth B. Barnes | 34 |
Benedict, Fay V. | 79 |
Benetti, Sr., Angelo Luigi | 82 |
Benjamin, Anne | 89 |
Benner, Raymond Edward | 17 |
Bergmann, Patricia Ann | 69 |
Berline, Edgar G. | 11 |
Berntsen, Stanley Bertram | 90 |
Biedenbach, Clarence H. | 24 |
Bird, Clara F. | 6 |
Birdsey, Glenn C. | 12 |
Bishop, Martha L. Allen | 11 |
Blackmore, Stephen N. | 3 |
Blanchard, Wilfred M. | 8 |
Blankenburg, Hazel Fae | 15 |
Blevins, E. C. ("Moose") | 19 |
Blewett, Robert B. | 25 |
Blotzer, Cecelia | 53 |
Boe, Ella Mae Sherlock | 5 |
Boling, Jack L. | 45 |
Boulton, Mary Elizabeth Daily | 3 |
Bourquin, Gloria June Haberman | 61 |
Bowar, Edward Anthony | 67 |
Box, William F. | 13 |
Boyd, Lyle G. | 23 |
Brace, Wanda Maurine McKinney Andersen | 49 |
Bradbury, Evelyn Swanson | 19 |
Brady, Peter Louis | 20 |
Bramblett, LaVona Bessie Smith | 39 |
Branch, Lucien Bass | 12 |
Brand, Earlene Louise Swearingen | 38 |
Brannon, Bennie B. | 2 |
Brickey, Alice ("Ruth") | 90 |
Brickey, Christina | 20 |
Bridges, Nate | 17 |
Bridges, William Earl | 79 |
Britton, Worth G. | 78 |
Browder, Joe C. | 15 |
Brown, Dennis Lee | 57 |
Brown, Pearl | 25 |
Browning, David George | 42 |
Bruch, Cosby ("Whitey") | 38 |
Burkett, Ruth | 91 |
Burns, George W. | 63 |
Busby, Nellie May | 15 |
Buschmann, Jr., Ellis Ulysses | 73 |
Butler, Juanita Barbara | 70 |
Byfield, Kevin Scott | 49 |
Calkins, Mary Maxine McPherson | 29 |
Campbell, Edna Laura | 27 |
Carlson, Carl M. ("Fritz") | 42 |
Carlson, Cleo N. | 25 |
Carniss, Vera A. Pierson | 30 |
Carrick, Irene Dorothy Keele Young | 64 |
Carrillo, Marcella Joan Bays | 58 |
Carson, Mildred Lucille Davis | 36 |
Carter, Nora | 40 |
Case, Jim | 57 |
Castle, George Wesley | 96 |
Cattanach, James C. | 30 |
Cell, Ruth Russell | 86 |
Chahon, William Clyde | 72 |
Chapman, Adeline Bernice | 59 |
Chivington, Theresa Lynn | 5 |
Christiansen, Gorden George | 1 |
Christy, James F. | 43 |
Clarke, James I. | 37 |
Clayton, Walter Eugene | 49 |
Clemensen, Beverly Ann Hamilton | 23 |
Clendenin, Harry Elza | 92 |
Cobb, Ralph Adam | 80 |
Colburn, Ulin Elvira Allison Morris | 25 |
Cole, Hazel Marie | 70 |
Collier, Linda M. | 14 |
Collins, Glenda C. | 16 |
Collins, Marguerite J. | 97 |
Cossairt, Herbert | 21 |
Cowan, LeRoy D. | 41 |
Coxon, Ethel Maude Danielski | 29 |
Crabser, Frank James | 10 |
Craven, Sadie I. Silvers | 71 |
Crawford, Theresa Lynn Chivington | 5 |
Crittondon, Ruth Ragland Harris | 38 |
Crowder, Herbert Earl | 97 |
Crowley, Minnie | 16 |
Culbertson, J. V. | 66 |
Culhane, Rose Ellen | 94 |
Cummins, Margaret C. | 28 |
Cunningham, John W. ("Arkie") | 7, 8 |
Cushman, Florence May Munn Mooneyham | 55 |
Daily, Mary Elizabeth | 3 |
Dale, Mary Jane | 43 |
Dangerfield, Effie Mae | 46 |
Danielski, Ethel Maude Coxon | 29 |
Davidson, Edward Charles | 42 |
Davis, Ernest L. | 78 |
Davis, Mahlon Briggs | 81 |
Davis, Mildred Lucille Carson | 36 |
Davis, Oscar | 2 |
Davis, Ruth Naomi Prichard | 67 |
Dawson, Russell T. | 48 |
Dawson, Thelma Grace | 96 |
Dayton, Martha M. | 15 |
de Rooy, Ginette (Jinette) Augusta | 89, 91 |
Deadmond, Melburn Ivan | 56 |
DeBroux, Leon Ferdinand | 52 |
Degener, Bessie L. Goarke | 2 |
DeGray, Earl | 17 |
Dehn, II, Charles Frederick | 78 |
Dellinger, Aleen Otelia | 56 |
Depuy, Alfred John | 34 |
DeWoody, Maud Eva | 33 |
Dickerson, Raymond Thomas | 65 |
Dickey, Cytha Jewel | 62 |
Dickey, James ("Arley") | 34 |
Dickinson, Janet Elizabeth | 92 |
Dietzel, Marion Hungerford | 73 |
Dorman, Aaron Claxton | 93 |
Dostalik, Franklin Anthony | 19 |
Dougherty, Barbara B. Murphy | 48 |
Downs, Floy Marie Gilbertson | 30 |
Dressler, Veral Dehlia | 67 |
Dryhurst, Laura Lightner | 24 |
DuChene, Delton Justin | 71 |
Duckworth, Myrtle Leona Rice | 42 |
Duke, James Patrick | 20 |
DuMont, Charles Walter | 47 |
Duncan, Georgia | 81 |
Dunken, Hazel Helen Holtropof | 71 |
Dutton, Gregory Donald | 95 |
Dvorak, Mary Bertha | 93 |
Eby, Mabel E. | 98 |
Eden, Donald F. | 57 |
Edmunds, Ralph Thomas | 46 |
Ehlert, Martha Josephine | 29 |
Eickworth, Blanche Elizabeth | 34 |
Ekdall, Margaret M. Walker | 37 |
Elder, Jesse Palmer | 77 |
Elick, George | 53 |
Elliott, Mabel Elmore | 17 |
Ellis, Benjamin F. | 68 |
Ellis, Joe Bill | 48, 51 |
Ernest, Frances White | 63 |
Espe, Leslie G. | 54 |
Evans, Jason Joel | 25 |
Ewalt, Sr., Samuel Russell | 50 |
Ewart, Daniel Thomas | 5, 7 |
Ewing, Samuel V. | 10 |
Ezell, Marion Foch | 86 |
Fanning, Lena Ruth Inbody Sorenson | 67 |
Faux, M. Lucile | 34 |
Fenimore, Joseph Anthony Poplawski | 64 |
Ferber, Elisabeth | 88 |
Fielder, Wilburn M. ("Bill") | 98 |
Fleming, Beryl D. | 9 |
Fletcher, David Alan Seltzer | 40 |
Flory, Sylvia V. | 59 |
Fly, Helen Grace | 81 |
Focks, Fern Eva McDonald | 13 |
Ford, Lester S. | 63 |
Foster, Cleo Eugene | 66 |
Foster, George T. | 14 |
Fox, Paul Steven | 44 |
Frazier, Talma Barbara | 84 |
Freitas, Izaias | 63 |
Frink, George M. | 84 |
Fuller, Lorena Mae | 80 |
Funk, Henry | 82 |
Gabel, Bonnie J. Weigman | 20 |
Gardner, Frances Cora Seaman | 46 |
Garvin, Edwin Zeke | 56 |
Garwood, Louise Montez | 71 |
Getty, Eva Belle | 16, 18 |
Geurin, Carl Wesley | 47 |
Gifford, Helen McCorkle Hodges | 18 |
Gift, Harry Edison | 64 |
Gilbertson, Floy Marie Downs | 30 |
Gilbertson, Lawrence Edward | 55 |
Glassbrooke, Ollie May | 81 |
Goarke, Bessie L. | 2 |
Goodwin, Isabelle Beaton | 73, 74 |
Gorham, Josephine | 81 |
Graham, Katherine Lea | 25 |
Graham, Marcia F. Reid | 24 |
Graham, Richard H. | 29 |
Graham, William Verle | 73 |
Grahame, Sylvia Dawn | 54 |
Graig, Rodney Scott | 58 |
Gray, George Thomas | 89 |
Green, Clifford E. | 31 |
Gregory, Phillip Lee | 36 |
Grimes, Mary Elizabeth | 65 |
Grond, C. W. ("Neal") | 85 |
Haag, Doris Bowlus Beall | 45 |
Haash, Barbara | 50 |
Haberman, Gloria June Bourquin | 61 |
Hagman, Arthur S. | 74 |
Hagman, Audrey J. | 80 |
Halaas, Kermit | 81 |
Hamilton, Beverly Ann | 23 |
Hamilton, Sr., Doyle | 55 |
Hammer, Clara Ella | 11 |
Hans, David Preston | 65 |
Hanscom, Vernon D. | 3, 4 |
Hansen, Adeline Bernice Chapman | 59 |
Hansen, Christine D. | 96 |
Hanseth, Hazel C. | 85 |
Hardie, Marie Thornton | 23 |
Harris, Benny Jackson | 83 |
Harris, Dale S. | 19 |
Harris, Ruth Ragland Crittondon | 38 |
Hartford, Stella Abreu | 1 |
Harvey, Alfred Norman | 1 |
Harvey, Walter James | 7 |
Harvie, Olive Vera | 77 |
Hatley, Florence A. | 26 |
Haugen, Jr., Peter | 54 |
Haverly, Edna E. Owen | 54 |
Hawkins, Alvin L. | 18 |
Hawthorne, Doris Emily Vantine | 70 |
Hayden, Kenneth Dale | 27 |
Hayward, Douglas Lloyd | 20 |
Healey, Edward John | 33 |
Heathering, Valerie Z. Barbour | 45 |
Heckenlively, Carl | 50 |
Hedley, Mertic | 50 |
Heintz, Charles Edward | 93 |
Henderson, Thomas Floyd | 37 |
Henry, Herman Howard | 7 |
Henry, Howard Osmond | 83 |
Hermann, Elmer Norman | 68 |
Hezmalhalch, Mildred Antoinette | 9 |
Hochendoner, Ralph J. | 61 |
Hodges, Helen | 18 |
Hoffman, Bonnie Jean Zilverberg | 41 |
Hoffman, Terrell Lee ("Terry") | 50 |
Hogan, Samuel Doyle | 12 |
Holloway, Catherine Dora | 70 |
Holloway, Thelma Irene | 97 |
Holmes, Michael Ward | 67 |
Holt, Myrtle E. Looper | 39 |
Holtropof, Hazel Helen Dunken | 71 |
Homan, William Mack | 96 |
Hood, Christina Brickey | 20 |
Hooten, Wilmot V. | 69 |
Hoover, Jesse George | 83 |
Hornsby, Juanita | 80 |
Horton, Roy O. | 6 |
Hotchkiss, Roy Lamont | 75 |
Hott, Theodore Raymond | 58 |
Houck, Robert Henry | 4 |
Howell, Earnest Erwin | 48 |
Howell, Romie Lee | 51 |
Howerth, Douglas Harding | 96, 97 |
Huber, Almina | 21 |
Huffman, Derl "Bing" Dean | 43 |
Hull, Virgil Ellsworth | 41 |
Hulsey, John W. | 31 |
Hulsey, Noah | 69 |
Hungerford, Marion Dietzel | 73 |
Hunt, Doris Burnell Smipes | 74 |
Hutchinson, Frank Lewis | 53 |
Hyde, Ruth Burkett | 91 |
Inbody, Lena Ruth Sorenson Fanning | 67 |
Inman, Ruby Arizona Ash | 44 |
Intihar, Clara Louise Weir Stark | 27 |
Janecek, John Joseph | 17 |
Jantzer, Sylvia | 66 |
Jeffers, Victor H. | 5 |
Jensen, Marietha M. Bassett | 38 |
Jobe, Christine Sasser | 28 |
Jochims, Elmer Hans | 76 |
Johnson, Donald LeRoy | 51 |
Johnson, Olga Weydemeyer | 85 |
Johnson, Richard F. | 82 |
Johnson, Valerie Dell May Underwood | 42 |
Jones, Ralph Nelson | 13 |
Jorgenson, Lewis B. | 7 |
Joy, Lucille Jean | 21 |
Jump, Charles Richard | 30 |
Just, Joseph C. | 14 |
Kaeser, Jr., Arnold Von | 27 |
Kaness, George A. | 88 |
Karniss, Vera A. Pierson | 26 |
Kaylor, Roy W. | 90 |
Keele, Irene Dorothy Young Carrick | 64 |
Kelley-Wright Jessica Lynn | 28 |
Kelsay, Katie L. | 6 |
Kelt, Theodore ("Ted") | 36 |
Kent, E. Francis | 79 |
Kenyon, Barbara Jean | 96 |
Kimball, John Raymond | 89 |
King, Virginia Dolores Spell | 60 |
Kingsley, Gertrude Emma Schaefer | 69 |
Klein, Audrey M. | 62 |
Klein, William G. | 64 |
Koch, John L. | 90 |
Kohlman, Mary Margaret Pratton | 61 |
Koops, Gus F. | 35 |
Kruggel, Elsa Martha Marie Wallace | 56 |
Kuehl, Irvy Leona | 3 |
Lamb, Lawrence Joseph | 3 |
Lambert, Helen Marguerite | 55 |
Lamp, Malinda | 3 |
Landgraf, Jr., Raymond George | 20 |
Laughton, Charles Malcolm | 69 |
Law, Leona Grace Powell | 19 |
Layne, Mary Elizabeth | 8 |
Leatham, Florence Ann Strout "(Dolly") | 18 |
Leathers, Mildred Louise | 85 |
Ledford, Anna Walmer | 73 |
Lee, Lucille Janie | 60 |
Leek, Sarah Ellen Shaeffer | 59 |
Lemmon, Roy Duane | 90 |
Lendberg, Ruth I. Sellards | 17 |
Lentz, Clinton James | 73, 75 |
Lester, Iva Ethyl Wilkum | 7 |
Lewis, Cindy Lou | 85 |
Lewis, Crystal Lynette | 85 |
Lightner, Laura Dryhurst | 24 |
Link, Henry Jacob | 36 |
Little, Margaret C. Cummins | 28 |
Lollar, Oscar | 18 |
Loomis, Alma M. | 23 |
Looper, Myrtle E. Holt | 39 |
Lovell, William Carl | 61 |
Lowe, Beulah Perkins | 61 |
Ludwig, Frances E. | 77 |
Luebcke, John Richard | 18 |
Lydon, John M. | 24 |
Lystul, Gertrude Meta | 89 |
Mac Neil, Archie | 93 |
MacLearn, Esther R. | 2 |
MacNeil, Katie Mae | 26 |
Madden, Skyler D. | 3 |
Magerle, Carl Leslie | 67 |
Majewski, Mark Curtis | 76 |
Mamula, Zora | 76 |
Manchester, Rowe G. | 92 |
Marks, Violette V. | 87 |
Marshall, Kenneth Boyd | 90 |
Marshall, Lola Ester | 17 |
Martin, Homer Jewel | 72 |
Martin, Kathy Susan | 84 |
Martt, Truman Erven | 64 |
Masqua, Velora Katherine | 78 |
Matheny, John ("Rex") | 2 |
Matthews, Fred Ellsworth | 68 |
Matyas, Frank | 6 |
Maupin, George A. | 13 |
May, Celia Crawley | 19 |
McAbee, Harry Gibson | 94 |
McAvity, John Thomas | 32 |
McCargar, Dana H. | 78 |
McCarty, Enos Virgil | 29 |
McCarty, Thelma Marvel Vogt | 6 |
McChristy, Roy Arthur | 79 |
McCluskey, Bessie C. | 31 |
McDermott, James Michael | 84 |
McDonald, Fern Eva | 13 |
McDonald, Louise Estelle | 75 |
McFarlin, Leroy | 77 |
McGriff, Eldridge Orlo | 27 |
McKinney, Cathryn Marie | 95 |
McKinney, Edna May Pullen Wells | 28, 31 |
McKinney, Gertrude A. | 13 |
McKinney, Wanda Maurine Brace Andersen | 49 |
McLeod, Trischa Irene Mock | 62 |
McMahon, Ivy Kate Elizabeth | 56 |
McMullan, Calvin | 86 |
McMullen, Bella Jane Wood | 35 |
McNeal, Clyde Harvey | 95 |
McPherson, Mary Maxine Calkins | 29 |
McTimmonds, Iva Margaret | 32 |
McVeigh, William F. | 63 |
Mendenhall, Robert Donald | 7 |
Mersereau, Jewel Anna | 4 |
Mertes, Joseph Lawrence | 88 |
Meskimen, Ronald Cowles | 6 |
Michels, Alva Charles | 98 |
Miller, Ethel Newman ("Rudy") | 36 |
Miller, Pearl Brown | 25 |
Miller, Sr., Albert Bernard | 49 |
Miller, William John | 92 |
Millot, Balbina | 16 |
Mitchell, Clara | 21 |
Mock, Trischa Irene McLeod | 62 |
Mohr, Metta Alameda | 8 |
Molitor, Wilbur Jacob | 28 |
Moody, Ernest DeWitt | 55 |
Mooneyham, Florence May Cushman Munn | 55 |
Morgan, Robert John | 48 |
Morris, Harold Glen ("Harry") | 37 |
Morris, Sr., Oliver Wendell | 10 |
Morris, Ulin Elvira Colburn Allison | 25 |
Morrison, Ida Catherine | 32 |
Morrison, LaMar Esper | 30 |
Morrison, Pauline Vivian | 78 |
Morrow, Susie Adaline | 90 |
Mosier, Lloyd | 31 |
Mosier, Mary Elizabeth | 95 |
Mullens, Gail V. | 10 |
Munn, Florence May Cushman Mooneyham | 55 |
Murphy, Barbara B. Dougherty | 48 |
Myers, Elbert Leonard ("Skip") | 9 |
Nations, Henry Quinn | 21 |
Nerdrum, Jr., Harley | 24 |
Nielson, J. L. ("Jay") | 32 |
Nissen, Hilda M. | 62 |
Norton, Helen Dunham | 62 |
Nosik, Alex | 60 |
Nowlin, William W. | 77 |
Odell, Lily Mae Pool | 50 |
Ogden, James Thomas | 12 |
Ognean, Sandu Gheorghe | 63 |
Olsen, Amanda Marie | 85 |
Openshaw, Ruth Alice Staggs | 52 |
Orr, Ruth C. | 12 |
Owen, Edna E. Haverly | 54 |
Panfilio, Coyla Martrina Lenore | 84 |
Parish, Arthur C. | 36 |
Parks, Rupert Arleigh | 46 |
Parks, Virginia Beulah | 76 |
Parmenter, Dorrance | 76 |
Parrish, Ronald Glen ("Gus") | 23 |
Parson, Willie Agnes Rensler | 9 |
Parsons, Martha M. Dayton | 15 |
Patterson, Samuel Ellis | 5 |
Payne, Robert L. | 8 |
Payton, Ida Taylor | 39 |
Peachy, Clara Hilda | 87 |
Peek, Jr., John W. | 68 |
Pellet, Frances Mabel | 94 |
Pendray, Arthur William | 89 |
Perkins, Beulah Lowe | 61 |
Perkins, Doyle | 83 |
Peterson, Edith Pearl | 87 |
Petty, Lyle E. | 93 |
Pfohl, Rose Barbara | 91 |
Pieren, Wesley J. | 46 |
Pierson, Vera A. Carniss | 26, 30 |
Pilkington, Vance Booth | 84, 89 |
Pinegar, Henry I. | 85 |
Pletka, Charles | 88 |
Poer, Ira Branson | 33 |
Pomeroy, David Eugene | 86 |
Pool, Lily Mae Odell | 50 |
Poutt, Martha Evelyn | 73 |
Powell, Leona Grace Law | 19 |
Powers, Clarence Andrew | 94 |
Pratton, Mary Margaret Kohlman | 61 |
Price, Thomas Madison | 73 |
Prichard, Ruth Naomi Davis | 67 |
Prince, Kenneth Earl | 72 |
Pritchett, Oral Raymon | 49, 52 |
Pruitt, Grace Bell | 75 |
Puckett, Carolyn LeNora | 86 |
Pullen, Edna May Wells | 28, 31 |
Pullen, Elizabeth W. | 21 |
Pullen, Melvin | 57 |
Rackley, Jacob | 35 |
Ragland, Ruth Crittondon Harris | 38 |
Ralls, Jessie Myrtle Stepp | 49, 52 |
Randolph, Frances Marie | 71 |
Rea, Josephine Gorham | 81 |
Reedy, Phyllis R. | 15 |
Reel, David Ronald | 65 |
Reeves, Hank E. | 33 |
Reid, Marcia F. | 24 |
Rensler, Willie Agnes | 9 |
Retzloff, Charles Henry | 74 |
Reynolds, Joseph William | 87, 88 |
Rice, Myrtle Leona Duckworth | 42 |
Riggles, Robert Allen | 23 |
Rightmier, Bertha Ruth | 77 |
Ring, Charles David | 39 |
Roatch, Harriett Alice Tuck | 43 |
Robbins, Earl | 47 |
Roberts, Rulo M. | 33 |
Robinson, Ellen K. | 88 |
Robinson, Laurelee Ruth | 82 |
Robinson, Ralph Snider | 26 |
Roethler, C. R. ("Red") | 37 |
Roethler, Doris Ann | 58 |
Rogers, Leonard Virl | 57 |
Rohner, Preston E. | 33 |
Roley, Janette Alida | 91 |
Roseborough, Elsie Lydia | 39 |
Rosier, Viola June | 1 |
Roush, Katherine Lea Graham | 25 |
Rubert, Roland Dale | 43 |
Rush, Marcia F. Reid | 24 |
Russell, Ruth | 86 |
Satterlee, Zelda Marie | 88 |
Schaefer, Fay Elizabeth | 94 |
Schaefer, Gertrude Emma Kingsley | 69 |
Scheidecker, Elton Antonia | 1 |
Schieferstein, Gloria Ellen Shields | 5 |
Scott, Frank Albert | 92 |
Sellards, Ruth I. | 17 |
Seltzer-Fletcher, David Allan | 47 |
Shaeffer, Sarah Ellen Leek | 59 |
Sheeley, Robert Maynard | 66 |
Shepard, Terrence Patrick | 53 |
Shepherd, Louis Monroe | 66 |
Sherlock, Ella Mae | 5 |
Sherman, Marion Ruth | 57 |
Shields, Gloria Ellen | 5 |
Silva, Manuel William | 45 |
Silvers, Sadie I. Craven | 71 |
Skjerseth, Harold Roy | 26 |
Smipes, Doris | 74 |
Smith, Grace Nina | 38 |
Smith, Jessie N. Will | 69 |
Smith, Lee G. | 43 |
Smith, Lorraine Vera | 89 |
Smith, Merritt | 4 |
Smith, Roy I. | 4 |
Smith, William Russell | 70, 72 |
Snell, Mildred Alfreda | 50 |
Snell, Sherman Donal | 29 |
Snider, Robert B. ("Bob") | 39 |
Sorenson, Lena Ruth Inbody Fanning | 67 |
Spangler, Agnes Sylvia | 53 |
Spell, Virginia Dolores King | 60 |
Spencer, Loren N. | 93 |
Spencer, Sr., Albert B. | 79 |
Spickler, David R. | 31 |
Srogner, Alta L. | 14 |
St Marie, Ronald Emery | 92 |
Staadt, Nicholas John | 51 |
Staggs, Ruth Alice Openshaw | 52 |
Stark, Clara Louise | 27 |
Stark, Irwin Martin | 12 |
Starks, Flora E. Tyler | 16 |
Starnes, John Henry | 84 |
Starns, Morgan Warren | 30 |
Stejskal, Emily | 44 |
Stephenson, Donna Ione Webb | 1 |
Stephenson, Hunter Thaddus | 58 |
Stephenson, Shane Wyatt | 72 |
Stepka, Alexander ("Al") | 38 |
Stepp, Jessie Myrtle Ralls | 49, 52 |
Stiles, Horace | 35 |
Stinchcomb, Gary Delwyn | 20 |
Stout, Ella Abigail Linn | 60 |
Strahan, Philip Leroy | 82 |
Strout, Florence Ann ("Dolly") | 18 |
Stutsman, Blanche | 37 |
Swanson, Evelyn Bradbury | 19 |
Swearingen, Earlene Louise Brand | 38 |
Swift, Rosa Elsie | 92 |
Syres, Irven Richard | 75 |
Taylor, Ellen Lorene | 88 |
Taylor, Ida Payton | 39 |
Taylor, Lyle Orville | 28 |
Templin, Ernest Edward | 10, 11 |
Terrell, Raymond C. | 34 |
Thomas, I. C. ("Tommy") | 61 |
Thompson, II, David Lyle | 97 |
Thornton, Marie | 23 |
Thrasher, Rachel Orpha Barnett | 44 |
Tibbs, Bernie Gertrude | 83 |
Tolin, Delilah Doris | 11 |
Tonn, Edna Leona | 47 |
Toohey, Jack Patrick | 71 |
Tooley, Sr., Charles O. | 25 |
Triller, Minnie Bean | 76 |
Tuck, Harriett Alice Roatch | 43 |
Tull, Norma June | 71 |
Turco, Fred Gary | 51 |
Tyler, Flora E. | 16 |
Underwood, Valerie Dell May Johnson | 42 |
Uselman, Thomas P. | 8 |
Vallier, Donna Mae | 62 |
Van Holmes, Walter | 86 |
Van Hoy, Victor L. | 74 |
VanArsdall, David | 94 |
VanBuren, Sr., Oren Keown | 58 |
Vandewarker, Daisy Viola | 95 |
VanDuine Elizabeth | 9 |
VanDyke, Charlotte | 9 |
Vantine, Doris Emily Hawthorne | 70 |
VanValkenburg, Evelyn M. | 24 |
Vaughan, Marie Garner | 58 |
Vencill, Charles Edgar | 10 |
Vickers, Melvin Alonzo | 68 |
Vogt, La Verne Dee | 4 |
Vogt, Thelma Marvel | 6 |
Vondrak, Anna Pearl | 35 |
Walden, Alicia Faye | 9 |
Waldon, Esther R. MacLearn | 2 |
Waldron, Grace T. | 73, 75 |
Walker, Margaret M. | 37 |
Wallace, Elsa Martha Marie Kruggel | 56 |
Walmer, Anna Ledford | 73 |
Walter, Thelma Eileen Watson | 59 |
Ward, Harvey Frederick | 68 |
Warren, Dean Harold | 45 |
Watson, Thelma Eileen Walter | 59 |
Watts, Thelma P. | 17 |
Weaver, Walter Eugene | 26 |
Webb, Donna Ione | 1 |
Wegner, Christina P. | 16 |
Weiderhold, Esther May Wymer | 29 |
Weigman, Bonnie J. | 20 |
Weir, Clara Louise | 27 |
Wells, Edna May Pullen McKinney | 28, 31 |
Werner, Teresa | 72 |
Wescott, George Malcolm | 70 |
Weydemeyer, Olga | 85 |
Whale, Clifford James | 64 |
Whatley, Ramah (Romah) Lee | 59 |
Whidden, John | 75 |
White, Arthur | 40 |
White, Edward Samuel | 95 |
White, Frances Ernest | 63 |
White, Sally Evelyn | 97 |
Whiteley, Delbert Orrin | 87 |
Whiteman, Blanche Elizabeth Eickworth | 34 |
Wiedle, Fay Cecelia | 27 |
Wiedle, Theodore Charles | 87 |
Wilkum, Iva Ethyl Lester | 7 |
Will, Jessie N.Smith | 69 |
Williams, Casle Judson | 42 |
Williams, Clara Lee | 92 |
Williams, Helen Bates | 87 |
Williams, LeroyM. | 30 |
Williams, Lula Garrett | 40 |
Williams, Metta Alameda Mohr | 8 |
Willis, Luella Betty | 65 |
Wilson, Katie L. Kelsay | 6 |
Wilson, Rose Y. | 80 |
Winchester, Alfred Michael | 56 |
Winland, Howard George | 45 |
Winton, Ralph E. | 32 |
Wolfe, James B. | 76 |
Wood, Bella Jane McMullen | 35 |
Woody, Opal Edith Arington | 55 |
Workman, Dora B. Ballinger | 52 |
Wrightsman, Nicholas | 94, 96 |
Wyckoff, Horace Culbertson | 67 |
Wymer, Esther May Weiderhold | 29 |
Youde, Beulah Vesta | 14 |
Young, Ellis Engel | 83 |
Young, George Norman | 25 |
Young, Irene Dorothy Keele Carrick | 64 |
Young, Myrtie Merle | 56 |
Zilverberg, Bonnie Jean Hoffman | 41 |
Aaland, Donna Lee | 53 | Grants Pass | 4-Nov-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Anderson, Gordon | 72 | Rogue River | 19-Nov-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Anglin, Amie | 78 | Grants Pass | 21-Sep-88 | Royal Gardens | Hull And Hull |
Baker, Alva | 81 | Rogue River | 3-Aug-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
Barney, Robert | Grants Pass | 30-Jan-88 | Home | Hull And Hull | |
Belcher, Delbert | 63 | Crescent City, Ca. | 5-Aug-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Slawsons |
Bennett, Homer | 92 | Rogue River | 13-Apr-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Bennichsen, May | 67 | Rogue River | 30-Jan-88 | Rogue Valley Med. Ctr. | Slawsons |
Blodgett, Mary | 6_ | Grants Pass | 9-Oct-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Lundbergs |
Bramblett, James T. | 77 | Roseburg | 4-Jul-88 | Vets Admin. | Lundbergs |
Branson, Brian | 2/12 | Grants Pass | 28-Jan-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Broadhurst, George J. | 66 | Wilderville | 6-Apr-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Lundbergs |
Boswell, Elosie | 79 | Grants Pass | 19-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Slawsons |
Bowden, Jr., Richard Elvin | 51 | Grants Pass | 17-Oct-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Slawsons |
Bradley, William | Merlin | 28-Nov-88 | Home | Hull And Hull | |
Braun, Harold Alfred | 71 | Rogue River | 26-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Slawsons |
Briggs, Elmer | 86 | Grants Pass | 18-Oct-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Brown, Melvin William | 89 | Grants Pass | 1-Oct-88 | Royal Gardens | Lundbergs |
Buell, Diana F. | 44 | Rogue River | 27-Jan-88 | Josephine Mem Hospital | Slawsons |
Burke, John Harvie | 45 | Kent, WA | 3-Dec-88 | In Seattle | Lundbergs |
Burnett, Priscilla | 85 | Grants Pass | 13-Apr-88 | ||
Cacek, Alex J. | 56 | Grants Pass | 26-Dec-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Caldwell, Jessie | 77 | Grants Pass | 12-Oct-88 | Home | |
Christie, Virginia Jane Keinholz | 68 | 3-Sep-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull | |
Clarida, Charlie | 84 | Grants Pass | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull | |
Clayton, Gilbert | 85 | Grants Pass | 6-Nov-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Clemens, Pattie Marie | 91 | Grants Pass | 20-Mar-88 | Royal Gardens | Hull And Hull |
Cobbs, Ledessa | 77 | Grants Pass | 26-Aug-88 | Highland House | Hull And Hull |
Cochran, Dorothy | 63 | Cave Junction | 29-Aug-88 | Home, Cave Junction | Clausens |
Coleman, Clarence A. | 70 | Sunny Valley | 12-Feb-88 | At Home | |
Cook, Vada Lee | 72 | Clovis, CA | 1-Oct-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Lundbergs |
Dauner , Ruth A. | 87 | Grants Pass | 23-Feb-88 | Laurel Hill Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
Dean, Rosabelle | 82 | Grants Pass | 25-Nov-88 | Home | Slawsons |
Dixon, Leroy W. | Glendale | 15-Mar-88 | At Home | ||
Doak, Angela Jo | 23 | Gold Hill | 28-Jan-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Duncan, Georgia T. | 73 | Bakersfield, CA | 3-Nov-88 | Former Glendale Res | |
Dunken, Elizabeth | 76 | Grants Pass | 28-Aug-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Eade, Alfred | 96 | Grants Pass | 1988 | Royal Gardens | Hull And Hull |
Eby Mabel E. | 93 | Grants Pass | 19-Dec-88 | Royal Gardens | Riverview Abbey |
Egger, Ralph | 80 | Cave Junction | 19-Dec-88 | Rogue Valley Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Elias, Margy | Grants Pass | 15-Nov-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Lundbergs | |
Ellis, May A. | 94 | Rogue River | 26-Jun-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Slawsons |
Fulk, Margaret | 57 | Cave Junction | 5-Nov-88 | Rv Ned Ctr | Clausens |
Gagne, Allie | 92 | Grants Pass | 21-Aug-88 | Royal Gardens | Hull And Hull |
Gibson, Denman | 69 | Cave Junction | 23-Feb-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Green, Marjorie A. | 92 | Grants Pass | 3-Dec-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Greene, Lynn | 31 | Grants Pass | 5-Nov-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Grover, Willie M. | 93 | Grants Pass | 18-Nov-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Hall, Georgia T. | 93 | Grants Pass | 20-Dec-88 | ||
Hammett, Olga | 76 | Rogue River | 31-Oct-88 | Home | Hull And Hull |
Hartvickson, Dagny | 98 | Mar | |||
Hayes ,John T. | 74 | Grants Pass | 16-Aug-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Perls-Medford |
Henry, Harold O. | 63 | Grants Pass | 29-Nov-88 | Vets Hsptl Portland | Hull And Hull |
Hough, Sadie | 85 | Grants Pass | 4-Aug-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
Hulett, Harold H. | 77 | Grants Pass | 27-Dec-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Lundbergs |
Jantzer , Alice M. | 66 | Grants Pass | 5-Apr-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Slawsons |
Johnson, Charles Le Roy | 59 | Medford | 20-Aug-88 | Rogue Valley Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Jones, Nelvina | 81 | Grants Pass | 3-Dec-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Kay, Julia Elizabeth | 78 | Grants Pass | 29-Sep-88 | Highland House | Medford |
Keating , Minnie M. | 95 | Grants Pass | 1-May-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Kendall, Gail | 48 | Grants Pass | 11-Oct-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
King, Ashly | 3 | Grants Pass | 1-Oct-88 | Rogue Valley Med. Ctr. | Medford |
Klooz, Steven | 56 | Grants Pass | 30-Apr-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Klopcsik, Stephanus | 77 | Grants Pass | 3-Apr-88 | Highland House | Slawsons |
Knutson, Clifford | 75 | Grants Pass | 3-Aug-88 | Home | Lundbergs |
Kok, Mary | 72 | Grants Pass | 31-Dec-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Kuhlman, Orra | 93 | Corvallis | 30-Jan-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Lundbergs |
Lang, Johann E. | 78 | Grants Pass | 21-Aug-88 | At Home | Slawsons |
Lindquist, Margie F. | 82 | Grants Pass | 30-Apr-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Lundbergs |
Locke, Lester Elmer | 74 | Grants Pass | 28-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
MacCallum, Ola | 87 | Cave Junction | 1-Nov-88 | Highland House | Hull And Hull |
McDonald , Eva | 84 | Grants Pass | 1-Apr-88 | Highland House | |
McFarlan, Clarence | 89 | Grants Pass | 17-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Lundbergs |
McHenry, Valma | 87 | Grants Pass | 27-Jan-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Mehringer, Robert H. | 49 | Grants Pass | 17-Oct-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Lundbergs |
Miller, Clarke R. | 85 | Wilderville | 20-Dec-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Miller, Ruth Elizabeth | 77 | Grants Pass | 20-Jan-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Mitchell, Vernice | 26 | Tacoma, WA | 19-Dec-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Monroe, Robert | 82 | Selma | 15-Mar-88 | Highland House | Lundbergs |
Moore, Sr., Charles Loui | 86 | Central Point | 25-Dec-88 | Rogue Valley Med. Ctr. | Perls-Medford |
Morgan, Nola A. | 98 | Medford | 2-Dec-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Natale, Richard | 55 | Waldo | 28-Jan-88 | ||
Nelson, Kenneth | 65 | Grants Pass | 20-Jan-88 | At Home | Slawsons |
Nelson, Thomas | 31 | San Francisco, CA | 17-Jan-88 | In Grants Pass | Hull And Hull |
Nicholas, George Robert | 87 | Grants Pass | 18-Aug-88 | At Home | Slawsons |
Owen, Keith H. | 83 | Grants Pass | 11-Oct-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Patterson, Mabel A. | 93 | Rogue River | 30-Oct-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Peters, Mildred | 76 | Grants Pass | 1-Feb-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Pleasant, William H. | 70 | Grants Pass | 20-Mar-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Raeder, Lorraine | 70 | Grants Pass | 3-Apr-88 | Royal Gardens | Slawsons |
Rafii, Ali | 67 | San Rafael, CA | 27-Apr-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Slawsons |
Randle, Lyonel E. | 79 | Cave Junction | 12-Sep-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Clausens |
Raymond, John Chappell | 60 | Kerby | 26-Oct-88 | At Home | Clausens |
Rea, Josephine Gorham | 66 | O'Brien | 14-Nov-88 | At Home | Clausens |
Reeter, Orvis | 72 | Rogue River | 26-Oct-88 | At Home | Lundbergs |
Rider, Mary Catherine | 85 | Grants Pass | 5-Apr-88 | Highland House | Lundbergs |
Robinson, Lauralee | 43 | Cave Junction | 12-Nov-88 | Joseph Mem Hospital | Hull And Hull |
Robinson, Mabel Lenora | 83 | Grants Pass | 18-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
Ruda, Anthony Eldridge | 42 | Kerby | 2-Nov-88 | At Home | Clausens |
Sackett, Rosamonde Cournoyer | 77 | Grants Pass | 25-Oct-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | |
Seibold, William | 76 | Peoria, AZ | 27-Apr-88 | ||
Sloggy, Orlando | 79 | Selma | 28-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Clausens |
Sorensen, Leslie | 69 | Kerby | 1-Nov-88 | At Home | Hull And Hull |
Sprague, Velma Elma | 85 | Cave Junction | 16-Oct-88 | Royal Gardens | Clausens |
Starks, Flora E. | 77 | Kerby | 23-Mar-88 | Jos Mem Hospital | Clausens |
Stephens, Roberts | 73 | Grants Pass | 19-Mar-88 | Echo Cove Retirement Home | |
Stewart, Clifford Burke | 87 | Grants Pass | 14-Nov-88 | Mariola Nursing Home | Hull And Hull |
Traweek, Elizabeth L. | 92 | Grants Pass | 27-Dec-88 | Highland House | Slawsons |
Uber, Earl D. | 75 | Redlands, CA | 30-Sep-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Slawsons |
Ungaro, Luana A. | 18 | Enumclaw, WA | 23-Apr-88 | Vehicle Acc. Near Wolf Ck. | Lundbergs |
Uselman, Thomas P. | 90 | Grants Pass | 13-Feb-88 | At Home | Lundbergs |
Vlahos, George | 77 | Grants Pass | 3-Jul-88 | Merlin Health Retreat | Slawsons |
Weaver, Evelyn | 74 | Grants Pass | 24-Aug-88 | Royal Gardens | Slawsons |
Wheeler, Russell | 90 | Grants Pass | 24-Dec-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Hull And Hull |
Whittock, R. H. | 88 | Grants Pass | 14-Feb-88 | Country Paradise R. H. | Lundbergs |
Wigmore, Elizabeth C. | 75 | Grants Pass | 5-Apr-88 | At Home | Lundbergs |
Williams, Guy Alexander | 74 | Cave Junction | 13-Apr-88 | So. Or. Med. Ctr. | Clausens |
Williams, Lillian K. E. | 80 | Cave Junction | 3-Apr-88 | At Home | Clausens |
Wilson, Alice | 79 | former G.P. | 25-Aug-88 | Costa Mesa, CA | Hull And Hull |
Wismer, Helen B. | 85 | Grants Pass | 2-Apr-88 | Merlin Health Ret | Hull And Hull |
Wright, Elmer D. | 52 | Corona, CA | 22-Jan-88 | Corona, CA | Hull And Hull |